966 resultados para Suspension bridge


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Stress serves as an adaptive mechanism and helps organisms to cope with life-threatening situations. However, individual vulnerability to stress and dysregulation of this system may precipitate stress-related disorders such as depression. The neurobiological circuitry in charge of dealing with stressors has been widely studied in animal models. Recently our group has demonstrated a role for lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) through the LPA1 receptor in vulnerability to stress, in particular the lack of this receptor relates to robust decrease of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and induction of anxious and depressive states. Nevertheless, the specific abnormalities in the limbic circuit in reaction to stress remains unclear. The aim of this study is to examine the differences in the brain activation pattern in the presence or absence of LPA1 receptor after acute stress. For this purpose, we have studied the response of maLPA1-null male mice and normal wild type mice to an intense stressor: Tail Suspension Test. Activation induced by behaviour of brain regions involved in mood regulation was analysed by stereological quantification of c-Fos immunoreactive positive cells. We also conducted multidimensional scaling analysis in order to unravel coativation between structures. Our results revealed hyperactivity of stress-related structures such as amygdala and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in the knockout model and different patterns of coactivation in both genotypes using a multidimensional map. This data provides further evidence to the engagement of the LPA1 receptors in stress regulation and sheds light on different neural pathways under normal and vulnerability conditions that can lead to mood disorders.


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Purpose: To evaluate the potential of Lonicera macranthoids Hand. -Mazz. Yulei1 suspension culture system for enhanced production of the main secondary metabolite, chlorogenic acid. Methods: The callus of L. macranthoides Hand.-Mazz. “Yulei1” was suspension cultured in B5 liquid medium supplemented with different plant growth regulators. Biomass accumulation was calculated by weight method and chlorogenic acid production was measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). HPLC was carried out on C18 analytical column at 35 °C and the detection wavelength was set at 324 nm. Results: The results showed that maximum accumulation of biomass and chlorogenic acid were achieved 15 days after culture growth. The optimized conditions for biomass accumulation and chlorogenic acid production were 50 g/L of inoculum on fresh weight basis, B5 medium supplemented with plant growth regulators, 30 - 40 g/L sucrose and initial medium pH of 5.5. Maximum accumulation of chlorogenic acid and biomass were observed when the culture medium was supplemented with 2.0 mg/L6-BA. Optimal accumulation of chlorogenic acid was observed using combination of hormones 2.0 mg/L 6-Benzyladenine (BA) + 0.5 mg/L2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), while optimal accumulation of biomass was observed with 2.0 mg/L 6-BA + 2.0 mg/L2, 4-D. In addition, phenylalanine also contributed to the synthesis of chlorogenic acid at a concentration > 50 mg/L. Conclusion: Cell suspension cultures of L. macranthoides Hand.-Mazz. “Yulei1” have successfully been established. The findings provide a potential basis for large scale production of chlorogenic acid using cell suspension cultures of L. macranthoides.


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Recently, water was observed flowing from a section of steep slope along US-2 near St. Ignace, Michigan in addition to soil sloughing in the area where the water is flowing from the slope. An inspection of the area also showed the presence of sinkholes. The original construction drawing for US-2 also indicated that sinkholes were present in this area prior to road construction in 1948. An investigation was conducted to determine the overall stability of the slope. The slope consists primarily of aeolian sand deposits. Laboratory testing determined the shear strength of the slope material to have a friction angle around 30°, which is also the slope angle. Thus, the slope is at its maximum angle for stability—however, the slope is also heavily wooded which provides additional support to the slope. Although the area surrounding the water flow has been sloughing, the remaining slope remains intact.


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Today’s snowmobile industry faces great challenges in the field of noise & vibration. The area of main concern is the pass-by noise restriction defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) test standard J192, with a maximum sound pressure level of 78 dB(A) being required by many states and national parks. To continue meet or beat this requirement without effecting machine performance, a deeper understanding of the sound transfer paths is required. This thesis examines the transfer paths created by the tunnel, rear suspension, drive shaft, and rubber composite track, with the primary source being suspension input through the ground. Using a combination of field experiments and analytical modeling, perspective was gained on which suspension and drive elements create the primary transfer paths. With further understanding of these paths, industry can tailor and fine-tune the approaches taken in to control overall noise output.


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La problématique liée au bruit des motoneiges est un enjeu important dans l’industrie des véhicules récréatifs. Il est donc nécessaire de trouver de nouvelles solutions technologiques qui permettront de concevoir des motoneiges plus silencieuses. La suspension arrière est un élément contribuant aux transferts des vibrations du véhicule qui, par la suite, peuvent créer un rayonnement sonore. Pour identifier les chemins de transfert vibroacoustique une méthodologie type TPA (Transfer Path Analysis) et OTPA (Operational Transfer Path Analysis) est mise en place. Cela consiste à utiliser des procédés expérimentaux pour obtenir une modélisation matricielle vibroacoustique de la suspension. Les résultats obtenus seront ensuite validés expérimentalement et permettront de proposer des solutions technologiques qui pourront être intégrées sur les nouveaux prototypes de motoneige.


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Our proposal is to go around the thematic virtual exhibitions that we have prepares to Museums With No Frontiers - Cities and Urban Spaces 1815–1918, visibly embodied in alterations to the urban plans, views and architecture. – see: http://www.sharinghistory.org/


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Isolated DC-DC converters play a significant role in fast charging and maintaining the variable output voltage for EV applications. This study aims to investigate the different Isolated DC-DC converters for onboard and offboard chargers, then, once the topology is selected, study the control techniques and, finally, achieve a real-time converter model to accomplish Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) results. Among the different isolated DC-DC topologies, the Dual Active Bridge (DAB) converter has the advantage of allowing bidirectional power flow, which enables operating in both Grid to Vehicle (G2V) and Vehicle to Grid (V2G) modalities. Recently, DAB has been used in the offboard chargers for high voltage applications due to SiC and GaN MOSFETs; this new technology also allows the utilization of higher switching frequencies. By empowering soft switching techniques to reduce switching losses, higher switching frequency operation is possible in DAB. There are four phase shift control techniques for the DAB converter. They are Single Phase shift, Extended Phase shift, Dual Phase shift, Triple Phase shift controls. This thesis considers two control strategies; Single-Phase, and Dual-Phase shifts, to understand the circulating currents, power losses, and output capacitor size reduction in the DAB. Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) experiments are carried out on both controls with high switching frequencies using the PLECS software tool and the RT box supporting the PLECS. Root Mean Square Error is also calculated for steady-state values of output voltage with different sampling frequencies in both the controls to identify the achievable sampling frequency in real-time. DSP implementation is also executed to emulate the optimized DAB converter design, and final real-time simulation results are discussed for both the Single-Phase and Dual-Phase shift controls.


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Radio bridges are a newly observed class of phenomena, they are large scale filamentary structures that span between pairs of clusters in a pre-merger phase. In my Thesis, starting from the observed synchrotron emission in the bridge A399-A401, I apply a Fermi I shock re-acceleration model under different conditions to the bridge. The purpose of my work is to check the likelihood of the above mentioned model. In particular the Inverse Compton emission that the model predicts is above the current observational constraints on Inverse Compton for the bridge A399-A401, this means that a Fermi I re-acceleration model is unlikely to describe the emission from the bridge, while a Fermi II turbulent re-acceleration model could still explain the origin of the emission in the bridge.


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The thesis explores recent technology developments in the field of structural health monitoring and its application to railway bridge projects. It focuses on two main topics. First, service loads and effect of environmental actions are modelled. In particular, the train moving load and its interaction with rail track is considered with different degrees of detail. Hence, results are compared with real-time experimental measurements. Secondly, the work concerns the identification, definition and modelling process of damages for a prestressed concrete railway bridge, and their implementation inside FEM models. Along with a critical interpretation of the in-field measurements, this approach results in the development of undamaged and damaged databases for the AI-aided detection of anomalies and the definition of threshold levels to prompt automatic alert interventions. In conclusion, an innovative solution for the development of the railway weight-in-motion system is proposed.


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Nowadays, there is a boom in the use of electrification. Electric vehicles are gaining interest worldwide due to various factors, including climate and environmental awareness. In this thesis, a step-down isolated power supply for electric tractors is investigated, specifically the phase-shifted full-bridge (PSFB) DC-DC with synchronous rectification and zero-voltage switching (ZVS). This converter was selected for its high-power capacity with high efficiency. A 3500 W PSFB converter with peak current control (PCCM) is designed and modeled in MATLAB. The input voltage range is from 550 V to 820 V and the output voltage range is limited to 9 V to 16 V with a maximum output current of 250 A. All components were commercially designed and selected, including magnetics for the high-frequency transformer and inductors, taking into account loss calculations. Zero voltage switching for the lagging leg is achieved at 13% to 100% load. The proven efficiency of the converter is around 90


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In questa tesi ho analizzato il passaggio dall'ambiente BIM a quello FEM di un impalcato da ponte a travata precompressa, identificando criteri e applicando una metodologia che hanno consentito lo sviluppo di un modello FEM utilizzabile per l'analisi strutturale. Nella tesi si descrive l'opera e il suo dimensionamento, con l'analisi statica e le verifiche strutturali eseguite sia a mano sia sul modello in ambiente FEM importato dall'ambiente BIM. Oltre a ciò, viene modellata l'opera nella sua interezza ed inserita in un contesto reale. La tesi discute l'interoperabilità tra i due software evidenziando vantaggi (modello geometrico di partenza in ambiente FEM, trasferimento di informazioni inserite in ambiente BIM, riduzione dei tempi di modellazione e inserimento proprietà dei materiali e caratteristiche degli oggetti, inserimento armature di precompressione) e criticità (implementazione manuale di alcuni elementi nel modello geometrico, perdita di alcune informazioni, definizione di alcuni parametri, limitata interoperabilità FEM-BIM) della metodologia applicata.


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This master's thesis investigates different aspects of Dual-Active-Bridge (DAB) Converter and extends aspects further to Multi-Active-Bridges (MAB). The thesis starts with an overview of the applications of the DAB and MAB and their importance. The analytical part of the thesis includes the derivation of the peak and RMS currents, which is required for finding the losses present in the system. The power converters, considered in this thesis are DAB, Triple-Active Bridge (TAB) and Quad-Active Bridge (QAB). All the theoretical calculations are compared with the simulation results from PLECS software for identifying the correctness of the reviewed and developed theory. The Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation is conducted for checking the control operation in real-time with the help of the RT box from the Plexim. Additionally, as in real systems digital signal processor (DSP), system-on-chip or field programmable gate array is employed for the control of the power electronic systems, and the execution of the control in the real-time simulation (RTS) conducted is performed by DSP.


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Il progetto di tesi nasce dall’interesse e dalla passione verso il mondo della Cybersecurity, che da sempre segna il mio percorso accademico e di vita, ma che durante questo ultimo anno di università ha avuto particolare rilevanza. Il progetto è stato svolto con il supporto e la supervisione del team Railway dell’azienda ALTEN Italia presso la sede di Bologna. Il lavoro di tesi mira allo sviluppo di un componente software che rappresenta un livello aggiuntivo di sicurezza nella comunicazione tra sistemi di bordo e di terra. In particolare, il progetto si pone come obiettivo la creazione di un Bridge, ovvero un componente software indipendente e configurabile che si interfaccia sia con il client che con il server, con lo scopo di garantire autenticità e cifratura dei messaggi scambiati tra le due entità. Inoltre, la potenza del Bridge sta nel fatto che nasce come possibile soluzione ai problemi di sicurezza informatica in ambito ferroviario, ma la sua applicabilità può essere estesa anche ad altri settori in cui sia presente una comunicazione client/server da rendere sicura. Infatti, tale software risulta particolarmente flessibile e adattabile, attraverso l’impostazione a priori di parametri di configurazione, in base al tipo di comunicazione che si desidera implementare tra le due entità. Per questo motivo, si ritiene che la forza del progetto sia la possibilità di fornire una soluzione software per proteggere l’infrastruttura critica dei trasporti ferroviari da eventuali minacce informatiche, ma anche la capacità adattiva del Bridge, in grado di svolgere le sue funzioni di sicurezza in un ampio ventaglio di ambiti di applicazione.