984 resultados para Software modeling


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A complexidade para operacionalizar o método de dimensionamento de profissionais de enfermagem, diante das inúmeras variáveis relativas à identificação da carga de trabalho, do tempo efetivo de trabalho dos profissionais e do Índice de Segurança Técnica (IST), evidenciou a necessidade de desenvolver um software, denominado: Dimensionamento Informatizado de Profissionais de Enfermagem (DIPE). Este estudo exploratório descritivo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade técnica e o desempenho funcional do DIPE. Participaram como sujeitos da pesquisa dezoito avaliadores, sendo dez enfermeiros docentes ou enfermeiros gerentes de unidades de saúde hospitalar e oito especialistas em informática em saúde. A avaliação do software baseou-se na norma NBR ISO/IEC 9126-1, considerando as características funcionalidade, confiabilidade, usabilidade, eficiência e ma­nutenibilidade. A avaliação do software obteve resultados positivos, sobre os quais os avaliadores concordaram em todas as características avaliadas. As sugestões relatadas serão importantes para a proposição de melhorias e aprimoramento do DIPE.


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BACKGROUND: Risks of significant infant drug exposurethrough breastmilk are poorly defined for many drugs, and largescalepopulation data are lacking. We used population pharmacokinetics(PK) modeling to predict fluoxetine exposure levels ofinfants via mother's milk in a simulated population of 1000 motherinfantpairs.METHODS: Using our original data on fluoxetine PK of 25breastfeeding women, a population PK model was developed withNONMEM and parameters, including milk concentrations, wereestimated. An exponential distribution model was used to account forindividual variation. Simulation random and distribution-constrainedassignment of doses, dosing time, feeding intervals and milk volumewas conducted to generate 1000 mother-infant pairs with characteristicssuch as the steady-state serum concentrations (Css) and infantdose relative to the maternal weight-adjusted dose (relative infantdose: RID). Full bioavailability and a conservative point estimate of1-month-old infant CYP2D6 activity to be 20% of the adult value(adjusted by weigth) according to a recent study, were assumed forinfant Css calculations.RESULTS: A linear 2-compartment model was selected as thebest model. Derived parameters, including milk-to-plasma ratios(mean: 0.66; SD: 0.34; range, 0 - 1.1) were consistent with the valuesreported in the literature. The estimated RID was below 10% in >95%of infants. The model predicted median infant-mother Css ratio was0.096 (range 0.035 - 0.25); literature reported mean was 0.07 (range0-0.59). Moreover, the predicted incidence of infant-mother Css ratioof >0.2 was less than 1%.CONCLUSION: Our in silico model prediction is consistent withclinical observations, suggesting that substantial systemic fluoxetineexposure in infants through human milk is rare, but further analysisshould include active metabolites. Our approach may be valid forother drugs. [supported by CIHR and Swiss National Science Foundation(SNSF)]


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Nuclear receptors are a major component of signal transduction in animals. They mediate the regulatory activities of many hormones, nutrients and metabolites on the homeostasis and physiology of cells and tissues. It is of high interest to model the corresponding regulatory networks. While molecular and cell biology studies of individual promoters have provided important mechanistic insight, a more complex picture is emerging from genome-wide studies. The regulatory circuitry of nuclear receptor regulated gene expression networks, and their response to cellular signaling, appear highly dynamic, and involve long as well as short range chromatin interactions. We review how progress in understanding the kinetics and regulation of cofactor recruitment, and the development of new genomic methods, provide opportunities but also a major challenge for modeling nuclear receptor mediated regulatory networks.


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Este artigo descreve o desenvolvimento e avaliação de um software que verifica a acurácia diagnóstica de alunos de enfermagem. O software foi baseado num modelo que utiliza conceitos da lógica fuzzy, em PERL, banco de dados MySQL para acesso pela internet e a classificação NANDA-I 2007-2008. Avaliou-se a qualidade técnica e a usabilidade do software utilizando instrumentos específicos. A atividade proposta no software possui quatro etapas nas quais o aluno estabelece valores de relação entre diagnósticos de enfermagem, características definidoras/fatores de risco e casos clínicos. Os valores de relação determinados pelo aluno são comparados aos de especialistas, gerando escores de desempenho para o aluno. Na avaliação, o software atendeu satisfatoriamente as necessidades de qualidade técnica e, segundo os alunos, trouxe benefícios ao aprendizado, podendo transformar-se em uma ferramenta educacional no ensino do diagnóstico de enfermagem.


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O mapeamento conceitual (MC) é uma estratégia de ensino que pode ser utilizada para resoluções de casos clínicos, porém de trabalhosa execução manuscrita. O estudo teve por objetivos descrever os desafios e as contribuições do software Cmap Tools® para a construção de mapas conceituais para resolução de caso clínico. Para isso, utilizou-se método descritivo, qualitativo, com estudantes da 3ª série de Graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. A estratégia de ensino foi aplicada e os dados foram coletados pela técnica do grupo focal. Os resultados evidenciaram que o software facilita e garante a organização, visualização e correlação dos dados, porém com dificuldades iniciais relacionadas ao manejo das ferramentas que dispõe. Concluiu-se que o software Cmap Tools® favoreceu a construção dos MC por seus recursos de formatação e autoformatação e que estratégias de orientação deveriam ser implantadas para a fase inicial de utilização.


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PURPOSE: Aerodynamic drag plays an important role in performance for athletes practicing sports that involve high-velocity motions. In giant slalom, the skier is continuously changing his/her body posture, and this affects the energy dissipated in aerodynamic drag. It is therefore important to quantify this energy to understand the dynamic behavior of the skier. The aims of this study were to model the aerodynamic drag of alpine skiers in giant slalom simulated conditions and to apply these models in a field experiment to estimate energy dissipated through aerodynamic drag. METHODS: The aerodynamic characteristics of 15 recreational male and female skiers were measured in a wind tunnel while holding nine different skiing-specific postures. The drag and the frontal area were recorded simultaneously for each posture. Four generalized and two individualized models of the drag coefficient were built, using different sets of parameters. These models were subsequently applied in a field study designed to compare the aerodynamic energy losses between a dynamic and a compact skiing technique. RESULTS: The generalized models estimated aerodynamic drag with an accuracy of between 11.00% and 14.28%, and the individualized models estimated aerodynamic drag with an accuracy between 4.52% and 5.30%. The individualized model used for the field study showed that using a dynamic technique led to 10% more aerodynamic drag energy loss than using a compact technique. DISCUSSION: The individualized models were capable of discriminating different techniques performed by advanced skiers and seemed more accurate than the generalized models. The models presented here offer a simple yet accurate method to estimate the aerodynamic drag acting upon alpine skiers while rapidly moving through the range of positions typical to turning technique.


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The past four decades have witnessed an explosive growth in the field of networkbased facility location modeling. This is not at all surprising since location policy is one of the most profitable areas of applied systems analysis in regional science and ample theoretical and applied challenges are offered. Location-allocation models seek the location of facilities and/or services (e.g., schools, hospitals, and warehouses) so as to optimize one or several objectives generally related to the efficiency of the system or to the allocation of resources. This paper concerns the location of facilities or services in discrete space or networks, that are related to the public sector, such as emergency services (ambulances, fire stations, and police units), school systems and postal facilities. The paper is structured as follows: first, we will focus on public facility location models that use some type of coverage criterion, with special emphasis in emergency services. The second section will examine models based on the P-Median problem and some of the issues faced by planners when implementing this formulation in real world locational decisions. Finally, the last section will examine new trends in public sector facility location modeling.


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We implemented Biot-type porous wave equations in a pseudo-spectral numerical modeling algorithm for the simulation of Stoneley waves in porous media. Fourier and Chebyshev methods are used to compute the spatial derivatives along the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. To prevent from overly short time steps due to the small grid spacing at the top and bottom of the model as a consequence of the Chebyshev operator, the mesh is stretched in the vertical direction. As a large benefit, the Chebyshev operator allows for an explicit treatment of interfaces. Boundary conditions can be implemented with a characteristics approach. The characteristic variables are evaluated at zero viscosity. We use this approach to model seismic wave propagation at the interface between a fluid and a porous medium. Each medium is represented by a different mesh and the two meshes are connected through the above described characteristics domain-decomposition method. We show an experiment for sealed pore boundary conditions, where we first compare the numerical solution to an analytical solution. We then show the influence of heterogeneity and viscosity of the pore fluid on the propagation of the Stoneley wave and surface waves in general.


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This paper presents a review of methodology for semi-supervised modeling with kernel methods, when the manifold assumption is guaranteed to be satisfied. It concerns environmental data modeling on natural manifolds, such as complex topographies of the mountainous regions, where environmental processes are highly influenced by the relief. These relations, possibly regionalized and nonlinear, can be modeled from data with machine learning using the digital elevation models in semi-supervised kernel methods. The range of the tools and methodological issues discussed in the study includes feature selection and semisupervised Support Vector algorithms. The real case study devoted to data-driven modeling of meteorological fields illustrates the discussed approach.


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Synaptic plasticity involves a complex molecular machinery with various protein interactions but it is not yet clear how its components give rise to the different aspects of synaptic plasticity. Here we ask whether it is possible to mathematically model synaptic plasticity by making use of known substances only. We present a model of a multistable biochemical reaction system and use it to simulate the plasticity of synaptic transmission in long-term potentiation (LTP) or long-term depression (LTD) after repeated excitation of the synapse. According to our model, we can distinguish between two phases: first, a "viscosity" phase after the first excitation, the effects of which like the activation of NMDA receptors and CaMKII fade out in the absence of further excitations. Second, a "plasticity" phase actuated by an identical subsequent excitation that follows after a short time interval and causes the temporarily altered concentrations of AMPA subunits in the postsynaptic membrane to be stabilized. We show that positive feedback is the crucial element in the core chemical reaction, i.e. the activation of the short-tail AMPA subunit by NEM-sensitive factor, which allows generating multiple stable equilibria. Three stable equilibria are related to LTP, LTD and a third unfixed state called ACTIVE. Our mathematical approach shows that modeling synaptic multistability is possible by making use of known substances like NMDA and AMPA receptors, NEM-sensitive factor, glutamate, CaMKII and brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Furthermore, we could show that the heteromeric combination of short- and long-tail AMPA receptor subunits fulfills the function of a memory tag.


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Background: The analysis and usage of biological data is hindered by the spread of information across multiple repositories and the difficulties posed by different nomenclature systems and storage formats. In particular, there is an important need for data unification in the study and use of protein-protein interactions. Without good integration strategies, it is difficult to analyze the whole set of available data and its properties.Results: We introduce BIANA (Biologic Interactions and Network Analysis), a tool for biological information integration and network management. BIANA is a Python framework designed to achieve two major goals: i) the integration of multiple sources of biological information, including biological entities and their relationships, and ii) the management of biological information as a network where entities are nodes and relationships are edges. Moreover, BIANA uses properties of proteins and genes to infer latent biomolecular relationships by transferring edges to entities sharing similar properties. BIANA is also provided as a plugin for Cytoscape, which allows users to visualize and interactively manage the data. A web interface to BIANA providing basic functionalities is also available. The software can be downloaded under GNU GPL license from http://sbi.imim.es/web/BIANA.php.Conclusions: BIANA's approach to data unification solves many of the nomenclature issues common to systems dealing with biological data. BIANA can easily be extended to handle new specific data repositories and new specific data types. The unification protocol allows BIANA to be a flexible tool suitable for different user requirements: non-expert users can use a suggested unification protocol while expert users can define their own specific unification rules.


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O trabalho que ora apresentamos tem como tema “ O Ensino da Expressão e Educação Físico-Motora nas Escolas do Ensino Básico de São Lourenço dos Órgãos – Pós – Reforma.” O mesmo tem como horizonte temporal o ano lectivo 2006/07 e abarca as Escolas Básicas do novel Município de São Lourenço dos Órgãos. O ensino da Expressão e Educação Físico – Motora (E.E.F.M.) reveste-se de enorme importância e, nos últimos anos, tem-se emprestado muita atenção a esta área, quer seja a nível planetário, quer seja a nível nacional. Hoje, muitos estudiosos preocupam-se com o ensino desta área e, em consequência procuram fazer algo que permita a promoção da mesma e seja vista como as outras ditas académicas, isto porque todos estão cientes da sua importância e pertinência dentro do sistema escolar. Diante de tudo o que já foi dito e na possibilidade de poder dar um contributo a bem da educação no nosso pais, em geral, e no Município de São Lourenço dos Órgãos, em particular, pretendemos compreender, entretanto, porque é que muitos professores não leccionam ou raras vezes leccionam a área da Expressão e Educação Físico – Motora.


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The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is a continuation of nearly 30 years of modeling efforts conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service. SWAT has gained international acceptance as a robust interdisciplinary watershed modeling tool, as evidenced by international SWAT conferences, hundreds of SWAT-related papers presented at numerous scientific meetings, and dozens of articles published in peer-reviewed journals. The model has also been adopted as part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s BASINS (Better Assessment Science Integrating Point & Nonpoint Sources) software package and is being used by many U.S. federal and state agencies, including the USDA within the Conservation Effects Assessment Project. At present, over 250 peer-reviewed, published articles have been identified that report SWAT applications, reviews of SWAT components, or other research that includes SWAT. Many of these peer-reviewed articles are summarized here according to relevant application categories such as streamflow calibration and related hydrologic analyses, climate change impacts on hydrology, pollutant load assessments, comparisons with other models, and sensitivity analyses and calibration techniques. Strengths and weaknesses of the model are presented, and recommended research needs for SWAT are provided.


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The forensic two-trace problem is a perplexing inference problem introduced by Evett (J Forensic Sci Soc 27:375-381, 1987). Different possible ways of wording the competing pair of propositions (i.e., one proposition advanced by the prosecution and one proposition advanced by the defence) led to different quantifications of the value of the evidence (Meester and Sjerps in Biometrics 59:727-732, 2003). Here, we re-examine this scenario with the aim of clarifying the interrelationships that exist between the different solutions, and in this way, produce a global vision of the problem. We propose to investigate the different expressions for evaluating the value of the evidence by using a graphical approach, i.e. Bayesian networks, to model the rationale behind each of the proposed solutions and the assumptions made on the unknown parameters in this problem.