933 resultados para Smart cards


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The concept of SG (Smart Grids) encompasses a set of technologies that raise the intelligence of the electrical networks, such as smart meters or instruments of communication, sensing and auto-correction of networks. Nevertheless, the cost is still an important obstacle for the transformation of the current electricity system into a smarter one. Regulation can have an important role in setting up a favorable framework that fosters investments. However, the novelty with SG is the disembodied character of the technology, which may change the incentives of the regulated network companies to invest, affecting the effectiveness of the regulatory instruments (“cost plus” or “price cap”). This paper demonstrates that the solution to this “Smart” paradox requires strong incentive regulation mechanisms able to stimulate the adoption of SG technologies. Moreover, the regulation should not jeopardize conventional investments that are unable to be substituted by SG. Thus, a combination of performance regulation and efficiency obligations may be necessary.


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Objectives: To discuss how current research in the area of smart homes and ambient assisted living will be influenced by the use of big data. Methods: A scoping review of literature published in scientific journals and conference proceedings was performed, focusing on smart homes, ambient assisted living and big data over the years 2011-2014. Results: The health and social care market has lagged behind other markets when it comes to the introduction of innovative IT solutions and the market faces a number of challenges as the use of big data will increase. First, there is a need for a sustainable and trustful information chain where the needed information can be transferred from all producers to all consumers in a structured way. Second, there is a need for big data strategies and policies to manage the new situation where information is handled and transferred independently of the place of the expertise. Finally, there is a possibility to develop new and innovative business models for a market that supports cloud computing, social media, crowdsourcing etc. Conclusions: The interdisciplinary area of big data, smart homes and ambient assisted living is no longer only of interest for IT developers, it is also of interest for decision makers as customers make more informed choices among today's services. In the future it will be of importance to make information usable for managers and improve decision making, tailor smart home services based on big data, develop new business models, increase competition and identify policies to ensure privacy, security and liability.


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In this paper, a smart wireless wristband is proposed. The potential of innovative gesture based interactivity with connected lighting solutions is reviewed. The solution is intended to offer numerous benefits, in terms of ease of use, and enhanced dynamic interactive functionality. A comparative analysis will be carried out between this work and existing solutions. The evolution of lighting and gesture controls will be discussed and an overview of alternative applications will be provided, as part of the critical analysis.


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This paper presents a development of a semi-active prosthetic knee, which can work in both active and passive modes based on the energy required during the gait cycle of various activities of daily livings (ADLs). The prosthetic limb is equipped with various sensors to measure the kinematic and kinetic parameters of both prosthetic limbs. This prosthetic knee is designed to be back-drivable in passive mode to provide a potential use in energy regeneration when there negative energy across the knee joint. Preliminary test has been performed on transfemoral amputee in passive mode to provide some insight to the amputee/prosthesis interaction and performance with the designed prosthetic knee.


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Ever since the birth of the Smart City paradigm, a wide variety of initiatives have sprung up involving this phenomenon: best practices, projects, pilot projects, transformation plans, models, standards, indicators, measuring systems, etc. The question to ask, applicable to any government official, city planner or researcher, is whether this effect is being felt in how cities are transforming, or whether, in contrast, it is not very realistic to speak of cities imbued with this level of intelligence. Many cities are eager to define themselves as smart, but the variety, complexity and scope of the projects needed for this transformation indicate that the change process is longer than it seems. If our goal is to carry out a comparative analysis of this progress among cities by using the number of projects executed and their scope as a reference for the transformation, we could find such a task inconsequential due to the huge differences and characteristics that define a city. We believe that the subject needs simplification (simpler, more practical models) and a new approach. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the smart city transformation process in Spain and provides a support model that helps us understand the changes and the speed at which they are being implemented. To this end we define a set of elements of change called "transformation factors" that group a city's smartness into one of three levels (Low/Medium/Fully) and more homogeneously identify the level of advancement of this process. © 2016 IEEE.


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Syftet med rapporten är att utgöra underlag för Dalarnas strategi för smart specialisering inom energiområdet, vilken görs enligt den europeiska modellen framarbetad av Sevilla-plattformen; Regional Forsknings- och Innovationsstrategi (RIS3). Rapporten motsvarar enligt denna modell steg 5 i processen. Rapporten ger svar på om kunskapsområdet Energieffektivt samhällsbyggande kan kvalificera sig för att vara ett prioriterat område för smart specialisering i Dalarna och lämnar förslag på hur en öppen innovationsarena inom kunskapsområdet kan organiseras. Förslag lämnas på roller och funktioner för respektive organisation inom innovationssystemet, däribland Högskolan.  EUs strategi för tillväxt och jobb ”EU 2020 – Smart och hållbar tillväxt för alla” kopplar samman tillväxt och lösningen av samhällsutmaningar. I strategin ingår att styra alla befintliga verktyg i strategins riktning, vilket innebär skärpta krav på att jobba enligt strategin om man vill komma åt stöd från olika finansiella program. EUs flaggskepp ”Innovationsunionen” framhåller att konkurrenskraft och tillväxt är beroende av innovation inom produkter, tjänster, handel och samhällsmässiga processer och modeller. För att lyckas med detta behöver varje europeisk region analysera och fokusera på sina starkaste områden. EUs program för forskning och innovation Horizon 2020 ställer krav på nyttiggörande av forskning och samverkan med omgivande samhälle, varför ökad företagssamverkan behövs. Dalarnas satsning på smart specialisering inom området Energieffektivt samhällsbyggande stöds av såväl nationella som regionala innovationsstrategin, Dalarnas regionala utvecklingsstrategi, Norra Mellansveriges strukturfondsprogram, m fl programskrivningar. Kunskapsområdet energieffektivt samhällsbyggande spänner över ett brett område där allt från energiproduktion och energiöverföring till energins användning ingår. Ordet samhälle i namnet för kunskapsområdet markerar att det omfattar mer än byggande av hus. Det är energieffektiviteten som är den samlande faktorn. En vision för kunskapsområdet finns redan beslutad i Dalarnas energi- och klimatstrategi.  Analysen av spetskompetens visar att det finns förutsättningar att hävda eller utveckla excellens och nå tillväxt inom flera områden inom energieffektivt samhällsbyggande, däribland elöverföring, smarta elnät, energisystem, solenergi, energieffektivt byggande och IT-transportlösningar. Dock saknas i flera fall dokumentation av hur olika verksamheter och spetskompetenser befinner sig i jämförelse med andra. Baserat på analysen konstateras att Energieffektivt samhällsbyggande kvalificerar sig för att vara ett prioriterat område för smart specialisering i Dalarna. I rapporten kartläggs och beskrivs alla aktörer inom kunskapsområdet. Tillsammans täcker de in de flesta delar av energiomställningen och innovationssystemet, uppbackat av ett starkt regionalt ledarskap och Dalarna som Pilotlän för grön utveckling. En ingående funktionsanalys av innovationssystemet inom kunskapsområdet identifierar några brister som föreslås lösas.  Förslag lämnas på alla berörda aktörers roller och funktioner i innovationssystemet, där klustren förväntas ta en nyckelroll i att generera idéflöden och implementera innovationer. Högskolan Dalarna ges en central roll i specialiseringen inom energiområdet och föreslås inneha både ett energikompetenscentrum och ett innovationscenter. En öppen innovationsarena kan skapas av de tre FoI-miljöerna byggande, smarta elnät och IT i transportsektorn. Rapporten föreslår innovationsarenans arbetssätt och verksamhet.


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With emerging trends for Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities, complex data transformation, aggregation and visualization problems are becoming increasingly common. These tasks support improved business intelligence, analytics and enduser access to data. However, in most cases developers of these tasks are presented with challenging problems including noisy data, diverse data formats, data modeling and increasing demand for sophisticated visualization support. This paper describes our experiences with just such problems in the context of Household Travel Surveys data integration and harmonization. We describe a common approach for addressing these harmonizations. We then discuss a set of lessons that we have learned from our experience that we hope will be useful for others embarking on similar problems. We also identify several key directions and needs for future research and practical support in this area.


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O Seminário Estratégico "A Reinvenção do Dinheiro e a Emergência das Moedas Criativas" reunirá 15 especialistas de diferentes áreas para discutir as transformações contemporâneas implicadas na digitalização do dinheiro e na emergência resultante de novos circuitos de monetização da produção, do consumo, da distribuição, do financiamento e da reciclagem de todos os bens e serviços, assim como da própria informação.O debate marca o lançamento da campanha MIL CLICKS de monetização de projetos de Media and Information Literacy (MIL) pela UNESCO na USP, plataforma desenhada pelo grupo de pesquisa Cidade do Conhecimento em parceria com Dentsu Aegis Network e UNESCO, integrada à Global MIL Week UNESCO 2016 na Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP (2 a 6 de novembro de 2016).


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This study considers a novel application of electric vehicles (EVs) to quickly help reheated thermal turbine units to provide the stability fluctuated by load demands. A mathematical model of a power system with EVs is first derived. This model contains the dynamic interactions of EVs and multiple network-induced time delays. Then, a dynamic output feedback H∞ controller for load frequency control of power systems with multiple time delays in the control input is proposed. To address the multiple time delays issue, a refined Jensen-based inequality, which encompasses the Jensen inequality, is used to derive less conservative synthesis conditions in terms of tractable linear matrix inequalities. A procedure is given to parameterise an output feedback controller to guarantee stability and H∞ performance of the closed-loop system. Extensive simulations are conducted to validate the proposed control method.


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An off-grid photovoltaic power system requires an energy storage system, especially batteries, for mitigation of variability and intermittency problems, and for assured service reliability and availability. The longevity and reliability of such batteries depend on the effectiveness of the charging system. This paper presents the modelling, simulation and hardware implementation of a four-stage switch-mode charger based on the single-ended primary inductance converter. The digital signal processor based controller implements algorithms for the system's power balance control, maximum power point tracking to improve charging speed and efficiency, four-stage optimal charging, and system's protection. The protection algorithm provides over-charge, overdischarge, over-temperature and short circuit protection capabilities. The proposed system has the following advantages: ability to continuously charge the batteries even at reduced solar irradiation, higher efficiency, and use of adaptive thermally compensated set points for optimum performance. A prototype is built and experimental results are presented to validate the simulation results.


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BACKGROUND: Psychosocial interventions have an important role in promoting recovery in people with persisting psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. Readily available, digital technology provides a means of developing therapeutic resources for use together by practitioners and mental health service users. As part of the Self-Management and Recovery Technology (SMART) research program, we have developed an online resource providing materials on illness self-management and personal recovery based on the Connectedness-Hope-Identity-Meaning-Empowerment (CHIME) framework. Content is communicated using videos featuring persons with lived experience of psychosis discussing how they have navigated issues in their own recovery. This was developed to be suitable for use on a tablet computer during sessions with a mental health worker to promote discussion about recovery.

METHODS/DESIGN: This is a rater-blinded randomised controlled trial comparing a low intensity recovery intervention of eight one-to-one face-to-face sessions with a mental health worker using the SMART website alongside routine care, versus an eight-session comparison condition, befriending. The recruitment target is 148 participants with a schizophrenia-related disorder or mood disorder with a history of psychosis, recruited from mental health services in Victoria, Australia. Following baseline assessment, participants are randomised to intervention, and complete follow up assessments at 3, 6 and 9 months post-baseline. The primary outcome is personal recovery measured using the Process of Recovery Questionnaire (QPR). Secondary outcomes include positive and negative symptoms assessed with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, subjective experiences of psychosis, emotional symptoms, quality of life and resource use. Mechanisms of change via effects on self-stigma and self-efficacy will be examined.

DISCUSSION: This protocol describes a novel intervention which tests new therapeutic methods including in-session tablet computer use and video-based peer modelling. It also informs a possible low intensity intervention model potentially viable for delivery across the mental health workforce.


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I-SMART is an Internet-based client management system that allows the State of Iowa and its licensed substance abuse treatment providers to administer, manage and provide cost efficient and quality substance abuse assessment and treatment services. Implementation of the I-SMART System is a key product in meeting the federal government requirements for National Outcome Monitoring System (NOMS).


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These are cards giving recipes for fruit and vegetable dishes. Recipes include: confetti bean salsa, Mediterranean quinoa salad, minty watermelon cucumber salad, quick refrigerator pickles, broccoli salad, apple, cranberry and almond coleslaw, farmers’ market pasta salad, roasted beet and butter bean hummus, spinach and strawberry pecan salad, okra, avocado and tomato salad, plum-berry mint smoothie and crispy baked vegetables.