951 resultados para Segmento de Autopeças


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As can be inferred by the title of its study The constitutional principle of sustainable development and the utilization of hidrical resources in the oil industry the transcribed pages are dedicated to the approach of the mentioned subjects which, despite being apparently different, will be shown intrinsically connected as goes by the study. The superation of this first step by the reader will lead to an important perception of the title: that the situation requires, urgently, a defined posture, a complete conduct change and, therefore, a modification of the paradigms currently establisheds. To brake barriers, modifying what is lived by, is the ultimate goal. For that, there is no unique path, linear, but there were broached the development themes, the hidrical resources theme and oil and natural gas industry at the necessary points to achieve, by the end, a comprehension for the Brazilian Federal Republic goals in the search for the application of these juridical norms. The ones whom lay down over this study shall notice that, more than a simple approach over these themes (which are still less worked and searched in Brazil), the heavy critic of an instituted and pacifically accepted reality, directly offensive of the constitutional principles. The debate evolves from punctual and specific aspects, it gains life, flies, searching how the juridical order equalizes the economic model to the environment defense. Standing by the possibility of conciliation among constitutional principles, the remodeling of an economic segment is defended, aligning it to the sustainable limits. Development, sustainable, becomes means and goals to the implementation of liberty, capacitating everyone to achieve their goals of life, their libertments, fruit of the inherent antagonism of the Constitution the sustainable development offers, while an axiological vector, a new reality to the economic order, turning it into a motriz element to the fortification of constitutional normative force and for the national development


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The gas retail represents the end of a section of the oil and natural gas derivative chain, for it is at this stage where the commercialization of those merchandises takes place towards the costumers. This process involves an enormous amount of economic agents, which reflects on an activity of great influence on the citizen's everyday. By the time of the gas retail price liberalization, in 2002, there were great expectations towards that measure, for the insertion of that segment in a competitive market was likely to create a decrease in prices. As there was not a drastic drop off in cost, the question was no longer the price itself, but, predominantly, the conduct taken by the economic agents that operate the market. Not in vain, the segment introduces a greater number of different procedures combined with the organs that compose the Brazilian System of Competition Protection. What is understood, however, is that many of these complaints are made in a lightly way, without a proper analysis of the market and its practices, that being why, in this paper, evidences the causes of these complaints and explained what, in fact, occurs in this market. Also, the organs that protect the free initiative in the sector use different methods to assess anticompetitive practices, which are counterproductive on the combat of anticompetitive practice, that being why the present paper analyzes the used methods on a critic perspective, choosing one which is believed to be the most adequate. The present work also tries to present the gas retail prices on a constitutional, free competition, free initiative and consumers defense perspective, analyzing the competition s aspects on the gas market; the shaping of the gas prices; the market boundaries; the anti-competitive practices under the gas market; and analyze the possibility, according to the defined economic standards in the constitutional text of existing a greater control or gas price indexing and/or regulation which limits the distributors and resellers profit on gas. Still, in consequence of this analysis, a study on Natal s market behavior will be developed in its competitive feature. That being said, moreover being a theoretical-descriptive study, data and statistics gathered is used, which will lead, willing to grasp an experiential study on a few aspects of the Potiguar gas retail market


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Em eqüinos, as enterotomias no cólon descendente são necessárias para remover enterólitos, corpos estranhos e material alimentar compactado que não podem ser removidos por técnicas conservativas. Este segmento intestinal possui um suprimento sangüíneo pobre, além de predisposição a complicações pós-operatórias relacionadas à contaminação bacteriana. Assim, este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de efetuar avaliações clínicas e anatomopatológicas do emprego de adesivo tecidual à base de cianoacrilato no cólon descendente de eqüinos, comparando-o a uma técnica de sutura aposicional convencional. A intervenção cirúrgica foi realizada em 15 animais posicionados em decúbito lateral direito, através de laparotomia pelo flanco esquerdo, sob anestesia geral inalatória. Após a exteriorização do cólon descendente, foram realizadas duas enterotomias de cinco centímetros de extensão cada, distanciadas 20cm uma da outra. Os animais foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em cinco tempos de observação de três animais cada e sacrificados aos três, sete, 14, 35 e 70 dias de pós-operatório. O adesivo butil-2-cianoacrilato e o fio de poliglactina 910 mostraram-se igualmente apropriados para uso em enterorrafias desse órgão, sendo que o fio de poliglactina 910 provocou inflamação inicial mais intensa que o cianoacrilato e, mais tardiamente, ambos causaram inflamação granulomatosa do tipo corpo estranho observada, primeiramente, junto ao fio de poliglactina 910 (7º dia) e, a partir do 35º dia, ao redor do cianoacrilato.


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The right to housing is included in several international human rights instruments and in Brazilian legal system integrates the constitutional catalog of fundamental social rights (art. 6) and urban development policy (art. 182 and 183). Besides, it is for all federative governments its effectiveness by building programs and improvement of housing conditions and sanitation (art. 23, IX), which justifies the investment in urban planning and public policy of housing affordability because they are tools for achieving this right. Newer strategies in this area have been based on tax incentives, combined with the mortgage as a way to induce the construction of new housing units or reform those in a precarious situation. However, there is still a deficit households and environmental soundness, compounded with the formation of informal settlements. Consequently, we need constant reflections on the issue, in order to identify parameters that actually guide their housing policies in order to meet the constitutional social functions of the city and ensure well-begins of its citizens (art. 182). On the other hand, the intervention of the government in this segment can not only see the availability of the home itself, but also the quality of your extension or surroundings, observing aspects related to environmental sanitation, urban mobility, leisure and services essential health, education and social assistance. It appears that the smoothness and efficiency of a housing policy condition to the concept of adequate housing, in other words, structurally safe, comfortable and environmentally legally legitimate, viable from the extensive coordination with other public policies. Only to compliance with this guideline, it is possible to realize the right to housing in sustainable cities


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In the middle of modern social changes produced by globalization and capitalism, several markets have changed. States have left the direct coordination of these markets (chiefly public utility sector in the form of monopolies), introducing regulation in order to promote competition. These changes have affected natural gas industry by promoting competition as a key factor to the development and the increase of firms in this market. The regulatory reform of natural gas industry ocurred in EUA and Europe Union and it has produced its first results. In Brazilian context, Constitutional Amendment nbr. 09 and Federal Law nbr. 9.478/97 ( Petroleum Law ) opened the natural gas market to a broad range of private economic agents and they finished the monopoly over the industry before managed by Petrobras. The new regulatory framework of Brazilian natural gas industry has designed competition as a central element to the new form of managment of business and contractual relationships of this industry. Among the regulatory instruments, open access regulation in natural gas pipelines is directed to promote competition. The questions arised about its implementation in Brazilian context are studied in the present work, in which it is discussed the constitutional rules and principles are to be applied to the open access regulation within the theme of statal regulation of economy present in constitutional economic order


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the actual nature of the Scientific Journalism, studying the historical facts from these informations segment, their matters production and the news industries that work with these specific niche of the contemporary journalism. It is taken into account the educational potential of the specialized journalism and it is considered the communication as a transdiciplinary science. To get into this point it was elected as an analyze category the Reception it Mediation Studies specially the north-americans theories besides the utilization also of the reportage concept to identify how to establish the epistemological relations between Communication and Education. Among the objectives of this dissertation are the investigation of the scientific character of the journalism; the analysis of the theoretical currents of Pedagogy that are based on the theory of Social Communication, as for example the Total Language and the analysis of the industrial and technological characteristics of the most important scientific and cultural magazines of Brazil, Northeast and Natal


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The docent formation has been instigating researchers who look for ways to better qualify teachers in a way they can form and reform their practice in class. The category we brought for investigation and discussion is the formation that happens in the school these teachers work. This paper aims to study the repercussion of an inter-formative practice for the professional development of teachers from EJA 1st segment. The empirical field for the study was Professor Emília Ramos State School in Natal-RN/Brazil where, since its creation in 1988, has been developing a practice of formation continued on services characterized as Procedure of Inter-formation. The study fits in the qualitative approach of educational research. In methodological terms, it is a study case. Also, we were inspired by some elements from life history since we work on the teachers experiences in the School. Methodological tools such as semi-structured interviews, analysis of documents and participant observation were used. We invited 07 (seven) teachers from the night period of the school to revisit their formation history as teachers from EJA, counting on by their narrations apprehending the contributions of this formation on their professional development. The results collected show the school grants privileges to inter-formative practices based on collective and pair work, as well as on the teacher s reflection about his/her own practice. The Inter-formative Practice that happens in the School has an action-reflection-action basis where the docent action is read under the light of the theoretical support that fundaments the School s Pedagogical Proposal. The results also highlight the relevance of the inter-formative practices on the teachers professional development. This practice contributes to the construction of knowledge and competences, as well as to the identity of the teacher from EJA. For all the teachers interviewed, the School s formation has been the most significant contribution to their development as a teacher from EJA. Despite of the limitations found on using this kind of approach, we hope our study that talks about a well-succeeded experience can contribute to the widening of this type of practice, increasing then, the chances of making the dream of having a democratic high quality public school, despite all the difficulties, come true


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present work focused on developing teaching activities that would provide to the student in initial teacher training, improving the ability of mathematical reasoning and hence a greater appreciation of the concepts related to the golden section, the irrational numbers, and the incommensurability the demonstration from the reduction to the nonsensical. This survey is classified itself as a field one which data collection were inserted within a quantitative and qualitative approach. Acted in this research, two classes in initial teacher training. These were teachers and employees of public schools and local governments, living in the capital, in Natal Metropolitan Region - and within the country. The empirical part of the research took place in Pedagogy and Mathematics courses, IFESP in Natal - RN. The theoretical and methodological way construction aimed to present a teaching situation, based on history, involving mathematics and architecture, derived from a concrete context - Andrea Palladio s Villa Emo. Focused discussions on current studies of Rachel Fletcher stating that the architect used the golden section in this village construction. As a result, it was observed that the proposal to conduct a study on the mathematical reasoning assessment provided, in teaching and activity sequences, several theoretical and practical reflections. These applications, together with four sessions of study in the classroom, turned on to a mathematical thinking organization capable to develop in academic students, the investigative and logical reasoning and mathematical proof. By bringing ancient Greece and Andrea Palladio s aspects of the mathematics, in teaching activities for teachers and future teachers of basic education, it was promoted on them, an improvement in mathematical reasoning ability. Therefore, this work came from concerns as opportunity to the surveyed students, thinking mathematically. In fact, one of the most famous irrational, the golden section, was defined by a certain geometric construction, which is reflected by the Greek phrase (the name "golden section" becomes quite later) used to describe the same: division of a segment - on average and extreme right. Later, the golden section was once considered a standard of beauty in the arts. This is reflected in how to treat the statement questioning by current Palladio s scholars, regarding the use of the golden section in their architectural designs, in our case, in Villa Emo


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This dissertation aims to analyze the specialized educational services(AEE, Portuguese) implemented in four municipal schools of Mossoró/RN, with attention to the process of collaboration between regular classroom teachers and multifunctional resource classroom teachers. We use as theoretical reference the works of Vygotsky and others authors that write about education and collaboration. To accomplish the research we chose a qualitative approach, using as a methodological resources: study of cases, bibliographical, documental and field research. For the field research we make observations in regular and multifunctional classrooms. We produce group intervieus with regular and multifunctional teachers. From the analysis performed we identify that the concepts and the practices of teachers in regular classrooms changes, with integrationist predominance. The AEE s teachers had more inclusive conceptions and greater investment in continuing education than the regular classroom teachers. The practices of regular classroom teachers are more traditional, what makes the learning process more difficult for the students, even more for the students with disabilities and pervasive developmental disorders. Teachers of AEE was more interactive and creative, however, the attention to the students was more individual. In three of the four schools surveyed stand out the efforts of the teachers of specialist classroom to collaborate with regular school teachers, by notes, e-mails, phone calls and resource sharing. In one of the four was noted a good collaborative interactive between the AEE teachers and the regular school teachers. The school with the worst improvement was that in which the actions of the teachers of the AEE were limited to actions in multifunctional resource classroom. The resistance to these professionals was identified in the statements of the regular classroom teachers. Another issue raised was the lack of time for teachers to conduct AEE actions that contribute to the process of school students, because their working hours is restricted to the opposite turn in school. Transport difficulties for the students to attend the resource classroom multifunctional and the lack of dialogue with the health sector was challenges for the four schools. The families were with a practically constant interest to interact with the AEE teachers in the four schools. Thus, we believe that the presence of AEE school can make contributions to the educational process, however, it is necessary more attention to the collaborative process between teachers and the school community


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Kindergarten teachers training gains the spotlight with the passing of Law number 9.394/96 (Guidelines and Basis Law) that defines this segment as the initial step of basic education, with pedagogical function. In this spectrum, the discussion about teacher training unravels to ensure social quality to education as well as the teacher s specificities towards child singularities. Adding to that, the growing propagation of Pedagogy in an undergraduate level, given that such course has been continually transformed by the National Curriculum Guidelines for Pedagogy (2006), highlighting the addition of curriculum components that are specific to upbringing. The complex debate circa kindergarten teachers training has advancements and hardships that need to be unveiled in order to improve both formation and social quality of education in the 0- 5 years old range. This investigation inserts itself in said context and aims to analyze which knowledge, specific to kindergarten teaching are constructed, according to undergraduate trainees, in Pedagogy s supervised internship. The study was conducted alongside the discipline: Supervised Internship in Child Education ministered by the Advanced Campus of Rio Grande do Norte s State University s in the municipality of Patu-RN (CAP-UERN-Patu) and was conducted through 2012 by accompanying four undergraduate interns. We first assumed that the development of teaching knowledge is a complex process of appropriation of cultural-social practices and is symbolically mediated by interactions that occur in the formation context, and the supervised internship can be understood as a space for the articulation and enlargement of theoretical and practical knowledge, directly related to the specificities of child education. The theoretical-methodological foundation was based upon the historiccultural approach of L. S. Vygotsky and M. Bakhtin s dialogism on human sciences research, as well as his postulates on learning and developmental processes, conceived as both essentially social and discursive. The investigation approached the principles of the qualitative perspective and to the construction and analysis of data, involved documental analysis and, specially, semi-structured interviews, both individual and collective, whose fundamental premise was the production-comprehension of meanings in a dialogical perspective. The participants texts/speeches produced a synthesis that points to the occurrence, within the supervised internship at CAP/UERN, of internalization/appropriation processes and, as such, of formulation of meanings that are pertinent to child education: child, childhood, kindergarten and teacher signification and this stage s specific teaching knowledge. It stood out that the internship, alongside other curriculum components, is, in fact, one of the primeval formation environment for the teachers, in which the interns interact with their colleagues, supervisor professor, collaborator professor, and of course, the children to construct their erudition. Such interactions allow the undergraduate interns to develop attitudes and procedures to reflect on what they know, what they ve done and what they can achieve. We have concluded that the undergraduate internship can constitute itself as an articulatorconsolidator environment in the future teacher s formation process and, since well oriented, can provide the effective initiation, not only to the practice, but to the praxis as a movement of non dissociability between theory and practice


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Em um segmento de vertente com substrato de arenito em contato com basalto, regionalmente muito freqüente, pretendeu-se não só relacionar as superfícies geomórficas com os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos Latossolos nelas encontrados, mas também testar métodos geoestatísticos para localização de limites dessas superfícies. Usando critérios geomorfológicos, três superfícies foram identificadas e topograficamente caracterizadas. Os solos foram amostrados, a intervalos regulares de 25 m, na profundidade de 0,6 a 0,8 m (topo do horizonte B), em uma transeção de 1.700 m perfazendo 109 pontos. Nas amostras, foram analisados: densidade de partículas, granulometria, CTC do solo, CTC da argila, Fe total da argila (ataque por H2SO4) e óxidos de Fe livres (por dissolução seletiva). A fração argila desferrificada foi analisada por difração de raios X. Com base na estratigrafia e variações do relevo local, foram identificadas e diferenciadas, no campo, três superfícies geomórficas. Analisaram-se também o perfil altimétrico e o modelo de elevação digital do terreno. Observou-se que as três diferentes superfícies estão bem relacionadas com os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos seus respectivos solos. Na parte inferior desta vertente, superfície mais recente e sobre basalto, em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico típico, foram encontradas as maiores variabilidades da declividade, da argila e de Fe. As variações da inclinação do terreno, quando analisadas sistematicamente pelo split moving windows dissimilarity analysis (análise estatística de dissimilaridade, em segmentos móveis), mostraram que este método estatístico pode ser usado para ajudar a localizar os limites entre superfícies geomórficas. As variações dos solos da transeção, e arredores, mostraram-se relacionadas com idade, inclinação do terreno e litologia. O trabalho geomórfico detalhado forneceu importantes informações para subsidiar os trabalhos de levantamento de solos e de pedogênese.


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In recent years, the Brazilian construction industry has gone by changes like currency stability, increasing competition, shortage of skilled labor and increasing quality importance required by the customer, who made the sector companies seek solutions through new management practices in order to become more efficient. A alternative to these management practices is known as Lean Construction which is derived from the Toyota System Production. Lean Construction main goals are to reduce parts of activities that do not add value, increase product value by considering customer needs, reduce variability and production cycle time, simplify process by reducing the number of parts or steps, increase the flexibility in the product execution and transparency process, focus the control on overall process, introduce continuous improvement process, maintain a balance between improvements in flows and conversions and seek to learn from practices adopted by competitors. However, the construction industry is characterized by having nomadic activity, which undertakes an unique product with high cost of production and big inertia for behavioral change, making it difficult to implement the philosophy of lean construction in companies. In this sense, the main objective of this study is to develop a methodology for implementation of the principles of Lean Construction. The method of implementing the proposed management system was designed with the aid of 5W2H tool, and the implementation process is divided into three phases. The first one aims to know in a macro way the current operation of construction, identify who is its target audience and what are the products and services offered to the Market. The second phase aims to describe what actions should be taken and which documents are needed to be created or modified; finally, the third step goal consists in how to control and monitor established processes, where through Strategic Planning the company goals would be set along with their respective targets and indicators in order to keep the system working, aiming for continuous improvement with focus on the customer. This methodology was conceived as a case study analyzing a medium size construction with more than 18 years of activity and certified for almost 10 years with ISO9001 and level A in PBQP-H. We also conclude that this implementation process can be used in any developer and / or builder