995 resultados para Shells.


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Owing to anthropogenic emissions, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide could almost double between 2006 and 2100 according to business-as-usual carbon dioxide emission scenarios. Because the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations will lead to increasing dissolved inorganic carbon and carbon dioxide in surface ocean waters, and hence acidification and lower carbonate saturation states. As a consequence, it has been suggested that marine calcifying organisms, for example corals, coralline algae, molluscs and foraminifera, will have difficulties producing their skeletons and shells at current rates, with potentially severe implications for marine ecosystems, including coral reefs. Here we report a seven-week experiment exploring the effects of ocean acidification on crustose coralline algae, a cosmopolitan group of calcifying algae that is ecologically important in most shallowwater habitats. Six outdoor mesocosms were continuously supplied with sea water from the adjacent reef and manipulated to simulate conditions of either ambient or elevated seawater carbon dioxide concentrations. The recruitment rate and growth of crustose coralline algae were severely inhibited in the elevated carbon dioxide mesocosms. Our findings suggest that ocean acidification due to human activities could cause significant change to benthic community structure in shallow-warm-water carbonate ecosystems.


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Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are potentially affecting marine ecosystems twofold, by warming and acidification. The rising amount of CO2 taken up by the ocean lowers the saturation state of calcium carbonate, complicating the formation of this key biomineral used by many marine organisms to build hard parts like skeletons or shells. Reliable time-series data of seawater pH are needed to evaluate the ongoing change and compare long-term trends and natural variability. For the high-latitude ocean, the region facing the strongest CO2 uptake, such time-series data are so far entirely lacking. Our study provides, to our knowledge, the first reconstruction of seasonal cycle and long-term trend in pH for a high-latitude ocean obtained from 2D images of stable boron isotopes from a coralline alga.


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Stable oxygen and carbon isotope measurements on biogenic calcite and aragonite have become standard tools for reconstructing past oceanographic and climatic change. In aquatic organisms, 18O/16O ratios in the shell carbonate are a function of the ratio in the sea water and the calcification temperature (Epstein et al., 1953). In contrast, 13C/12C ratios are controlled by the ratio of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water and physiological processes such as respiration and symbiont photosynthesis (Spero et al., 1991, doi:10.1029/91PA02022). These geochemical proxies have been used with analyses of foraminifera shells to reconstruct global ice volumes (Shackleton and Opdyke, 1973, doi:10.1016/0033-5894(73)90052-5), surface and deep ocean temperatures (Broecker, 1986, doi:10.1016/0033-5894(86)90087-6; Labeyrie et al., 1987, doi:10.1038/327477a0), ocean circulation changes (Duplessy et al., 1988, doi:10.1029/PA003i003p00343) and glacial-interglacial exchange between the terrestrial and oceanic carbon pools (Sackleton, 1977). Here, we report experimental measurements on living symbiotic and non-symbiotic plankton foraminifera (Orbulina universa and Globigerina bulloides respectively) showing that the 13C/12C and 18O/16O ratios of the calcite shells decrease with increasing seawater [CO3 2-]. Because glacial-period oceans had higher pH and [CO3 2-] than today (Sanyal et al., 1995, doi:10.1038/373234a0), these new relationships confound the standard interpretation of glacial foraminiferal stable-isotope data. In particular, the hypothesis that the glacial-interglacial shift in the 13C/12C ratio was due to a transfer of terrestrial carbon into the ocean(Shackleton ,1977) can be explained alternatively by an increase in ocean alkalinity (Lea et al., 1996). A carbonate-concentration effect could also help explain some of the extreme stable-isotope variations during the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic aeons (Kaufman et al., 1993, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(93)90254-7).


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Changes in phenotypic traits, such as mollusc shells, are indicative of variations in selective pressure along environmental gradients. Recently, increased sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean acidification (OA) due to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the seawater have been described as selective agents that may affect the biological processes underlying shell formation in calcifying marine organisms. The benthic snail Concholepas concholepas (Muricidae) is widely distributed along the Chilean coast, and so is naturally exposed to a strong physical-chemical latitudinal gradient. In this study, based on elliptical Fourier analysis, we assess changes in shell morphology (outlines analysis) in juvenile C. concholepas collected at northern (23°S), central (33°S) and southern (39°S) locations off the Chilean coast. Shell morphology of individuals collected in northern and central regions correspond to extreme morphotypes, which is in agreement with both the observed regional differences in the shell apex outlines, the high reclassification success of individuals (discriminant function analysis) collected in these regions, and the scaling relationship in shell weight variability among regions. However, these extreme morphotypes showed similar patterns of mineralization of calcium carbonate forms (calcite and aragonite). Geographical variability in shell shape of C. concholepas described by discriminant functions was partially explained by environmental variables (pCO2, SST). This suggests the influence of corrosive waters, such as upwelling and freshwaters penetrating into the coastal ocean, upon spatial variation in shell morphology. Changes in the proportion of calcium carbonate forms precipitated by C. concholepas across their shells and its susceptibility to corrosive coastal waters are discussed.