983 resultados para Shilling, Chris
This paper analyses the 53 managerial sackings and resignations from 16 stock exchange listed English football clubs during the nine seasons between 2000/01 and 2008/09. The results demonstrate that, on average, a managerial sacking results in a post-announcement day market-adjusted share price rise of 0.3%, whilst a resignation leads to a drop in share price of 1% that continues for a trading month thereafter, cumulating in a negative abnormal return of over 8% from a trading day before the event. These findings are intuitive, and suggest that sacking a poorly performing manager may be welcomed by the markets as a possible route to better future match performance, while losing a capable manager through resignation, who typically progresses to a superior job, will result in a drop in a club’s share price. The paper also reveals that while the impact of managerial departures on stock price volatilities is less clear-cut, speculation in the newspapers is rife in the build-up to such an event.
The objective of this book is to present the quantitative techniques that are commonly employed in empirical finance research together with real world, state of the art research examples. Each chapter is written by international experts in their fields. The unique approach is to describe a question or issue in finance and then to demonstrate the methodologies that may be used to solve it. All of the techniques described are used to address real problems rather than being presented for their own sake and the areas of application have been carefully selected so that a broad range of methodological approaches can be covered. This book is aimed primarily at doctoral researchers and academics who are engaged in conducting original empirical research in finance. In addition, the book will be useful to researchers in the financial markets and also advanced Masters-level students who are writing dissertations.
This work proposes a unified neurofuzzy modelling scheme. To begin with, the initial fuzzy base construction method is based on fuzzy clustering utilising a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) combined with the analysis of covariance (ANOVA) decomposition in order to obtain more compact univariate and bivariate membership functions over the subspaces of the input features. The mean and covariance of the Gaussian membership functions are found by the expectation maximisation (EM) algorithm with the merit of revealing the underlying density distribution of system inputs. The resultant set of membership functions forms the basis of the generalised fuzzy model (GFM) inference engine. The model structure and parameters of this neurofuzzy model are identified via the supervised subspace orthogonal least square (OLS) learning. Finally, instead of providing deterministic class label as model output by convention, a logistic regression model is applied to present the classifier’s output, in which the sigmoid type of logistic transfer function scales the outputs of the neurofuzzy model to the class probability. Experimental validation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed neurofuzzy modelling scheme.
This paper outlines a study of the microstructure of thin sheets of ivory used as a painting support for portrait miniatures. Warping of the ivory support is one of the main problems commonly found in portrait miniatures from the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century. Portrait miniatures from this period are painted on very thin sheets of ivory that are often only 0.2 mm in thickness. Warping can lead to cracking of the ivory and can also accentuate flaking of the paint layer. The problem of warping in ivory has thus been of long-term interest to conservators who deal with portrait miniatures, including those at the Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum. The causes of warping are complex. However, it should be noted that artists normally stuck the thin ivory sheets onto paper or card before commencing the painting. The possible causes of warping therefore are thought to relate to the differential reactions of the ivory/adhesive/paper or card layers to changes in relative humidity (RH). It is well known that ivory is hygroscopic and anisotropic.1 However, only a few scientific studies have been carried out related to this subject and systematic analyses of the morphological and microstructural changes due to changes in RH or moisture in such thin sheets of ivory have yet to be investigated.
This paper considers general second kind integral equations of the form(in operator form φ − kφ = ψ), where the functions k and ψ are assumed known, with ψ ∈ Y, the space of bounded continuous functions on R, and k such that the mapping s → k(s, · ), from R to L1(R), is bounded and continuous. The function φ ∈ Y is the solution to be determined. Conditions on a set W ⊂ BC(R, L1(R)) are obtained such that a generalised Fredholm alternative holds: If W satisfies these conditions and I − k is injective for all k ∈ W then I − k is also surjective for all k ∈ W and, moreover, the inverse operators (I − k) − 1 on Y are uniformly bounded for k ∈ W. The approximation of the kernel in the integral equation by a sequence (kn) converging in a weak sense to k is also considered and results on stability and convergence are obtained. These general theorems are used to establish results for two special classes of kernels: k(s, t) = κ(s − t)z(t) and k(s, t) = κ(s − t)λ(s − t, t), where κ ∈ L1(R), z ∈ L∞(R), and λ ∈ BC((R\{0}) × R). Kernels of both classes arise in problems of time harmonic wave scattering by unbounded surfaces. The general integral equation results are here applied to prove the existence of a solution for a boundary integral equation formulation of scattering by an infinite rough surface and to consider the stability and convergence of approximation of the rough surface problem by a sequence of diffraction grating problems of increasingly large period.
Linear Inulin type fructan (ITF) prebiotics have a putative role in the prevention of colorectal cancer, whereas relatively little is known about branched fructans. This study aims to investigate the fermentation properties and potential prebiotic activity of branched fructans derived from Agave angustifolia Haw, using the Simulator of Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME) model. The proximal, transverse and distal vessels were used to investigate fructan fermentation throughout the colon and to assess the alterations of the microbial composition and fermentation metabolites (short chain fatty acids and ammonia). The influence on bioactivity of the fermentation supernatant was assessed by MTT, Comet and transepithelial electrical resistance (TER), respectively. Addition of Agave fructan to the SHIME model significantly increased (P<0.05), bifidobacteria populations (proximal and transverse), SCFA concentrations (proximal, transverse and distal) and decreased ammonia concentrations in the distal vessel. Furthermore, the fermentation supernatant significantly (P<0.05) increased the TER of a Caco-2 cell monolayer (%) and decreased fluorescein-based paracellular flux, suggesting enhanced barrier function and reduced epithelial barrier permeability (proximal and distal vessel). While cytotoxicity and genotoxicity remained unaltered in response to the presence of Agave fructans. To conclude, branched Agave fructans show indications of prebiotic activity, particularly in relation to colon health by exerting a positive influence on gut barrier function, an important aspect of colon carcinogenesis.
Global legal pluralism is concerned, inter alia, with the growing multiplicity of normative legal orders and the ways in which these different orders intersect and are accommodated with one another. The different means used for accommodation will have a critical bearing on how individuals fare within them. This article examines the recent environmental jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights to explore some of the means of reaching an accommodation between national legal orders and the European Convention. Certain types of accommodation – such as the margin of appreciation given to states by the Court – are well known. In essence, such mechanisms of legal pluralism raise a presumptive barrier which generally works for the state and against the individual rights-bearer. However, the principal focus of the current article is on a less well-known, recent set of pluralistic devices employed by the Court, which typically operate presumptively in the other direction, in favour of the individual. First, the Court looks to instances of breaches of domestic environmental law (albeit not in isolation); and second, it places an emphasis on whether domestic courts have ruled against the relevant activity. Where domestic standards have been breached or national courts have ruled against the state, then, presumptive weight is typically shifted towards the individual.
Within development communication, gaps remain in theory and practice: communication innovations are taking place which either do not incorporate theory or fail to challenge the assumptions of development communication and HIV/AIDS theory. This can lead to the implementation of unsuccessful interventions that lack theoretical frameworks or to uninformed practice, making it difficult to replicate. Further, research has demonstrated that Entertainment Education (EE) interventions have a measurable impact on behaviour in areas such as HIV/AIDS prevention. Given the transitions in EE practice and evidence of its impact, EE theory and practice can contribute insight into these challenges. A pilot study investigated these dilemmas within the context of the monitoring and evaluation of development communication. Framing this discussion is the concept of South-North dialogue, using comparative analysis of EE interventions to distil lessons through contrasting experiences in two diverse settings. It holds as a principle that lessons from the experience of EE in the Southern context can inform lessons for the North. Further, comparison of the case studies can generate insights for the broader development communication field. We present four case studies, informed by key informant interviews, of EE interventions in the UK and South Africa. We address how communication is defined in planning, implementation and evaluation, highlighting how it often misses the importance of 'listening'. The case studies show that HIV/AIDS communication, and development communication more broadly, has not internalised ideas of evaluation and listening in communication. Successes in the case studies can be partially attributed to responsiveness and context-specificity rather than following rigid planning templates, such as those found in some development communication literature. This indicates the importance of flexibility and responsiveness to context for both development communication and HIV/AIDS communication.
Previously we demonstrated that heparin administration during carotid endarterectomy (CEA) caused a marked, but transient increase in platelet aggregation to arachidonic acid (AA) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP), despite effective platelet cyclo-oxygenase-1 (COX-1) inhibition with aspirin. Here we investigated the metabolism of AA via platelet 12-lipoxygenase (12-LOX) as a possible mediator of the observed transient aspirin resistance, and compared the effects of unfractionated (UFH) and low-molecular-weight (LMWH) heparin. A total of 43 aspirinated patients undergoing CEA were randomised in the trial to 5,000 IU UFH (n=22) or 2,500 IU LMWH (dalteparin, n=21). Platelet aggregation to AA (4x10⁻³) and ADP (3x10⁻⁶) was determined, and the products of the COX-1 and 12-LOX pathways; thromboxane B₂ (TXB₂) and 12-hydroxyeicosatretraenoic acid (12-HETE) were measured in plasma, and in material released from aggregating platelets.Aggregation to AA increased significantly (~10-fold) following heparinisation (p<0.0001), irrespective of heparin type (p=0.33). Significant, but smaller (~2-fold) increases in aggregation to ADP were also seen, which were significantly lower in the platelets of patients randomised to LMWH (p<0.0001). Plasma levels of TxB2 did not rise following heparinisation (p=0.93), but 12-HETE increased significantly in the patients' plasma, and released from platelets stimulated in vitro withADP, with both heparin types (p<0.0001). The magnitude of aggregation to ADP correlated with 12-HETE generation (p=0.03). Heparin administration during CEA generates AA that is metabolised to 12-HETE via the 12-LOX pathway, possibly explaining the phenomenon of transient heparin-induced platelet activation. LMWH has less effect on aggregation and 12-HETE generation than UFH when the platelets are stimulated with ADP.
Within the healthy population, there is substantial, heritable, and interindividual variability in the platelet response. We explored whether a proportion of this variability could be accounted for by interindividual variation in gene expression. Through a correlative analysis of genome-wide platelet RNA expression data from 37 subjects representing the normal range of platelet responsiveness within a cohort of 500 subjects, we identified 63 genes in which transcript levels correlated with variation in the platelet response to adenosine diphosphate and/or the collagen-mimetic peptide, cross-linked collagen-related peptide. Many of these encode proteins with no reported function in platelets. An association study of 6 of the 63 genes in 4235 cases and 6379 controls showed a putative association with myocardial infarction for COMMD7 (COMM domain-containing protein 7) and a major deviation from the null hypo thesis for LRRFIP1 [leucine-rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 1]. Morpholino-based silencing in Danio rerio identified a modest role for commd7 and a significant effect for lrrfip1 as positive regulators of thrombus formation. Proteomic analysis of human platelet LRRFIP1-interacting proteins indicated that LRRFIP1 functions as a component of the platelet cytoskeleton, where it interacts with the actin-remodeling proteins Flightless-1 and Drebrin. Taken together, these data reveal novel proteins regulating the platelet response.
BACKGROUND: Dextran-40 is effective in reducing postoperative Doppler-detectable embolization in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Dextrans are thought to have antithrombotic and antiplatelet effects. The mode of action is unclear. In rats, dextran blocks uptake of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) by mannose-binding receptors. Because this would have the effect of enhancing endogenous fibrinolysis, we explored this effect of dextran-40 on fibrinolysis in man. METHODS: Twenty patients undergoing endovascular stenting for abdominal aortic aneurysm were randomized to receive 100 mL of 10% dextran-40 or saline, over 1 hour, during their operation in addition to heparin. Blood samples were taken preoperatively, intraoperatively (immediately after operative procedure), and 24 hours postoperatively. Thrombi were formed in a Chandler loop and used to assess endogenous fibrinolysis over 24 hours, measured as the fall in thrombus weight, and the release of fluorescently labelled fibrinogen from the thrombus. Plasma samples were analyzed for markers of fibrinolysis; plasmin-antiplasmin (PAP), PAI-1, and t-PA, and for functional von Willebrand factor (vWF). Platelet response to thrombin and other agonists was measured by flow cytometry. RESULTS: Thrombi formed ex vivo from the intraoperative blood samples from the dextran-treated patients exhibited significantly greater fibrinolysis vs preoperative samples, seen both as a significantly greater percentage reduction in thrombus weight (from 34.7% to 70.6% reduction) and as an 175% increase in the release of fluorescence (P < .05). Fibrinolysis returned to baseline levels the next day. No change was seen in the saline-treated group. Plasma levels of PAP and PAI-1 increased significantly postoperatively in the dextran-treated group vs the saline group (P < .05). The postoperative level of functional VWF was significantly lower in the dextran-treated group vs controls. A specific reduction occurred in the platelet response to thrombin, but not to other agonists, in the intraoperative samples from the dextran-treated group (11.1% vs 37.1%; P = .022), which was not seen in the controls. CONCLUSIONS: These data are consistent with a rise in plasmin due to dextran blockade of tPA uptake in vivo, leading to enhanced fibrinolysis, cleavage of vWF and of the platelet protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) thrombin receptor. This suggests that dextran exerts a combined therapeutic effect, enhancing endogenous fibrinolysis, whilst also reducing platelet adhesion to vWF and platelet activation by thrombin. The proven antithrombotic efficacy of low-dose dextran in carotid surgery may be applicable to wider therapeutic use.
Apheresis donors and platelet function: inherent platelet responsiveness influences platelet quality
BACKGROUND: Process-induced platelet (PLT) activation occurs with all production methods, including apheresis. Recent studies have highlighted the range and consistence of interindividual variation in the PLT response, but little is known about the contribution of a donors' inherent PLT responsiveness to the activation state of the apheresis PLTs or the effect of frequent apheresis on donors' PLTs. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The relationship between the donors' PLT response on the apheresis PLTs was studied in 47 individuals selected as having PLTs with inherently low, intermediate, or high responsiveness. Whole-blood flow cytometry was used to measure PLT activation (levels of bound fibrinogen) before donation and in the apheresis PLTs. The effects of regular apheresis on the activation status of donors' PLTs were studied by comparing the in vivo activation status of PLTs from apheresis (n = 349) and whole-blood donors (n = 157), before donation. The effect of apheresis per se on PLT activation was measured in 10 apheresis donors before and after donation. RESULTS: The level of PLT activation in the apheresis packs was generally higher than in the donor, and the most activated PLTs were from high-responder donors. There was no significant difference in PLT activation before donation between the apheresis and whole-blood donors (p = 0.697), and there was no consistent evidence of activation in the donors immediately after apheresis. CONCLUSION: The most activated apheresis PLTs were obtained from donors with more responsive PLTs. Regular apheresis, however, does not lead to PLT activation in the donors.