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Background: The goal of this study was to determine if increasing strength in primary knee extensors and flexors would directly affect net knee joint moments during a common functional task in persons with knee osteoarthritis. Methods: An exploratory single sample clinical trial with pre-post treatment measures was used to study volunteers with clinical diagnosis of mild knee osteoarthritis (OA) in one knee. Subjects participated in an individually supervised training program 3 times a week for eight weeks consisting of progressive resistive exercises for knee extensors and knee flexors. Pre and post training outcome assessments included: 1. Net internal knee joint moments, 2. Electromyography of primary knee extensors and flexors, and 3. Self-report measures of knee pain and function. The distribution of lower extremity joint moments as a percent of the total support moment was also investigated. Findings: Pain, symptoms, activities of daily life, quality of life, stiffness, and function scores showed significant improvement following strength training. Knee internal valgus and hip internal rotation moments showed increasing but non-statistically significant changes post-training. There were no significant differences in muscle co-contraction activation of the Quadriceps and Hamstrings. Interpretation: While exercise continues to be an important element of OA management, the results of this study suggest improvements in function, pain, and other symptoms, as a result of strength training may not be causally related to specific biomechanical changes in net joint moments. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Imbalance and weakness of the serratus anterior and upper trapezius force couple have been described in patients with shoulder dysfunction. There is interest in identifying exercises that selectively activate these muscles and including it in rehabilitation protocols. This study aims to verify the UT/SA electromyographic (EMG) amplitude ratio, performed in different upper limb exercises and on two bases of support. Twelve healthy men were tested (average age = 22.8 +/- 3.1 years), and surface EMG was recorded from the upper trapezius and serratus anterior using single differential surface electrodes. Volunteers performed isometric contractions over a stable base of support and on a Swiss ball during the wall push-up (WP), bench press (BP), and push-up (PU) exercises. All SEMG data are reported as a percentage of root mean square or integral of linear envelope from the maximal value obtained in one of three maximal voluntary contractions for each muscle studied. A linear mixed-effect model was performed to compare UT/SA ratio values. The WP, BP, and PU exercises showed UT/SA ratio mean +/- SD values of 0.69 +/- 0.72, 0.14 +/- 0.12, and 0.39 +/- 0.37 for stable surfaces, respectively, whereas for unstable surfaces, the values were 0.73 +/- 0.67, 0.43 +/- 0.39, and 0.32 +/- 0.30. The results demonstrate that UT/SA ratio was influenced by the exercises and by the upper limb base of support. The practical application is to show that BP on a stable surface is the exercise preferred over WP and PU on either surfaces for serratus anterior muscle training in patients with imbalance between the UT/SA force couple or serratus anterior weakness.
The Golgi method has been used for over a century to describe the general morphology of neurons in the nervous system of different species. The ""single-section"" Golgi method of Gabbott and Somogyi (1984) and the modifications made by Izzo et al. (1987) are able to produce consistent results. Here, we describe procedures to show cortical and subcortical neurons of human brains immersed in formalin for months or even years. The tissue was sliced with a vibratome, post-fixed in a combination of paraformaldehyde and picric acid in phosphate buffer, followed by osmium tetroxide and potassium dicromate, ""sandwiched"" between cover slips, and immersed in silver nitrate. The whole procedure takes between 5 and 11 days to achieve good results. The Golgi method has its characteristic pitfalls but, with this procedure, neurons and glia appear well-impregnated, allowing qualitative and quantitative studies under light microscopy. This contribution adds to the basic techniques for the study of human nervous tissue with the same advantages described for the ""single-section"" Golgi method in other species; it is easy and fast, requires minimal equipment, and provides consistent results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: The development of newer diagnostic technologies has reduced the need for invasive electroencephalographic (EEG) studies in identifying the epileptogenic zone, especially in adult patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate ictal single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in the evaluation and treatment of patients with MTLE-HS. METHODS: MTLE patients were randomly assigned to those with (SPECT, n = 124) and without ictal SPECT (non-SPECT, n = 116) in an intent-to-treat protocol. Primary end points were the proportion of patients with invasive EEG studies, and those offered surgery. Secondary end points were the length of hospital stay and the proportion of patients with secondarily generalized seizures (SGS) during video-EEG, postsurgical seizure outcome, and hospital cost. RESULTS: The proportion of patients offered surgery was similar in the SPECT (85%) and non-SPECT groups (81%), as well as the proportion that had invasive EEG studies (27% vs 23%). The mean duration of hospital stay was 1 day longer for the SPECT group (P < 0.001). SGS occurred in 51% of the SPECT and 26% of the non-SPECT group (P < 0.001). The cost of the presurgical evaluation was 35% higher for the SPECT compared with the non-SPECT group (P < 0.001). The proportion of patients seizure-free after surgery was similar in the SPECT (59%) compared with non-SPECT group (54%). CONCLUSION: Ictal-SPECT did not add localizing value beyond what was provided by EEG-video telemetry and structural MRI that altered the surgical decision and outcome for MTLE-HS patients. Ictal-SPECT increased hospital stay was associated with increased costs and a higher chance of SGS during video-EEG monitoring. These findings support the notion that a protocol including ictal SPECT is equivalent to one without SPECT in the presurgical evaluation of adult patients with MTLE-HS.
Cell adhesion molecules such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) play an important role in glioma invasion and angiogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate whether specific genetic polymorphisms of ICAM-1 and PECAM-1 could be associated with glioma development and progression. Single-nucleotide polymorphism in codon 469 of ICAM-1 and codon 125 of PECAM-1 were examined in 158 patients with astrocytomas and 162 controls using polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme analysis. The distribution of PECAM-1 polymorphic genotypes in astrocytomas did not show any significant difference. However, a specific ICAM-1 genotype (G/G, corresponding to Lys469Glu) exhibited higher frequency in grade II astrocytomas compared to controls, grade III, and grade IV astrocytomas; suggesting that this polymorphism could be involved in the development of grade II astrocytomas.
A single-center experience with pediatric patients who underwent surgery for intractable rolandic epilepsy was reviewed with the aim of identifying putative factors that could influence postoperative seizure outcome in this population. Clinical data of 48 patients under 18 years of age with diagnosis of intractable rolandic epilepsy who underwent surgery from January 1996 to September 2009 were reviewed. Patients` mean age at surgery was 9.9 +/- 5.3 years; mean age at epilepsy onset was 3.9 years; mean seizure duration prior to surgery was 6 years; and mean follow-up was 5.1 years. The most frequent etiologies were cortical dysplasia, astrogliosis, tumors, tuberous sclerosis complex, and Sturge-Weber syndrome, which were observed in 20/48 (41.6%), 10/48 (20.8%), 10/48 (20.8%), 5/48 (10.4%), and 3/48 (6.2%) of the patients, respectively. After surgery, 20 patients (41.6%) showed neurological deficits, which in turn recovered within no longer than 6 months after surgery. Seizure outcome was classified as Engel class I in 29 (60.4%), Engel class II in 10 (20.8%), and Engel class III in 9 (18.8%) of the patients. The factors significantly related with seizure outcome were histological features (tumor versus non-tumor cases, p = 0.04) and lesion site (focal lesions versus non-focal lesions, p = 0.04). Tailored resection of rolandic cortex for intractable epilepsy can be safely performed in children. Accurate mapping of both functional cortex and epileptogenic areas may lead to improved seizure outcome. Tumor as well as focal lesions in hand and face motor areas are associated with good seizure outcome.
Background and Aims: Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is useful for the treatment of sterile pancreatic fluid collections (PFC), either by means of transmural drainage or by complete aspiration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of single-step EUS-guided endoscopic approaches for treatment of sterile PFC. Patients and Methods: During a 3-year period, 77 consecutive patients with symptomatic, persistent sterile PFC were evaluated and treated with the linear EUS. We excluded patients with grossly purulent collections, chronic pseudocyst and those whose cytology diagnostic was neoplastic cyst of pancreas. 44 patients received a single 10-Fr plastic straight stent under EUS or fluoroscopic control (group I) and 33 of these underwent a single-step complete aspiration with a 19-gauge needle (group II). Results: The mean size of the sterile PFC was 48 mm in group I and 28 mm in group II (p < 0.001). Overall, endoscopic treatment was successful in 70 (90.9%) patients. The mean volume aspirated was 25 (18-65) ml. The total number of procedures was 50 in group I and 41 punctures in group II. After a mean follow-up of 64 +/- 15.6 weeks there were 6 complications 13.6%): 2 recurrences (referred to surgery), 2 developing abscesses (submitted a new EUS-guided endoscopic drainage with success), 1 perforation that died (2.2%), and 1 case of bleeding (sent to surgery) in group I. In group II there were only 6 (18.1%) recurrences (submitted a new EUS-guided aspiration). None of the patients undergoing single-step aspiration developed infections, perforation or hemorrhage. Conclusion: The recurrence of pancreatic pseudocysts after endoscopic treatment was similar, either by means of plastic stents or by complete single-step aspiration. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
The role of chemokines has been extensively analyzed both in cancer risk and tumor progression. Among different cytokines, CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 have been recently subjected to a closer examination. The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1801157 (previously known as CXCL12-A/SDF1-3`A) in the CXCL12 gene and the relative expression of mRNA CXCL12 in peripheral blood were assessed in breast cancer patients, since the chemokine CXCL12 and its receptor CXCR4 regulate leukocyte trafficking and many essential biological processes, including tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis of different types of tumors. Genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism) using MspI restriction enzyme and the expression analyses by quantitative RT-PCR. No difference in GG genotype and allele A carrier frequencies were observed between breast cancer patients and healthy blood donors and nor when CXCL12 mRNA expression was assessed among patients with different tumor stages. However a significant difference was observed when CXCL12 mRNA relative expression was analyzed in breast cancer patients in accordance to the presence or absence of the CXCL12 rs1801157 allele A. Allele A breast cancer patients presented a mRNA CXCL12 expression about 2.1-fold smaller than GG breast cancer patients. Estrogen positive patients presenting CXCL12 allele A presented a significantly lower expression of CXCL12 in peripheral blood (p = 0.039) than GG hormone positive patients. Our findings demonstrated that allele A is associated with low expression of CXCL12 in the peripheral blood from ER-positive breast cancer patients, which suggests implications on breast cancer clinical outcome. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
HIV patients frequently have opportunistic oesophageal infections. We report Haemophilus ducreyi genetic material detected by polymerase chain reaction in biopsies of oesophageal lesions in three HIV-1-infected patients. This finding may be an indication of its aetiopathological role in oesophageal lesions of HIV patients.
Chemokines and their receptors regulate the trafficking of immune cells during their development, inflammation, and tissue repair. The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1801157 (previously known as CXCL12-A/ stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF1)-3`A) in CXCL12/SDF1 gene was assessed in breast cancer, Hodgkin`s lymphoma (HL), and non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma (NHL), since the chemokine CXCL12, previously known as SDF1, and its receptor CXCR4 regulate leukocyte trafficking and many essential biological processes, including tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis of different types of tumors. Genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism) using a restriction enzyme Hpall cleavage. No significant difference was observed in genotype distribution between breast cancer patients (GG: 57.3%; GA: 39.8%; AA: 2.9%) and healthy female controls (GG: 62.9%; GA: 33%; AA: 4.1%) nor between HL patients (GG: 61.1%; GA:27.8%; AA: 11.1%) and healthy controls (GG: 65.6%; GA: 28.9%; AA: 5.5%), whereas a significant difference was observed in genotype distribution between NHL patients (GG: 51.4%; GA: 47.1%; AA: 1.5%) and healthy controls (GG: 65.6%; GA: 28.9%; AA: 5.5%). Further studies will be necessary to elucidate the cancer chemokine network. However, this study suggests that CXCL12 rs1801157 polymorphism may have important implications in the pathogenesis of NHL. J. Clin. Lab. Anal. 23:387-393, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Purpose To describe the ictal technetium-99 m-ECD SPECT findings in polymicrogyria syndromes (PMG) during epileptic seizures. Methods We investigated 17 patients with PMG syndromes during presurgical workup, which included long-term video-electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring, neurological and psychiatry assessments, invasive EEG, and the subtraction of ictal-interictal SPECT coregistered to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (SISCOM). Results The analysis of the PMG cortex, using SISCOM, revealed intense hyperperfusion in the polymicrogyric lesion during epileptic seizures in all patients. Interestingly, other localizing investigations showed heterogeneous findings. Twelve patients underwent epilepsy surgery, three achieved seizure-freedom, five have worthwhile improvement, and four patients remained unchanged. Conclusions Our study strongly suggests the involvement of PMG in seizure generation or early propagation. Both conventional ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and SISCOM appeared as the single contributive exam to suggest the localization of the epileptogenic zone. Despite the limited number of resective epilepsy surgery in our study (n=9), we found a strong prognostic role of SISCOM in predicting surgical outcome. This result may be of great value on surgical decision-making of whether or not the whole or part of the PMG lesion should be surgically resected.
Background: Hereditary angioedema is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by episodes of subcutaneous and submucosal edema. It is caused by deficiency of the C1 inhibitor protein, leading to elevated levels of bradykinin. More than 200 mutations in C1 inhibitor gene have been reported. The aim of this study was to analyze clinical features of a large family with an index case of hereditary angioedema and to determine the disease-causing mutation in this family. Methods: Family pedigree was constructed with 275 individuals distributed in five generations. One hundred and sixty-five subjects were interviewed and investigated for mutation at the C1 inhibitor gene. Subjects reporting a history of recurrent episodes of angioedema and/or abdominal pain attacks underwent evaluation for hereditary angioedema. Results: We have identified a novel mutation at the C1 inhibitor gene, c.351delC, which is a single-nucleotide deletion of a cytosine on exon 3, resulting in frameshift with premature stop codon. Sequencing analysis of the hypothetical truncated C1 inhibitor protein allowed us to conclude that, if transcription occurs, this protein has no biological activity. Twenty-eight members of the family fulfilled diagnostic criteria for hereditary angioedema and all of them presented the c.351delC mutation. Variation in clinical presentation and severity of disease was observed among these patients. One hundred and thirty-seven subjects without hereditary angioedema did not have the c.351delC mutation. Conclusion: The present study provides definitive evidence to link a novel genetic mutation to the development of hereditary angioedema in patients from a Brazilian family.
Background The strongest genetic marker for psoriasis is Cw*06. Polymorphisms in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha promoter region, especially replacement of guanine with adenine in positions -238 and -308 are related to higher TNF-alpha production and higher risk for psoriasis in Caucasoid populations, not found in Asians. We performed a case-control study of 69 patients with psoriasis type I and 70 controls, characterized clinical progression along 10-years of follow-up in mild or severe disease and determined HLA class I, II, and TNF single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) -238 and -308 polymorphisms to demonstrate whether these polymorphisms may be genetic risk for susceptibility to psoriasis or severity of the disease in Brazilians. Methods Polymorphisms were identified using PCR/SSP. Alleles, genotypes, and haplotypes frequencies were compared using Fisher`s test. Results More severe disease was found in male patients. It may be suggested that alleles B*37, Cw*06, Cw*12, and DRB1*07 were associated with severe disease course, while B*57 with mild disease. No statistical difference was found between the patients and controls regarding polymorphisms frequencies in TNF SNPs. This study pointed to a higher TNF-238 G/G genotype frequency (OR: 3.21; CI: 1.06-9.71; P = 0.04) in the group with severe disease. Conclusions Polymorphisms in the TNF-alpha SNPs do not seem to be a more important genetic risk factor for psoriasis than the already known Cw*06 in Brazilian patients, but these markers may be related to clinical manifestations.