967 resultados para Seminal reserve
Lake Icaria is a 660 acre man-made lake in rural Adams County. Lake Icaria is a popular recreational attraction providing ample fishing, boating, and swimming opportunities. Constructed in 1977 for water supply, Lake lcaria continues to provide reliable drinking water to 1,900 households in Adams and Montgomery counties. No stranger to the water quality world, Lake Icaria was the primary lake in the 3Lakes Water Quality Project(1996-2004), an eight year water quality effort which came to be known as one oflowa's first great water quality successes. At time of construction the Lake Icaria watershed was primarily grass. A shift towards maximizing crop production in the 1980's brought about the end of dairy farms and a concern for sediment loss and how that would affect water quality. This change in land use set the stage for the first water quality project at Lake Icaria. Since the conclusion of the 3Lakes Water Quality Project in 2004land use in the watershed has made yet another monumental shift towards crop production. Nearly 2,000 acres ofland that was once in the conservation reserve program is now being planted to a crop. This change in land use has once again brought about serious concerns for the quality of water being provided by Lake Icaria.
Silver Lake is located in an 18,053-acre watershed. The watershed is intensively farmed with almost all of the wetlands being previously drained or degraded over the last 50 years. Silver Lake is listed on the State of Iowa’s impaired water bodies list due to sediment and high nutrient level. Silver Lake is also known be in the bottom 25 percentile of Iowa’s lakes due Secchi disk readings and Chlorophyll a level. Farming in the watershed is the principle concern and cause for many of the problems occurring in Silver Lake currently with 78% of the watershed being intensively farmed. There are two major drainage ditches that have been used to drain the major wetlands and sloughs that, at one time, filtered the water and slowed it down before it reached Silver Lake. With these two major drainage ditches, water is able to reach the lake much faster and unfiltered than it once did historically. The loss of 255 restorable wetland basins to row crop production has caused serious problems in Silver Lake. These wetland basins once slowed and filtered water as it moved through the watershed. With their loss over the last 50 years that traditional drainage no longer occurs. We propose to create a Wetland Reserve Program incentive project to make WRP a more attractive option to landowners within the watershed. The incentive will be based on the amount of sediment delivery reduction to the lake, therefore paying a greater payment for a greater benefit to the lake. The expected result of this project is the restoration of over 250 acres of wetland basins with an associated 650 acres of upland buffers. The benefit for these wetlands and buffers would be reduced sediment, reduced nutrients, and slowed waters to the lake.
Lake Hendricks is a 54 acre man-made lake that is encompassed by a 1,209 acre watershed. Lake Hendricks is currently on the 303(d) Impaired Waters List for algae and pH impairments due to an abundance of algae growth caused by nutrients being delivered to the lake via 11 separate tile lines draining adjoining cropland areas. In 2009, a Watershed Management Plan was developed in partnership with IDALS and the IDNR 319 programs and $256,500 was awarded to address the nutrient and sediment loading of the lake. Over the past three years a total of $251,000 were spent to implement one grade stabilization structure, two sediment basins, two bioreactors, 700 feet of streambank stabilization, 30.7 acres oftimber stand improvement, and 39.4 acres of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). A proposed wetland structure and three sediment basins are scheduled to be constructed in the fall of 2011. Current water monitoring data is showing an average of 54% Nitrate (N) loading reductions as a result of the installed BMPs. The District feels further reductions are possible by addressing nutrient management issues in the cropland areas, stabilizing additional streambanks, and improving the surrounding woodland areas. The goal is to reduce N loading by an additional 20% and sediment loading by 50 tlac/yr. The resulting collaborative effort may lead to the future de-listing of Lake Hendricks from the 303(d) Impaired Waters List.
Metabolic syndrome developed in consequence of an evolutionary inadequacy: the human body was unprepared for a dietary excess of nutrients, especially lipids (largely in detriment of carbohydrate). This excess awakens metabolic signals akin to those of starvation, in which the main energy staple is the body"s own lipid reserve. Lipid dietary abundance prevents the use of glucose, which in turn limits the oxidation of amino acids. To ward against a subsequent avalanche of substrates, the immune system and hypertrophied tissues (for example, adipose) elicit a series of defence responses. This response is probably the ultimate basis of a disease that is manifested as various pathologies, which were initially defined as distinct entities but which are slowly being seen as a single pathognomic unit in the literature. Based on their common origin of the ample availability of food in our modern society, the cluster of diseases comprising the metabolic syndrome is probably best described as a single multifaceted disease.
Abstract Phenotypic polymorphism is an ideal system to study natural selection in wild populations, because it allows tracking population genetic changes by means of phenotypic changes. A wide variety of polymorphic traits have been studied in numerous animals and plants, as for example colour patterns in moths, snails and birds, human laterality, male reproductive strategies, plant morphology or mating systems. This thesis focused on Dactylorhiza sarnbucina, a rewardless European orchid species, showing a striking flower colour polymorphism, with either yellow or red flowered individuals co-occurring in natural populations. Several studies have investigated its evolutionary ecology since Nilsson's seminal paper in 1980, with a particular emphasis in the evolution and maintenance of its colour polymorphism. One of the main selective forces proposed to maintain this colour polymorphism was pollinator driven negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS), when each morph is advantaged when rare, and comparatively disadvantaged when common. However, other investigators have recently questioned the occurrence of NFDS, and proposed alternatively that fluctuating selection may maintain this colour polymorphism. In this thesis, we aimed at reviewing and synthesizing these different studies, and also brought our contribution on D. sambucina reproductive ecology. Because numerous hypotheses have still to be tested, we concluded by saying that we are a long way from understanding the evolution and dynamics of colour polymorphism in natural D. sambucina populations. Beside the debated question of colour polymorphism maintenance, one question remained to be tested: what are the consequences of polymorphism per se. We experimentally addressed this question using artificial populations of D. sambucina, and found no relationship between population phenotypic diversity and orchid pollination success. This finding suggest that polymorphism itself was not an advantage for deceptive species such D sambucina, contrarily to the expectations. Finally, we suggest potential research perspectives that could allow a better understanding of the evolutionary ecology of this species. Résumé Le polymorphisme phénotypique est un système biologique idéal pour étudier l'action de la sélection en populations naturelles, grâce à la possibilité de suivre les changements génétiques de la population en étudiant les phénotypes des individus. De très nombreuses études ont montré du polymorphisme phénotypique chez les animaux, par exemple la latéralité chez l'Homme, la coloration des escargots ou des oiseaux. Dans le règne végétal, le polymorphisme est souvent associé à des traits du système de reproduction. Cette thèse est centrée sur une espèce d'orchidée Européenne qui ne produit pas de nectar, Dactylorhiza sambucina. Cette espèce présente des individus à fleurs jaunes et des individus à fleurs rouge, généralement présents en mélange dans les populations naturelles. Plusieurs études ont investigué l'écologie évolutive de cette espèce depuis 25 ans, avec comme thème central l'évolution et le maintien de ce polymorphisme. La principale force sélective proposée pour maintenir ce polymorphisme de couleur est la sélection fréquence-dépendante, exercée par le comportement des pollinisateurs. Chacun des deux variants de couleur est favorisé quand il est rare, et défavorisé quand il devient commun. Bien que ce mécanisme semble agir, certains auteurs doutent de son importance, et ont proposé que les variations temporelles ou spatiales des forces de sélection puisse maintenir le polymorphisme de couleur chez D. sambucina. Dans cette thèse, nous avons voulu résumer et synthétiser les résultats de ces différentes études, et aussi présenter des données nouvelles concernant la reproduction de cette espèce. À la vue de ces résultats, il apparait que de nombreux points nécessitent des expériences complémentaires, et que la compréhension de ce système biologique est encore fragmentaire. Nous nous sommes également intéressés à une question laissée en suspens dans la littérature: le polymorphisme de couleur en soit confère-t-il un avantage à l'espèce, comme proposé par certains auteurs? En construisant des populations artificielles de D. sambucina, nous avons pu montrer que le polymorphisme de couleur n'augmente pas le succès reproducteur de l'espèce. Nous terminons ce travail de recherche en proposant plusieurs axes de recherche pouvant conduire à une meilleure compréhension de l'écologie et de l'évolution de cette espèce.
Lake Macbride is considered to be one of the top four lakes for fishing in the state of Iowa. It is widely used by the public and contributes significant economic benefits to the county. Lake Macbride is situated in the North Corridor which is one of the fastest growing areas in the state. The lake has a surface area of 940 acres and drains 16,205 acres. Lake Macbride is on the Iowa 303(d) list for excessive sediments and nutrients. In 2001, Lake Macbride State Park received over 2.5 million dollars from the Marine Fuel Tax and Fish and Wildlife Trust to install 2 silt basins and stabilize over 12 miles of shoreline in the lake. Also in 2001, the Johnson County SWCD received a WSPF allocation from DSC to address agriculture and urban runoff issues in the watershed. Section 319 funding was received in 2002 to continue watershed efforts to the present. A watershed assessment was completed in 2003 to guide watershed activities. In 2005, a TMDL was completed for the lake. Since 2001, over $645,000 dollars has been spent by landowners and funding partners to install conservation practices in the watershed. Watershed efforts have resulted in the reduction of over 4200 tons of soils from being delivered into Lake Macbride. Nutrient reductions have also occurred from the development of nutrient management plans on 2000 acres. The District is in the process of wrapping up watershed efforts on private land. A series of 13 structures is planned to be installed in the State Park over the next several years. One of the last remaining items that still needs addressed is 1,400 feet of eroding shoreline adjacent to Lake Macbride along Cottage Reserve Road. The road is under the jurisdiction of the Johnson County Board of Supervisors. Both the Board of Supervisors and the IDNR are willing to contribute substantial dollars to address the 250 tons of soil that are being directly delivered to Lake Macbride each year.
Enteral nutrition (EN) via tube feeding is, today, the preferred way of feeding the critically ill patient and an important means of counteracting for the catabolic state induced by severe diseases. These guidelines are intended to give evidence-based recommendations for the use of EN in patients who have a complicated course during their ICU stay, focusing particularly on those who develop a severe inflammatory response, i.e. patients who have failure of at least one organ during their ICU stay. These guidelines were developed by an interdisciplinary expert group in accordance with officially accepted standards and are based on all relevant publications since 1985. They were discussed and accepted in a consensus conference. EN should be given to all ICU patients who are not expected to be taking a full oral diet within three days. It should have begun during the first 24h using a standard high-protein formula. During the acute and initial phases of critical illness an exogenous energy supply in excess of 20-25 kcal/kg BW/day should be avoided, whereas, during recovery, the aim should be to provide values of 25-30 total kcal/kg BW/day. Supplementary parenteral nutrition remains a reserve tool and should be given only to those patients who do not reach their target nutrient intake on EN alone. There is no general indication for immune-modulating formulae in patients with severe illness or sepsis and an APACHE II Score >15. Glutamine should be supplemented in patients suffering from burns or trauma.
Référence bibliographique : Deloynes, 403
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar características agronômicas e morfológicas de plantas de Coffea arabica, cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44, propagadas por embriogênese somática. O experimento foi instalado em janeiro de 2005, em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com dez repetições. As plantas foram avaliadas mensalmente quanto ao desenvolvimento vegetativo, de junho de 2005 a janeiro de 2006, e as avaliações agronômicas foram realizadas dois anos e meio após o início do experimento. A produtividade de grãos foi avaliada durante as quatro primeiras colheitas. Cafeeiros provenientes de embriogênese somática apresentam desenvolvimento inicial mais rápido do que as plantas obtidas de sementes e, aos 30 meses após plantio no campo, têm diâmetro de copa superior ao de plantas de origem seminal. O desempenho agronômico de plantas de C. arabica produzidas por embriogênese somática é semelhante ao de plantas oriundas de sementes, e não há restrições agronômicas para a sua utilização.
Following the seminal work on personal identity of Erikson, Marcia's identity status model has been one of the most enduring paradigms. The Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (EIPQ; Balistreri, Busch-Rossnagel, & Geissinger, 1995) is a widely used measure of identity status. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factor structure and the reliability of a French version of the EIPQ. The hypothesized structures were not confirmed. In light of the failed attempts to validate the original version, an alternative short-form version of the EIPQ (EIPQ-SF), maintaining the integrity of the original model, was developed in one sample and cross-validated in another sample. Additionally, theoretically consistent associations between the EIPQ-SF dimensions and self-esteem confirmed convergent validity. Globally, the results indicated that the French short-version of the EIPQ might be a useful instrument for the assessment of the identity statuses in adolescence and emerging adulthood.