994 resultados para Spermatozoa -- Ultrastructure
Class III tegumentar glands were studied in workers, as well as in queens and males when available, of 56 Meliponini species. The presence and development of these glands varies widely among and within species. However, the queen typically has more glands than do workers, and males rarely have any. Gland development in workers was evaluated by counting and determining the size of cells in histological sections. Laying queens were found to have more active gland cells than did virgins. Cell numbers and cell ultrastructure differed among glands similarly located in workers, queens and males. Cell size and ultrastructure also varied from tergite to tergite. In conclusion, since it is likely that most of them produce pheromones, the wide variability in these glands suggests that they are important to social interaction.
The epithelium of the bee ventriculus is formed by two cell types: the principal or digestive cells and the regenerative cells. In this article the ultrastructure of the regenerative cells is described, as well as the features of their differentiation into digestive cells during epithelium renewal.
The aim of the present study is to characterize the way worker and queen ovaries differentiate in, Apis mellifera, a species with trophic determination of female castes. A morphological study carried out with light and transmission electron microscopy showed that the differences in ovary development between the two castes begin as soon as the differential nursing of larvae is initiated. The decrease in ovariole number in worker ovaries is due to a process of cell death occurring in germinative cells and autophagic regression of somatic cells in the ovarioles that commence in the third instar larvae and proceed until the fifth instar where the process is more intense. Germinative cell death leads to ovariole disintegration and incorporation of the remaining somatic cells of the latter into the stromatic cells in such a way that the total volume of the ovary is little affected during larval development, although the ovariole number decreases. By the end of the larval stage, loss of cells is observed among the stromatic cells of the ovary. As a result, the ovary starts to decrease in volume and takes on the adult form.
The fat body of the diplopod Rhinocricus padbergi is located in two preferential areas of its body: a) immediately below the tegument, denominated parietal, and b) filling the body cavity, close to the viscera, mainly the ovaries and alimentary canal, denominated perivisceral.Ultrastructurally, its cells, the adipocytes, presented varied morphology and contained organelles indicating that they are cells that mainly produce and store lipids and proteins. The presence of cells similar to the oenocytes found in insects was observed for the first time in diplopods, associated to the fat body of R. padbergi. Our observations suggest that this tissue probably maintains activity cycles, since the presence of cells undergoing apoptosis was detected.
We describe here the morphology, histology and ultrastructure of the mandibular glands of Atta sexdens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) worker ants. The mandibular glands consist of a reservoir with an excretory duct and a secretory portion linked to the reservoir trough canaliculi. These glands have the same morphology in the three castes studied, differing only in size, with smaller glands observed in minima workers and larger glands in soldiers.
In this work we describe the internal morphology of the female reproductive system of the cayenne tick Amblyomma cajennense. This system is represented by a panoistic ovary, which lacks nurse cells in the germarium. This ovary consists of a single tube, in which a large number of oocytes develop asynchronously, thus accompanying the processes of yolk deposition in the oocytes. The oocytes were classified into stages that varied from I to V, according to: cytoplasm appearance, presence of the germ vesicle, presence of yolk granules, and presence of chorion. The study of vitellogenesis dynamics suggest that the yolk elements are deposited in the oocyte following a preferencial sequence, in which the lipids are the first to appear, followed by proteins an finally by the carbohydrates. In this way the yolk of A. cajennense ticks have these three elements that may be free in the cytoplasm or chemically bounded forming glycoprotein or lipoprotein complexes. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The sternal gland is considered the only source of trail pheromones in termites. The morphology of the sternal gland was investigated in workers of Coptotermes gestroi using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed a small bilobed gland at the anterior part of the fifth abdominal sternite. The cuticular surface of the sternal gland showed a V-shaped structure with two peg sensilla in elevated socket and various campaniform sensilla. Pores and cuticular scale-like protuberances also occur in the glandular area. The ultrastructure showed a gland composed of class I cells and two different types of class 3 cells distinguished by location, different size and electron-density of secretory vesicles. Small class 3 cells (type 1) of the anterior lobe are inserted among class I cells and have weakly electron-dense vesicles associated with mitochondria, glycogen and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The class 3 cells (type 2) of posterior lobe showed many round electron-lucent vesicles of secretion, abundant free ribosomes and a well-developed Golgi apparatus. Each class 3 cell is connected to the cuticle by a cuticular duct constituted by the receiving canal and the conducting canal. The secretion of class I cells is stored in an inner subcuticular reservoir that is delimited by the microvilli of these cells. This inner reservoir is large and crossed by the campaniform sensilla and ducts of two types of class 3 cells that open outside of the insect body. An exterior reservoir also is present between the fourth and fifth sternite. The complex structure of the sternal gland suggests multicomponents for the trail pheromone in the worker of C gestroi. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study presents an ultrastructural analysis of the ovary of the tick, Amblyomma triste. The ovary of this species is of the panoistic type that is, without nursing and follicular cells. It is composed of a layer of epithelial cells forming a wall and of germinative cells that generate the oocytes which remain attached to the external margin of this wall by a multicellular pedicel. The different developmental stages in the oocytes had been described by Oliveira et al. [Oliveira, P.R., Bechara, G.H., Camargo-Mathias, M.I., 2006. Amblyomma triste (Koch, 1844) (Acari: Ixodidae): Morphological description of the ovary and of vitellogenesis. Experimental Parasitology 113, 179-185]. The results of the investigation suggest that besides exogenous production of vitellogenic elements, endogenous production can take place simultaneously, contributing to the development and growth of the oocytes. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study presents the morphology of the ovary, as well as the process of the vitellogenesis in oocytes of the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The ovary of these individuals is of the panoistic type; therefore, it lacks nurse cells. This organ consists of a single tubular structure, continuous, and composed of a wall formed by small epithelial cells with rounded nuclei which delimit the lumen. The oocytes in the different developmental stages in this tick species were classified into five stages (I V). They remain attached to the ovary during vitellogenesis by a cellular pedicel and afterwards the mature oocytes (stage V) are released into the ovary lumen. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Vitellogenesis in the tick Amblyomma triste (Koch, 1844) (Acari : Ixodidae) - Role for pedicel cells
This study presents new information on the vitellogenesis of the tick Amblyomma triste. In this species, the ovary consists of a layer of epithelial cells, which form the ovarian wall, oogonia and developing oocytes; and the pedicel, a cellular structure that synthesizes and provides yolk precursors for developing oocytes. The pedicel also attaches oocytes to the external surface of the epithelial wall. In this study, evidence is provided in support of pedicel cells in providing compounds for oocytes during vitellogenesis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A ultraestrutura das ectomicorrizas formadas por Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis inoculado com Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch e Telephora terrestris (Ehrenb.) Fr. foi analisada antes do transplantio dessas mudas para o campo, com o intuito de verificar se o fungo estava estabelecido nas raízes. Os fungos ectomicorrízicos inoculados formaram um manto compacto e bem desenvolvido nas raízes laterais. Nas hifas desse manto foram observados vacúolos, núcleos e septos dolipóricos, enquanto que no citoplasma das hifas da rede de Hartig, que ficam adjacentes às células corticais, foram freqüentemente observados vários núcleos, retículo endoplasmático e mitocôndrias polimórficas. Células corticais altamente vacuolizadas, contendo gotículas de material elétron-denso, apresentaram núcleo e algumas organelas na sua estreita região citoplasmática periférica. As ectomicorrizas de P. caribaea var. hondurensis apresentaram características ultraestruturais de uma associação compatível e fisiologicamente ativa.
Anexas ao aparelho do ferrão dos himenópteros aculeados encontram-se as glândulas de veneno e as de Dufour. A glândula de veneno é originada das glândulas associadas ao ovopositor dos himenópteros ancestrais não aculeados, já a glândula de Dufour é menos derivada, homóloga das glândulas colateriais dos outros insetos, sendo encontrada em todas as fêmeas dos himenópteros. Nestes insetos sua função é, em grande parte, desconhecida, mas, em formigas, parece estar envolvida com a comunicação e a defesa e, nas abelhas não sociais, com a construção e a proteção do ninho. Nas vespas pode estar relacionada ao reconhecimento parental. Foram observadas diferenças morfológicas e na composição química da secreção da glândula de Dufour entre as espécies, bem como na mesma espécie, entre as castas dos himenópteros sociais e entre indivíduos da mesma casta desempenhando diferentes funções ou pertencentes a ninhos diferentes. Portanto, nos himenópteros, sua função original de produzir substâncias para proteger os ovos ou favorecer a ovoposição parece ter sido substituída ou complementada com a função de produzir semioquímicos com função na comunicação.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fipronil, active ingredient of the acaricide Frontiline (R), is a phenyl-pyrazolic derivative, and its efficacy in the elimination of several plagues, even in low concentrations, has already been demonstrated; however, its effect on nontarget organisms has not been thoroughly explained. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different dosages of fipronil on the liver of mice in artificial conditions. Results showed that the animals exposed to fipronil present significant ultrastrucutural changes in hepatic cells with evident cellular and cytoplasm disorganization in hepatocytes characterized by an increase in the number of organelles, mainly mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum, organelles that, in the case of the exposed animals, were probably responsible for the enzymes' synthesis that have the function of inactivating the toxic metabolites. A fat accumulation in the hepatocytes' cytoplasm (steatosis) was observed, in addition to extended vacuolated areas, mainly in regions next to the cell nucleus. Alterations observed in the nuclei of the hepatocytes pointed out cell death processes. Moreover, Kupffer cells increased in number (hyperplasia) suggesting an increase in the phagocytic activity of the liver in the exposed animals. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2011. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)