972 resultados para Single-nucleotide-polymorphism


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High-throughput prioritization of cancer-causing mutations (drivers) is a key challenge of cancer genome projects, due to the number of somatic variants detected in tumors. One important step in this task is to assess the functional impact of tumor somatic mutations. A number of computational methods have been employed for that purpose, although most were originally developed to distinguish disease-related nonsynonymous single nucleotide variants (nsSNVs) from polymorphisms. Our new method, transformed Functional Impact score for Cancer (transFIC), improves the assessment of the functional impact of tumor nsSNVs by taking into account the baseline tolerance of genes to functional variants.


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AbstractAspergillus fumigatus is a ubiquitous mould that can cause invasive aspergillosis, a potentially lethal infection in onco-hematological patients. With an incidence rate ranging from 5 to 15%, invasive aspergillosis (IA) is one of the most frequent infections in patients undergoing intensive myeloablative chemotherapy for acute leukaemia or allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are transmembrane proteins located in immune cells, such as macrophages sand dendritic cells, that detect molecular motifs from invading pathogens to initiate immune response mechanisms. Studies suggested a role for TLR2 and TLR4 in the detection of A. fumigatus. However, few data are available on the role of TLR1 and TLR6, both known as TLR2 co-receptors, in innate immune responses to this pathogen.In this study, we used an immunogenic mutant strain of A. fumigatus, together with a wild-type strain, to analyse the role of TLRs and their signalling pathways in the innate immune response to this mould. We show for the first time that this response involves both TLR1 and TLR6 in mouse and TLR1, but not TLR6, in human. We show that, despite the high sequence homology between TLR1 and TLR6, the specificity in the sensing of A. fumigatus relies on the human TLR1 and TLR6 ectodomains. Furthermore, we show that two human single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (G1805T [S6021] and G239C [R80T]) affect the response to this pathogen. Our work also confirms the role of TLR2 and TLR4 in the detection of A. fumigatus, together with their co-receptors CD 14 and MD2, in both mouse and human, and highlights the nature of the intracellular signaling pathway used by these receptors to mediate the immune response against this pathogen.This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the role of TLRs and their signalling pathways in the innate immune recognition of A. fumigatus and may have important consequences for diagnosis, management and treatment of IA in high risk patients.RésuméAspergillus fumigatus est un champignon saprophyte ubiquitaire qui peut causer l'aspergillose invasive (AI), une infection potentiellement mortelle chez les patients onco-hématologiques. Avec un taux d'incidence de 5 à 15%, l'AI est l'une des infections les plus fréquentes chez les patients subissant une chimiothérapie intensive pour une leucémie aiguë ou une allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques. Les récepteurs Toll-like (Toll-like receptors, TLRs) sont des protéines transmembranaires placés stratégiquement à la surface de certaines cellules immunitaires, comme les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques. Ces protéines sont capables de détecter des motifs moléculaires à la surface des pathogènes et de déclencher la réponse immunitaire innée. Des études ont suggéré l'implication de TLR2 et TLR4 dans la détection dΆ. fumigatus. Cependant, peu de données sont disponibles sur le rôle de TLR1 et TLR6, qui sont les co-récepteurs de TLR2, dans ce mécanisme de défense immunitaire.Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé une souche particulièrement immunogénique d'A. fumigatus, ainsi qu'une souche sauvage, pour analyser l'implication des récepteurs TLRs dans la réponse immunitaire à ce champignon filamenteux. Nous montrons pour la première fois que cette détection implique TLR1 et TLR6 chez la souris, et TLR1, mais pas TLR6, chez l'homme. Nous montrons également que la spécificité de détection chez l'homme est due à des séquences spécifiques du domaine extra- membranaire de TLR1 et TLR6, et que des polymorphismes mono-nucléotidiques du récepteur (G1805T [S602I] and G239C [R80T]) influencent la réponse à ce pathogène. Nous confirmons également l'implication de TLR2 et TLR4, avec leurs co-récepteurs CD14 et MD2, dans la détection d'A. fumigatus, chez l'homme et la souris, et mettons en évidence les voies de signalisation cellulaires impliquées dans la réponse immunitaire à ce pathogène.Ces nouvelles connaissances sur le rôle des TLRs et de leurs voies de signalisation cellulaire dans la détection immunitaire innée d'A. fumigatus pourraient influencer le diagnostic, la prévention et le traitement de l'AI chez les patients à haut risque de développer cette infection.


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High systemic levels of IP-10 at onset of combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C mirror intrahepatic mRNA levels and predict a slower first phase decline in HCV RNA as well as poor outcome. Recently several genome wide association studies have revealed that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on chromosome19 within proximity of IL28B predict spontaneous clearance of HCV infection and as therapeutic outcome among patients infected with HCV genotype 1, with three such SNPs being highly predictive: rs12979860, rs12980275, and rs8099917. In the present study, we correlated genetic variations in these SNPs from 253 Caucasian patients with pretreatment plasma levels of IP-10 and HCV RNA throughout therapy within a phase III treatment trial (HCV-DITTO). The favorable genetic variations in all three SNPs (CC, AA, and TT respectively) was significantly associated with lower baseline IP-10 (CC vs. CT/TT at rs12979860: median 189 vs. 258 pg/mL, P=0.02, AA vs. AG/GG at rs12980275: median 189 vs. 258 pg/mL, P=0.01, TT vs. TG/GG at rs8099917: median 224 vs. 288 pg/mL, P=0.04), were significantly less common among HCV genotype 1 infected patients than genotype 2/3 (P<0.0001, P<0.0001, and P=0.01 respectively) and had significantly higher baseline viral load than carriers of the SNP genotypes (6.3 vs. 5.9 log 10 IU/mL, P=0.0012, 6.3 vs. 6.0 log 10 IU/mL, P=0.026, and 6.3 vs. 5.8 log 10 IU/mL, P=0.0003 respectively). Among HCV genotype 1 infected homozygous or heterogeneous carriers of the favorable C, A, and T genotypes, lower baseline IP-10 was significantly associated with greater decline in HCV-RNA day 0-4, which translated into increased rates of achieving SVR among homozygous patients with baseline IP-10 below 150 pg/mL (85%, 75%, and 75% respectively). In a multivariate analysis among genotype 1 infected patients, both baseline IP-10 and the SNPs were significant independent predictors of SVR. Conclusion: Baseline plasma IP-10 is significantly associated with IL28B variations, and augments the predictiveness of the first phase decline in HCV RNA and final treatment outcome.


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Several studies over the last few years have shown that newly arising (de novo) mutations contribute to the genetics of schizophrenia (SZ), autism (ASD) and other developmental disorders. The strongest evidence comes from studies of de novo Copy Number Variation (CNV), where the rate of new mutations is shown to be increased in cases when compared to controls [23, 24]. Research on de novo point mutations and small insertion-deletions (indels) has been more limited, but with the development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, such studies are beginning to provide preliminary evidence that de novo single-nucleotide mutations (SNVs) might also increase risk of SZ and ASD [25, 26] Advanced paternal age is a major source of new mutations in human beings [27] and could thus be associated with increased risk for developing SZ, ASD or other developmental disorders. Indeed, advanced paternal age is found to be a risk factor for developing SZ and ASD in the offspring [28, 29] and new mutations related to advanced paternal age have been implicated as a cause of sporadic cases in several autosomal dominant diseases, some neurodevelopmental diseases, including SZ and ASD, and social functioning. New single-base substitutions occur at higher rates at males compared to females and this difference increases with paternal age. This is due to the fact that sperm cells go through a much higher number of cell divisions (~840 by the age of 50), which increases the risk for DNA copy errors in the male germ line [30] . By contrast, the female eggs (oocytes) undergo only 24 cell divisions and all but the last occur during foetal life. The aim of my project is to determine the parent-of-origin of de novo SNVs, using large samples of parent-offspring trios affected with schizophrenia (SZ). From whole exome sequencing of 618 Bulgarian proband-offspring trios affected, nearly 1000 de novo (SNVs or small indels) have been identified and from these, the parent-of-origin of at least 60% of the mutations (N=600) can be established. This project is contained in a main one that consists on the determination of the parental origin of different types of de novo mutations (SNVs, small indels and large CNVs).


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Extensive population-based genome-wide association studies have identified an association between the FTO gene and BMI; however, the mechanism of action is still unknown. To determine whether FTO may influence weight regulation through psychological and behavioral factors, seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the FTO gene were genotyped in 1,085 individuals with anorexia nervosa (AN) and 677 healthy weight controls from the international Price Foundation Genetic Studies of Eating Disorders. Each SNP was tested in association with eating disorder phenotypes and measures that have previously been associated with eating behavior pathology: trait anxiety, harm-avoidance, novelty seeking, impulsivity, obsessionality, compulsivity, and concern over mistakes. After appropriate correction for multiple comparisons, no significant associations between individual FTO gene SNPs and eating disorder phenotypes or related eating behavior pathology were identified in cases or controls. Thus, this study found no evidence that FTO gene variants associated with weight regulation in the general population are associated with eating disorder phenotypes in AN participants or matched controls. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder resulting from polyglutamine expansion in the huntingtin (HTT) protein and for which there is no cure. Although suppression of both wild type and mutant HTT expression by RNA interference is a promising therapeutic strategy, a selective silencing of mutant HTT represents the safest approach preserving WT HTT expression and functions. We developed small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) targeting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) present in the HTT gene to selectively target the disease HTT isoform. Most of these shRNAs silenced, efficiently and selectively, mutant HTT in vitro. Lentiviral-mediated infection with the shRNAs led to selective degradation of mutant HTT mRNA and prevented the apparition of neuropathology in HD rat's striatum expressing mutant HTT containing the various SNPs. In transgenic BACHD mice, the mutant HTT allele was also silenced by this approach, further demonstrating the potential for allele-specific silencing. Finally, the allele-specific silencing of mutant HTT in human embryonic stem cells was accompanied by functional recovery of the vesicular transport of BDNF along microtubules. These findings provide evidence of the therapeutic potential of allele-specific RNA interference for HD.


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Early in the 1990s, several case series described adults suffering from dysphagia and children with refractory reflux symptoms, both accompanied by an eosinophil-predominant infiltration, thereby conclusively distinguishing it from gastroesophageal reflux disease. Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) was recognized as its own entity in the adult and in the pediatric literature. In the last decade, evidence has accumulated that EoE represents a T-helper (Th)2-type inflammatory disease. Remodeling of the esophagus is a hallmark of EoE, leading to esophageal dysfunction and bolus impaction. Familial occurrence and disease association with single-nucleotide polymorphisms underscore the influence of genetics in this disease. Eosinophilic esophagitis may affect individuals at any age, although the clinical presentation is highly age dependent. There is a significant allergic bias in the EoE population, with the majority of patients having concurrent allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema, and/or a history of atopy. One noteworthy difference is that in children, EoE seems to be primarily a food antigen-driven disease, whereas in adults, mainly aeroallergen sensitization has been observed. Treatment modalities for EoE include the 3Ds: drugs, diet, and dilation. The crucial question of whether adult and pediatric EoE are different phenotypes of one single entity or whether we are confronted with two different diseases is still open. Here, we review similarities and differences between EoE in adults and children.


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The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is increasing in Western countries. Although several clinical factors have been identified, many individuals never develop HCC, suggesting a genetic susceptibility. However, to date, only a few single-nucleotide polymorphisms have been reproducibly shown to be linked to HCC onset. A variant (rs738409 C>G, encoding for p.I148M) in the PNPLA3 gene is associated with liver damage in chronic liver diseases. Interestingly, several studies have reported that the minor rs738409[G] allele is more represented in HCC cases in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and alcoholic liver disease (ALD). However, a significant association with HCC related to CHC has not been consistently observed, and the strength of the association between rs738409 and HCC remains unclear. We performed a meta-analysis of individual participant data including 2,503 European patients with cirrhosis to assess the association between rs738409 and HCC, particularly in ALD and CHC. We found that rs738409 was strongly associated with overall HCC (odds ratio [OR] per G allele, additive model=1.77; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.42-2.19; P=2.78 × 10(-7) ). This association was more pronounced in ALD (OR=2.20; 95% CI: 1.80-2.67; P=4.71 × 10(-15) ) than in CHC patients (OR=1.55; 95% CI: 1.03-2.34; P=3.52 × 10(-2) ). After adjustment for age, sex, and body mass index, the variant remained strongly associated with HCC. Conclusion: Overall, these results suggest that rs738409 exerts a marked influence on hepatocarcinogenesis in patients with cirrhosis of European descent and provide a strong argument for performing further mechanistic studies to better understand the role of PNPLA3 in HCC development.


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Background: In recent years, microRNA (miRNA) pathways have emerged as a crucial system for the regulation of tumorogenesis. miR-SNPs are a novel class of single nucleotide polymorphisms that can affect miRNA pathways. Design and Methods: We analyzed eight miR-SNPs by allelic discrimination in 141 patients with Hodgkin lymphoma and correlated the results with treatment-related toxicity, response, disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS). Results: The KRT81 (rs3660) GG genotype was associated with an increased risk of neurological toxicity (P=0.016), while patients with XPO5 (rs11077) AA or CC genotypes had a higher rate of bleomycin-associated pulmonary toxicity (P=0.048). Both miR-SNPs emerged as independent factors in the multivariate analysis. The XPO5 AA and CC genotypes were also associated with a lower response rate (P=0.036). XPO5 (P=0.039) and TRBP (rs784567) (P=0.022) genotypes emerged as prognostic markers for DFS, and XPO5 was also associated with OS (P=0.033). In the multivariate analysis, only XPO5 emerged as an independent prognostic factor for DFS (HR: 2.622; 95%CI 1.039-6.620; P=0.041). Given the influence of XPO5 and TRBP as individual markers, we then investigated the combined effect of these miR-SNPs. Patients with both the XPO5 AA/CC and TRBP TT/TC genotypes had the shortest DFS (P=0.008) and OS (P=0.008). Conclusion: miR-SNPs can add useful prognostic information on treatment-related toxicity and clinical outcome in Hodgkin lymphoma and can be used to identify patients likely to be chemoresistant or to relapse.


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BACKGROUND: Therapy of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) with pegIFNα/ribavirin achieves a sustained virologic response (SVR) in ∼55%. Pre-activation of the endogenous interferon system in the liver is associated with non-response (NR). Recently, genome-wide association studies described associations of allelic variants near the IL28B (IFNλ3) gene with treatment response and with spontaneous clearance of the virus. We investigated if the IL28B genotype determines the constitutive expression of IFN stimulated genes (ISGs) in the liver of patients with CHC. METHODS: We genotyped 93 patients with CHC for 3 IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, rs12979860, rs8099917, rs12980275), extracted RNA from their liver biopsies and quantified the expression of IL28B and of 8 previously identified classifier genes which discriminate between SVR and NR (IFI44L, RSAD2, ISG15, IFI22, LAMP3, OAS3, LGALS3BP and HTATIP2). Decision tree ensembles in the form of a random forest classifier were used to calculate the relative predictive power of these different variables in a multivariate analysis. RESULTS: The minor IL28B allele (bad risk for treatment response) was significantly associated with increased expression of ISGs, and, unexpectedly, with decreased expression of IL28B. Stratification of the patients into SVR and NR revealed that ISG expression was conditionally independent from the IL28B genotype, i.e. there was an increased expression of ISGs in NR compared to SVR irrespective of the IL28B genotype. The random forest feature score (RFFS) identified IFI27 (RFFS = 2.93), RSAD2 (1.88) and HTATIP2 (1.50) expression and the HCV genotype (1.62) as the strongest predictors of treatment response. ROC curves of the IL28B SNPs showed an AUC of 0.66 with an error rate (ERR) of 0.38. A classifier with the 3 best classifying genes showed an excellent test performance with an AUC of 0.94 and ERR of 0.15. The addition of IL28B genotype information did not improve the predictive power of the 3-gene classifier. CONCLUSIONS: IL28B genotype and hepatic ISG expression are conditionally independent predictors of treatment response in CHC. There is no direct link between altered IFNλ3 expression and pre-activation of the endogenous system in the liver. Hepatic ISG expression is by far the better predictor for treatment response than IL28B genotype.


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While genetic mutation is a hallmark of cancer, many cancers also acquire epigenetic alterations during tumorigenesis including aberrant DNA hypermethylation of tumor suppressors, as well as changes in chromatin modifications as caused by genetic mutations of the chromatin-modifying machinery. However, the extent of epigenetic alterations in cancer cells has not been fully characterized. Here, we describe complete methylome maps at single nucleotide resolution of a low-passage breast cancer cell line and primary human mammary epithelial cells. We find widespread DNA hypomethylation in the cancer cell, primarily at partially methylated domains (PMDs) in normal breast cells. Unexpectedly, genes within these regions are largely silenced in cancer cells. The loss of DNA methylation in these regions is accompanied by formation of repressive chromatin, with a significant fraction displaying allelic DNA methylation where one allele is DNA methylated while the other allele is occupied by histone modifications H3K9me3 or H3K27me3. Our results show a mutually exclusive relationship between DNA methylation and H3K9me3 or H3K27me3. These results suggest that global DNA hypomethylation in breast cancer is tightly linked to the formation of repressive chromatin domains and gene silencing, thus identifying a potential epigenetic pathway for gene regulation in cancer cells.


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BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease is associated with cardiovascular disease. We tested for evidence of a shared genetic basis to these traits. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted 2 targeted analyses. First, we examined whether known single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) underpinning kidney traits were associated with a series of vascular phenotypes. Additionally, we tested whether vascular SNPs were associated with markers of kidney damage. Significance was set to 1.5×10(-4) (0.05/325 tests). SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: Vascular outcomes were analyzed in participants from the AortaGen (20,634), CARDIoGRAM (86,995), CHARGE Eye (15,358), CHARGE IMT (31,181), ICBP (69,395), and NeuroCHARGE (12,385) consortia. Tests for kidney outcomes were conducted in up to 67,093 participants from the CKDGen consortium. PREDICTOR: We used 19 kidney SNPs and 64 vascular SNPs. OUTCOMES & MEASUREMENTS: Vascular outcomes tested were blood pressure, coronary artery disease, carotid intima-media thickness, pulse wave velocity, retinal venular caliber, and brain white matter lesions. Kidney outcomes were estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria. RESULTS: In general, we found that kidney disease variants were not associated with vascular phenotypes (127 of 133 tests were nonsignificant). The one exception was rs653178 near SH2B3 (SH2B adaptor protein 3), which showed direction-consistent association with systolic (P = 9.3 ×10(-10)) and diastolic (P = 1.6 ×10(-14)) blood pressure and coronary artery disease (P = 2.2 ×10(-6)), all previously reported. Similarly, the 64 SNPs associated with vascular phenotypes were not associated with kidney phenotypes (187 of 192 tests were nonsignificant), with the exception of 2 high-correlated SNPs at the SH2B3 locus (P = 1.06 ×10(-07) and P = 7.05 ×10(-08)). LIMITATIONS: The combined effect size of the SNPs for kidney and vascular outcomes may be too low to detect shared genetic associations. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, although we confirmed one locus (SH2B3) as associated with both kidney and cardiovascular disease, our primary findings suggest that there is little overlap between kidney and cardiovascular disease risk variants in the overall population. The reciprocal risks of kidney and cardiovascular disease may not be genetically mediated, but rather a function of the disease milieu itself.


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Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 was the first strain to be isolated in 1974 that could degrade chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons. This discovery was the prologue for subsequent characterization of numerous bacterial metabolic pathways, for genetic and biochemical studies, and which spurred ideas for pollutant bioremediation. In this study, we determined the complete genome sequence of B13 using next generation sequencing technologies and optical mapping. Genome annotation indicated that B13 has a variety of metabolic pathways for degrading monoaromatic hydrocarbons including chlorobenzoate, aminophenol, anthranilate and hydroxyquinol, but not polyaromatic compounds. Comparative genome analysis revealed that B13 is closest to Pseudomonas denitrificans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The B13 genome contains at least eight genomic islands [prophages and integrative conjugative elements (ICEs)], which were absent in closely related pseudomonads. We confirm that two ICEs are identical copies of the 103 kb self-transmissible element ICEclc that carries the genes for chlorocatechol metabolism. Comparison of ICEclc showed that it is composed of a variable and a 'core' region, which is very conserved among proteobacterial genomes, suggesting a widely distributed family of so far uncharacterized ICE. Resequencing of two spontaneous B13 mutants revealed a number of single nucleotide substitutions, as well as excision of a large 220 kb region and a prophage that drastically change the host metabolic capacity and survivability.


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Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a complex and heritable eating disorder characterized by dangerously low body weight. Neither candidate gene studies nor an initial genome-wide association study (GWAS) have yielded significant and replicated results. We performed a GWAS in 2907 cases with AN from 14 countries (15 sites) and 14 860 ancestrally matched controls as part of the Genetic Consortium for AN (GCAN) and the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 3 (WTCCC3). Individual association analyses were conducted in each stratum and meta-analyzed across all 15 discovery data sets. Seventy-six (72 independent) single nucleotide polymorphisms were taken forward for in silico (two data sets) or de novo (13 data sets) replication genotyping in 2677 independent AN cases and 8629 European ancestry controls along with 458 AN cases and 421 controls from Japan. The final global meta-analysis across discovery and replication data sets comprised 5551 AN cases and 21 080 controls. AN subtype analyses (1606 AN restricting; 1445 AN binge-purge) were performed. No findings reached genome-wide significance. Two intronic variants were suggestively associated: rs9839776 (P=3.01 × 10(-7)) in SOX2OT and rs17030795 (P=5.84 × 10(-6)) in PPP3CA. Two additional signals were specific to Europeans: rs1523921 (P=5.76 × 10(-)(6)) between CUL3 and FAM124B and rs1886797 (P=8.05 × 10(-)(6)) near SPATA13. Comparing discovery with replication results, 76% of the effects were in the same direction, an observation highly unlikely to be due to chance (P=4 × 10(-6)), strongly suggesting that true findings exist but our sample, the largest yet reported, was underpowered for their detection. The accrual of large genotyped AN case-control samples should be an immediate priority for the field.


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Elevated plasma levels of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2) (Lp-PLA2) activity have been shown to be associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and an inhibitor of this enzyme is under development for the treatment of that condition. A Val279Phe null allele in this gene, that may influence patient eligibility for treatment, is relatively common in East Asians but has not been observed in Europeans. We investigated the existence and functional effects of low frequency alleles in a Western European population by re-sequencing the exons of PLA2G7 in 2000 samples. In all, 19 non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) were found, 14 in fewer than four subjects (minor allele frequency <0.1%). Lp-PLA2 activity was significantly lower in rare nsSNP carriers compared with non-carriers (167.8±63.2 vs 204.6±41.8, P=0.01) and seven variants had enzyme activities consistent with a null allele. The cumulative frequency of these null alleles was 0.25%, so <1 in 10,000 Europeans would be expected to be homozygous, and thus not potentially benefit from treatment with an Lp-PLA2 inhibitor.