974 resultados para Staphylococcus auricularis
Parasitic diseases which during their course in the host switch the immune system from a T helper 1 to a T helper 2 response may be detrimental to the host, contributing to granuloma formation, eosinophilia, hyper-IgE, and increased susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections. Patients and animals with acute schistosomiasis and hyper-IgE in their serum develop pyogenic liver abscess in the presence of bacteremia caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The Salmonella-S. mansoni association has also been well documented. The association of tropical pyomyositis (pyogenic muscle abscess) and pyogenic liver abscess with Toxocara infection has recently been described in the same context. In tropical countries that may be an interesting explanation for the great morbidity of bacterial diseases. If the association of parasitic infections and pyogenic abscesses and/or fungal diseases are confirmed, there will be a strong case in favor of universal treatment for parasitic diseases to prevent or decrease the morbidity of superinfection with bacteria and fungi.
Out of the twenty-four samples of shrimp and fish muscle used for this study, twelve were collected near a large marine sewer for waste disposal, 3 km off the coast of Fortaleza (Brazil) and used for the isolation of E. coli. Other twelve were collected at the Mucuripe fresh fish market (Fortaleza, Brazil) and used for the isolation of Staphylococcus aureus. Ethanol, water and acetone-diluted extracts of guava and papaya leaf sprouts were tested on the bacteria in order to verify their microbicidal potential. The E. coli strains used in the trials were rated LT positive. The papaya leaf extracts (Carica papaya Linn) showed no microbicidal activity while the guava sprout extracts (Psidium guajava Linn) displayed halos exceeding 13 mm for both species, an effect considered to be inhibitory by the method employed. Guava sprout extracts by 50% diluted ethanol most effectively inhibited E. coli (EPEC), while those in 50% acetone were less effective. It may be concluded that guava sprout extracts constitute a feasible treatment option for diarrhea caused by E. coli or by S. aureus-produced toxins, due to their quick curative action, easy availability in tropical countries and low cost to the consumer.
Thirty one infective endocarditis (IE) fatal cases whose diagnosis was first obtained at autopsy were studied. The clinical data of these patients (Group 1) showed significant differences compared to other 141 IE cases (Group 2). The average age of 53 years in Group 1 patients was 18 years higher than that of Group 2. The Group 1 patients had a low frequency of IE predisposing heart disease. Both patient groups presented fever (about 87%), but a significant low frequency of cardiac murmur (25.8%) was observed in Group 1 patients and echocardiography tests were performed in only 16.1%, suggesting that IE diagnosis was not suspected. Likewise, although most Group 1 patients appeared with severe acute illness, they did not present the classic IE clinical presentation. Blood cultures were performed in only 64.5% of the Group 1 patients. However, bacteria were isolated in 70% of these blood cultures and Staphylococcus aureus was isolated in 71.4%. The bacteria attacked mitral and aortic valves. Complications such as embolizations and cardiac failure occurred in almost half of the cases and they also presented with infections of the lungs, urinary tract, and central nervous system. Medical procedures were performed in practically all fatal cases whose diagnosis was first obtained at autopsy. Sepsis occurred in about half of the patients and it was followed by shock in more than 25%. This form of IE must be suspected in mature and in old febrile hospitalized patients having infection predisposing diseases, embolization, and suffering medical procedures.
As úlceras de perna constituem uma importante patologia causando uma diminuição da qualidade de vida, hospitalizações frequentes e aumento da mortalidade e morbilidade. Têm uma incidência de 1% na população adulta, sendo que esta incidência atinge níveis de 10% nos escalões etários superiores a 70 anos. Cerca de 95% das úlceras são venosas, arteriais, mistas ou diabéticas, sendo as mais frequentes as úlceras venosas (70 a 80%). Com o objectivo de optimizar o tratamento e acompanhamento dos doentes com esta patologia, foi criada em 2002 uma Consulta de Referência Multidisciplinar de Úlcera de Perna, no Hospital dos Capuchos. Simultaneamente foi estabelecido um protocolo de referenciação/ tratamento com os Centros de Saúde da Unidade B da Sub-região de Saúde de Lisboa. Neste protocolo o doente é observado no contexto de uma equipa multidisciplinar. Os autores fizeram um estudo retrospectivo dos doentes observados nesta consulta no período entre 2002 e 1º semestre de 2006. Foram observados e acompanhados 294 novos doentes, tendo 80% idade superior a 60 anos. Em relação à etiologia das úlceras, 51,3% (n=151) eram venosas, 35,4% (n=104) eram diabéticas e 6,8% (n=20) eram arteriais. A área média das úlceras foi 23,9cm2 e o número médio de úlceras foi 1,6. A duração das úlceras tinha em 42,3% dos casos um período superior a 6 meses. Das 199 culturas positivas, 40,2% apresentavam Staphylococcus aureus, sendo 21,2% destes MRSA. Com o protocolo instituído, foi obtida uma taxa de cicatrização de 72,2%. 45,9% dos doentes tiveram uma cicatrização total da úlcera em menos de 2 meses, resultados estes que são muito positivos face às taxas de cicatrização de 6 meses referidas na literatura.
RESUMO:Staphylococcus aureus é um dos principais agentes patogénicos humanos, sendo frequentemente associado a infecções nosocomiais e infecções na comunidade. A prevalência de S. aureus resistentes à meticilina (MRSA) em hospitais portugueses é uma das mais elevadas da Europa e tem sido caracterizada extensivamente; contrariamente, a prevalência e epidemiologia de MRSA na comunidade em Portugal não tem sido devidamente seguida. Com o objectivo de compreender as causas possíveis do aumento na frequência de MRSA num dos maiores hospitais centrais portugueses (HSM) ao longo de 17 anos, isolados de MRSA recolhidos em 1993 (n=54) e 2010 (n=180) de pus, sangue e urina foram analisados por PFGE, MLST, tipagem do spa e tipagem de SCCmec. Os resultados mostraram que ocorreu uma mudança global nos tipos clonais predominantes, onde o clone ST22-IVh substituiu os clones, ST239-IIIvar e ST247-I, representando mais de 70% da população actual. Além disso, entre 1993 e 2010 verificou-se um aumento na diversidade genética dos tipos clonais de MRSA. Para determinar a frequência e a natureza clonal de MRSA e S. aureus sensíveis à meticilina (MSSA) isolados de infecções de pele e tecidos moles (SSTI) em pessoas que frequentam centros de saúde em Portugal, 73 amostras foram recolhidas em nove centros de saúde (Rede Médicos Sentinela). Isolou-se um total de 40 S. aureus (55%), dos quais 17,5% eram MRSA. Os isolados de MRSA pertenciam aos clones ST22-IVh (n=4), ST5-IVc (n=2) e ST105-II (n=1), que foram descritos neste estudo como sendo clones de origem hospitalar. Os nossos resultados sugerem que o aumento da frequência de MRSA no HSM pode estar associado à emergência de um clone de MRSA com maior capacidade epidémica. Além disso, verificámos que a principal causa de SSTI em pessoas que frequentam centros de saúde em Portugal são MRSA de origem hospitalar e não MRSA associados à comunidade.------ABSTRACT: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important human pathogens, being a major cause of infections worldwide both in the hospital and in the community. In Portugal, the prevalence of methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) in hospitals is one of the highest in Europe and has been characterized extensively; contrarily the prevalence and epidemiology of MRSA in the community has not been followed in a meaningful way. To understand the epidemiological events that could explain a steep increase in MRSA frequency in a major Portuguese central hospital (HSM) within a 17 year period, two MRSA collections recovered in 1993 (n=54) and 2010 (n=180) from pus, blood and urine were analyzed by PFGE, MLST, spa and SCCmec typing. The results showed that a major clonal shift occurred, wherein ST22-IVh clone has replaced the previous ST239-IIIvar and ST247-I clones and accounts for more than 70% of the present population. Moreover, an increase in genetic diversity of MRSA clonal types was observed between the two study periods. With the aim of determining the frequency and clonal nature of MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) causing skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) in patients attending healthcare centers in Portugal, 73 samples were collected from nine healthcare centers (Medicos Sentinela Network). A total of 40 S. aureus were isolated, accounting for 55% of the SSTI, of which 17.5% were MRSA. MRSA isolates belonged to ST22-IVh (n=4), ST5-IVc (n=2) and ST105-II (n=1) that have also been described in the hospital in an equivalent period. Our results suggest that the increase in MRSA frequency in HSM may be associated to the emergence of a MRSA clone with higher epidemic potential. Moreover, we propose that the spillover of MRSA from the hospital rather than community-associated-MRSA was the main cause of SSTI in persons attending healthcare centers in Portugal.
Frontal osteomyelitis is a rare complication of sinusitis. Common intracranial complications of the frontal osteomyelitis are meningitis, epidural empyema, subdural empyema and brain abscess. We described a case of frontal osteomyelitis with brain abscess caused by Staphylococcus aureus with improve after needle aspiration and antibiotics to brain abscess for eight weeks and for chronic osteomyelitis for four months.
É descrito o caso clínico de um doente do sexo masculino de 25 anos de idade, com Diabetes mellitus tipo 1, internado para esclarecimento de quadro febril associado a tumefação dolorosa da parede torácica à direita. Tinha, nos antecedentes pessoais, tuberculose pulmonar tratada durante 12 meses. A observação e os exames complementares de diagnóstico (ecografia, ressonância magnética nuclear, biopsia aspirativa) conduziram ao diagnóstico de piomiosite a Staphylococcus aureus meticilina sensível, tendo o doente melhorado rapidamente com a terapêutica instituída. Esta entidade nosológica, pouco frequente nos climas temperados, deve fazer parte do diagnóstico diferencial de massas intramusculares de natureza inflamatória, sobretudo em doentes com pertubações da imunidade2. Neste caso, a história prévia de tuberculose pulmonar aumentou a complexidade diagnóstica, tendo sido excluída a sua reactivação.
Eight tropical fruit pulps from Brazil were simultaneously characterised in terms of their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Antioxidant activity was screened by DPPH radical scavenging activity (126–3987 mg TE/100 g DW) and ferric reduction activity power (368–20819 mg AAE/100 g DW), and complemented with total phenolic content (329–12466 mg GAE/100 g DW) and total flavonoid content measurements (46–672 mg EE /100 g DW), whereas antimicrobial activity was tested against the most frequently found food pathogens. Acerola and açaí presented the highest values for the antioxidant-related measurements. Direct correlations between these measurements could be observed for some of the fruits. Tamarind exhibited the broadest antimicrobial potential, having revealed growth inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella sp. and Staphylococcus aureus. Açaí and tamarind extracts presented an inverse relationship between antibacterial and antioxidant activities, and therefore, the antibacterial activity cannot be attributed (only) to phenolic compounds.
Eight new peptides were isolated from the skin secretion of the frog Leptodactylus pustulatus and their amino acid sequences determined by de novo sequencing and by cDNA cloning. Structural similarities between them and other antimicrobial peptides from the skin secretion of Leptodactylus genus frogs were found. Ocellatins-PT1 to -PT5 (25 amino acid residues) are amidated at the C-terminus, while ocellatins-PT6 to -PT8 (32 amino acid residues) have free carboxylates. Antimicrobial activity, hemolytic tests, and cytotoxicity against a murine fibroblast cell line were investigated. All peptides, except for ocellatin-PT2, have antimicrobial activity against at least one Gram negative strain. Ocellatin-PT8 inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Salmonella choleraesuis strains with MICs in the 60−240 μM range. No significant effect was observed in human erythrocytes and in a murine fibroblast cell line after exposure to the peptides at MICs. A comparison between sequences obtained by both direct HPLC-MS de novo sequencing and cDNA cloning demonstrates the secretion of mature peptides derived from a pre-pro-peptide structure.
The purpose of this study was to develop a bone substitute material capable of preventing or treating osteomyelitis through a sustainable release of vancomycin and simultaneously inducing bone regeneration. Porous heparinized nanohydroxyapatite (nanoHA)/collagen granules were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, micro-computed tomography and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. After vancomycin adsorption onto the granules, its releasing profile was studied by UV molecular absorption spectroscopy. The heparinized granules presented a more sustainable release over time, in comparison with nonheparinized nanoHA and nanoHA/collagen granules. Vancomycin was released for 360 h and proved to be bioactive until 216 h. Staphylococcus aureus adhesion was higher on granules containing collagen, guiding the bacteria to the material with antibiotic, improving their eradication. Moreover, cytotoxicity of the released vancomycin was assessed using osteoblast cultures, and after 14 days of culture in the presence of vancomycin, cells were able to remain viable, increasing their metabolic activity and colonizing the granules, as observed by scanning electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy. These findings suggest that heparinized nanoHA/collagen granules are a promising material to improve the treatment of osteomyelitis, as they are capable of releasing vancomycin, eliminating the bacteria, and presented morphological and chemical characteristics to induce bone regeneration.
Guava leaf tea of Psidium guajava Linnaeus is commonly used as a medicine against gastroenteritis and child diarrhea by those who cannot afford or do not have access to antibiotics. This study screened the antimicrobial effect of essential oils and methanol, hexane, ethyl acetate extracts from guava leaves. The extracts were tested against diarrhea-causing bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli. Strains that were screened included isolates from seabob shrimp, Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller) and laboratory-type strains. Of the bacteria tested, Staphylococcus aureus strains were most inhibited by the extracts. The methanol extract showed greatest bacterial inhibition. No statistically significant differences were observed between the tested extract concentrations and their effect. The essential oil extract showed inhibitory activity against S. aureus and Salmonella spp. The strains isolated from the shrimp showed some resistance to commercially available antibiotics. These data support the use of guava leaf-made medicines in diarrhea cases where access to commercial antibiotics is restricted. In conclusion, guava leaf extracts and essential oil are very active against S. aureus, thus making up important potential sources of new antimicrobial compounds.
A role for proteolytic bacteria in the exacerbation of influenza virus has been shown in natural hosts such as pigs and humans. Four hundred seven samples were collected from the respiratory tract of individuals presenting clinical manifestations, during influenza season (2003-2005) in São Paulo City. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of determined bacteria co-infecting virus in human respiratory tract. Tests, such as bacteriological, immunofluorescence (IF), RT/PCR and hemagglutination (HA) were used for bacterial and viral investigation. Thirty seven (9.09%) positive for influenza virus were screened by IF. The RT/PCR confirmed the presence of influenza virus in these samples. Bacterial and agar casein tests demonstrated that 18 (48.64%) individuals were infected with proteolytic bacteria such as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Among these samples, 13 (35.13%) were co-infected with influenza A virus. Influenza type B, co-infecting bacteria were found in five (13.51%) samples. In vitro the S. aureus protease increased the influenza HA titer after contact for 30 min at 25 ºC. Results revealed the occurrence of co-infection with proteolytic bacteria and influenza in the evaluated individuals. This finding corroborates that virus versus bacteria synergism could be able to potentiate respiratory infection, increasing damage to hosts.
AIMS: An epidemiological survey of diabetic foot infections (DFIs) in Lisbon, stratifying the bacterial profile based on patient demographical data, diabetic foot characteristics (PEDIS classification), ulcer duration and antibiotic therapy. METHODS: A transversal observational multicenter study, with clinical data collection using a structured questionnaire and microbiological products (aspirates, biopsies or swabs collected using the Levine method) of clinically infected foot ulcers of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). RESULTS: Forty-nine hospitalized and ambulatory patients were enrolled in this study, and 147 microbial isolates were cultured. Staphylococcus was the main genus identified, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was present in 24.5% of total cases. In the clinical samples collected from patients undergoing antibiotic therapy, 93% of the antibiotic regimens were considered inadequate based on the antibiotic susceptibility test results. The average duration of an ulcer with any isolated multi-drug resistant (MDR) organism was 29 days, and previous treatment with fluoroquinolones was statistically associated with multi-drug resistance. CONCLUSIONS: Staphylococcus aureus was the most common cause of DFIs in our area. Prevalence and precocity of MDR organisms, namely MRSA, were high and were probably related to previous indiscriminate antibiotic use. Clinicians should avoid fluoroquinolones and more frequently consider the use of empirical anti-MRSA therapy.
Introdução: Os dispositivos invasivos nomeadamente cateteres venosos centrais (CVC) são uma fonte comum de infecção sistémica. Em cuidados intensivos neonatais a taxa de infecção associada ao CVC pode ser muito elevada. A vigilância epidemiológica constitui a base do controlo de infecção associada a estes dispositivos. Objectivo: Analisar a evolução da infecção associada aos CVC numa UCIN. Tipo de estudo: Vigilância epidemiológica. Origem dos dados: Registo Nacional das IACS em UCIN do PNCI/DGS. Período em análise: 2008-2010. Resultados: O número de doentes admitidos foi semelhante nos 3 anos assim como a percentagem de doentes com necessidade de cuidados intensivos e o tempo de internamento nesse nível de cuidados. Pelo contrário verificou-se uma percentagem mais elevada de RNMBP, doentes operados, ventilados e de dias de ventilação. O número de RN com CVC, dias de CVC e taxa de utilização de CVC também foram semelhantes. O número de episódios de infecção por mil dias de internamento foi semelhante mas as sépsis em RN com CVC /1000 dias de CVC ligeiramente superiores (13,9/1000 dias de CVC no último ano) com valores crescentes ao longo dos 3 anos. Pelo contrário a septicémia com origem no CVC tem valores muito baixos (0,4/1000 dias de CVC) o que se deve ao facto de não ser possível tirar sangue para hemocultura nos cateteres epicutaneocava. Os Staphylococcus coagulase negativa foram os agentes mais frequentemente isolados. Na sequência destes resultados foram revistos os cuidados com os CVC e relembradas as medidas básicas de controlo de infecção. Conclusão: A vigilância epidemiológica é uma ferramenta de grande utilidade no controlo de infecção permitindo o conhecimento das taxas basais de infecção e o diagnóstico de desvios da “normalidade”.
Introdução: Os hemangiomas constituem a neoplasia mais frequente na criança, ocorrendo em 10-12%, na maioria dos casos com evolução favorável. A fase proliferativa, ocorre nos primeiros 4-6 meses e depois involuem em 50% dos casos, até aos 5 anos. Em hemangiomas de grandes dimensões e que interferem na função de outros órgãos, associam-se frequentemente complicações, nomeadamente a ulceração (10-15%), sobre-infecção bacteriana ou hemorragia. Descrição de Caso Clínico: Criança do sexo feminino, de 6 meses, com hemangioma de grandes dimensões, que ocupava todo o ombro, que nos dois meses prévios realizava regularmente tratamento com laser, internada por ulceração e infecção cutânea. Leucócitos 12.300/μL, neutrófilos 38,9%, plaquetas 616.000/μL e PCR 6,7 mg/dL. Foi medicada empiricamente com ceftazidima, flucloxacilina e gentamicina e ficando em curso cultura do exsudado em que posteiormente se isolou Staphylococcus aureus meticilino-sensível e Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A referir ainda anemia ferropenica grave com hemoglobina 5,2 g/dL, hematócrito 15,8% e siderémia (20 μg/dL) com necessidade de transfusão de concentrado eritrocitário e posteriormente terapêutica marcial. A ecografia abdominal revelou pequeno hemangioma hepático e a ecografia trans-fontanelar não tinha alterações. Após realização de electrocardiograma, iniciou terapêutica com propanolol na dose inicial de 0,15 mg/kg/dia com aumento gradual ate 1,5 mg/kg/dia com melhoria clínica e diminuição das dimensões e coloração do hemangioma e sem efeitos secundários a registar. Actualmente mantém terapêutica com propanolol e ferro oral, com o último valor de hemoglobina de 10,6 g/dL Conclusão: A terapêutica do hemamgioma inclui a utilização de laser, a embolização ou a excisão cirúrgica. Neste caso o tratamento convencional não resultou. O propanolol como uma nova alternativa terapêutica tem vindo a assumir uma importância crescente, na melhoria clínica destas situações. A realização de exames complementares para vigiar eventuais efeitos secundários é mandatória e a utilização de doses crescentes aumenta o perfil de segurança desta terapêutica.