998 resultados para Suviranta, Bruno
O trabalho realizado foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um estágio curricular de seis meses realizado na Refinaria de Sines da Galp Energia. O principal objetivo foi a otimização da maior coluna de destilação de vácuo existente, uma vez que com o início do funcionamento de novas unidades, como é o caso do Hydrocraker, a produção de gasóleo de vácuo na Refinaria não é suficiente para assegurar a carga das unidades sendo necessário importar, diminuindo assim as margens das unidades. Foi implementada a simulação da coluna de destilação de vácuo II em ASPEN PLUS® para o caso de design, usando as condições de operação que o licenciador usou nas suas simulações para o re-vamping da unidade. Posteriormente foi efetuada a implementação para o caso de Test Run, em que são verificadas as produções projetadas para a coluna, e foram implementados na coluna 4 casos de operação real, onde foram recolhidos os dados de operação e comparadas as características dos produtos simulados com os resultados obtidos nos ensaios das amostras efetuados pelo Laboratório. No caso de design verifica-se que o modelo representa de forma aceitável as características dos pro-dutos extraídos. Tanto para o caso de Test Run como para os casos reais verifica-se que o modelo representa, na maioria dos casos, as características do destilado e do HVGO nas partes finais das destilações destes produtos, enquanto que o modelo representa as características do LVGO na fase inicial da destilação. Para otimização da coluna de vácuo verificou-se que os parâmetros com maior influência na produção de gasóleo de vácuo são a temperatura da zona de flash da coluna e o caudal de vapor de stripping introduzido no fundo da coluna.
This paper studies the existing price linkage between generics and branded pharmaceuticals, in which the generic price must be a fraction of the latter. Using a vertical differentiation model, we look at the market equilibrium, the effects on the incentives for the brand producer to develop new products, and the possibility of predation by the brand producer over the generic firm. We find that the price linkage increases prices compared to no indexation and it may increase the incentives for the brand producer to expand its set of products. When prices are freely set, the branded firm may also want to expand a new product with a higher quality, but will prefer to remove the original one from the market. Predation may equally occur in both schemes but the price linkage may give fewer incentives for the branded firm to predate while compensating losses with a new drug.
The world energy consumption is expected to increase strongly in coming years, because of the emerging economies. Biomass is the only renewable carbon resource that is abundant enough to be used as a source of energy Grape pomace is one of the most abundant agro-industrial residues in the world, being a good biomass resource. The aim of this work is the valorization of grape pomace from white grapes (WWGP) and from red grapes (RWGP), through the extraction of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity, as well as through the extraction/hydrolysis of carbohydrates, using subcritical water, or hot compressed water (HCW). The main focus of this work is the optimization of the process for WWGP, while for RWGP only one set of parameters were tested. The temperatures used were 170, 190 and 210 °C for WWGP, and 180 °C for RWGP. The water flow rates were 5 and 10 mL/min, and the pressure was always kept at 100 bar. Before performing HCW assays, both residues were characterized, revealing that WWGP is very rich in free sugars (around 40%) essentially glucose and fructose, while RWGP has higher contents of structural sugars, lignin, lipids and protein. For WWGP the best results were achieved at 210 °C and 10 mL/min: higher yield in water soluble compounds (69 wt.%), phenolics extraction (26.2 mg/g) and carbohydrates recovery (49.3 wt.% relative to the existing 57.8%). For RWGP the conditions were not optimized (180 °C and 5 mL/min), and the values of the yield in water soluble compounds (25 wt.%), phenolics extraction (19.5 mg/g) and carbohydrates recovery (11.4 wt.% relative to the existing 33.5%) were much lower. The antioxidant activity of the HCW extracts from each assay was determined, the best result being obtained for WWGP, namely for extracts obtained at 210 °C (EC50=20.8 μg/mL; EC50 = half maximum effective concentration; EC50 = 22.1 μg/mL for RWGP, at 180 ºC).
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the intensity of acid reflux and severity of esophageal tissue damage in a cross-sectional study of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Seventy-eight patients with were selected in accordance with the strict 24-hour ambulatory esophageal pHmetry (24h-pHM) criteria and distributed into three age groups: Group A: 14 - 24 years of age. Group B: 25 - 54; and Group C: 55 - 64. The 24h-pHM was carried out in accordance with DeMeester standardization, and the Savary-Miller classification for the diagnosis of reflux esophagitis was used. The groups were similar in 24h-pHM parameters (p > 0.05), having above normal values. For the study group as a whole, there was no correlation between age group and intensity of acid reflux, and there was no correlation between intensity of acid reflux and severity of esophageal tissue damage. However, when the same patients were sub-grouped in accordance with the depth of their epithelial injury and then distributed into age groups, there was a significant difference in esophagitis without epithelial discontinuity. Younger patients had less epithelial damage than older patients. Additionally, although there was a significant progression from the least severe to the moderate stages of epithelial damage among the age groups, there was no apparent difference among the age groups in the distribution between the moderate stages and most severe stages. The findings support the conclusion that the protective response of individuals to acid reflux varies widely. Continued aggression by acid reflux appears to lead to the exhaustion of individual mechanisms of epithelial protection in some patients, but not others, regardless of age or duration of the disease. Therefore, the diagnosis and follow-up of GERD should include both measurements of the quantity of refluxed acid and an assessment of the damage to the esophageal epithelium.
Evidence shows that cardiac hypertrophy (CH) is a risk factor for many cardiovascular diseases. Several stimuli may cause CH-like manifestations and promote volume or pressure overload. Exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy is an expected adaptation to regular exercise training. Salt intake has been shown to be the most important determinant of blood pressure in different populations. The purpose of the present work was to verify the influence of physical exercise and sodium intake on the blood pressure and myocardium. The study was performed on 36 rats divided into six groups: Group I (diet without salt overload), Group II (diet without salt overload and swimming), Group III (diet with 2.5% NaCl solution and swimming), Group IV (diet with 5% NaCl solution and swimming), Group V (diet with 2.5% NaCl solution without exercise), Group VI (diet with 5% NaCl solution without exercise). The arterial pressure was significantly lower in Group I when compared with Group IV. The ratio of cardiac mass/body mass was increased in Groups III and IV. In conclusion, there was evidence that exercise training and NaCl intake promotes arterial hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy.
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a cholestatic liver disease, which is characterized by a chronic inflammatory destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts. It is a rare disorder whose precise etiology is still to be elucidated. Even though the liver is the principal target of PBC, other organ systems also might be affected. Muscular involvement has rarely been described in this disease, and in the majority of cases, muscular weakness has been interpreted as polymyositis. We report the case of a 48-year-old woman suffering from classic PBC, in association with a myopathy whose histological features are distinct from the cases reported before. We also performed a MEDLINE research for PBC and concomitant muscular diseases.
In this work, cellulose-based electro and ionic conductive composites were developed for application in cellulose based printed electronics. Electroconductive inks were successfully formulated for screen-printing using carbon fibers (CFs) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as conductive functional material and cellulose derivatives working as binder. The formulated inks were used to fabricate conductive flexible and disposable electrodes on paper-based substrates. Interesting results were obtained after 10 printing passes and drying at RT of the ink with 10 % wt. of pristine CFs and 3% wt. of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), exhibiting a resistivity of 1.03 Ωcm and a resolution of 400 μm. Also, a resistivity of 0.57 Ωcm was obtained for only one printing pass using an ink based on 0.5 % wt. MWCNTs and 3 % wt. CMC. It was also demonstrated that ionic conductive cellulose matrix hydrogel can be used in electrolyte-gated transistors (EGTs). The electrolytes revealed a double layer capacitance of 12.10 μFcm-2 and ionic conductivity of 3.56x10-7 Scm-1. EGTs with a planar configuration, using sputtered GIZO as semiconducting layer, reached an ON/OFF ratio of 3.47x105, a VON of 0.2 V and a charge carrier mobility of 2.32 cm2V-1s-1.
Neste trabalho apresenta-se o estudo experimental desenvolvido com o intuito de analisar o comportamento de lajes fungiformes maciças com armadura específica de punçoamento solicitadas por carregamentos horizontais cíclicos. Foram analisados três modelos de laje fungiforme correspondentes a uma ligação lajepilar interior. Em dois dos modelos foram instaladas armaduras de punçoamento na forma de estribos fechados e o restante modelo foi utilizado como modelo de referência, não incluindo qualquer armadura de punçoamento. Todos os modelos foram sujeitos a uma carga gravítica que corresponde a 50% da carga de rotura prevista pelo EC2 e a um carregamento horizontal cíclico com intensidade crescente até se atingir a rotura por punçoamento do modelo. A armadura específica de punçoamento utilizada é do tipo estribo fechado, com pormenorização semelhante entre modelos, sendo o parâmetro diferenciador a quantidade de armadura específica instalada. Os resultados experimentais são analisados quanto à carga e modo de rotura, deformação dos modelos, extensões verificadas nas armaduras (longitudinal e específica) e comportamento histerético dos modelos. Os valores das cargas de rotura obtidos são comparados com os previstos pelo EC2, ACI318M-11 e MC2010. A capacidade de deformação lateral dos modelos é comparada com os requisitos impostos pelo SEI/ASCE 7-10.
The ligature of the left renal vein is an alternative whenever this vessel is injured. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capacity of the affluents of the left renal vein, proximal to the ligature, to maintain tissue vitality and function of the left kidney. Fifteen mongrel male dogs were divided in 3 groups of 5 dogs: Group I (control) - a laparotomy was performed, and the abdominal structures were only identified; Group II - the left renal vein was tied, close to vena cava; Group III - the same procedure as for Group II and a right nephrectomy. Blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels were measured before the procedure, and every 3 days during 4 weeks in the postoperative period. Renal arteriography and an excretory urogram were performed on the animals that survived 60 days. Thereafter, or immediately after precocious death, the kidneys were removed for histological examination. All the animals of Group III died before two months (mean = 10.5 +-3.2 days), while the animals of Group II survived during that period. There was a complete exclusion of the left kidney in all dogs that underwent renal vein ligature. In the animals of Group II, the renal cortico-medullary limits could not be identified. At microscopy, the aspect was suggestive of nephrosclerosis. In the animals of Group III, the left kidney was enlarged, and a great amount of intravascular and intrapelvic blood clots were observed. At microscopy, extensive areas of necrosis, inflammatory infiltration, and hemorrhage were identified. In conclusion, the tributaries of the renal vein were not sufficient to maintain the tissue vitality and function of the left kidney after ligature of its main vein.
We report on 4 cases of abdominal compartment syndrome complicated by acute renal failure that were promptly reversed by different abdominal decompression methods. Case 1: A 57-year-old obese woman in the post-operative period after giant incisional hernia correction with an intra-abdominal pressure of 24 mm Hg. She was sedated and curarized, and the intra-abdominal pressure fell to 15 mm Hg. Case 2: A 73-year-old woman with acute inflammatory abdomen was undergoing exploratory laparotomy when a hypertensive pneumoperitoneum was noticed. During the surgery, enhancement of urinary output was observed. Case 3: An 18-year-old man who underwent hepatectomy and developed coagulopathy and hepatic bleeding that required abdominal packing, developed oliguria with a transvesical intra-abdominal pressure of 22 mm Hg. During reoperation, the compresses were removed with a prompt improvement in urinary flow. Case 4: A 46-year-old man with hepatic cirrhosis was admitted after incisional hernia repair with intra-abdominal pressure of 16 mm Hg. After paracentesis, the intra-abdominal pressure fell to 11 mm Hg.
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In order to address and resolve the wastewater contamination problem of the Sines refinery with the main objective of optimizing the quality of this stream and reducing the costs charged to the refinery, a dynamic mass balance was developed nd implemented for ammonia and polar oil and grease (O&G) contamination in the wastewater circuit. The inadequate routing of sour gas from the sour water stripping unit and the kerosene caustic washing unit, were identified respectively as the major source of ammonia and polar substances present in the industrial wastewater effluent. For the O&G content, a predictive model was developed for the kerosene caustic washing unit, following the Projection to Latent Structures (PLS) approach. Comparison between analytical data for ammonia and polar O&G concentrations in refinery wastewater originating from the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) effluent and the model predictions of the dynamic mass balance calculations are in a very good agreement and highlights the dominant impact of the identified streams for the wastewater contamination levels. The ammonia contamination problem was solved by rerouting the sour gas through an existing clogged line with ammonia salts due to a non-insulated line section, while for the O&G a dynamic mass balance was implemented as an online tool, which allows for prevision of possible contamination situations and taking the required preventive actions, and can also serve as a basis for establishing relationships between the O&G contamination in the refinery wastewater with the properties of the refined crude oils and the process operating conditions. The PLS model developed could be of great asset in both optimizing the existing and designing new refinery wastewater treatment units or reuse schemes. In order to find a possible treatment solution for the spent caustic problem, an on-site pilot plant experiments for NaOH recovery from the refinery kerosene caustic washing unit effluent using an alkaline-resistant nanofiltration (NF) polymeric membrane were performed in order to evaluate its applicability for treating these highly alkaline and contaminated streams. For a constant operating pressure and temperature and adequate operating conditions, 99.9% of oil and grease rejection and 97.7% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) rejection were observed. No noticeable membrane fouling or flux decrease were registered until a volume concentration factor of 3. These results allow for NF permeate reuse instead of fresh caustic and for significant reduction of the wastewater contamination, which can result in savings of 1.5 M€ per year at the current prices for the largest Portuguese oil refinery. The capital investments needed for implementation of the required NF membrane system are less than 10% of those associated with the traditional wet air oxidation solution of the spent caustic problem. The operating costs are very similar, but can be less than half if reusing the NF concentrate in refinery pH control applications. The payback period was estimated to be 1.1 years. Overall, the pilot plant experimental results obtained and the process economic evaluation data indicate a very competitive solution through the proposed NF treatment process, which represents a highly promising alternative to conventional and existing spent caustic treatment units.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess portal hemodynamics in patients with portal hypertension due to hepatosplenic schistosomiasis as well as to assess the contribution of splanchnic hyperflow to the pathophysiology of the portal hypertension. METHODS: Sixteen patients with schistosomal portal hypertension and previous history of upper digestive bleeding due to esophageal varices rupture underwent elective esophagogastric devascularization and splenectomy and were prospectively studied. All patients underwent intraoperative invasive hemodynamic portal monitoring with a 4F-thermodilution catheter. The intraoperative portal hemodynamic assessment was conducted after laparotomy (initial) and after esophagogastric devascularization (final). RESULTS: The initial portal pressure was elevated (mean 28.5 ± 4.5 mm Hg), and a significant drop of 25% was observed at the end of the surgery (21.9 ± 4.9 mm Hg). The initial portal flow was elevated (mean 1766.9 ± 686.6 mL/min). A significant fall (42%) occurred at the end of the surgical procedure (1025.62 ± 338.7 mL/min). Fourteen patients (87.5%) presented a portal flow of more than 1200 mL/min, and in 5 cases, values greater than 2000 mL/min were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Esophagogastric devascularization and splenectomy promote a significant reduction of the elevated portal pressure and flow in schistosomal portal hypertension. These data favor the hypothesis of portal hyperflow in the physiopathology of portal hypertension of schistosomiasis.
The authors report a case of a 19-year-old woman admitted for the investigation of fever and hemolytic anemia for the previous 2 months. As an inpatient, she had convulsions and sudden loss of consciousness, developing hemoptysis, hypoxia, and respiratory insufficiency. Examination showed pericardial effusions on the echocardiogram and bilateral alveolar condensations on the thoracic radiograph. A hypothetical diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus was made, and measurement of the antinuclear factor was requested along with daily pulse therapy methylprednisolone, in spite of which the outcome was fatal. Afterwards, the result of the antinuclear factor test was positive, with a titer of 1:5120, showing a fine punctiform pattern, fulfilling the criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus according to the American College of Rheumatology. Secondary pulmonary hemorrhage in this connective tissue disease is an uncommon but serious complication that involves a high level of mortality in spite of intensive treatment, as is also reported in the literature.