924 resultados para Sociology of prison


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ResumenEl análisis de la dinámica del sistema de atención de la salud en el ámbito de las cárceles de la provincia de Buenos Aires, permite comprender las concepciones que, en torno a la violencia y a la población carcelaria, se hacen quienes definen la política sanitaria interna y a los funcionarios menores que la implementan en cada unidad penitenciaria; constituye una puerta de entrada para conocer y comprender la lógica de funcionamiento de cada unidad penitenciaria. Así, proponemos transitar este sistema con el objeto de plantear que la coexistencia de normas contradictorias, normas escritas proclamadas por el discurso oficial y normas impuestas por la vida en el interior del sistema carcelario, en tanto condición del funcionamiento del sistema, se ha convertido en un contrasentido que tiene una lógica propia de funcionamiento. Lo haremos recorriendo la trayectoria de una de las personas detenidas, a través de los registros realizados en su legajo sanitario (historia clínica), como trayectoria socioinstitucional que da cuenta del despliegue de la maquinaria penitenciaria sobre los cuerpos.AbstractThe analysis of the dynamic of the health system attention in the ambit of jails of the province of Buenos Aires, allows the understanding of the conceptions that -around violence and of prison population- those who define the sanitary internal politics and implement it in every penitentiary unit have; it constitutes a clue to understand the functioning logic of every penitentiary unit. So, we propose to travel this system in order to raise that the coexistence of contradictory procedures, written procedures proclaimed by the official discourse and imposed by the life inside the prison system, as a condition of the functioning of the system, have turned into an absurdity that has an own logic of functioning. We will do the analysis by going across the path of one of the arrested persons, across the records performed in his sanitary file (clinical history), as socio institutional path which accounts for the penitentiary machinery display on the bodies.


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La distruzione del Secondo Tempio di Gerusalemme nel 70 e.v. rappresenta un momento cruciale nell’evoluzione storica e teologica della religione giudaica. Prima della catastrofe, l’intero sistema cultuale si fondava sulle ritualità sacrificali, che si concentravano esclusivamente nel santuario gerosolimitano. Con la caduta di quest’ultimo e il venir meno delle sue prassi, il giudaismo dovette ripensare totalmente la propria religiosità, la quale andò gradualmente a imperniarsi sulla preghiera e su atti di devozione non cruenti, in una prospettiva più aperta, mobile e orizzontale. Pertanto, questa ricerca si pone lo scopo di analizzare, in una prospettiva fortemente votata all’antropologia, alla storia e alla sociologia della religione, il senso profondo di tale trasformazione. A questo fine, è stato studiato il culto sacrificale e liturgico giudaico precedente e successivo al 70 e.v., indagando in particolare alcuni aspetti specifici, quali la spazialità sacra, la gestualità rituale e l’uso della musica. In questo modo, è stato possibile delineare alcune logiche fondamentali che costituiscono la struttura dell’intero sistema religioso. Confrontando quelle del periodo del Secondo Tempio con quelle posteriori a esso, è dunque emersa una certa linearità, ma anche una forte discontinuità nella percezione del sacro e dei suoi rituali, fornendo così una nuova interpretazione del significato di una trasformazione di così vasta portata.


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Increased treatment retention among substance abusing individuals has been associated with reduced drug use, fewer arrests, and decreased unemployment, as well as a reduction in health risk behaviors. This longitudinal study examined the predictors of client retention for alternative to prison substance abuse treatment programs through assessing the roles of motivational factors and the client-worker relationship. The sample was comprised of 141 male felony offenders who were legally mandated to community based long-term residential drug treatment programs. ^ The primary measures used in the study were the consecutive days a participant remained in treatment, Stages of Change Readiness Model and Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES), the Working Alliance Inventory (WAI), and The Readiness Ruler. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted for four hypotheses (a) participants who are more motivated to change at the time of entry will remain in treatment longer, (b) participants who have a strong therapeutic alliance will remain in treatment a greater number of consecutive days than participants who have weaker therapeutic alliance, (c) motivation to change, as measured at treatment entry, will be positively related to therapeutic alliance, (d) during the course of treatment variation in motivation to change will be predicted by the therapeutic alliance. ^ Results support the following conclusions: Among clients in alternative-to prison programs the number of days in treatment is positively related to their motivation to change. The therapeutic alliance is not a predictor of the number of days in treatment. Motivation to change, particularly recognition of a drug problem, is positively related to the therapeutic alliance. Changes in motivation to change in response to treatment are positively related to the therapeutic alliance among clients in an alternative to prison substance abuse treatment programs. These results carry forward prior research and have implications for social work practice, research, and social welfare policy. ^