1000 resultados para Sensibilização central


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Mosquitoes in the family Culicidae develop their immature forms in different environments depending on various circumstances. This study represents the first contribution to the ecological knowledge of culicids living in the bromeliad G. brasiliensis. The objectives of the study were to compare the Culicidae fauna of bromeliads in two seasonal periods, analyzing their abundance, richness and the influence of pH, conductivity and water volume, on the populations. Sampling was done at Reserva Adolpho Ducke, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil between 2003 and 2005. Six samplings were done in the rainy season and six in the dry season. On each sampling day, six terrestrial and six epiphytic bromeliads, totaling 144 sampling units, were retrieved. A total of 444 immature mosquitoes were collected, distributed in the following species: Culex (Microculex) stonei Lane & Whitman, Culex (Microculex) chryselatus Dyar & Knab, Culex (Microculex) sp., Wyeomyia (Hystatomyia) autocratica Dyar & Knab and Wyeomyia (Hystatomyia) splendida Bonne-Wepster & Bonne. The relationship between abundance of Culicidae and sampling period was not significant, although abundance was higher in the dry period. There were significant correlations between water volume and the abundance (p = 0.003) and richness (p = 0.001) of culicids. The pH was positively related to the occurrence of the species Wy. autocratica (p= 0.010) and Wy. splendida (p= 0.006), demonstrating the influence of this factor in the structuring of bromeliad-inhabiting communities.


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Agency Performance Plan, Department of Human Rights – Division of Central Administration


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Insects associated with syconia of Ficus citrifolia in central Brazil. Fig trees present a diverse interaction with different groups of organisms. The inflorescence, or syconium, has characteristics that form a microenvironment in which interactions occur between fig trees and invertebrates. This study aimed to identify the insect fauna associated with the figs of Ficus citrifolia and to quantitatively describe the distribution pattern of the insects in the syconium, in an urban area in central Brazil. The syconia were used by 12 species of insects. Our results showed that the insects found on Ficus citrifolia presented a pattern of occurrence that depends on the composition of species found within each syconium.


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Se estudia la recuperación de los bancos de los mitílidos Aulacomya ater y Semimytilus algosus después de agosto de 1983 en la Bahía de Ancón y después de agosto de 1986 en Bahía Independencia. En la Bahía de Ancón la recolonización de Semimytilus algosus se inició en octubre de 1983, sostenida por una intensiva proliferación de larvas en el plancton. En febrero de 1984 alcanz.aban una máxima longitud de 31mm y los otros constituyentes de la comunidad estaban completando su recuperación. Sin embargo, hasta marzo de 1987 no habían evidencias de una recuperación de A. ater. En Bahía Independencia hubo una recuperación de S. algosus en el nivel intermareal. En agosto de 1986 recién encontramos una recolonización simultánea de ambos mitílidos en los rizoides de las algas pardas (Macrocystis pyrifera y Lessonia spp.). En los meses posteriores las algas pardas extendieron su distribución vertical de los 6 m hasta más de 12 m de profundidad y junto con ellos también A. ater. Se discute los mecanismos y procesos que estarían implicados en la diferente recolonización de las comunidades de mitílidos en las orillas y fondos rocosos de las dos áreas de estudio.


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Bionomic data and larval density of Scarabaeidae (Pleurosticti) in sugarcane in the central region of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Phytophagous larvae of Scarabaeidae cause damage to diverse crops. Information on these pests is scarce; therefore, the objective of this study was to determine biological aspects and larval density of species occurring in an area of sugarcane. The studies were developed in Sidrolândia from April 2009 to March 2010. Scarab beetle larvae were collected in sugarcane roots every fifteen days, taken to the laboratory and reared to obtain the adults and determine biological parameters. A total of 2,656 larvae were collected, being 162 Liogenys fuscus, 120 Cyclocephala verticalis, 37 Cyclocephala forsteri, and 2337 Anomonyx sp. In January, 53.65 larvae m-2 were obtained, and the most abundant species was Anomonyx sp, representing 87.99% of the total larvae collected. From November to March, the greatest densities of Anomonyx were observed in the field. The adults of this species occurred from May to September, and egg laying from September to November. Eggs measured 1.1 x 1.7 mm, and incubation period last 15.4 days. First instar larvae were observed mainly in October; second instar larvae from November to April; and third instar from January to July. Pupae were observed from May to August. The most abundant scarab beetle, Anomonyx sp. in roots of sugarcane presents one generation per year in Sidrolândia, MS.


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Audit report on the Central Iowa Juvenile Detention Center in Eldora, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2008


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O presente trabalho tem como tema a Reinserção Social dos Reclusos da Cadeia Central da Praia. Pretende-se com este estudo conhecer as oportunidades que os reclusos da Cadeia Central da Praia têm de aceder a elementos fundamentais para o processo da sua Reinserção Social, tais como: a educação, trabalho, o apoio da família, apoio social na cadeia e oportunidades de contacto com a comunidade antes da sua reintegração na comunidade. Adicionalmente, pretende-se estabelecer a importância destes factores para a Reinserção Social dos Reclusos ao comparar as oportunidades de acesso a estes elementos de reclusos reincidentes e dos condenados pela primeira vez. A hipótese formulada neste estudo é que o acesso ao estudo, ao trabalho e o contacto com a comunidade contribui para uma melhor Reinserção Social dos reclusos da Cadeia Central da Praia. A pesquisa incidiu numa amostra de 60 reclusos extraída da população da Cadeia Central da Praia, que ronda os cerca de 600 presos. A amostra foi constituída atendendo ao equilibro desejado para a variável reincidente / preso pela primeira vez, e recorreu aos presos indicados pela direcção do estabelecimento que se mostraram disponíveis para participar no estudo. Dos 60 reclusos, todos do sexo masculino, 12 são presos preventivos reincidentes, 26 são presos condenados reincidentes e 22 são presos condenados pela primeira vez. Para a recolha de dados recorreu-se a um questionário, aplicado durante uma entrevista individual. O questionário constituiu-se de 41 questões fechadas, cobrindo aspectos ligados à: identificação do preso, actividades desenvolvidas na cadeia, nomeadamente o ensino, actividades sócio – económicas, a relação com a família, a relação actual com a comunidade, actividade comunitária fora do espaço prisional, a preparação para a liberdade, e uma questão aberta, sobre a relação entre a detenção e mudança de comportamento.


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Sand flies from Central Amazonia and four new records for the Amazonas state, Brazil. A survey was conducted in May and June 2008 to study the fauna of insects in Central Amazonia, Brazil. As part of the survey, we report here that sixty species of phlebotomine were identified, totaling 13,712 specimens from 13 genera. The collection sites were located at the border between the states of Pará and Amazonas, comprising three municipalities from the Amazonas state (Borba, Maués, and Nhamundá). Malaise, CDC and Shannon traps were used to collect the insects. Most of the sand flies were collected by CDC traps (89.5%), while Malaise and Shannon traps collected 7% and 3.5%, respectively. The most abundant genera, representing 97.1% of the total sand flies identified were: Trichopygomyia Barretto, 1962 (47.6%), Psathyromyia Barretto, 1962 (17.9%), Psychodopygus Mangabeira, 1941 (17.5%) and Trichophoromyia Barretto, 1962 (14.3%). The genera with the largest number of species identified were: Psychodopygus (14), Psathyromyia (10), Evandromyia Mangabeira, 1941 (7), Trichophoromyia (5) and Trichopygomyia (5). The most abundant species was Trichopygomyia trichopyga (Floch & Abonnenc, 1945), which represented 29% of the total sand flies identified. Here we also report new records for four species in the Amazonas state: Ps. complexus (Mangabeira, 1941), Ps. llanosmartinsi Fraiha & Ward, 1980, Ty. pinna (Feliciangeli, Ramirez-Pérez & Ramirez, 1989), and Th. readyi (Ryan, 1986). The results of this study provide new, additional information on the distribution of sand flies in the Amazon and increase the number of species in the Amazonas state from 127 to 131.


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Euryomma is the second largest genus within Fanniidae, but only two species, E. panamensis Chillcott, 1958 and E. rettenmeyeri Chillcott, 1958 have been recorded in Central America. In this paper we describe two new species of the genus found in Costa Rica, Euryomma chillcotti sp. nov. (Province of Puntarenas) and Euryomma steini sp. nov. (Provinces of Cartago and Limón). Euryomma tahami Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012 is recorded for the first time to Costa Rica. Identification key to all species found in Central America, descriptions and re-descriptions of species occurring in the region and illustrations of the terminalia of new species are presented.


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Richardia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Tephritoidea, Richardiidae) from Central Amazon, Brazil. There are 11 species of Richardia known to Brazil. Of these, only four are known to occur in the Brazilian Amazon Region, where the diversity of Richardia is underestimated. Herein we describe and illustrate Richardia intemperata sp. nov. and Richardia parispina sp. nov. from Amazonas, Brazil. An illustrated key to males from this region is also provided.


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Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2008


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Carbon and oxygen isotope studies of the host and gangue carbonates of Mississippi Valley-type zinc-lead deposits in the San Vicente District hosted in the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic dolostones of the Pucara basin (central Peru) were used to constrain models of the ore formation. A mixing model between an incoming hot saline slightly acidic radiogenic (Pb, Sr) fluid and the native formation water explains the overall isotopic variation (delta(13)C = - 11.5 to + 2.5 parts per thousand relative to PDB and delta(18)O = + 18.0 to + 24.3 parts per thousand relative to SMOW) of the carbonate generations. The dolomites formed during the main ore stage show a narrower range (delta(13)C = - 0.1 to + 1.7 parts per thousand and delta(18)O = + 18.7 to + 23.4 parts per thousand) which is explained by exchange between the mineralizing fluids and the host carbonates combined with changes in temperature and pressure. This model of fluid-rock interaction explains the pervasive alteration of the host dolomite I and precipitation of sphalerite I. The open-space filling hydrothermal white sparry dolomite and the coexisting sphalerite II formed by prolonged fluid-host dolomite interaction and limited CO2 degassing. Late void-filling dolomite III (or calcite) and the associated sphalerite III formed as the consequence of CO2 degassing and concomitant pH increase of a slightly acidic ore fluid. Widespread brecciation is associated to CO2 outgassing. Consequently, pressure variability plays a major role in the ore precipitation during the late hydrothermal events in San Vicente. The presence of native sulfur associated with extremely carbon-light calcites replacing evaporitic sulfates (e.g., delta(13)C = - 11.5 parts per thousand), altered native organic matter and heavier hydrothermal bitumen (from - 27.0 to - 23.0 parts per thousand delta(13)C) points to thermochemical reduction of sulfate and/or thiosulfate. The delta(13)C- and delta(18)O-values of the altered host dolostone and hydrothermal carbonates, and the carbon isotope composition of the associated organic matter show a strong regional homogeneity. These results coupled with the strong mineralogical and petrographic similarities of the different MVT occurrences perhaps reflects the fact that the mineralizing processes were similar in the whole San Vicente belt, suggesting the existence of a common regional mineralizing hydrothermal system with interconnected plumbing.


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Biological aspects of Leucothyreus alvarengai Frey and Leucothyreus aff. semipruinosus Ohaus (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae) in crop succession at central Brazil. Beetles of the family Melolonthidae make up a large group and some species are considered pests of planted crops. Little information is available on the basic biological aspects of the genus Leucothyreus, such as association with cultivated crops and their occurrence periods. Therefore studies were developed in soybean and corn crops in Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil, with the objective of studying the occurrence and biological aspects of Leucothyreus alvarengai Frey and Leucothyreus aff. semipruinosus Ohaus. For acquisition of immature specimens of both species, in April 2011 sampling was performed in corn fields, in July and October in the fallow area, and in soybeans fields planted in December; in 2012 sampling was performed in January and February in soybean fields and in March in corn fields. In 2011 the total number of larvae obtained in April, July, October and December were 100, 6, 30 and 27, and in January, February and March of 2012 these quantities were 32, 52 and 65 larvae, respectively. In all sampling events the larvae of L. alvarengai were collected in greater quantity. At the beginning of the reproductive period of L. alvarengai and L. aff. semipruinosus, it was observed that the adults began to fly and soon after started oviposition in the field in September. The appearance of larvae coincides with the time of soybean planting in the field, thus the larvae feed on roots of soybean plants at the beginning of their development and the cycle from egg to adult of the two species was completed in one year.