929 resultados para Seeds-fertilizer
Kasvit ovat kautta aikojen levinneet uusille elinpaikoille. Kasvin asettumista uuteen paikkaan voidaan tarkastella prosessina, jossa on erilaisia vaiheita ja eri vaiheissa eri tekijät ovat tärkeitä. Ilmasto ja erityisesti lämpötila vaikuttavat kasvien levinneisyyteen ja leviämiseen uusille paikoille ja siksi ilmaston lämpenemisen ennustetaan siirtävän kasvien levinneisyysalueita kohti pohjoista. On mahdollista, että Suomeenkin leviäisi etelämmästä muiden kasvien ohella haitallisia rikkakasvilajeja, kuten esimerkiksi viherrevonhäntä (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) ja kananhirssi (Echinochloa crus-galli L. Beauv.). Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, selviävätkö viherrevonhäntä ja kananhirssi Suomessa pelto-olosuhteissa ja pohtia niiden vakiintumisen ja leviämisen mahdollisuuksia. Toinen tarkoitus oli selvittää ilmaston lämpenemisen vaikutusta näiden rikkakasvien kasvuun. Tutkimus suoritettiin kenttä- sekä kasvihuonekokeena. Viherrevonhäntä kasvoi pellolla hyvin huolimatta myöhäisestä itämisestä, mutta kananhirssi iti ja kasvoi pellolla huonosti. Kasvihuoneessa molemmat kasvoivat hyvin. Kilpailu vähensi viherrevonhännän ja kananhirssin vegetatiivista kasvua vain kasvihuoneessa, mutta siementuottoon kilpailu vaikutti sekä kasvihuoneessa että pellolla. Kasvihuoneessa korkeampi lämpötila ei vaikuttanut viherrevonhännän tai kananhirssin vegetatiiviseen kasvuun, mutta viherrevonhännän siementuotto parani lämpimämmässä. Lämpötilalla ei ollut vaikutusta kananhirssin siementuotantoon. Tutkimuksen tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että viherrevonhäntä voi hyvinkin kasvaa Suomessa jo nykyisissä lämpötiloissa, mutta siementuotto ei välttämättä olisi varmaa. Viherrevonhäntä voisi näin ollen hyötyä tulevaisuuden pidemmästä kasvukaudesta. Kananhirssin osalta tulokset olivat ristiriitaiset ja ilmaston lämpenemisen vaikutuksia kananhirssiin on tämän tutkimuksen perusteella hankala arvioida.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on rakentaa malli, jolla voidaan arvioida maitotilan toimintaa monipuolisesti ravinnehuuhtouman kannalta. Tavoitteena on ennen muuta analyyttinen tarkastelu siten, että kuitenkin huomioiden maidontuotannon ominaispiirteet, keskeisinä esimerkkeinä ravinnon, maidontuotannon ja lannan ominaisuuksien väliset riippuvuudet. Analyysissa tarkastellaan tilanomistajan yksityisen hyödynmaksimoinnin ja yhteiskunnan tavoitteiden eroavaisuutta. Lisäksi johdetaan optimaaliset ohjauskeinot ja arvioidaan eräiden yksinkertaisten ohjauskeinojen vaikuttavuutta. Mallin analysoinnin perusteella yksityinen ja yhteiskunnallinen optimiratkaisu eroavat toisistaan kaikkien päätösmuuttujien osalta. Ei voida kuitenkaan yleispätevästi sanoa muutosten merkittävyyttä tai suuntaa ottamatta kantaa mallin funktiomuotoihin ja parametriarvoihin. Optimaaliset ohjauskeinot tulisi asettaa keinolannoitteen ja lannan levitykselle, väkirehuruokinnalle ja säilörehun viljelylle, mutta ei eläinten määrälle. Toisaalta optimaaliset ohjauskeinot ovat hyvin monimutkaisia. Tarkasteltujen yksinkertaisempien ohjauskeinojen vaikuttavuutta ei voida tarkasti arvioida analyyttisella tasolla. Numeeristen tulosten perusteella yhteiskunnallisessa optimissa eläinmäärä olisi hieman yksityistä optimia pienempi, väkirehun käyttö vähäisempää, enemmän peltoa allokoitaisiin säilörehun viljelyyn ja lannoitustasot olisivat kautta linjan hieman pienemmät. Lannanlevitykset eroavat etäisyyden suhteen: molemmissa tapauksissa lannanlevityksen intensiteetti kasvaa kohti tilan keskusta kuljettaessa, mutta yksityisessä optimissa lähimmälle pellolle dumpataan kaikki ylimääräinen lanta, kun taas yhteiskunnallisessa optimissa lanta levitetään tasaisemmin eri pelloille. Ero kokonaishyvinvoinnissa jää pieneksi, mutta eläinmäärän kasvu kärjistäisi lannan dumppauksen aiheuttamia huuhtoumahaittoja. Yksinkertaisista ohjauskeinoista lannoitusrajoitus sekä ravinne- ja keinolannoitevero osoittautuivat kohtalaisen käyttökelpoisiksi numeeristen tulosten perusteella. Sen sijaan eläinmäärän rajoittaminen ja lannan kuljetuskustannuksia kompensoivat tuet vaikuttavat tulosten perusteella huonoilta ratkaisuilta.
Biofuels are under discussion all over the world today. There are fears that the farming of biofuel plants hurts food production and weakens the food security of the poor. On the other hand, biofuel production could lessen the green house gas emissions caused by transportation, and it could also spread the profits from fuel markets more evenly between countries. The aim of this thesis is to find out how an oil plant called jatropha curcas L., which is used for biodiesel production, can affect the sustainability of livelihoods in Vietnam from the point of view of land use. Special attention is given to the effects of jatropha farming on food production, land productivity, natural resources of livelihoods and global livelihood. Jatropha belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae, and it grows naturally in tropical and subtropical areas. It can be grown on poor soils, its seeds have high oil content, and it cannot be eaten due to its toxicity. The plant grows naturally in Vietnam, and during the past few years it has also begun to be farmed for making biodiesel. Population growth in Vietnam has slowed down, but the population's standard of living and energy consumption are still rising quickly. An interest in the international biodiesel markets has awoken following Vietnam's opening up to international trade. Jatropha diesel plays a significant part in Vietnam’s clean fuel strategy, and many companies have set up jatropha plantations to produce raw material for biodiesel. Diesel made from jatropha is planned to be used both locally and for export. This thesis uses a theoretical concept of sustainable livelihoods. According to the theory, the resources that people have shape their livelihood possibilities. Farming of jatropha affects the livelihoods of people especially through land use, as land use changes have effects on many of the livelihood resources. In addition to the written sources, the material of the thesis is based on 14 interviews in Vietnam and Finland, and on observation during a field trip to Northern Vietnam in the spring of 2008. The results of the thesis show that jatropha diesel can support the sustainability of livelihoods at different scales if it is produced with deliberation. However, positive results are only possible if decisions are made carefully and more experience is collected. The possibilities of sustainable jatropha farming depend mainly on the previous land use methods and ways of production. Farming of jatropha does not threaten food production in Vietnam if the farming plans are implemented as planned. Jatropha may take some land from cassava, but at the same time, food production can be increased if mixed farming is used on some farms. Plenty of new research information and practical experiences on jatropha farming has to be collected before results of the real sustainability of the farming are ready. Carefully considered continuation and documentation of present and future projects would help to understand the possibilities of jatropha diesel in Vietnam and elsewhere.
After ensilation, the toxic Compositae weed Parthenium hysterophorus was devoid of the toxic principle parthenin. Laboratory-scale ensilation indicated that no parthenin was detectable after 5 wk of anaerobic fermentation. For animal feeding studies, silage was made on a large scale from Parthenium mixed with maize or from Parthenium alone. Crossbred bull and buffalo bull calves were fed diets containing the silages, or control diet without silage, for 12 wk. The animals consumed both silages with relish, and body weight gains of silage-fed calves did not differ from those of the controls. The digestibilities of dry matter, fibre and nitrogen-free extract were greater with the control diet, but the biological value of proteins tended to be greater with the silage-containing diets. Haematological studies indicated no significant differences between experimental and control groups in selected parameters, except for a reduction in blood urea nitrogen in the animals fed silage. The possible causes for these biochemical alterations are discussed. Since the nutritive value of Parthenium silage compares favourably with the standard diet, and Parthenium seeds collected from the silage did not germinate, we suggest that ensilation can be used as an additional method in the containment and eradication of these plants, which grow wild in India.
Plants exhibit certain intra-fruit positional patterns in the development of seeds. These patterns have been generally interpreted to be a consequence of resource and fertilization gradients. However, such positional patterns might also be shaped by the 'neighbour effect', wherein formation and development of a seed at any position might positively or negatively influence those of other seeds in the neighbourhood. In this article, we examine the role of such neighbour effect in shaping the positional pattern of seeds in the pods of Erythrina suberosa. The results suggest the existence of a positive neighbour effect leading to a higher frequency of seeds in contiguous positions.
Synthesis of peanut agglutinin was induced in callus and cell suspension cultures of cotyledons of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). The lectin was synthesised in cultures through several passages. Biosynthesis of peanut agglutinin was regulated by the type and concentration of exogenous growth regulators and was positively correlated to the growth of the cultures,indicating that the agglutinin may have a role to play during cell growth. Movement of agglutinin from the cells into the medium not only facilitated easy isolation of the lectin but also provided a clue that it may probably serve as a defence molecule. The synthesized lectin purified from culture, was found to be biologically active, and was found to be comparable with the lectin from seeds, in terms of its electrophoretic mobility.
Plant seeds usually have high concentrations of proteinase and amylase inhibitors. These inhibitors exhibit a wide range of specificity, stability and oligomeric structure. In this communication, we report analysis of sequences that show statistically significant similarity to the double-headed alpha-amylase/trypsin inhibitor of ragi (Eleusine coracana). Our aim is to understand their evolutionary and structural features. The 14 sequences of this family that are available in the SWISSPROT database form three evolutionarily distinct branches. The branches relate to enzyme specificities and also probably to the oligomeric state of the proteins and not to the botanical class of the plant from which the enzymes are derived. This suggests that the enzyme specificities of the inhibitors evolved before the divergence of commercially cultivated cereals. The inhibitor sequences have three regions that display periodicity in hydrophobicity. It is likely that this feature reflects extended secondary structure in these segments. One of the most variable regions of the polypeptide corresponds to a loop, which is most probably exposed in the native structure of the inhibitors and is responsible for the inhibitory property.
Vigna Delta(1)-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS) cDNA was transferred to chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivar Annigeri via Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation. Following selection on hygromycin and regeneration, 60 hygromycin-resistant plants were recovered. Southern blot analysis of five fertile independent lines of T0 and T1 generation revealed single and multiple insertions of the transgene. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis of T0 and T1 progeny demonstrated that the P5CS gene is expressed and produced functional protein in chickpea. T1 transgenic lines accumulated higher amount of proline under 250 mM NaCl compared to untransformed controls. Higher accumulation of Na(+) was noticed in the older leaves but negligible accumulation in seeds of T1 transgenic lines as compared to the controls. Chlorophyll stability and electrolyte leakage indicated that proline overproduction helps in alleviating salt stress in transgenic chickpea plants. The T1 transgenics lines were grown to maturity and set normal viable seeds under continuous salinity stress (250 mM) without any reduction in plant yield in terms of seed mass.
Long-distance dispersal (LDD) events, although rare for most plant species, can strongly influence population and community dynamics. Animals function as a key biotic vector of seeds and thus, a mechanistic and quantitative understanding of how individual animal behaviors scale to dispersal patterns at different spatial scales is a question of critical importance from both basic and applied perspectives. Using a diffusion-theory based analytical approach for a wide range of animal movement and seed transportation patterns, we show that the scale (a measure of local dispersal) of the seed dispersal kernel increases with the organisms' rate of movement and mean seed retention time. We reveal that variations in seed retention time is a key determinant of various measures of LDD such as kurtosis (or shape) of the kernel, thinkness of tails and the absolute number of seeds falling beyond a threshold distance. Using empirical data sets of frugivores, we illustrate the importance of variability in retention times for predicting the key disperser species that influence LDD. Our study makes testable predictions linking animal movement behaviors and gut retention times to dispersal patterns and, more generally, highlights the potential importance of animal behavioral variability for the LDD of seeds.
In plants, fatty oils are generally stored in spherical intracellular organelles referred to as oleosomes that are covered by proteins such as oleosin. Seeds with high oil content have more oleosin than those with low oil content. However, the exact role of oleosin in oil accumulation is thus far unclear. Here, we report the isolation of a catalytically active 14 S multiprotein complex capable of acylating monoacylglycerol from the microsomal membranes of developing peanut cotyledons. Microsomal membranes from immature peanut seeds were solubilized using 8 M urea and 10 mM CHAPS. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, we identified 27 proteins in the 14 S complex. The major proteins present in the 14 S complex are conarachin, the major allergen Ara h 1, and other seed storage proteins. We identified oleosin 3 as a part of the 14 S complex, which is capable of acylating monoacylglycerol. The recombinant OLE3 microsomes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been shown to have both a monoacylglycerol acyltransferase and a phospholipase A(2) activity. Overexpression of the oleosin 3 (OLE3) gene in S. cerevisiae resulted in an increased accumulation of diacylglycerols and triacylglycerols and decreased phospholipids. These findings provide a direct role for a structural protein (OLE3) in the biosynthesis and mobilization of plant oils.
This book introduces the major agricultural activities in India and their impact on soil and groundwater. It lists the basic aspects of agricultural activities and introduces soil properties, classification and processes, and groundwater characteristics, movement, and recharge aspects. It further discusses soil and groundwater pollution from various sources, impacts of irrigation, drainage, fertilizer, and pesticide. Finally, the book dwells upon conservation and management of groundwater and soil.
A growing understanding of the ecology of seed dispersal has so far had little influence on conservation practice, while the needs of conservation practice have had little influence on seed dispersal research. Yet seed dispersal interacts decisively with the major drivers of biodiversity change in the 21st century: habitat fragmentation, overharvesting, biological invasions, and climate change. We synthesize current knowledge of the effects these drivers have on seed dispersal to identify research gaps and to show how this information can be used to improve conservation management. The drivers, either individually, or in combination, have changed the quantity, species composition, and spatial pattern of dispersed seeds in the majority of ecosystems worldwide, with inevitable consequences for species survival in a rapidly changing world. The natural history of seed dispersal is now well-understood in a range of landscapes worldwide. Only a few generalizations that have emerged are directly applicable to conservation management, however, because they are frequently confounded by site-specific and species-specific variation. Potentially synergistic interactions between disturbances are likely to exacerbate the negative impacts, but these are rarely investigated. We recommend that the conservation status of functionally unique dispersers be revised and that the conservation target for key seed dispersers should be a population size that maintains their ecological function, rather than merely the minimum viable population. Based on our analysis of conservation needs, seed dispersal research should be carried out at larger spatial scales in heterogenous landscapes, examining the simultaneous impacts of multiple drivers on community-wide seed dispersal networks. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Plant oils are stored in oleosomes or oil bodies, which are surrounded by a monolayer of phospholipids embedded with oleosin proteins that stabilize the structure. Recently, a structural protein, Oleosin3 (OLE3), was shown to exhibit both monoacylglycerol acyltransferase and phospholipase A(2) activities. The regulation of these distinct dual activities in a single protein is unclear. Here, we report that a serine/threonine/tyrosine protein kinase phosphorylates oleosin. Using bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis, we demonstrate that this kinase interacts with OLE3 and that the fluorescence was associated with chloroplasts. Oleosin-green fluorescent protein fusion protein was exclusively associated with the chloroplasts. Phosphorylated OLE3 exhibited reduced monoacylglycerol acyltransferase and increased phospholipase A(2) activities. Moreover, phosphatidylcholine and diacylglycerol activated oleosin phosphorylation, whereas lysophosphatidylcholine, oleic acid, and Ca2+ inhibited phosphorylation. In addition, recombinant peanut (Arachis hypogaea) kinase was determined to predominantly phosphorylate serine residues, specifically serine-18 in OLE3. Phosphorylation levels of OLE3 during seed germination were determined to be higher than in developing peanut seeds. These findings provide direct evidence for the in vivo substrate selectivity of the dual-specificity kinase and demonstrate that the bifunctional activities of oleosin are regulated by phosphorylation.
Energy and energy services are the backbone of growth and development in India and is increasingly dependent upon the use of fossil based fuels that lead to greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and related concerns. Algal biofuels are being evolved as carbon (C)-neutral alternative biofuels. Algae are photosynthetic microorganisms that convert sunlight, water and carbon dioxide (CO2) to various sugars and lipids Tri-Acyl-Glycols (TAG) and show promise as an alternative, renewable and green fuel source for India. Compared to land based oilseed crops algae have potentially higher yields (5-12 g/m(2)/d) and can use locations and water resources not suited for agriculture. Within India, there is little additional land area for algal cultivation and therefore needs to be carried out in places that are already used for agriculture, e.g. flooded paddy lands (20 Mha) with village level technologies and on saline wastelands (3 Mha). Cultivating algae under such conditions requires novel multi-tier, multi-cyclic approaches of sharing land area without causing threats to food and water security as well as demand for additional fertilizer resources by adopting multi-tier cropping (algae-paddy) in decentralized open pond systems. A large part of the algal biofuel production is possible in flooded paddy crop land before the crop reaches dense canopies, in wastewaters (40 billion litres per day), in salt affected lands and in nutrient/diversity impoverished shallow coastline fishery. Mitigation will be achieved through avoidance of GHG, C-capture options and substitution of fossil fuels. Estimates made in this paper suggest that nearly half of the current transportation petro-fuels could be produced at such locations without disruption of food security, water security or overall sustainability. This shift can also provide significant mitigation avenues. The major adaptation needs are related to socio-technical acceptance for reuse of various wastelands, wastewaters and waste-derived energy and by-products through policy and attitude change efforts.