976 resultados para Støre, Jonas Gahr


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Oil wastes were evaluated as alternative low-cost substrates for the production of rhamnolipids by Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI strain. Wastes obtained from soybean, cottonseed, babassu, palm, and corn oil refinery were tested. The soybean soapstock waste was the best substrate, generating 11.7 g/L of rhamnolipids with a surface tension of 26.9 mN/m, a critical micelle concentration of 51.5 mg/L, and a production yield of 75%. The monorhamnolipid RhaC10C10 predominates when P. aeruginosa LBI was cultivated on hydrophobic substrates, whereas hydrophilic carbon sources form the dirhamnolipid Rha2C10C10 predominantly. © 2005 American Chemical Society and American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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The mapping of the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts using remote sensing and geoprocessing allows detection, spatial representation and quantifying all alterations due to the human action in the nature, contributing to the monitoring and planning of those activities that cause damages to the environment. The aim of this research is analyze the transformation ocurred with the land use and vegetation in order to detect environmental impacts during the period from 1962 to 1995, considering a test area in the district of Assistência and surroundings, in the Rio Claro (SP) region. In order to archieve such aim the authors used boolean operations available in the Geographical Information System (GIS) - Idrisi. The maps were obtained through the ordinary (conventional) interpretation of aerial photos, later digitized in the software CAD Overlay and georeferenced in AutoCAD Map. It's observed that operations such as crossing digitized maps of one specific area in two differents dates, using GIS, produce overall results that might point out expansion or retraction's trends of the mapped classes, as well as quantify the intensity of the phenomena.


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The mapping of the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts using remote sensing ana geoprocessmg allow detection, spatial representation and quantification of the alterations caused by the human action on the nature, contributing to the monitoring and planning of those activities that may cause damages to the environment. This study apply methodologies based on digital processing of orbital images for the mapping of the land use, vegetation and anthropic activities that cause impacts in the environment. It was considered a test area in the district of Assistência and surroundings, in Rio Claro (SP) region. The methodology proposed was checked through the crossing of maps in the software GIS - Idrisi. These maps either obtained with conventional interpretation of aerial photos of 1995, digitized in the software CAD Overlay and geo-referenced in the AutoCAD Map, or with the application of digital classification systems on SPOT-XS and PAN orbital images of 1995, followed by field observations. The crossing of conventional and digital maps of a same area with the CIS allows to verify the overall results obtained through the computational handling of orbital images. With the use of digital processing techniques, specially multiespectral classification, it is possible to detect automatically and visually the impacts related to the mineral extraction, as well as to survey the land use, vegetation and environmental impacts.


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A Streptomyces was isolated from poultry plant wastewater, showed high keratinolytic activity when cultured on feather meal medium. Optimum keratinolytic activity was observed at 40°C and pH 8.0. The enzyme also showed to be stable between 40 and 60°C. The keratinolytic activity was not inhibited by EDTA, DMSO and Tween 80. On the other hand, CaCl2, ZnCl2, and BaCl2 slightly inhibited the keratinolytic activity. The Streptomyces isolated might be useful in leather, keratin waste treatment, animal feeding industry, and also cosmetic industry. © 2008 Academic Journals.


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The biodegradability of pure diesel and biodiesel and blends with different proportions of biodiesel (2% (commercial); 5% and 20%) was evaluated employing the respirometric method and the redox indicator 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) test. In the former, experiments simulating the contamination of natural environments (soil from a petrol station or water from a river) were carried out in Bartha biometer flasks (250 ml), and used to measure the microbial CO 2 production. With the DCPIP test, the capability of three inocula to biodegrade the blends was tested. Results show that although biodiesel is more easily and faster biodegraded than diesel oil, among the blends evaluated (2%, 5% and 20%), only the blend with higher concentration of biodiesel presented biodegradability significantly different from diesel and it was not verified an improvement on the biodegradation of the diesel by means of co-metabolism. © 2008 Academic Journals.


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Background. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of zero-value subtraction on the performance of two laser fluorescence (LF) devices developed to detect occlusal caries. Methods. The authors selected 119 permanent molars. Two examiners assessed three areas (cuspal, middle and cervical) of both mesial and distal portions of the buccal surface and one occlusal site using an LF device and an LF pen. For each tooth, the authors subtracted the value measured in the cuspal, middle and cervical areas in the buccal surface from the value measured in the respective occlusal site. Results. The authors observed differences among the readings for both devices in the cuspal, middle and cervical areas in the buccal surface as well as differences for both devices with and without the zero-value subtraction in the occlusal surface. When the authors did not perform the zero-value subtraction, they found statistically significant differences for sensitivity and accuracy for the LF device. When this was done with the LF pen, specificity increased and sensitivity decreased significantly. Conclusions. For the LF device, the zero-value subtraction decreased the sensitivity. For this reason, the authors concluded that clinicians can obtain measures with the LF device effectively without using zero-value subtraction. For the LF pen, however, the absence of the zero-value subtraction changed both the sensitivity and specificity, and so the authors concluded that clinicians should not eliminate this step from the procedure. Clinical Implications. When using the LF device, clinicians might not need to perform the zero-value subtraction; however, for the LF pen, clinicians should do so.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of cleaning pits and fissures with an aluminum oxide air abrasion system on the detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth using laser fluorescence (LF) and visual examination. Methods: The sample comprised 65 pit and fissure sites on extracted primary teeth suspected to be carious. The sites were submitted to 2 visual examinations (examiner JAR) and 2 LF readings (examiner TMV). Next, the occlusal surfaces were air-abraded and re-examined thereafter using both methods. The teeth were sectioned, and the histological analysis of the sites with a stereoscopic magnifying lens at X32 magnifi cation was used as the gold standard. Results: Cohen's kappa statistic for LF and visual examination were, respectively, 0.282/0.884 before and 0.896/0.905 after air abrasion. LF showed a sensitivity of 0.28 increasing to 0.49 and a specifi city of 0.50 increasing to 0.92. Visual examination showed sensitivity of 0.78 and specifi city of 0.73. Both increased after air abrasion. Conclusion: The findings suggest that cleaning pits and fissures with aluminum oxide air abrasion increased the accuracy of LF and visual examination for detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth.


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The present study sought biotensoactive production from soybean oil fry waste using Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from the soil of a petroleum station having undergone gasoline and diesel oil spills. The results of the experiments were analyzed using a complete factorial experimental design, investigating the concentration of soybean oil waste, ammonia sulfate and residual brewery yeast. Assays were performed in 250-mL Erlenmeyer beakers containing 50 mL of production medium, maintained on a rotary shaker at 200 rpm and a temperature of 30±1 °C for a 48-hour fermentation period. Biosurfactant production was monitored through the determination of rhamnose, surface tension and emulsification activity. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145 strain and isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa were able to reduce the surface tension of the initial mexlium from 61 mN/m to 32.5 mN/m and 30.0 mN/m as well as produce rhamnose at concentrations of 1.96 and 2.89 g/L with emulsification indices of 96% and 100%, respectively.


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Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) activity was produced by the Bacillus sp., subgroup alcalophilus in a culture medium containing cassava starch. A central composite design and response surface methodology were used to study the influence of carbon source (cassava starch), nitrogen sources (yeast extract and tryptone) and sodium carbonate in the production medium. Assays were performed in 300 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 mL of production medium maintained in a shaker at 150 rpm at 35±1°C for 72 h of fermentation. The independent variables [0.75% cassava starch, nitrogen sources (0.375% yeast extract and 0.375% tryptone) and 1% Na2CO3] produced an enzyme activity of 96.07 U mL-1.© Academic Journals Inc.


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L(+) Lactic acid fermentation was studied by Lactobacillus rhamnosus sp. under the effects of pH control and a lowcost nutritional medium (sugarcane juice and corn steep liquor-CSL). Central composite design (CCD) was employed to determine maximum lactic acid production at optimum values for process variables and a satisfactory fit model was realized. Statistical analysis of the results showed that the linear and quadratic terms of two variables (sugarcane juice and pH) had significant effects. The interactions between the three variables were found to contribute to the response at a significant level. A second-order polynomial regression model estimated that the maximum lactic acid production of 86.36 g/L was obtained when the optimum values of sucrose, CSL and pH were 112.65 g/L, 29.88 g/L and 6.2, respectively. Verification of the optimization showed that L(+) lactic acid production was of 85.06 g/L. Under these conditions, Y P/S and Q P values of 0.85 g/g and 1.77 g/Lh, respectively, were obtained after 48 h fermentation, with a maximal productivity of 2.2 g/L h at 30 h of process. © 2010 de Lima CJB, et al.


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The present study introduces a multi-agent architecture designed for doing automation process of data integration and intelligent data analysis. Different from other approaches the multi-agent architecture was designed using a multi-agent based methodology. Tropos, an agent based methodology was used for design. Based on the proposed architecture, we describe a Web based application where the agents are responsible to analyse petroleum well drilling data to identify possible abnormalities occurrence. The intelligent data analysis methods used was the Neural Network.


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Maximum Power Point tracking (MPPT) in photovoltaic (PV) systems may be achieved by controlling either the voltage or current of the PV device. There is no consensus in the technical literature about how is the best choice. This paper provides a comparative analysis performance among current and voltage control using two different MPPT strategies: the perturb and observe (P&O) and the incremental conductance techniques. © 2011 IEEE.


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Voltage source inverters use large electrolytic capacitors in order to decouple the energy between the utility and the load, keeping the DC link voltage constant. Decreasing the capacitance reduces the distortion in the inverter input current but this also affects the load with low-order harmonics and generate disturbances at the input voltage. This paper applies the P+RES controller to solve the challenge of regulating the output current by means of controlling the magnitude of the current space vector, keeping it constant thus rejecting harmonic disturbances that would otherwise propagate to the load. This work presents a discussion of the switching and control strategy. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper offers the physical and chemical characterization of a new dextran produced by Leuconostoc mesenteroides FT045B. The chemical structure was determined by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy and 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. The dextran was hydrolyzed by endodextranase; the products were analyzed using thin layer chromatography and compared with those of commercial B-512F dextran. The number-average molecular weight and degree of polymerization of the FT045B dextran were determined by the measurement of the reducing value using the copper bicinchoninate method and the measurement of total carbohydrate using the phenol-sulfuric acid method. The data revealed that the structure of the dextran synthesized by FT045B dextran sucrase is composed of d-glucose residues, containing 97.9% α-(1,6) linkages in the main chains and 2.1% α-(1,3) branch linkages compared with the commercial B-512F dextran, which has 95% α-(1,6) linkages in the main chains and 5% α-(1,3) branch linkages. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study is aimed to analyze the thermal comfort in different areas in the city of São Paulo. Two different areas were selected, a densely built (Consolação district) and the other was Fontes do Ipiranga State Park (FISP), an area with only a few buildings and reduced impermeability. A micro-climatic ENVImet was used to simulate the interaction surface-atmosphere in the urban environment. The model resolution is between 0.5 and 10m. This model was developed by Bruse and Fleer (1998) and Bruse (2004). Through the thermal comfort index PMV (predicted mean vote) and MRT (mean radiant temperature) provided by the model, it revealed that the State Park displays PMV values close to comfortable compared to the other studied area. The analysis of thermal comfort index and the Wind flow showed the influence of high buildings in the local climatic environment.