983 resultados para Solid mass transfers


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Hydraircooling is a technique used for precooling food products. In this technique chilled water is sprayed over the food products while cold unsaturated air is blown over them. Hydraircooling combines the advantages of both air- and hydrocooling. The present study is concerned with the analysis of bulk hydraircooling as it occurs in a package filled with several layers of spherical food products with chilled water sprayed from the top and cold unsaturated air blown from the bottom. A mathematical model is developed to describe the hydrodynamics and simultaneous heat and mass transfer occurring inside the package. The non-dimensional governing equations are solved using the finite difference numerical methods. The results are presented in the form of time-temperature charts. A correlation is obtained to calculate the process time in terms of the process parameters.


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The EMF of a solid-state cell, incorporating a composite solid-electrolyte with gradual variation in composition, and dissimilar gas electrodes, has been studied as a function of temperature and partial pressures at the electrodes. The cell with the configuration: Pt, CO2' + O2' parallel-to Na2CO3\Na(SO4)x(CO3)1-x\Na2SO4 parallel-to SO3'' + SO2'' + O2'', Pt x=0 x=1 was investigated in the temperature range 973 to 1079 K. The solid-electrolyte surface exposed to SO3 + SO2 + O2 gas mixture was doped-Na2SO4, whereas the CO2 + O2 gas mixture was in contact with pure Na2CO3. The composition of the solid solution between the carbonate and sulfate, with hexagonal structure, was varied gradually between the boundary values. It has been found that the EMF of the cell is close to that calculated from thermodynamic data, assuming unit transport number for Na+ ions. The gradient in the concentration of sulfate and carbonate ions in the electrolyte does not give rise to a significant diffusion potential.


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Interaction of varying coverages of Ni metal with solid films of C60 and C70 has been investigated by UV and X-ray photemission spectroscopy. The shifts in the valence bands of C60 (as well as of C70) with increasing Ni coverage accompanied by a shift of the C is level of the fullerene to lower binding energies suggest charge-transfer from the metal to the fullerene as in transition metal complexes of π-systems.


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Catalytic activities of some transition metal-phthalocyanine complexes towards electroreduction of molecular oxygen are examined on Nafion®-bound and bare porous carbon electrodes in 2.5 M H2SO4 electrolyte. It is found that these metal complexes exhibit better catalytic activities towards oxygen reduction with the Nafion®-bound electrodes.


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Unsteady laminar mixed convection flow (combined free and forced convection flow) along a vertical slender cylinder embedded in a porous medium under the combined buoyancy effect of thermal and species diffusion has been studied. The effect of the permeability of the medium as well as the magnetic field has been included in the analysis. The partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using a implicit finite difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. Computations have been carried out for accelerating, decelerating and oscillatory free stream velocity distributions. The effects of the permeability of the medium, buoyancy forces, transverse curvature and magnetic field on skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer have been studied. It is found that the effect of free stream velocity distribution is more pronounced on the skin friction than on the heat and mass transfer. The permeability and magnetic parameters increase the skin friction, but reduce the heat and mass transfer. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are enhanced due to the buoyancy forces and curvature parameter. The heat transfer is strongly dependent on the viscous dissipation parameter and the Prandtl number, and the mass transfer on the Schmidt number. Untersucht wurde die instationäre laminare Mischkonvektion längs eines vertikalen, in einem porösen Medium eingebetteten Zylinders unter kombinierten Auftriebseffekten von thermischer und spezieller Diffusion. Der Einfluß der Permeabilität des Mediums sowie des magnetischen Feldes wurden in die Betrachtung einbezogen. Die partiellen Differentialgleichungen mit drei unabhängigen Variablen, welche die Strömung beschreiben, wurde numerisch anhand des Schemas der endlichen Differenzen in Verbindung mit der Technik der Quasilinearisation gelöst. Berechnungen für die beschleunigte, verzögerte und oszillierende Geschwindigkeitsverteilung der freien Strömung sind durchgeführt worden. Untersucht wurden ebenfalls die Effekte der Permeabilität des Mediums, der Auftriebskräfte, der transversalen Krümmung, des magnetischen Feldes auf die Oberflächenreibung sowie die Wärmeund Stoffübertragung. Es wurde festgestellt, daß die Geschwindigkeit mehr Einfluß auf die Oberflächenreibung als auf die Wärmeund Stoffübertragung hat. Die Oberflächenreibung sowie die Wärme- und Stoffübertragung werden durch die Auftriebskräfte und die Krümmungsparameter verbessert. Die Wärmeübertragung ist stark abhängig von den Parametern der viskosen Dissipation und der Prandtl-Zahl; die Stoffübertragung von der Schmidt-Zahl.


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We propose a family of 3D versions of a smooth finite element method (Sunilkumar and Roy 2010), wherein the globally smooth shape functions are derivable through the condition of polynomial reproduction with the tetrahedral B-splines (DMS-splines) or tensor-product forms of triangular B-splines and ID NURBS bases acting as the kernel functions. While the domain decomposition is accomplished through tetrahedral or triangular prism elements, an additional requirement here is an appropriate generation of knotclouds around the element vertices or corners. The possibility of sensitive dependence of numerical solutions to the placements of knotclouds is largely arrested by enforcing the condition of polynomial reproduction whilst deriving the shape functions. Nevertheless, given the higher complexity in forming the knotclouds for tetrahedral elements especially when higher demand is placed on the order of continuity of the shape functions across inter-element boundaries, we presently emphasize an exploration of the triangular prism based formulation in the context of several benchmark problems of interest in linear solid mechanics. In the absence of a more rigorous study on the convergence analyses, the numerical exercise, reported herein, helps establish the method as one of remarkable accuracy and robust performance against numerical ill-conditioning (such as locking of different kinds) vis-a-vis the conventional FEM.


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Polymers containing group VIA derived weak links, viz. poly(styrene disulfide) (PSD), poly- (styrene tetrasulfide) (PST), and poly(styrene diselenide) (PSDSE), have been synthesized. The polymers PSD and PST were characterized by NMR, IR, UV, TGA, and fast atom bombardment m w spectrometric (FABMS) techniques. The presence of different configurational sequences in PSD and PST were identified by *3C NMR spectroscopy. PSDSE, being insoluble in common organic solvents, was characterized using solid-state lac NMR (CP-MAS) spectroscopy. Thermal degradation of polymers under direct pyrolysis-mass spectrometric (DP-MS) conditions revealed that all the polymers undergo degradation through the weaklink scission. A comparative study of the pyrolysis products of these polymers with that of poly(styrene peroxide) (PSP) revealed a smooth transformation down the group with no monomer (styrene or oxygen) formation in PSP to only styrene and selenium metal in PSDSE. This trend of group VIA is explained from the energetics of the C-X bond (X = 0, S, and Se) which also seems to be important in addition to the weak X-X bond cleavage. In PSP and PSD, the behavior is also explained from the energetics of the alkoxy and thiyl radicals. The unique exothermic degradation in PSP compared to endothermic degradation in PSD and PSDSE is explained from the nature of the producta of degradation.


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Layered perovskite oxides of the formula ACa~,La,Nb3-,Ti,010 (A = K, Rb, Cs and 0 < x d 2) have been prepared. The members adopt the structures of the parent ACazNb3010. Interlayer alkali cations in the niobium-titanium oxide series can be ion-exchanged with Li+, Na+, NH4+, or H+ to give new derivatives. Intercalation of the protonated derivatives with organic bases reveals that the Bronsted acidity of the solid solution series, HC~ ~ , L ~ ,N~ ~ , T ~ ,dOep~eOnd, s on the titanium content. While the x = 1 member (HCaLaNbzTiOlo) is nearly as acidic as the parent HCazNb3010, the x = 2 member (HLazNbTizOlo) is a weak acid hardly intercalating organic bases with pKa - 11.3. The variation of acidity is probably due to an ordering of Nb/Ti atoms in the triple octahedral perovskite slabs, [Ca~,La,Nb~,Ti,0~0], such that protons are attached to NbO6 octahedra in the x = 1 member and to Ti06 octahedra in the x = 2 member.


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We elucidate the relationship between effective mass and carrier concentration in an oxide semiconductor controlled by a double-doping mechanism. In this model oxide system, Sr1-xLaxTiO3-delta, we can tune the effective mass ranging from 6 to 20m(e) as a function of filling (carrier concentration) and the scattering mechanism, which are dependent on the chosen lanthanum-and oxygen-vacancy concentrations. The effective mass values were calculated from the Boltzmann transport equation using the measured transport properties of thin films of Sr1-xLaxTiO3-delta. We show that the effective mass decreases with carrier concentration in this large-band-gap, low-mobility oxide, and this behavior is contrary to the traditional high-mobility, small-effective-mass semiconductors.


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The polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane is modified by the chemical etchant-route employing a sodium naphthalene charge-transfer complex followed by impregnation with Nafion ionomer or polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-polystyrene sulfonic acid (PSSA) polymeric blend solutions by a dip-coating technique to form pore-filled-membrane electrolytes for application in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). The number of coatings on the surface-modified PVDF membrane is varied between 5 and 15 and is found to be optimum at 10 layers both for Nafion and PVA-PSSA impregnations for effective DMFC performance. Hydrophilicity of the modified-membrane electrolytes is studied by determining average contact angle and surface-wetting energy. Morphology of the membranes is analyzed by a cross-sectional scanning electron microscope. The modified PVDF membrane electrolytes are characterized for their water-methanol sorption in conjunction with their mechanical properties, proton conductivity, and DMFC performance. Air permeability for the modified membranes is studied by a capillary-flow porometer. Methanol crossover flux across modified-PVDF-membrane electrolytes is studied by measuring the mass balance of methanol using a density meter. DMFCs employing membrane electrode assemblies with the modified PVDF membranes exhibit a peak power-density of 83 mW/cm(2) with Nafion impregnation and 59 mW/cm(2) for PVA-PSSA impregnation, respectively. Among the membranes studied here, stabilities of modified-pore-filled PVDF-Nafion and PVDF-PVA-PSSA membranes with 10-layers coat are promising for application in DMFCs. (C) 2010 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/1.3518774] All rights reserved.


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The thermodynamic properties of K2CO3 -KSO, solid solutions with hexagonal structure have been measured using a solid-state cell, incorporating a composite solid electrolyte with step-changes in composition. The cell with the configuration Pt, CO2' + O2' || K2CO3 | K2(CO3)x(SO4)1-x || CO2'' + O2'' + Pt X =1 X=X was investigated in the temperature range of 925 to 1165 K. The composite gradient solid electrolyte consisted of pure K2CO3 at one extremity and the solid solution under study at the other. The Nernstian response of the cell to changes in partial pressures of CO2 and O2 at the electrodes and temperature was demonstrated. The activity of K2CO3 in the solid solution was measured by three techniques. All three methods gave identical results, indicating unit transport number for K+ ions and negligible diffusion potential due to concentration gradients of carbonate and sulfate ions. The activity of K2CO3 exhibits positive deviation from Raoult's law. The excess Gibbs energy of mixing of the solid solution can be represented using a subregular solution model DELTAG(E) = X(1 - X)[5030X + 4715(1 - X)] J mol-1 By combining this information with the phase diagram, mixing properties of the liquid phase were obtained.


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The paper describes an experimental and analytical study of the normal and scratch hardnesses of a model soft rigid-plastic solid. The material known as ‘Plasticine’, a mixture of dry particles and a mineral oil, has been deformed with a range of rigid conical indentors with included angles of between 30° and 170°. The sliding velocity dependence of the computed scratch hardness and friction has been examined in the velocity range 0.19 mm/s to 7.3 m/s. Data are also described for the time dependence of the normal hardness and also the estimated rate dependence of the intrinsic flow stress. The latter values were estimated from data obtained during the upsetting of right cylinders. Three major conclusions are drawn from these data and the associated analysis. (1) A first-order account of the scratching force may be provided by adopting a model which sums the computed plastic deformation and interfacial sliding contributions to the total sliding work. This is tantamount to the adoption of the two-term non-interacting model of friction. (2) For this system during sliding, at high sliding velocities at least, the interface shear stress which defines the boundary condition is not directly related to the bulk shear stress. The interface rheological characteristics indicate an appreciable dependence on the imposed strain or strain rate. In particular, the relative contributions of the slip and stick boundary conditions appear to be a function of the imposed sliding velocity. (3) The computed normal and scratch hardness values are not simply interrelated primarily because of the evolving boundary conditions which appear to exist in the scratching experiments.


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The scale up or scale down of the process variables in a surface aerator requires information about the shear rate prevailing in the system. In fact, the performance of surface aerator depends upon the shear rate. Shear rate affects the mass transfer operation needed by the surface aerator. Theoretical analysis of shear rate suggests a nonlinear behavior with rotational speed of the impeller, which has been shown in the present work. Present work also shows that in a geometrically similar system of baffled surface aerator, shear rate can be used as a governing parameter for scaling up or down the mass transfer phenomena.


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Instability and dewetting engendered by the van der Waals force in soft thin (<100 nm) linear viscoelastic solid (e. g., elastomeric gel) films on uniform and patterned surfaces are explored. Linear stability analysis shows that, although the elasticity of the film controls the onset of instability and the corresponding critical wavelength, the dominant length-scale remains invariant with the elastic modulus of the film. The unstable modes are found to be long-wave, for which a nonlinear long-wave analysis and simulations are performed to uncover the dynamics and morphology of dewetting. The stored elastic energy slows down the temporal growth of instability significantly. The simulations also show that a thermodynamically stable film with zero-frequency elasticity can be made unstable in the presence of physico-chemical defects on the substrate and can follow an entirely different pathway with far fewer holes as compared to the viscous films. Further, the elastic restoring force can retard the growth of a depression adjacent to the hole-rim and thus suppress the formation of satellite holes bordering the primary holes. These findings are in contrast to the dewetting of viscoelastic liquid films where nonzero frequency elasticity accelerates the film rupture and promotes the secondary instabilities. Thus, the zero-frequency elasticity can play a major role in imposing a better-defined long-range order to the dewetted structures by arresting the secondary instabilities. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3554748]