994 resultados para Solanum concinnum
La resistencia genética mediada por los genes R es uno de los sistemas de defensa de las plantas frente a patógenos y se activa una vez que los patógenos han superado la defensa basal que otorgan la cutícula y pared celular. Los mecanismos de resistencia genética se inician a su vez, por el reconocimiento de productos derivados de genes de avirulencia de los patógenos (avr) por parte de las proteínas R. Tanto la respuesta de defensa basal como la respuesta de defensa por genes R están influenciadas por patrones de regulación hormonal, que incluye a las principales hormonas vegetales ácido salicílico (SA), ácido jasmónico (JA) y etileno (ET). En tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) uno de los genes R es el gen MiG1, que confiere resistencia a nematodos formadores de nódulos (Meloidogyne javanica, M. incognita y M. arenaria). Uno de los eventos más importantes que caracterizan a la respuesta de resistencia es la reacción hipersensible (HR), que está mediada por la activación temprana de una serie de sistemas enzimáticos, entre los que destaca el de las peroxidasas (PRXs) Clase III. Su función es importante tanto para limitar el establecimiento y expansión del nematodo, al generar ambientes altamente tóxicos por su contribución en la producción masiva de ROS, como por su implicación en la síntesis y depósito de lignina generando barreras estructurales en el sitio de infección. Además de estos mecanismos de defensa asociados a la resistencia constitutiva, las plantas pueden desarrollar resistencia sistémica adquirida (SAR) que en la naturaleza ocurre, en ocasiones, en una fase posterior a que la planta haya sufrido el ataque de un patógeno. Así mismo hay diferentes productos de origen químico como el benzotiadiazol o BTH (ácido S-metil benzol-(1,2,3)-tiadiozole-7-carbónico ester) que pueden generar esta misma respuesta SAR. Como resultado, la planta adquiere resistencia sistémica frente a nuevos ataques de patógenos. En este contexto, el presente trabajo aborda en primer lugar el análisis comparativo, mediante microarrays de oligonucleótidos, de los transcriptomas de los sistemas radicales de plantas de tomate de 8 semanas de edad de dos variedades, una portadora del gen de resistencia MiG1 (Motelle) y otra carente del mismo y, por tanto, susceptible (Moneymaker), antes y después de la infección por M. javanica. Previo a la infección se observó que la expresión de un gran número de transcritos era más acusada en la variedad resistente que en la susceptible, entre ellos el propio gen MiG1 o los genes PrG1 (o P4), LEJA1 y ER24, lo que indica que, en ausencia de infección, las rutas hormonales del SA, JA y ET están más activas en la raíz de la variedad resistente. Por el contrario, un número mucho menor de transcritos presentaban su expresión más reducida en Motelle que en Moneymaker, destacando un gen de señalización para sintetizar la hormona giberelina (GA). La infección por M. javanica causa importantes cambios transcripcionales en todo el sistema radical que modifican sustancialmente las diferencias basales entre plantas Motelle y Moneymaker, incluida la sobreexpresión en la variedad resistente de los transcritos de MiG1, que se reduce parcialmente, mientras que las rutas hormonales del SA y el JA continuan más activas que en la susceptible (evidente por los genes PrG1 y LEJA1). Además, los cambios asociados a la infección del nematodo se evidencian por las grandes diferencias entre los dos tiempos post-infección considerados, de tal forma que en la fase temprana (2 dpi) de la interacción compatible predomina la sobreexpresión de genes de pared celular y en la tardía (12 dpi) los relacionados con el ARN. En el análisis de la interacción incompatible, aunque también hay muchas diferencias entre ambas fases, hay que destacar la expresión diferencial común de los genes loxA y mcpi (sobrexpresados) y del gen loxD (reprimido) por su implicación en defensa en otras interacciones planta-patógeno. Cabe destacar que entre las interacciones compatible e incompatible hubo muy pocos genes en común. En la etapa temprana de la interacción compatible destacó la activación de genes de pared celular y la represión de la señalización; en cambio, en la interacción incompatible hubo proteínas principalmente implicadas en defensa. A los 12 días, en la interacción compatible los genes relacionados con el ARN y la pared celular se sobreexpresaban principalmente, y se reprimían los de proteínas y transporte, mientras que en la incompatible se sobreexpresaron los relacionados con el estrés, el metabolismo secundario y el de hormonas y se reprimieron los de ARN, señalización, metabolismo de hormonas y proteínas. Por otra parte, la técnica de silenciamiento génico VIGS reveló que el gen TGA 1a está implicado en la resistencia mediada por el gen MiG1a M. javanica. Así mismo se evaluó el transcriptoma de todo el sistema radical de la variedad susceptible tras la aplicación del inductor BTH, y se comparó con el transcriptoma de la resistente. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que el tratamiento con BTH en hojas de Moneymaker ejerce notables cambios transcripcionales en la raíz; entre otros, la activación de factores de transcripción Myb (THM16 y THM 27) y del gen ACC oxidasa. Las respuestas inducidas por el BTH parecen ser de corta duración ya que no hubo transcritos diferenciales comunes a las dos fases temporales de la infección comparadas (2 y 12 dpi). El transcriptoma de Moneymaker tratada con BTH resultó ser muy diferente al de la variedad resistente Motelle, ambas sin infectar, destacando la mayor expresión en el primero del gen LeEXP2, una expansina relacionada con defensa frente a nematodos. Las respuestas inducidas por los nematodos en Moneymaker-BTH también fueron muy distintas a las observadas previamente en la interacción incompatible mediada por MiG1, pues sólo se detectaron 2 genes sobreexpresados comunes a ambos eventos. Finalmente, se abordó el estudio de la expresión diferencial de genes que codifican PRXs y su relación con la resistencia en la interacción tomate/M. javanica. Para ello, se realizó en primer lugar el estudio del análisis del transcriptoma de tomate de la interacción compatible, obtenido en un estudio previo a partir de tejido radical infectado en distintos tiempos de infección. Se han identificado 16 unigenes de PRXs con expresión diferencial de los cuales 15 se relacionan por primera vez con la respuesta a la infección de nematodos. La mayoría de los genes de PRXs identificados, 11, aparecen fuertemente reprimidos en el sitio de alimentación, en las células gigantes (CG). Dada la implicación directa de las PRXs en la activación del mecanismo de producción de ROS, la supresión de la expresión génica local de genes de PRXs en el sitio de establecimiento y alimentación pone de manifiesto la capacidad del nematodo para modular y superar la respuesta de defensa de la planta de tomate en la interacción compatible. Posteriormente, de estos genes identificados se han elegido 4: SGN-U143455, SGN-U143841 y SGN-U144042 reprimidos en el sitio de infección y SGN-U144671 inducido, cuyos cambios de expresión se han determinado mediante análisis por qRT-PCR y de hibridación in situ en dos tiempos de infección (2 dpi y 4 dpi) y en distintos tejidos radicales de tomate resistente y susceptible. Los patrones de expresión obtenidos demuestran que en la interacción incompatible la transcripción global de los 4 genes estudiados se dispara en la etapa más temprana en el sitio de infección, detectándose la localización in situ de transcritos en el citoplasma de las células corticales de la zona meristemática afectadas por el nematodo. A 4 dpi se observó que los niveles de expresión en el sitio de infección cambian de tendencia y los genes SGN-U144671 y SGN-U144042 se reprimen significativamente. Los diferentes perfiles de expresión de los genes PRXs en los dos tiempos de infección sugieren que su inducción en las primeras 48 horas es crucial para la respuesta de defensa relacionada con la resistencia frente a la invasión del nematodo. Por último, al analizar el tejido radical sistémico, se detectó una inducción significativa de la expresión en la fase más tardía de la infección del gen SGN-U144042 en el genotipo susceptible y del SGN-U143841 en ambos genotipos. En este estudio se describe por primera vez la inducción de la expresión sistémica de genes de PRXs en tomate durante la interacción compatible e incompatible con M. javanica lo que sugiere su posible implicación funcional en la respuesta de defensa SAR activada por la infección previa del nematodo. ABSTRACT Plants defend themselves from pathogens by constitutive and/or induced defenses. A common type of induced defense involves plant resistance genes (R), which are normally activated in response to attack by specific pathogen species. Typically, a specific plant R protein recognizes a specific pathogen avirulence (avr) compound. This initiates a complex biochemical cascade inside the plant that results in synthesis of antipathogen compounds. This response can involve chemical signaling, transcription, translation, enzymes and metabolism, and numerous plant hormones such as salicylic acid (SA), jasmonates (JA) and ethylene (ET). Induced plant defense can also activate Class III peroxidases (PRXs), which produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), regulate extracellular H2O2, and play additional roles in plant defense. R-gene activation and the resulting induced defense often remain localized in the specific tissues invaded by the plant pathogen. In other cases, the plant responds by signaling the entire plant to produce defense compounds (systemic induction). Plant defense can also be induced by the exogenous application of natural or synthetic elicitors, such as benzol-(1,2,3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothionic acid. There is much current scientific interest in R-genes and elicitors, because they might be manipulated to increase agricultural yield. Scientists also are interested in systemic induction, because this allows the entire plant to be defended. In this context, one of the aims of this investigation was the transcriptoma analysis of the root systems of two varieties of tomato, the resistant variety (Motelle) that carrier MiG1 and the susceptible (Moneymaker) without MiG1, before and after infection with M. javanica. The overexpression was more pronounced in the transcriptoma of the resistant variety compared with susceptible, before infection, including the MiG1 gene, PrG1 (or P4) genes, LEJA1 and ER24, indicating that hormone SA, JA and ET are active in the resistant variety. Moreover, GA hormone presents an opposite behavior. M. javanica infection causes significant transcriptional changes in both compatible (Moneymaker-M. javanica) and incompatible (Motelle-M. javanica) interaction. In the incompatible transcriptome root system, was notably reduced the expression of the MiG1 gene, and a continuity in the expression of the hormonal pathways of SA and JA. In other hand, transcriptional profile changes during compatible interaction were associated with nematode infection. The large differences between the two times point infection considered (2 dpi and 12 dpi) indicates an overexpression of cell wall related genes in the first phase, and conversely an overexpression of RNA genes in the late phase. Transcriptoma analysis of incompatible interaction, although there were differences between the two phases, should be highlighted the common differential gene expression: loxA and mcpi (overexpressed) and loxD gene (suppressed), as they are involved in defenses in other plant-pathogen interactions. The VIGS tool has provided evidence that TGA 1a is involved in MiG1 mediated resistance to M. javanica. Likewise, the systemic application of BTH was assessed and compared with susceptible and resistant variety. Root system transcriptoma of BTH treatment on leaves showed the activation of Myb transcription factors (THM16 and THM27), the ACC oxidase gene. and the LeEXP2 gene, encoding for an expansin enzyme, related with defense against nematodes. The activation appears to be reduced by subsequent infection and establishment of nematodes. To assist in elucidate the role of tomato PRXs in plant defence against M. javanica, the transcriptome obtained previously from isolated giant cells (GC) and galls at 3 and 7 dpi from the compatible interaction was analysed. A total of 18 different probes corresponding to 16 PRX encoding genes were differentially expressed in infection site compared to the control uninfected root tissues. Most part of them (11) was down-regulated. These results yielded a first insight on 15 of the PRX genes responding to tomato–Meloidogyne interaction and confirm that repression of PRX genes might be crucial for feeding site formation at the initial stages of infection. To study the involvement of PRX genes in resistance response, four genes have been selected: SGN-U143455, SGN-U143841 and SGN-U144042 consistently down-regulated and SGN-U144671 consistently up-regulated at infection site in compatible interaction. The expression changes were determined by qRT-PCR and in situ location at 2 dpi and 4 dpi, and in different root tissues of resistant and susceptible plants. Early upon infection (2 dpi), the transcripts levels of the four genes were strongly increased in infected tissue of resistant genotype. In situ hybridization showed transcript accumulation of them in meristem cortical cells, where the nematode made injury. The results obtained provide strong evidence that early induction of PRX genes is important for defence response of the resistance against nematode invasion. Moreover, the induction patterns of SGN-U144042 gene observed at 4 dpi in distal noninfected root tissue into the susceptible genotype and of SGN-U143841 gene in both genotypes suggest a potential involvement of PRX in the systemic defence response.
Los patógenos han desarrollado estrategias para sobrevivir en su entorno, infectar a sus huéspedes, multiplicarse dentro de estos y posteriormente transmitirse a otros huéspedes. Todos estos componentes hacen parte de la eficacia biológica de los patógenos, y les permiten ser los causantes de enfermedades infecciosas tanto en hombres y animales, como en plantas. El proceso de infección produce efectos negativos en la eficacia biológica del huésped y la gravedad de los efectos, dependerá de la virulencia del patógeno. Por su parte, el huésped ha desarrollado mecanismos de respuesta en contra del patógeno, tales como la resistencia, por la que reduce la multiplicación del patógeno, o la tolerancia, por la que disminuye el efecto negativo de la infección. Estas respuestas del huésped a la infección producen efectos negativos en la eficacia biológica del patógeno, actuando como una presión selectiva sobre su población. Si la presión selectiva sobre el patógeno varía según el huésped, se predice que un mismo patógeno no podrá aumentar su eficacia biológica en distintos huéspedes y estará más adaptado a un huésped y menos a otro, disminuyendo su gama de huéspedes. Esto supone que la adaptación de un patógeno a distintos huéspedes estará a menudo dificultada por compromisos (trade-off) en diferentes componentes de la eficacia biológica del patógeno. Hasta el momento, la evidencia de compromisos de la adaptación del patógeno a distintos huéspedes no es muy abundante, en lo que se respecta a los virus de plantas. En las últimas décadas, se ha descrito un aumento en la incidencia de virus nuevos o previamente descritos que producen enfermedades infecciosas con mayor gravedad y/o diferente patogenicidad, como la infección de huéspedes previamente resistentes. Esto se conoce como la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas y está causada por patógenos emergentes, que proceden de un huésped reservorio donde se encuentran adaptados. Los huéspedes que actúan como reservorios pueden ser plantas silvestres, que a menudo presentan pocos síntomas o muy leves a pesar de estar infectados con diferentes virus, y asimismo se encuentran en ecosistemas con ninguna o poca intervención humana. El estudio de los factores ecológicos y biológicos que actúan en el proceso de la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas, ayudará a entender sus causas para crear estrategias de prevención y control. Los virus son los principales patógenos causales de la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas en humanos, animales y plantas y un buen modelo para entender los procesos de la emergencia. Asimismo, las plantas a diferencia de los animales, son huéspedes fáciles de manipular y los virus que las afectan, más seguros para el trabajo en laboratorio que los virus de humanos y animales, otros modelos también usados en la investigación. Por lo tanto, la interacción virus – planta es un buen modelo experimental para el estudio de la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas. El estudio de la emergencia de virus en plantas tiene también un interés particular, debido a que los virus pueden ocasionar pérdidas económicas en los cultivos agrícolas y poner en riesgo la durabilidad de la resistencia de plantas mejoradas, lo que supone un riesgo en la seguridad alimentaria con impactos importantes en la sociedad, comparables con las enfermedades infecciosas de humanos y animales domésticos. Para que un virus se convierta en un patógeno emergente debe primero saltar desde su huésped reservorio a un nuevo huésped, segundo adaptarse al nuevo huésped hasta que la infección dentro de la población de éste se vuelva independiente del reservorio y finalmente debe cambiar su epidemiología. En este estudio, se escogió la emergencia del virus del mosaico del pepino dulce (PepMV) en el tomate, como modelo experimental para estudiar la emergencia de un virus en una nueva especie de huésped, así como las infecciones de distintos genotipos del virus del moteado atenuado del pimiento (PMMoV) en pimiento, para estudiar la emergencia de un virus que aumenta su patogenicidad en un huésped previamente resistente. El estudio de ambos patosistemas nos permitió ampliar el conocimiento sobre los factores ecológicos y evolutivos en las dos primeras fases de la emergencia de enfermedades virales en plantas. El PepMV es un patógeno emergente en cultivos de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) a nivel mundial, que se describió primero en 1980 infectando pepino dulce (Solanum muricatum L.) en Perú, y casi una década después causando una epidemia en cultivos de tomate en Holanda. La introducción a Europa posiblemente fue a través de semillas infectadas de tomate procedentes de Perú, y desde entonces se han descrito nuevos aislados que se agrupan en cuatro cepas (EU, LP, CH2, US1) que infectan a tomate. Sin embargo, el proceso de su emergencia desde pepino dulce hasta tomate es un interrogante de gran interés, porque es uno de los virus emergentes más recientes y de gran importancia económica. Para la emergencia de PepMV en tomate, se recolectaron muestras de tomate silvestre procedentes del sur de Perú, se analizó la presencia y diversidad de aislados de PepMV y se caracterizaron tanto biológicamente (gama de huéspedes), como genéticamente (secuencias genomicas). Se han descrito en diferentes regiones del mundo aislados de PMMoV que han adquirido la capacidad de infectar variedades previamente resistentes de pimiento (Capsicum spp), es decir, un típico caso de emergencia de virus que implica la ampliación de su gama de huéspedes y un aumento de patogenicidad. Esto tiene gran interés, ya que compromete el uso de variedades resistentes obtenidas por mejora genética, que es la forma de control de virus más eficaz que existe. Para estudiar la emergencia de genotipos altamente patogénicos de PMMoV, se analizaron clones biológicos de PMMoV procedentes de aislados de campo cuya patogenicidad era conocida (P1,2) y por mutagénesis se les aumentó la patogenicidad (P1,2,3 y P1,2,3,4), introduciendo las mutaciones descritas como responsables de estos fenotipos. Se analizó si el aumento de la patogenicidad conlleva un compromiso en la eficacia biológica de los genotipos de PMMoV. Para ello se evaluaron diferentes componentes de la eficacia biológica del virus en diferentes huéspedes con distintos alelos de resistencia. Los resultados de esta tesis demuestran: i). El potencial de las plantas silvestres como reservorios de virus emergentes, en este caso tomates silvestres del sur de Perú, así como la existencia en estas plantas de aislados de PepMV de una nueva cepa no descrita que llamamos PES. ii) El aumento de la gama de huéspedes no es una condición estricta para la emergencia de los virus de plantas. iii) La adaptación es el mecanismo más probable en la emergencia de PepMV en tomate cultivado. iv) El aumento de la patogenicidad tiene un efecto pleiotrópico en distintos componentes de la eficacia biológica, así mismo el signo y magnitud de este efecto dependerá del genotipo del virus, del huésped y de la interacción de estos factores. ABSTRACT host Pathogens have evolved strategies to survive in their environment, infecting their hosts, multiplying inside them and being transmitted to other hosts. All of these components form part of the pathogen fitness, and allow them to be the cause of infectious diseases in humans, animals, and plants. The infection process produces negative effects on the host fitness and the effects severity will depend on the pathogen virulence. On the other hand, hosts have developed response mechanisms against pathogens such as resistance, which reduces the growth of pathogens, or tolerance, which decreases the negative effects of infection. T he se responses of s to infection cause negative effects on the pathogen fitness, acting as a selective pressure on its population. If the selective pressures on pathogens va ry according to the host s , probably one pathogen cannot increase its fitness in different hosts and will be more adapted to one host and less to another, decreasing its host range. This means that the adaptation of one pathogen to different hosts , will be often limited by different trade - off components of biological effectiveness of pathogen. Nowadays , trade - off evidence of pathogen adaptation to different hosts is not extensive, in relation with plant viruses. In last decades, an increase in the incidence of new or previously detected viruses has been described, causing infectious diseases with increased severity and/or different pathogenicity, such as the hosts infection previously resistants. This is known as the emergence of infectious diseases and is caused by emerging pathogens that come from a reservoir host where they are adapted. The hosts which act as reservoirs can be wild plants, that often have few symptoms or very mild , despite of being infected with different viruses, and being found in ecosystems with little or any human intervention. The study of ecological and biological factors , acting in the process of the infectious diseases emergence will help to understand its causes to create strategies for its prevention and control. Viruses are the main causative pathogens of the infectious diseases emergence in humans, animals and plants, and a good model to understand the emergency processes. Likewise, plants in contrast to animals are easy host to handle and viruses that affect them, safer for laboratory work than viruses of humans and animals, another models used in research. Therefore, the interaction plant-virus is a good experimental model for the study of the infectious diseases emergence. The study of virus emergence in plants also has a particular interest, because the viruses can cause economic losses in agricultural crops and threaten the resistance durability of improved plants, it suppose a risk for food security with significant impacts on society, comparable with infectious diseases of humans and domestic animals. To become an emerging pathogen, a virus must jump first from its reservoir host to a new host, then adapt to a new host until the infection within the population becomes independent from the reservoir, and finally must change its epidemiology. In this study, the emergence of pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) in tomato, was selected as experimental model to study the emergence of a virus in a new host specie, as well as the infections of different genotypes of pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) in pepper, to study the emergence of a virus that increases its pathogenicity in a previously resistant host. The study of both Pathosystems increased our knowledge about the ecological and evolutionary factors in the two first phases of the emergence of viral diseases in plants. The PepMV is an emerging pathogen in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in the world, which was first described in 1980 by infecting pepino (Solanum muricatum L.) in Peru, and almost after a decade caused an epidemic in tomato crops in Netherlands. The introduction to Europe was possibly through infected tomato seeds from Peru, and from then have been described new isolates that are grouped in four strains (EU, LP, CH2, US1) that infect tomato. However, the process of its emergence from pepino up tomato is a very interesting question, because it is one of the newest emerging viruses and economically important. For the PepMV emergence in tomato, wild tomato samples from southern Peru were collected, and the presence and diversity of PepMV isolates were analyzed and characterized at biological (host range) and genetics (genomic sequences) levels. Isolates from PMMoV have been described in different world regions which have acquired the ability to infect pepper varieties that were previously resistants (Capsicum spp), it means, a typical case of virus emergence which involves the host range extension and an increased pathogenicity. This is of great interest due to involve the use of resistant varieties obtained by breeding, which is the most effective way to control virus. To study the emergence of highly pathogenic genotypes of PMMoV, biological clones from field isolates whose pathogenicity was known were analyzed (P1,2) and by mutagenesis we increased its pathogenicity (P1,2,3 and P1,2, 3,4), introducing the mutations described as responsible for these phenotypes. We analyzed whether the increased pathogenicity involves a trade-off in fitness of PMMoV genotypes. For this aim, different components of virus fitness in different hosts with several resistance alleles were evaluated. The results of this thesis show: i). The potential of wild plants as reservoirs of emerging viruses, in this case wild tomatoes in southern Peru, and the existence in these plants of PepMV isolates of a new undescribed strain that we call PES. ii) The host range expansion is not a strict condition for the plant virus emergence. iii) The adaptation is the most likely mechanism in the PepMV emergence in cultivated tomato. iv) The increased pathogenicity has a pleiotropic effect on several fitness components, besides the sign and magnitude of this effect depends on the virus genotype, the host and the interaction of both.
The plant cell wall constitutes an essential protection barrier against pathogen attack. In addition, cell-wall disruption leads to accumulation of jasmonates (JAs), which are key signaling molecules for activation of plant inducible defense responses. However, whether JAs in return modulate the cell-wall composition to reinforce this defensive barrier remains unknown. The enzyme 13-allene oxide synthase (13-AOS) catalyzes the first committed step towards biosynthesis of JAs. In potato (Solanum tuberosum), there are two putative St13-AOS genes, which we show here to be differentially induced upon wounding. We also determine that both genes complement an Arabidopsis aos null mutant, indicating that they encode functional 13-AOS enzymes. Indeed, transgenic potato plants lacking both St13-AOS genes (CoAOS1/2 lines) exhibited a significant reduction of JAs, a concomitant decrease in wound-responsive gene activation, and an increased severity of soft rot disease symptoms caused by Dickeya dadantii. Intriguingly, a hypovirulent D. dadantii pel strain lacking the five major pectate lyases, which causes limited tissue maceration on wild-type plants, regained infectivity in CoAOS1/2 plants. In line with this, we found differences in pectin methyl esterase activity and cell-wall pectin composition between wild-type and CoAOS1/2 plants. Importantly, wild-type plants had pectins with a lower degree of methyl esterification, which are the substrates of the pectate lyases mutated in the pel strain. These results suggest that, during development of potato plants, JAs mediate modification of the pectin matrix to form a defensive barrier that is counteracted by pectinolytic virulence factors from D. dadantii.
En este estudio evaluamos la calidad de los lodos de una depuradora urbana y su aplicación en el cultivo de sandía (Citrullus lanatus) y tomate (Solanum lycopersicum).
(RS)-2-cis, 4-trans-abscisic acid (ABA), a naturally occurring plant stress hormone, elicited rapid agonist-specific changes in myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) measured in intact guard cells of Solanum tuberosum (n = 5); these changes were not reproduced by (RS)-2-trans, 4-trans-abscisic acid, an inactive stereoisomer of ABA (n = 4). The electrophysiological effects of InsP6 were assessed on both S. tuberosum (n = 14) and Vicia faba (n = 6) guard cell protoplasts. In both species, submicromolar concentrations of InsP6, delivered through the patch electrode, mimicked the inhibitory effects of ABA and internal calcium (Cai2+) on the inward rectifying K+ current, IK,in, in a dose-dependent manner. Steady state block of IK,in by InsP6 was reached much more quickly in Vicia (3 min at ≈1 μM) than Solanum (20–30 min). The effects of InsP6 on IK,in were specific to the myo-inositol isomer and were not elicited by other conformers of InsP6 (e.g., scyllo- or neo-). Chelation of Ca2+ by inclusion of 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid or EGTA in the patch pipette together with InsP6 prevented the inhibition of IK,in, suggesting that the effect is Ca2+ dependent. InsP6 was ≈100-fold more potent than Ins(1,4,5)P3 in modulating IK,in. Thus ABA increases InsP6 in guard cells, and InsP6 is a potent Ca2+-dependent inhibitor of IK,in. Taken together, these results suggest that InsP6 may play a major role in the physiological response of guard cells to ABA.
The properties of oxaloacetate (OA) transport into mitochondria from potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber and pea (Pisum sativum) leaves were studied by measuring the uptake of 14C-labeled OA into liposomes with incorporated mitochondrial membrane proteins preloaded with various dicarboxylates or citrate. OA was found to be transported in an obligatory counterexchange with malate, 2-oxoglutarate, succinate, citrate, or aspartate. Phtalonate inhibited all of these countertransports. OA-malate countertransport was inhibited by 4,4′-dithiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate and pyridoxal phosphate, and also by p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate and mersalyl, indicating that a lysine and a cysteine residue of the translocator protein are involved in the transport. From these and other inhibition studies, we concluded that plant mitochondria contain an OA translocator that differs from all other known mitochondrial translocators. Major functions of this translocator are the export of reducing equivalents from the mitochondria via the malate-OA shuttle and the export of citrate via the citrate-OA shuttle. In the cytosol, citrate can then be converted either into 2-oxoglutarate for use as a carbon skeleton for nitrate assimilation or into acetyl-coenzyme A for use as a precursor for fatty acid elongation or isoprenoid biosynthesis.
The monomer composition of the esterified part of suberin can be determined using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy technology and is accordingly believed to be well known. However, evidence was presented recently indicating that the suberin of green cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv Green Lint) fibers contains substantial amounts of esterified glycerol. This observation is confirmed in the present report by a sodium dodecyl sulfate extraction of membrane lipids and by a developmental study, demonstrating the correlated accumulation of glycerol and established suberin monomers. Corresponding amounts of glycerol also occur in the suberin of the periderm of cotton stems and potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers. A periderm preparation of wound-healing potato tuber storage parenchyma was further purified by different treatments. As the purification proceeded, the concentration of glycerol increased at about the same rate as that of α,ω-alkanedioic acids, the most diagnostic suberin monomers. Therefore, it is proposed that glycerol is a monomer of suberins in general and can cross-link aliphatic and aromatic suberin domains, corresponding to the electron-translucent and electron-opaque suberin lamellae, respectively. This proposal is consistent with the reported dimensions of the electron-translucent suberin lamellae.
Intact amyloplasts from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were used to study starch biosynthesis and phosphorylation. Assessed by the degree of intactness and by the level of cytosolic and vacuolar contamination, the best preparations were selected by searching for amyloplasts containing small starch grains. The isolated, small amyloplasts were 80% intact and were free from cytosolic and vacuolar contamination. Biosynthetic studies of the amyloplasts showed that [1-14C]glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) was an efficient precursor for starch synthesis in a manner highly dependent on amyloplast integrity. Starch biosynthesis from [1-14C]Glc-1-P in small, intact amyloplasts was 5-fold lower and largely independent of amyloplast intactness. When [33P]Glc-6-P was administered to the amyloplasts, radiophosphorylated starch was produced. Isoamylase treatment of the starch followed by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection revealed the separated phosphorylated α-glucans. Acid hydrolysis of the phosphorylated α-glucans and high-performance anion-exchange chromatography analyses showed that the incorporated phosphate was preferentially positioned at C-6 of the Glc moiety. The incorporation of radiolabel from Glc-1-P into starch in preparations of amyloplasts containing large grains was independent of intactness and most likely catalyzed by starch phosphorylase bound to naked starch grains.
Tuber formation in potato (Solanum tuberosum) is promoted by short photoperiods and is inhibited by gibberellins (GAs). Endogenous levels of GA1 were shown to decrease in stolons and leaves of potato plants induced to tuberize, which suggests that photoperiodic regulation of GA biosynthesis may play a role in tuber induction. We report the isolation of three potato cDNA clones (StGA20ox1–3) encoding GA 20-oxidase, a key regulatory enzyme in the GA-biosynthetic pathway. Using northern analysis, we detected a differential pattern of tissue-specific expression of the mRNAs corresponding to these clones. StGA20ox mRNAs were also very abundant in leaves of the potato ga1 mutant, which is blocked in the 13-hydroxylation step, and were strongly down-regulated by gibberellic acid, suggesting a feedback regulation of these genes. In plants grown in short-day (inductive) conditions, levels of the StGA20ox transcripts in leaves fluctuated during a 24-h period, with a peak of accumulation observed about 4 h after the lights were turned off. Interruption of the night with a 30-min “night break” of light (noninductive conditions) did not have a marked effect on the levels of accumulation of the three GA 20-oxidase mRNAs during the day, but it induced a second peak of expression of StGA20ox1 and StGA20ox3 transcripts late in the night. This observation, together with the finding that StGA20ox1 mRNA is expressed at high levels in leaves, suggests that night-break induction of this gene might play a role in the control of tuberization by regulating endogenous levels of GAs in response to daylength conditions.
The aurea (au) and yellow-green-2 (yg-2) mutants of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) are unable to synthesize the linear tetrapyrrole chromophore of phytochrome, resulting in plants with a yellow-green phenotype. To understand the basis of this phenotype, we investigated the consequences of the au and yg-2 mutations on tetrapyrrole metabolism. Dark-grown seedlings of both mutants have reduced levels of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) due to an inhibition of Pchlide synthesis. Feeding experiments with the tetrapyrrole precursor 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) demonstrate that the pathway between ALA and Pchlide is intact in au and yg-2 and suggest that the reduction in Pchlide is a result of the inhibition of ALA synthesis. This inhibition was independent of any deficiency in seed phytochrome, and experiments using an iron chelator to block heme synthesis demonstrated that both mutations inhibited the degradation of the physiologically active heme pool, suggesting that the reduction in Pchlide synthesis is a consequence of feedback inhibition by heme. We discuss the significance of these results in understanding the chlorophyll-deficient phenotype of the au and yg-2 mutants.
Long-term aging of potato (Solanum tuberosum) seed-tubers resulted in a loss of patatin (40 kD) and a cysteine-proteinase inhibitor, potato multicystatin (PMC), as well as an increase in the activities of 84-, 95-, and 125-kD proteinases. Highly active, additional proteinases (75, 90, and 100 kD) appeared in the oldest tubers. Over 90% of the total proteolytic activity in aged tubers was sensitive to trans-epoxysuccinyl-l-leucylamido (4-guanidino) butane or leupeptin, whereas pepstatin was the most effective inhibitor of proteinases in young tubers. Proteinases in aged tubers were also inhibited by crude extracts or purified PMC from young tubers, suggesting that the loss of PMC was responsible for the age-induced increase in proteinase activity. Nonenzymatic oxidation, glycation, and deamidation of proteins were enhanced by aging. Aged tubers developed “daughter” tubers that contained 3-fold more protein than “mother” tubers, with a polypeptide profile consistent with that of young tubers. Although PMC and patatin were absent from the older mother tubers, both proteins were expressed in the daughter tubers, indicating that aging did not compromise the efficacy of genes encoding PMC and patatin. Unlike the mother tubers, proteinase activity in daughter tubers was undetectable. Our results indicate that tuber aging nonenzymatically modifies proteins, which enhances their susceptibility to breakdown; we also identify a role for PMC in regulating protein turnover in potato tubers.
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) single-node explants undergoing in vitro tuberization produced detectable amounts of ethylene throughout tuber development, and the resulting microtubers were completely dormant (endodormant) for at least 12 to 15 weeks. The rate of ethylene production by tuberizing explants was highest during the initial 2 weeks of in vitro culture and declined thereafter. Continuous exposure of developing microtubers to the noncompetitive ethylene antagonist AgNO3 via the culture medium resulted in a dose-dependent increase in precocious sprouting. The effect of AgNO3 on the premature loss of microtuber endodormancy was observed after 3 weeks of culture. Similarly, continuous exposure of developing microtubers to the competitive ethylene antagonist 2,5-norbornadiene (NBD) at concentrations of 2 mL/L (gas phase) or greater also resulted in a dose-dependent increase in premature sprouting. Exogenous ethylene reversed this response and inhibited the precocious sprouting of NBD-treated microtubers. NBD treatment was effective only when it was begun within 7 d of the start of in vitro explant culture. These results indicate that endogenous ethylene is essential for the full expression of potato microtuber endodormancy, and that its involvement may be restricted to the initial period of endodormancy development.
Several lysines (Lys) were determined to be involved in the regulation of the ADP-glucose (Glc) pyrophosphorylase from spinach leaf and the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 (K. Ball, J. Preiss [1994] J Biol Chem 269: 24706–24711; Y. Charng, A.A. Iglesias, J. Preiss [1994] J Biol Chem 269: 24107–24113). Site-directed mutagenesis was used to investigate the relative roles of the conserved Lys in the heterotetrameric enzyme from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers. Mutations to alanine of Lys-404 and Lys-441 on the small subunit decreased the apparent affinity for the activator, 3-phosphoglycerate, by 3090- and 54-fold, respectively. The apparent affinity for the inhibitor, phosphate, decreased greater than 400-fold. Mutation of Lys-441 to glutamic acid showed even larger effects. When Lys-417 and Lys-455 on the large subunit were mutated to alanine, the phosphate inhibition was not altered and the apparent affinity for the activator decreased only 9- and 3-fold, respectively. Mutations of these residues to glutamic acid only decreased the affinity for the activator 12- and 5-fold, respectively. No significant changes were observed on other kinetic constants for the substrates ADP-Glc, pyrophosphate, and Mg2+. These data indicate that Lys-404 and Lys-441 on the small subunit are more important for the regulation of the ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase than their homologous residues in the large subunit.
To investigate the short-term effect of elevated temperatures on carbon metabolism in growing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers, developing tubers were exposed to a range of temperatures between 19°C and 37°C. Incorporation of [14C]glucose (Glc) into starch showed a temperature optimum at 25°C. Increasing the temperature from 23°C or 25°C up to 37°C led to decreased labeling of starch, increased labeling of sucrose (Suc) and intermediates of the respiratory pathway, and increased respiration rates. At elevated temperatures, hexose-phosphate levels were increased, whereas the levels of glycerate-3-phosphate (3PGA) and phosphoenolpyruvate were decreased. There was an increase in pyruvate and malate, and a decrease in isocitrate. The amount of adenine diphosphoglucose (ADPGlc) decreased when tubers were exposed to elevated temperatures. There was a strong correlation between the in vivo levels of 3PGA and ADPGlc in tubers incubated at different temperatures, and the decrease in ADPGlc correlated very well with the decrease in the labeling of starch. In tubers incubated at temperatures above 30°C, the overall activities of Suc synthase and ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase declined slightly, whereas soluble starch synthase and pyruvate kinase remained unchanged. Elevated temperatures led to an activation of Suc phosphate synthase involving a change in its kinetic properties. There was a strong correlation between Suc phosphate synthase activation and the in vivo level of Glc-6-phosphate. It is proposed that elevated temperatures lead to increased rates of respiration, and the resulting decline of 3PGA then inhibits ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase and starch synthesis.
Spraying potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) leaves with arachidonic acid (AA) at 1500 μg mL−1 led to a rapid local synthesis of salicylic acid (SA) and accumulation of a SA conjugate, which was shown to be 2-O-β-glucopyranosylsalicylic acid. Radiolabeling studies with untreated leaves showed that SA was synthesized from phenylalanine and that both cinnamic and benzoic acid were intermediates in the biosynthesis pathway. Using radiolabeled phenylalanine as a precursor, the specific activity of SA was found to be lower when leaves were treated with AA than in control leaves. Similar results were obtained when leaves were fed with the labeled putative intermediates cinnamic acid and benzoic acid. Application of 2-aminoindan-2-phosphonic acid at 40 μm, an inhibitor of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, prior to treatment with AA inhibited the local accumulation of SA. When the putative intermediates were applied to leaves in the presence of 2-aminoindan-2-phosphonic acid, about 40% of the expected accumulation of free SA was recovered, but the amount of the conjugate remained constant.