999 resultados para Suárez, Pascual
La lectura és una activitat complexa que involucra la interacció de dos processos essencials: el reconeixement de paraules escrites i la comprensió. El primer procés, tot i ser de nivell elemental, ha de funcionar de manera òptima perquè es pugui assolir el component de més alt nivell, que és la comprensió lectora. En aquest article es revisen els models cognitius més rellevants que expliquen el reconeixement de les paraules escrites i l’accés al lèxic. En primer lloc s’analitza la influència que poden exercir factors com les característiques ortogràfiques d’una llengua i les característiques de cada paraula en particular. En segon lloc es fa una revisió del model de doble ruta i les seves variacions (Coltheart, 1981; Coltheart et al., 2001) i del model connexionista de Triangle (Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989; Seidenberg, 2007). Finalment, s’analitza la caracterització de la dislèxia prenent com a referència les aportacions dels models cognitius.
El bullying, lamentablemente, no es un tema nuevo en el ámbito educativo. Sin embargo, con la introducción de las nuevas tecnologías en nuestras vidas, una nueva forma de acoso ha cobrado protagonismo más allá de las aulas: el ciberbullying.
Sigmund Freud (Moràvia, 1856 - Anglaterra, 1939) ha sigut un dels grans pensadors de finals del segle XIX i principis del XX, una figura cabdal de la cultura contemporània. En el seu afany per intentar comprendre la conducta humana, va obrir un camí en l'estudi de la consciència i l'inconscient. Possiblement el seu mèrit més important ha sigut prestar atenció als problemes de salut mental i voler-los acostar a l'àmbit clínic, quan la medicina encara els percebia ben de lluny i els entenia poc. Les seves propostes, però, van ser molt controvertides, i encara ho són avui. Fins i tot entre les persones que estudien el cervell i la ment humana o que apliquen aquests coneixements en la pràctica clínica, encara hi ha desacords profunds pel que fa a la seva validesa i utilitat. Per a alguns, va ser un gran científic que va descobrir importants veritats sobre la psicologia humana; per a d'altres, va ser un filòsof visionari que va replantejar la natura humana, malgrat que les seves hipòtesis no es puguin qualificar de científiques i moltes hagin sigut rebutjades per la neurociència moderna.
Background: The relevance of persistent cognitive deficits to the pathogenesis and prognosis of bipolar disorders (BD) is understudied, and its translation into clinical practice has been limited by the absence of brief methods assessing cognitive status in Psychiatry. This investigation assessed the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry (SCIP-S) for the detection of cognitive impairment in BD. Methods: After short training, psychiatrists at 40 outpatient clinics administered the SCIP three times over two weeks to a total of 76 consecutive type I BD admissions. Experienced psychologists also administered a comprehensive battery of standard neuropsychological instruments to clinical sample and 45 healthy control subjects. Results: Feasibility was supported by a brief administration time (approximately 15 minutes) and minimal scoring errors. The reliability of the SCIP was confirmed by good equivalence of forms, acceptable stability (ICC range 0.59 to 0.87) and adequate internal consistency (Chronbach's alpha of 0.74). Construct validity was granted by extraction of a single factor (accounting 52% of the variance), acceptable correlations with conventional neuropsychological instruments, and a clear differentiation between bipolar I and normal samples. Efficiency was also provided by the adequate sensitivity and specificity. Limitations: The sample size is not very large. The SCIP and the neurocognitive battery do not cover all potentially relevant cognitive domains. Also, sensitivity to change remains unexplored. Conclusion: With minimal training, physicians obtained a reliable and valid estimate of cognitive impairment in approximately 15 minutes from an application of the SCIP to type I BD patients.
Background: The relevance of persistent cognitive deficits to the pathogenesis and prognosis of bipolar disorders (BD) is understudied, and its translation into clinical practice has been limited by the absence of brief methods assessing cognitive status in Psychiatry. This investigation assessed the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry (SCIP-S) for the detection of cognitive impairment in BD. Methods: After short training, psychiatrists at 40 outpatient clinics administered the SCIP three times over two weeks to a total of 76 consecutive type I BD admissions. Experienced psychologists also administered a comprehensive battery of standard neuropsychological instruments to clinical sample and 45 healthy control subjects. Results: Feasibility was supported by a brief administration time (approximately 15 minutes) and minimal scoring errors. The reliability of the SCIP was confirmed by good equivalence of forms, acceptable stability (ICC range 0.59 to 0.87) and adequate internal consistency (Chronbach's alpha of 0.74). Construct validity was granted by extraction of a single factor (accounting 52% of the variance), acceptable correlations with conventional neuropsychological instruments, and a clear differentiation between bipolar I and normal samples. Efficiency was also provided by the adequate sensitivity and specificity. Limitations: The sample size is not very large. The SCIP and the neurocognitive battery do not cover all potentially relevant cognitive domains. Also, sensitivity to change remains unexplored. Conclusion: With minimal training, physicians obtained a reliable and valid estimate of cognitive impairment in approximately 15 minutes from an application of the SCIP to type I BD patients.
The thermal decomposition of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)/ammonium nitrate (AN) based propellants, so called smokeless formulations, and raw materials were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG). The thermoanalytical profile of different components and of propellant were evaluated and the Arrhenius parameters for the thermal decomposition of the propellant sample were determined by the Ozawa method. The kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition of propellant samples were determined by DSC measurements. The values obtained for activation energy (Ea) and pre-exponential factor were 163 kJ mol-1 and 1.94x10(6) min-1.
¿Cómo responde el cerebro de una persona con ansiedad a las matemáticas? Nuestro estudio muestra que los estudiantes con mucha ansiedad hacia las matemáticas presentan un componente llamado negatividad asociada al error (NAE) de mayor tamaño que aquellos con poca ansiedad. Esta diferencia emerge en errores en tareas numéricas, lo que sugiere que las personas con alta ansiedad son hipersensibles a la comisión de estos errores. Este hallazgo aporta nuevo conocimiento sobre las bases cerebrales de la ansiedad hacia las matemáticas y sugiere que esta hipersensibilidad al error numérico podría ser un factor determinante tanto en el origen como en el mantenimiento de esta ansiedad.
Peer-assessment provides multiple benefits to students during their learning process. The aim of this study is to examine students’ perception regarding peer-assessment. Surveys have been conducted before and after the peer-assessment process to students from five different subjects taught at the University of Girona. The results suggest that students have a positive predisposition respect to this methodology, both before and after being implemented. However, we found slight differences between the students of the technical field compared to those in education science
The purpose of this work was to determine the safe shelf life of single-base propellants. The kinetic parameters relative to the consumption of the stabilizer diphenylamine (DPA) added to the propellant were determined as a function of the storage and ageing time. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with spectrophotometric detection was used to determine the DPA percentage before and after the artificial ageing at 60, 70 and 80 ºC. The experimental data were very well adjusted to a pseudo-first order kinetic model and the respective kinetic constants are 8.0-10-3 day-1 (60 ºC); 1.9-10-2 day-1 (70 ºC); 1.2-10-1 day-1 (80 ºC). The activation energy was calculated as 130 kJ mol-1 and the half-time for depletion of the DPA at the hypothetical temperature of 40 ºC of storage was estimated as being 6 years.
El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar diversos sistemas de evaluación formativa implantados en asignaturas de grado y máster adscritas a facultades de formación del profesorado. Para lograr este propósito, se lleva a cabo un plan de trabajo que adopta el formato de un estudio de casos múltiple. En cada uno de estos casos, los informadores son, por un lado, el profesorado responsable de la asignatura y, por otro, los estudiantes que han realizado las actividades de enseñanza y aprendizaje y que incluso han participado en su evaluación y calificación. Se han utilizado diferentes instrumentos de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo con la intención de identificar las características principales de los sistemas de evaluación formativa implantados y de constatar los indicadores que permitirán establecer en qué grado los sistemas de evaluación formativa y participativa estudiados son pertinentes y aportan resultados creíbles. Los resultados indican que la credibilidad de estos sistemas de evaluación, además de las calificaciones, también depende de otros indicadores como la calidad del feedback proporcionado por el agente evaluador (docente o estudiante) durante la resolución de las actividades de evaluación, el empoderamiento y la capacidad de estos sistemas para contribuir al desarrollo profesional de los estudiantes. La principal conclusión que se desprende de este estudio se refiere al hecho de que las calificaciones académicas no pueden ser consideradas como el único factor a tener en cuenta para valorar la conveniencia de la evaluación formativa y participativa en docencia universitaria. En este sentido, el principal indicador de la credibilidad de un sistema de evaluación es su capacidad para aportar evidencias del fomento y la adquisición de aprendizajes profundos y competenciales.
Most climate change projections show important decreases in water availability in the Mediterranean region by the end of this century. We assess those main climate change impacts on water resources in three medium-sized catchments with varying climatic conditions in north-eastern Spain. A combination of hydrological modelling and climate projections with B1 and A2 IPCC emission scenarios is performed to infer future stream flows. The largest reduction (22-48% for 2076-2100) of stream flows is expected in the headwaters of the two wettest catchments, while lower decreases (22-32% for 2076-2100) are expected in the drier one. In all three catchments, autumn and summer are the seasons with the most notable projected decreases in stream flow, 50% and 34%, respectively (2076-2100). Thus, ecological flows might be noticeably impacted by climate change in the catchments, especially in the headwaters of those wet catchments.
Bacterial resistance to almost all available antibiotics is an important public health issue. A major goal in antimicrobial drug discovery is the generation of new chemicals capable of killing pathogens with high selectivity, particularly multi-drug-resistant ones. Here we report the design, preparation and activity of new compounds based on a tunable, chemically accessible and upscalable lipopeptide scaffold amenable to suitable hit-to-lead development. Such compounds could become therapeutic candidates and future antibiotics available on the market. The compounds are cyclic, contain two D-amino acids for in vivo stability and their structures are reminiscent of other cyclic disulfide-containing peptides available on the market. The optimized compounds prove to be highly active against clinically relevant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In vitro and in vivo tests show the low toxicity of the compounds. Their antimicrobial activity against resistant and multidrug-resistant bacteria is at the membrane level, although other targets may also be involved depending on the bacterial strain.
Bacterial resistance to almost all available antibiotics is an important public health issue. A major goal in antimicrobial drug discovery is the generation of new chemicals capable of killing pathogens with high selectivity, particularly multi-drug-resistant ones. Here we report the design, preparation and activity of new compounds based on a tunable, chemically accessible and upscalable lipopeptide scaffold amenable to suitable hit-to-lead development. Such compounds could become therapeutic candidates and future antibiotics available on the market. The compounds are cyclic, contain two D-amino acids for in vivo stability and their structures are reminiscent of other cyclic disulfide-containing peptides available on the market. The optimized compounds prove to be highly active against clinically relevant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In vitro and in vivo tests show the low toxicity of the compounds. Their antimicrobial activity against resistant and multidrug-resistant bacteria is at the membrane level, although other targets may also be involved depending on the bacterial strain.
Bacterial resistance to almost all available antibiotics is an important public health issue. A major goal in antimicrobial drug discovery is the generation of new chemicals capable of killing pathogens with high selectivity, particularly multi-drug-resistant ones. Here we report the design, preparation and activity of new compounds based on a tunable, chemically accessible and upscalable lipopeptide scaffold amenable to suitable hit-to-lead development. Such compounds could become therapeutic candidates and future antibiotics available on the market. The compounds are cyclic, contain two D-amino acids for in vivo stability and their structures are reminiscent of other cyclic disulfide-containing peptides available on the market. The optimized compounds prove to be highly active against clinically relevant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In vitro and in vivo tests show the low toxicity of the compounds. Their antimicrobial activity against resistant and multidrug-resistant bacteria is at the membrane level, although other targets may also be involved depending on the bacterial strain.
Bacterial resistance to almost all available antibiotics is an important public health issue. A major goal in antimicrobial drug discovery is the generation of new chemicals capable of killing pathogens with high selectivity, particularly multi-drug-resistant ones. Here we report the design, preparation and activity of new compounds based on a tunable, chemically accessible and upscalable lipopeptide scaffold amenable to suitable hit-to-lead development. Such compounds could become therapeutic candidates and future antibiotics available on the market. The compounds are cyclic, contain two D-amino acids for in vivo stability and their structures are reminiscent of other cyclic disulfide-containing peptides available on the market. The optimized compounds prove to be highly active against clinically relevant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In vitro and in vivo tests show the low toxicity of the compounds. Their antimicrobial activity against resistant and multidrug-resistant bacteria is at the membrane level, although other targets may also be involved depending on the bacterial strain.