986 resultados para T Lymphocytes
To investigate the role of the coreceptor CD8 and lipid rafts in cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activation, we used soluble mono-and multimeric H-2Kd-peptide complexes and cloned S14 CTL specific for a photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (PbCS) peptide 252-260 [PbCS(ABA)]. We report that activation of CTL in suspension requires multimeric Kd-PbCS(ABA) complexes co-engaging TCR and CD8. Using TCR ligand photo-cross-linking, we find that monomeric Kd-PbCS(ABA) complexes promote association of TCR/CD3 with CD8/p56lck. Dimerization of these adducts results in activation of p56lck in lipid rafts, where phosphatases are excluded. Additional cross-linking further increases p56lck kinase activity, induces translocation of TCR/CD3 and other signaling molecules to lipid rafts and intracellular calcium mobilization. These events are prevented by blocking Src kinases or CD8 binding to TCR-associated Kd molecules, indicating that CTL activation is initiated by cross-linking of CD8-associated p56lck. They are also inhibited by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, which disrupts rafts and by dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, which interferes with TCR signaling. Because efficient association of CD8 and p56lck takes place in rafts, both reagents, though in different ways, impair coupling of p56lck to TCR, thereby inhibiting the initial and essential activation of p56lck induced by cross-linking of engaged TCR.
Summary: Detailed knowledge on tumor antigen expression and specific immune cells is required for a rational design of immunotherapy for patients with tumor invaded liver. In this study, we confirmed that Cancer/Testis (CT) tumor-associated antigens are frequently expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and searched for the presence of CD8+ T cells specific for these antigens. In 2/10 HLA-A2+ patients with HCC, we found that MAGE-A10 and/or SSX-2 specific CD8+ T cells naturally responded to the disease, since they were enriched in tumor lesions but not in non-tumoral liver. Isolated T cells specifically and strongly killed tumor cells in vitro, suggesting that these CTL were selected in vivo for high avidity antigen recognition, providing the rational for specific immunotherapy of HCC, based on immunization with CT antigens such as MAGE-Al 0 and SSX-2. Type 1 NKT cells express an invariant TCR α chain (Vα24.1α18, paired with Vβ11 in human) and share a specific reactivity to αGalactosylceramide (αGC) presented by CD1d. These cells can display paradoxical immuno-regulatory properties including strong anti-tumor effects upon αGC administration in murine models. To understand why NKT cells were not sufficiently protective against tumor development in patients with tumor invaded liver, we characterized the diversity of Vα24/Vβ11 NKT cells in healthy donors (HD) and cancer patients: NKT cells from HD and patients were generally diverse in terms of TCR β chain (Vβ11) variability and NKT cells from HD showed a variable recognition of αGC loaded CD 1 d multimers. Vα24/ Vβ11 NKT cells can be divided in 3 populations, the CD4, DN (CD4-/CD8-) and CD8 NKT cell subsets that show distinct ability of cytokine production. In addition, our functional analysis revealed that DN and CD8 subsets displayed a higher cytolytic potential and a weaker IFNγ release than the CD4 NKT cell subset. NKT cell subsets were variably represented in the blood of HD and cancer patients. However, HD with high NKT cell frequencies displayed an enrichment of the DN and CD8 subsets, and few of them were suggestive of an oligoclonal expansion in vivo. Comparable NKT cell frequencies were found between blood, non-tumoral liver and tumor of patients. In contrast, we identified a gradual enrichment of CD4 NKT cells from blood to the liver and to the tumor, together with a decrease of DN and CD8 NKT cell subsets. Most patient derived NKT cells were unresponsive upon αGalactosylceramide stimulation ex vivo; NKT cells from few patients displayed a weak responsiveness with different cytokine polarization. The NKT cell repertoire was thus different in tumor tissue, suggesting that CD4 NKT cells infiltrating tumors may be detrimental for protection against tumors and instead may favour the tumor growth/recurrence as recently reported in mice. Résumé en français scientifique : Afin de développer le traitement des patients porteurs d'une tumeur dans le foie par immunothérapie, de nouvelles connaissances sont requises concernant l'expression d'antigènes par les tumeurs et les cellules immunitaires spécifiques de ces antigènes. Nous avons vérifié que des antigènes associés aux tumeurs, tels que les antigènes « Cancer-Testis » (CT), sont fréquemment exprimés par le carcinome hepatocéllulaire (CHC). La recherche de lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifiques (CTL) de ces antigènes a révélé que des CTL spécifiques de MAGE-A10 et/ou SSX-2 ont répondu naturellement à la tumeur chez 2/10 patients étudiés. Ces cellules étaient présentes dans les lésions tumorales mais pas dans le foie adjacent. De plus, ces CTL ont démontré une activité cytolytique forte et spécifique contre les cellules tumorales in vitro, ce qui suggère que ces CTL ont été sélectionnés pour une haute avidité de reconnaissance de l'antigène in vivo. Ces données fournissent une base pour l'immunothérapie spécifique du CHC, en proposant de cibler les antigènes CT tels que MAGE-A10 ou SSX-2. Les cellules NKT de type 1 ont une chaîne α de TCR qui est invariante (chez l'homme, Vα24Jα18, apparié avec Vβ11) et reconnaissent spécifiquement l'αGalactosylceramide (αGC) présenté par CD1d. Ces cellules ont des propriétés immuno¬régulatrices qui peuvent être parfois contradictoires et leur activation par l'αGC induit une forte protection anti-tumorale chez la souris: Afin de comprendre pourquoi ces cellules ne sont pas assez protectrices contre le développement des tumeurs dans le foie chez l'homme, nous avons étudié la diversité des cellules NKT Vα24/Vβ11 d'individus sains (IS) et de patients cancéreux. Les cellules NKT peuvent être sous-divisées en 3 populations : Les CD4, DN (CD4- /CD8-) ou CDS, qui ont la capacité de produire des cytokines différentes. Nos analyses fonctionnelles ont aussi révélé que les sous-populations DN et CD8 ont un potentiel cytolytique plus élevé et une production d'IFNγ plus faible que la sous-population CD4. Ces sous-populations sont représentées de manière variable dans le sang des IS ou des patients. Cependant, les IS avec un taux élevé de cellules NKT ont un enrichissement des sous- populations DN ou CDS, et certains suggèrent qu'il s'agit d'une expansion oligo-clonale in vivo. Les patients avaient des fréquences comparables de cellules NKT entre le sang, le foie et la tumeur. Par contre, la sous-population CD4 était progressivement enrichie du sang vers le foie et la tumeur, tandis que les sous-populations DN ou CD8 était perdues. La plupart des cellules NKT des patients ne réagissaient pas lors de stimulation avec l'αGC ex vivo et les cellules NKT de quelques patients répondaient faiblement et avec des polarisations de cytokines différentes. Ces données suggèrent que les cellules NKT CD4, prédominantes dans les tumeurs, sont inefficaces pour la lutte anti-tumorale et pourraient même favoriser la croissance ou la récurrence tumorale. Donc, une mobilisation spécifique des cellules NKT CD4 négatives par immunothérapie pourrait favoriser l'immunité contre des tumeurs chez l'homme. Résumé en français pour un large public Au sein des globules blancs, les lymphocytes T expriment un récepteur (le TCR), qui est propre à chacun d'entre eux et leur permet d'accrocher de manière très spécifique une molécule appelée antigène. Ce TCR est employé par les lymphocytes pour inspecter les antigènes associés avec des molécules présentatrices à la surface des autres cellules. Les lymphocytes T CD8 reconnaissent un fragment de protéine (ou peptide), qui est présenté par une des molécules du Complexe Majeur d'Histocompatibilité de classe I et tuent la cellule qui présente ce peptide. Ils sont ainsi bien adaptés pour éliminer les cellules qui présentent un peptide issu d'un virus quand la cellule est infectée. D'autres cellules T CD8 reconnaissent des peptides comme les antigènes CT, qui sont produits anormalement par les cellules cancéreuses. Nous avons confirmé que les antigènes CT sont fréquemment exprimés par le cancer du foie. Nous avons également identifié des cellules T CD8 spécifiques d'antigènes CT dans la tumeur, mais pas dans le foie normal de 2 patients sur 10. Cela signifie que ces lymphocytes peuvent être naturellement activés contre la tumeur et sont capables de la trouver. De plus les lymphocytes issus d'un patient ont démontré une forte sensibilité pour reconnaître l'antigène et tuent spécifiquement les cellules tumorales. Les antigènes CT représentent donc des cibles intéressantes qui pourront être intégrés dans des vaccins thérapeutiques du cancer du foie. De cette manière, les cellules T CD8 du patient lui-même pourront être induites à détruire de manière spécifique les cellules cancéreuses. Un nouveau type de lymphocytes T a été récemment découvert: les lymphocytes NKT. Quand ils reconnaissent un glycolipide présenté par la molécule CD1d, ils sont capables, de manière encore incomprise, d'initier, d'augmenter, ou à l'inverse d'inhiber la défense immunitaire. Ces cellules NKT ont démontré qu'elles jouent un rôle important dans la défense contre les tumeurs et particulièrement dans le foie des souris. Nous avons étudié les cellules NKT de patients atteints d'une tumeur dans le foie, afin de comprendre pourquoi elles ne sont pas assez protectrice chez l'homme. Les lymphocytes NKT peuvent être sous-divisés en 3 populations: Les CD4, les DN (CD4-/CD8-) et les CD8. Ces 3 classes de NKT peuvent produire différents signaux chimiques appelés cytokines. Contrairement aux cellules NKT DN ou CDS, seules les cellules NKT CD4 sont capables de produire des cytokines qui sont défavorables pour la défense anti-tumorale. Par ailleurs nous avons trouvé que les cellules NKT CD4 tuent moins bien les cellules cancéreuses que les cellules NKT DN ou CD8. L'analyse des cellules NKT, fraîchement extraites du sang, du foie et de la tumeur de patients a révélé que les cellules NKT CD4 sont progressivement enrichies du sang vers le foie et la tumeur. La large prédominance des NKT CD4 à l'intérieur des tumeurs suggère que, chez l'homme, ces cellules sont inappropriées pour la lutte anti-tumorale. Par ailleurs, la plupart des cellules NKT de patients n'étaient pas capables de produire des cytokines après stimulation avec un antigène. Cela explique également pourquoi ces cellules ne protègent pas contre les tumeurs dans le foie.
The effect of high antigen dose on the activation of cytochrome c peptide-primed lymph node cells was determined in several strains of mice by a limiting dilution analysis. It was found that proliferation of cytochrome c peptide-specific T cells was completely inhibited at high antigen concentration in C57BL/6 but only partially in DBA mice and had no effect in SJL mice. Clones derived from DBA mice showed a differential capacity to be inhibited by high antigen dose. On the other hand, interleukin 2 production by these clones was not impaired regardless of the antigen concentrations used.
The participation of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) in the establishment of autoimmune and infectious myocarditis is an important matter of investigation and may have therapeutic implication. Trypanosoma cruzi infection induces a CD8-mediated myocarditis in patients with severe cardiomyopathy and experimental animals. Previously, we have proposed that this predominance of CD8+ T-cells is, at least in part, consequence of the differential expression of CAMs on circulating CD8+ lymphocytes. In the present study we investigated the participation of CAMs in shaping the phenotypic nature of the autoimmune CD4-mediated myosin-induced and the CD8-mediated T. cruzi-elicited myocarditis. We provide evidence that the prevalence of a certain T-cell subset inside the inflamed heart reflects the differential profile of the adhesion molecules VLA-4, LFA-1, and ICAM-1 displayed on a large proportion of this particular T-cell population in peripheral blood during the early phase of inflammation. Further, the expression of VCAM-1, ligand for VLA-4, and ICAM-1, counter-receptor for LFA-1, was up-regulated on vascular endothelium and paralleled the entrance of inflammatory cells into the cardiac tissue. Thus, this up-regulated expression of receptors-counter-receptors that regulate T-cell transmigration through the vascular endothelium may have an important role in the pathogenesis of the early phase of both autoimmune and infectious myocarditis.
Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) specific T cell responses and KSHV viremia were analyzed in seven HIV-infected patients with active Kaposi's sarcoma lesions who initiated highly active antiretroviral therapy, and were compared between patients with improved Kaposi's sarcoma and those with progressive Kaposi's sarcoma requiring further systemic chemotherapy. Patients with controlled Kaposi's sarcoma disease demonstrated undetectable Kaposi's sarcoma viremia together with KSHV-specific CD8 T cells secreting interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, whereas progressors showed increasing viremia with weak or no T-cell responses. These data point toward a potential role of KSHV-specific immunity in the control of AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma.
Inter-individual differences in gene expression are likely to account for an important fraction of phenotypic differences, including susceptibility to common disorders. Recent studies have shown extensive variation in gene expression levels in humans and other organisms, and that a fraction of this variation is under genetic control. We investigated the patterns of gene expression variation in a 25 Mb region of human chromosome 21, which has been associated with many Down syndrome (DS) phenotypes. Taqman real-time PCR was used to measure expression variation of 41 genes in lymphoblastoid cells of 40 unrelated individuals. For 25 genes found to be differentially expressed, additional analysis was performed in 10 CEPH families to determine heritabilities and map loci harboring regulatory variation. Seventy-six percent of the differentially expressed genes had significant heritabilities, and genomewide linkage analysis led to the identification of significant eQTLs for nine genes. Most eQTLs were in trans, with the best result (P=7.46 x 10(-8)) obtained for TMEM1 on chromosome 12q24.33. A cis-eQTL identified for CCT8 was validated by performing an association study in 60 individuals from the HapMap project. SNP rs965951 located within CCT8 was found to be significantly associated with its expression levels (P=2.5 x 10(-5)) confirming cis-regulatory variation. The results of our study provide a representative view of expression variation of chromosome 21 genes, identify loci involved in their regulation and suggest that genes, for which expression differences are significantly larger than 1.5-fold in control samples, are unlikely to be involved in DS-phenotypes present in all affected individuals.
Whereas most T cells arise in the thymus, a distinct lineage of extrathymically derived T cells is present in the gut mucosa. The developmental origin of extrathymic T cells is poorly understood. We show here that Notch-1, a transmembrane receptor involved in T cell fate specification of bipotential T/B precursors in the thymus, is absolutely required for the development of extrathymic (as well as thymus-derived) mature T cells in the intestinal epithelium. In the absence of Notch-1, CD117(+) T cell precursors are relatively more abundant in the gut than the thymus, whereas immature B cells accumulate in the thymus but not the gut. Collectively, these data demonstrate that Notch-1 is essential for both thymic and extrathymic T cell fate specification and further suggest that bipotential T/B precursors that do not receive a Notch-1 signal adopt a B cell fate in the thymus but become developmentally arrested in the gut.
RESUME : BAFF est un membre de 1a famille du TNF qui contrôle l'homéostasie des lymphocytes B. BAFF lie les récepteurs TACI, BCMA et BAFF-R sur les cellules B, tandis qu'APRIL, son proche homologue, lie seulement TACI et BCMA. BAFF et APRIL sont des protéines transmembranaires pouvant -être relâchées sous forme de cytokines trimériques solubles suite à un clivage protéolytique. Le BAFF soluble peut s'assembler en 60-mère. Les rôles physiologiques des BAFF membranaires et solubles sont inconnnus. Nous avons étudié la capacité de diverses formes de BAFF et APRIL à activer différents récepteurs. BAFF-R répond à toutes les formes dé BAFF, tandis que TACI nécessite du BAFF ou de l'APRIL membranaire ou oligomérisé pour être activé et pour transmettre des signaux de survie dans les lymphocytes B primaires. TACI ne répond pas aux ligands trimériques bien qu'il puisse les lier. TACI est essentiel pour la réponse humorale aux antigènes présentant des épitoges répétitifs, une réponse qui est indépendante des lymphocytes T (réponse TI-2). Des souris exprimant moins de BAFF ont un pourcentage modérément réduit de lymphocytes B et leur réponse TI-2 est atténuée. Par contre, des souris qui n'expriment que du BAFF membranaire ont encore moins de cellules B mais répondent efficacement aux antigènes TI-2. Ces résultats suggèrent que le BAFF soluble est impliqué dans le maintien de la population des lymphocytes B, alors que le BAFF membranaire peut activer TACI lors d'are réponse TI-2. Le BAFF 60-mère est un autre activateur potentiel de TACI in vivo. Le BAFF 60-mère existe dans des surnageants de cellules productrices de BAFF mais n'est pas détecté dans le plasma de souris saines, même lorsqu'elles présentent des niveaux élevés de BAFF. BAFF 60-mère est néanmoins présent dans le plasma de souris transgéniques pour BAFF et de souris déficientes en TACI. Comme ces deux lignées présentent des signes d'autoimmunité, ces résultats suggèrent que la présence de BAFF 60-mère pourrait être liée à des conditions pathologiques. Summary : The TNF family ligand BAFF is essential for B cell homeostasis. BAFF binds to the receptors TACI, BCMA and BAFF-R on B cells, whereas its close homolog APRIL binds to TACI and BCMA only. BAFF and APRIL are transmembrane proteins, which can be proteolytically processed to release trimeric soluble cytokines. Soluble BAFF 3-mer can further assemble in a 60-mer. The physiological roles of membrane-bound and soluble BAFF are unknown. We studied the ability of various forms of BAFF and APRIL to signal through different receptors. BAFF-R responded to all forms of BAFF, but TACI required membrane-bound, cross-licked or oligomeric BAFF or APRIL in order to transmit productive signals in primary B cells. TACI was unresponsive to trimeric ligands, although it could bind them. TACI is essential for T-cell independent antibody responses to antigens with repetitive epitopes (TI-2 responses). Mice expressing lower than normal levels of BAFF displayed a moderate B cell reduction and impaired TI-2 responses, whereas mice expressing membrane-bound BAFF displayed severe B cell reduction, but unimpaired TI-2 responses. These results suggest that processed BAFF is involved in the maintenance of the B cell pool and that membrane-bound BAFF can activate TACI during T-cell independent humoral responses. BAFF 60-mer is another potential activator of TACI in vivo. BAFF 60-mer was detected in the supernatant of BAFF-producing cells, but not in the plasma of healthy mice with either norma1 or elevated BAFF levels. It was however present in sera of BAFF transgenic mice and TACI-/- mice, both of which suffer from autoimmunity, suggesting that GAFF 60-mer may be linked to pathogenic conditions.
Thymus regression upon stressing stimuli, such as infectious diseases, is followed by organ reconstitution, paralleling its development in ontogeny. A narrow window of thymus development was here studied, encompassing the pro-T lymphoid precursor expansion during specification stages, by the use of epidermal growth factor plus insulin (INS) in murine fetal thymus organ cultures. Aiming to disclose signaling pathways related to these stages, cultured thymus lobes had their RNA extracted, for the search of transcripts differentially expressed using RNAse protection assays and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reactions. We found no difference that could explain INS-driven thymocyte growth, in the pattern of transcripts for death/proliferation mediators, or for a series of growth factor receptors and transcriptional regulators known as essential for thymus development. Thymocyte suspensions from cultured lobes, stained for phenotype analysis by fluorescence activated cell sorting, showed a decreased staining for Notch1 protein at cell surfaces upon INS addition. We analyzed the expression of Notch-related elements, and observed the recruitment of a specific set of transcripts simultaneous and compatible with INS-driven thymocyte growth, namely, transcripts for Notch3, for its ligand Jagged2, and for Deltex1, a mediator of a poorly characterized alternative pathway downstream of the Notch receptor.
B cell activating factor of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family (BAFF) and a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) are closely related ligands within the TNF superfamily that play important roles in B lymphocyte biology. Both ligands share two receptors--transmembrane activator and calcium signal--modulating cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI) and B cell maturation antigen (BCMA)--that are predominantly expressed on B cells. In addition, BAFF specifically binds BAFF receptor, whereas the nature of a postulated APRIL-specific receptor remains elusive. We show that the TNF homology domain of APRIL binds BCMA and TACI, whereas a basic amino acid sequence (QKQKKQ) close to the NH2 terminus of the mature protein is required for binding to the APRIL-specific "receptor." This interactor was identified as negatively charged sulfated glycosaminoglycan side chains of proteoglycans. Although T cell lines bound little APRIL, the ectopic expression of glycosaminoglycan-rich syndecans or glypicans conferred on these cells a high binding capacity that was completely dependent on APRIL's basic sequence. Moreover, syndecan-1-positive plasma cells and proteoglycan-rich nonhematopoietic cells displayed high specific, heparin-sensitive binding to APRIL. Inhibition of BAFF and APRIL, but not BAFF alone, prevented the survival and/or the migration of newly formed plasma cells to the bone marrow. In addition, costimulation of B cell proliferation by APRIL was only effective upon APRIL oligomerization. Therefore, we propose a model whereby APRIL binding to the extracellular matrix or to proteoglycan-positive cells induces APRIL oligomerization, which is the prerequisite for the triggering of TACI- and/or BCMA-mediated activation, migration, or survival signals.
B lymphocytes are considered to play a minimal role in host defense against Leishmania major. In this study, the contribution of B cells to susceptibility to infection with different strains of L. major was investigated in BALB/c mice lacking mature B cells due to the disruption of the IgM transmembrane domain (microMT). Whereas BALB/c microMT remained susceptible to infection with L. major IR173 and IR75, they were partially resistant to infection with L. major LV39. Adoptive transfer of naive B cells into BALB/c microMT mice before infection restored susceptibility to infection with L. major LV39, demonstrating a role for B cells in susceptibility to infection with this parasite. In contrast, adoptive transfer of B cells that express an IgM/IgD specific for hen egg lysozyme (HEL), an irrelevant Ag, did not restore disease progression in BALB/c microMT mice infected with L. major LV39. This finding was likely due to the inability of HEL Tg B cells to internalize and present Leishmania Ags to specific T cells. Furthermore, specific Ig did not contribute to disease progression as assessed by transfer of immune serum in BALB/c microMT mice. These data suggest that direct Ag presentation by specific B cells and not Ig effector functions is involved in susceptibility of BALB/c mice to infection with L. major LV39.
Ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease, is believed to result from a breakdown of dominant tolerance mechanisms that normally control intestinal immunity. Although CD4+ T lymphocyte subpopulations and expression of MHC class II molecules have been shown to play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease, the nature of the responsible mechanisms remains unclear. In this paper we describe a novel mouse model for inflammatory bowel disease, radiation-induced colitis, that occurs with complete penetrance 6-8 wk postinduction. A combination of high dose gamma-irradiation and lack of MHC class II expression on cells of hemopoietic origin results in development of colitis in C57BL/6 mice. Because of its versatility (due to susceptibility of mice of the widely genetically manipulated C57BL/6 background), high reproducibility, and 100% penetrance, radiation-induced colitis will be a useful mouse model for colitis and a significant tool to study dominant immunological tolerance mechanisms. Moreover, our data imply that tolerization to enteric Ags requires MHC class II mediated presentation by APC of hemopoietic origin.
RESUME La télomérase est une enzyme dite "d'immortalité" qui permet aux cellules de maintenir la longueur de leurs télomères, ce qui confère une capacité de réplication illimitée aux cellules reproductrices et cancéreuses. A l'inverse, les cellules somatiques normales, qui n'expriment pas la télomérase, ont une capacité de réplication limitée. La sous-unité catalytique de la télomérase, hTERT, est définie comme le facteur limitant l'activité télomérasique. Entre activateurs et répresseurs, le rôle de la méthylation de l'ADN et de l'acétylation des histones, de nombreux modèles ont été suggérés. La découverte de l'implication de CTCF dans la régulation transcriptionnelle de hTERT explique en partie le mécanisme de répression de la télomérase dans la plupart des cellules somatiques et sa réactivation dans les cellules tumorales. Dans les cellules télomérase-positives, l'activité inhibitrice de CTCF est bloquée par un mécanisme dépendent ou non de la méthylation. Dans la plupart des carcinomes, une hyperméthylation de la région 5' de hTERT bloque l'effet inhibiteur de CTCF, alors qu'une petite région hypométhylée permet un faible niveau de transcription du gène. Nous avons démontré que la protéine MBD2 se lie spécifiquement sur la région 5' méthylée de hTERT dans différentes lignées cellulaires et qu'elle est impliquée dans la répression partielle de la transcription de hTERT dans les cellules tumorales méthylées. Par contre, nous avons montré que dans les lymphocytes B normaux et néoplasiques, la régulation de hTERT est indépendante de la méthylation. Dans ces cellules, le facteur PAX5 se lie sur la région 5' de hTERT en aval du site d'initiation de la traduction (ATG). L'expression exogène de PAX5 dans les cellules télomérase-négatives active la transcription de hTERT, alors que la répression de PAX5 dans les cellules lymphomateuses inhibe la transcription du gène. PAX5 est donc directement impliqué dans l'activation de l'expression de hTERT dans les lymphocytes B exprimant la télomérase. Ces résultats révèlent des différences entre les niveaux de méthylation de hTERT dans les cellules de carcinomes et les lymphocytes B exprimant la télomérase. La méthylation de hTERT en tant que biomarqueur de cancer a été évaluée, puis appliquée à la détection de métastases. Nous avons ainsi montré que la méthylation de hTERT est positivement corrélée au diagnostic cytologique dans les liquides céphalorachidiens. Nos résultats conduisent à un modèle de régulation de hTERT, qui aide à comprendre comment la transcription de ce gène est régulée par CTCF, avec un mécanisme lié ou non à la méthylation du gène hTERT. La méthylation de hTERT s'est aussi révélée être un nouveau et prometteur biomarqueur de cancer. SUMMARY Human telomerase is an "immortalizing" enzyme that enables cells to maintain telomere length, allowing unlimited replicative capacity to reproductive and cancer cells. Conversely, normal somatic cells that do not express telomerase have a finite replicative capacity. The catalytic subunit of telomerase, hTERT, is defined as the limiting factor for telomerase activity. Between activators and repressors, and the role of DNA methylation and histone acetylation, an abundance of hTERT regulatory models have been suggested. The discovery of the implication of CTCF in the transcriptional regulation of hTERT in part explained the mechanism of silencing of telomerase in most somatic cells and its reactivation in neoplastic cells. In telomerase-positive cells, the inhibitory activity of CTCF is blocked by methylation-dependent and -independent mechanisms. In most carcinoma cells, hypermethylation of the hTERT 5' region has been shown to block the inhibitory effect of CTCF, while a short hypomethylated region allows a low transcription level of the gene. We have demonstrated that MBD2 protein specifically binds the methylated 5' region of hTERT in different cell lines and is therefore involved in the partial repression of hTERT transcription in methylated tumor cells. In contrast, we have shown that in normal and neoplastic B cells, hTERT regulation is methylation-independent. The PAX5 factor has been shown to bind to the hTERT 5'region downstream of the ATG translational start site. Ectopic expression of PAX5 in telomerase-negative cells or repression of PAX5 expression in B lymphoma cells respectively activated and repressed hTERT transcription. Thus, PAX5 is strongly implicated in hTERT expression activation in telomerase-positive B cells. These results reveal differences between the hTERT methylation patterns in telomerase-positive carcinoma cells and telomerase-positive normal B cells. The potential of hTERT methylation as a cancer biomarker was evaluated and applied to the detection of metastasis. We have shown that hTERT methylation correlates with the cytological diagnosis in cerebrospinal fluids. Our results suggest a model of hTERT gene regulation, which helps us to better understand how hTERT transcription is regulated by CTCF in methylation-dependant and independent mechanisms. Our data also indicate that hTERT methylation is a promising new cancer biomarker.
BackgroundMutations in TNFRSF13B, the gene encoding transmembrane activator and calcium modulator cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), are found in 10% of patients with common variable immunodeficiency. However, the most commonly detected mutation is the heterozygous change C104R, which is also found in 0.5% to 1% of healthy subjects. The contribution of the C104R mutation to the B-cell defects observed in patients with common variable immunodeficiency therefore remains unclear.ObjectiveWe sought to define the functional consequences of the C104R mutation on B-cell function.MethodsWe performed in vitro studies of TACI C104R expression and signaling. A knock-in mouse with the equivalent mutation murine TACI (mTACI) C76R was generated as a physiologically relevant model of human disease. We examined homozygous and heterozygous C76R mutant mice alongside wild-type littermates and studied specific B-cell lineages and antibody responses to T cell-independent and T cell-dependent challenge.ResultsC104R expression and ligand binding are significantly diminished when the mutant protein is expressed in 293T cells or in patients' cell lines. This leads to defective nuclear factor κB activation, which is proportionally restored by reintroduction of wild-type TACI. Mice heterozygous and homozygous for mTACI C76R exhibit significant B-cell dysfunction with splenomegaly, marginal zone B-cell expansion, diminished immunoglobulin production and serological responses to T cell-independent antigen, and abnormal immunoglobulin synthesis.ConclusionsThese data show that the C104R mutation and its murine equivalent, C76R, can significantly disrupt TACI function, probably through haploinsufficiency. Furthermore, the heterozygous C76R mutation alone is sufficient to disturb B-cell function with lymphoproliferation and immunoglobulin production defects.