953 resultados para South of Córdoba


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Sardines and other Microfilidae have very important ecological role in marine ecosystems because they are first consumers in marine food chain and they are the main food of valuable species as tuna. So decries in their population will decline fishing of these spices. There are 10 genus of Clupeidae in south of Iran and Sardinella is the one of the most abundant of them. In this study we investigated about morphological and genetically differences in population of 3 species: Sardinella sindensis, Sardinella abella, Dussomieria acuta. About 65 specimens of Sardinella sindensis, 61 specimens of Sardinella albella and 63 specimens of, Dussomieria acuta from three regions of their distribution: Jask (Oman Sea), Qeshm (Hormoz) and Lengeh (Pearsian Gulf) have been collected. Morphological research of their characters and statistical studies were done. To determine the genetically structure of specie's population we sequenced 500 bp of mitochondrial control region. Genetical studies determine meaningful difference in alleles and heterozigosity frequency of Sardinella sindensis. This must be the result of divergence in population of this species. Morphological investigation of Sardinella albella shows the meaningful difference. But detailed studies diffused it. Genetical studies show a meaningful variance in allele and heterosigosity frequency. This may be an aspect of sardine tendency to live in estuaries. Morphological research of Dussomieria acuta in Jask and Lengeh show a meaningful variance in these regions. Such a situation might be result of Monsoon, upwelling and better weather which occur in Oman Sea in spite of Persian Gulf.


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International audience


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Shows subways, elevated lines, and streetcar lines in Manhattan south of 120th Street.


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Earthen building materials bear interesting environmental advantages and are the most appropriate to conserve historical earth constructions. To improve mechanical properties, these materials are often stabilized with cement or lime, but the impact of the stabilizers on the water transport properties, which are also critical, has been very rarely evaluated. We have tested four earth-based repair mortars applied on three distinct and representative rammed earth surfaces. Three mortars are based on earth collected from rammed earth buildings in south of Portugal and the fourth mortar is based on a commercial clayish earth. The main objective of the work was over the commercial earth mortar, applied stabilized and not stabilized on the three rammed earth surfaces to repair, to assess the influence of the stabilizers. The other three earth mortars (not stabilized) were applied on each type of rammed earth, representing the repair only made with local materials. The four unstabilized earth materials depicted nonlinear dependence on t1/2 during capillary suction. This behaviour was probably due to clay swelling. Stabilization with any of the four tested binders enabled the linear dependence of t1/2 expected from Washburn's equation, probably because the swelling did not take place in this case. However, the stabilizers also increased significantly the capillary suction and the capillary porosity of the materials. This means that, in addition to increasing the carbon footprint, stabilizers like cement and lime have functional disadvantages that discourage its use in repair mortars for raw earth construction.


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During the period from 2011 - 2015 with the aim of this study was to systematically review and in particular the revised classification of the Persian Gulf (and the Strait of Hormuz) and to obtain new information about the final confirmed list of fish species of Iranian waters of the Persian Gulf (and Hormuz Strait), samples of museums, surveys and sampling, and comparative study of all available sources and documentation was done. Classification systematic of sharks and batoids and bony fishes. Based on the results, the final list of approved fish of the Persian Gulf (including the Strait of Hormuz and Gulf of Oman border region) are 907 species in 157 families, of which 93 species of fish with 28 cartilaginous families (including 18 families with 60 species and 10 families with 34 species of shark and batoids); and 129 families with 814 species of bony fishes are. The presence of 11 new family with only one representative species in the area include Veliferidae, Zeidae, Sebastidae, Stomiidae, Dalatiidae, Zanclidae, Pempheridae, Lophiidae Kuhliidae, Etmoptridae and Chlorophthalmidae also recently introduced and approved. The two families based Creediidae Clinidae and their larvae samples for newly identified area. 62 families with mono-species and 25 families with more than 10 species are present including Gobiidae (53), Carangide (48), Labride (41), Blenniidae (34), Apogonidae (32) and Lutjanidae (31) of bony fishes, Carcharhinidae (26) of sharks and Dasyatidae (12) in terms of number of species of batoids most families to have their data partitioning. Also, 13 species as well as endemic species introduced the Persian Gulf and have been approved in terms of geographical expansion of the Persian Gulf are unique to the area.Two species of the family Poeciliidae and Cyprinodontidae have species of fresh water to the brackish coastal habitats have found a way;in addition to 11 types of families Carcharhinidae, Clupeidae, Chanidae, Gobidae, Mugilidae, Sparidae also as a species, with a focus on freshwater river basins in the south of the country have been found. In this study, it was found that out of 907 species have been reported from the study area, 294 species (32.4 %) to benthic habitats (Benthic habitats) and 613 species (67.6 %) in pelagic habitats (Pelagic habitats) belong. Coral reefs and rocky habitats in the range of benthic fish (129 species - 14.3 %) and reef associated fishes in the range of pelagic fishes (432 species – 47.8 %), the highest number and percentage of habitat diversity (Species habitats) have been allocated. As well as fish habitats with sea grass and algae beds in benthic habitat (17 species- 1.9 %) and pelagic - Oceanic (Open sea) in the whole pelagic fish (30 species – 3.3 %), the lowest number and percentage of habitat diversity into account. From the perspective of animal geography (Zoogeography) and habitat overlaps and similarities (Habitat overlapping) fish fauna of the Persian Gulf compared with other similar seas (tropical and subtropical, and warm temperate) in the Indian Ocean area - calm on the surface, based on the presence of certain species that the fish fauna of the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea and the Bay of Bengal (East Arabian Sea) compared to other regions in the Indian Ocean (Pacific) is closer (about 50%), and the Mediterranean (East area) and The Hawaiian Islands have the lowest overlap and similarity of habitat and species (about 10%).


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Background: Strategies to tackle maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa include expanding coverage of reproductive services.Even where high, more vulnerable women may not access services. No data is available on high coverage determinants. We investigated this in Tanzania in a predicted high utilization area. Methods: Data was collected through a household survey of 464 women with a recent delivery. Primary outcomes were facility delivery and ≥4 ANC visits. Determinants were analysed using multivariate regression. Results: Almost all women had attended ANC, though only 58.3% had ≥4 visits. ≥4 visits were more likely in the youngest age group (OR 2.7 95% CI 1.32–5.49, p=0.008), and in early ANC attenders (OR 3.2 95% CI 2.04–4.90, p<0.001). Facility delivery was greater than expected (87.7%), more likely in more educated women (OR 2.7 95% CI 1.50–4.75, p=0.002), in those within 5 kilometers of a facility (OR 3.2 95% CI 1.59–6.48, p=0.002), and for early ANC attenders (OR 2.4 95% CI 1.20–4.91, p=0.02). Conclusion: Rural contexts can achieve high facility delivery coverage. Based on our findings, strategies to reach women yet unserved should include promotion of early ANC start particularly for the less educated, and improvement of distant communities' access to facilities.


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To determine good ecological status and conservation of the Sub-Marine area of the Bay of Biscay, the implementation of a new rocky intertidal habitats monitoring is needed. A protocol has been adapted from the Brittany protocol for the water body FRFC11 "Basque coast" for the two indicators "intertidal macroalgae" and "subtidal macroalgae" under the Water Framework Directive to qualify the ecological. However no protocol has been validated for fauna in front of meridional characters of the benthic communities. Investigations carried out on macroalgae communities on intertidal area in WFD framework, since 2008, constitute an important working basis. This is the aim of the Bigorno project (Intertidal Biodiversity of the south of the Bay of Biscay and Observation for New search and Monitoring for decision support), financed by the Agency of Marine Protected Areas and the Departmental Council. To implement knowledge, a sampling protocol has been used in 2015 on the boulder fields of Guéthary. This site is part of Natura 2000 area "rocky Basque coast and offshore extension "It constitutes also a Znieff site and restricted fishing area. The sampling strategy considers the heterogeneity of substrates and the presence of intertidal microhabitats. Two main habitats are present: "mediolittoral rock in exposed area habitat" and "boulder fields". Habitat "intertidal pools and permanent ponds" is also present but, it is not investigated. Sampling effort is of 353 quadrats of 0.1 m², drawn randomly according to a spatially stratified sampling plan, defined by habitat and algal belts. Taxa identification and enumeration are done on each quadrat. The objective of this work is to expose results from data collected during 2015 sampling program. The importance of characterizing benthic fauna communities spatial distribution belonging to the Basque coast according to algal belts defines during the WDF survey was highlighted. Concurrently, indicators of biodiversity were studied.


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The rocky Basque coast presents an interest both in terms of biogeography and its patrimonial situation, alongside its habitats, fauna and flora. The aim of the BIGORNO project (Intertidal Biodiversity of the south of the Bay of Biscay and Observation for New research and Monitoring for decision support), financed by the Agency of Marine Protected Areas (AAMP) and the Departmental Council (CD 64), is to respond to significant deficiencies on biocenosis in the southern marine subregion “Bay of Biscay”. Investigations carried out in the WFD, since 2008, constitute an important basis of work for integration of fauna. Field studies undertaken since 2015 consisting of a sampling design suited to the substrates heterogeneity and the presence of microhabitats were established on an intertidal area specifically on a "Boulder fields" habitat. Assessment was undertaken by sampling quadrats of 0.1 m² drawn randomly from a spatially stratified sampling plan. Our study aims for a better understanding of stratification of this habitat and allowed us to highligh tindicator taxa of the "Boulder fields" habitat. Functions included in the package indicspecies (CRAN) were used to conduct indicator species analysis and to assess the significance of the relationship between taxa or taxa combinations and the habitat. It is therefore possible to describe some species or species groups which are specific to boulder fields through the assessment of their functional traits and local biodiversity. These various analyses allow for a sustainable way of monitoring the Basque intertidal rocky shore.


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Uno de los grupos sociales más influyentes en la ciudad de Córdoba durante la segunda mitad del siglo XV fue el constituido por los ¡regidores de la ciudad. Conocidos habitualmente con el nombre de veinticuatros, por haber sido ése el número teórico de sus componentes desde la segunda mitad del siglo XIV, su número ascendió de forma considerable a partir del siglo siguiente hasta el punto de superar el centenar. Este trabajo estudia la composición del mencionado grupo en el entorno de 1480, cuando las disposiciones de las Cortes de Toledo pusieron límite a ése y a otros abusos heredados de los reinados anteriores. Intenta fijar las distintas conexiones sociales, políticas y económicas de los regidores cordobeses y contiene un completo índice prosopográfico de los regidores cordobeses.


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The Pelgas16 acoustic survey has been carried out with very good weather conditions (regular low wind, medium temperatures) for the whole area, from the South of the bay of Biscay to the west of Brittany. The help of commercial vessels (two pairs of pelagic trawlers and a single one) during 18 days provided about 120 valid identification hauls instead of about 60 before 2007 when Thalassa was alone to identify echotraces. Their participation increased the precision of identification of echoes and some double hauls permitted to confirm that results provided by the two types of vessels (R/V and Fishing boats) were comparable and usable for biomass estimate purposes. These commercial vessels participated to the PELGAS survey in a very good spirit of collaboration, with the financial help of "France Filière Pêche" which is a groupment of French fishing organisations. The PELGAS16 survey observed a medium level of anchovy biomass, which seems to be a medium biomass compared to previous year's, comparable to 2010 and far away from the 2015 biomass. The biomass estimate of sardine observed during PELGAS16 is decreasing compared to the last years level of biomass. It confirms that this specie shows a variable abundance in the bay of Biscay at this period.


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Este trabajo pretende ser una aproximación más al conocimiento de un alimento fundamental en la dieta del hombre medieval -el pan- centrado en la ciudad de Córdoba durante el siglo XV. Analiza el proceso de producción del pan desde que el cereal llegaba a la ciudad hasta que, tras su molturación y cocción, era consumido bajo la forma de pan o de otros productos secundarios, describiendo detenidamente el funcionamiento de molinos y hornos. Se distingue entre el pan elaborado de manera profesional por parte de los panaderos y el de fabricación doméstica. Además se abordan los lugares, precios y condiciones de venta, así como las modalidades de pan existentes y su índice de consumo. Se incluye también un apéndice con la relación de hornos documentados en la ciudad entre 1460 y 1525.


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La noria fluvial ha sido utilizada desde hace siglos en la provincia de Córdoba para elevar agua de los ríos y regar las huertas establecidas en sus inmediaciones. La mayoría de ellas estaba situada en los ríos Genil, Guadajoz y Guadalquivir, y muchas de esas norias se han mantenido en uso hasta el siglo XX. La primera parte del trabajo se dedica a reunir los diversos testimonios históricos que nos informan sobre el uso de las norias fluviales en Córdoba: lugares de emplazamiento, períodos de actividad, finalidad de uso. La segunda parte analiza los rasgos técnicos de las norias a través del estudio de dos modelos diferentes: la noria de piezas de madera, de tradición medieval, algunos de cuyos ejemplares se han conservado en lugares como Palma del Río y Castro del Río hasta los años setenta del presente siglo; y la noria con elementos de hierro fundido, de diseño más moderno, muy utilizada desde mediados del siglo XIX y de la que todavía se conserva algún ejemplar, como la situada en el curso del río Genil cerca de la aldea de Jauja (Lucena).


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Premio extraordinario de Trabajo Fin de Máster curso 2013-2014