949 resultados para Saving and investment.


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This dissertation examines the effectiveness and limits of multilateral sanctions regimes as instruments of foreign policy, particularly when trying to prevent the acquisition, development and proliferation of weapons of mass destructions. I hypothesize that globalization undermines the overall effectiveness of sanctions regimes. I analyze the agents and means of globalization. Agents are nation-states, corporations, non-state actors and organizations, and individuals. Means are the global import-export industry, global banking and investment, global corporate models, and global manufacturing industries. They all have contributed to vast increases in transnational economic activity and, furthermore, to more political tensions between nation-states, all of which jeopardize the implementation and enforcement of multilateral sanctions regimes. ^ To test this thesis, I examine how those factors impacted the multilateral sanctions regime imposed against Iraq from 1991 to 2002. This multilateral sanctions regime was conceived, approved and enforced by most nations in the United Nations. ^ Indeed, evidence collected for this dissertation suggests that Iraq did manage to consistently circumvent the UN sanctions regime, and that it did it by astutely utilizing the agents and means of globalization. Evidence also indicates that Iraq managed to rebuild parts of its military infrastructure, and that Iraq was on its way to rebuild its missile capability, for which it purchased large quantities of parts, components, technologies and manpower in the global market.^


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Este trabalho dedica-se a examinar as principais mudanças que ocorrem no processo de construção da notícia nos telejornais regionais paulistas na última década. Objetivamos o estudo das tecnologias digitais conectadas e as consequentes alterações no trabalho dos profissionais envolvidos jornalistas, técnicos e engenheiros, a fim de entender os novos formatos aplicados na transmissão de conteúdo contando com o auxílio da internet. Para tanto, realizamos um estudo comparativo com duas emissoras da Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba: TV Vanguarda, afiliada a Rede Globo, e a Tv Band Vale filiada ao Grupo Bandeirantes, que passaram por transformações em todas as dimensões da difusão de notícias com a digitalização dos seus processos tecnológicos e investimentos no ambiente virtual. Por meio da técnica de pesquisa observação participante chegou-se a conclusão de que a tecnologia é uma realidade adotada nas emissoras contribuindo para agilizar os trabalhos nas redações e aproximar o público dos telejornais.


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This paper uses empirical evidence to examine the operational dynamics and paradoxical nature of risk management systems in the banking sector. It demonstrates how a core paradox of market versus regulatory demands and an accompanying variety of performance, learning and belonging paradoxes underlie evident tensions in the interaction between front and back office staff in banks. Organisational responses to such paradoxes are found to range from passive to proactive, reflecting differing organisational, departmental and individual risk culture(s), and performance management systems. Nonetheless, a common feature of regulatory initiatives designed to secure a more structurally independent risk management function is that they have failed to rectify a critical imbalance of power - with the back office control functions continuing to be dominated by front office trading and investment functions. Ultimately, viewing the 'core' of risk management systems as a series of connected paradoxes rather than a set of assured, robust practices, requires a fundamental switch in emphasis away from a normative, standards-based approach to risk management to one which gives greater recognition to its behavioural dimensions.


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Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) has gained prominence in recent years with an explosion in the number of investor claims against states. While the evolution of this type of arbitration was expected, its focus and context was not. Investors are currently bringing actions against developed states in unanticipated policy areas. Greece, facing actions from investors challenging its debt haircut and Spain, battling investor challenges to its revamped energy policy are examples of the use of arbitration as a political as well as a dispute resolution tool. It is for this reason why the proposal for the inclusion of ISDS in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has caused so much heated discussion. This paper examines the recent evolution and likely trajectory of investor state dispute settlement, reflecting on consequences for perceptions of arbitration and its links with politics and economics.


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The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – also known as TTIP – could be the next casualty in the Brexit fallout. But not in the way you might expect. The controversial trade agreement between the EU and United States could well fall apart, only for the UK to pick up the pieces for its own trade deal.


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The UK’s historically low cost of energy has encouraged a culture that considers energy to be in limitless supply and excessive levels of consumption acceptable. Now that supplies are becoming restricted and costs rising, it is becoming recognised this energy culture has created a legacy stock of buildings with poor building fabric, limited energy efficiency equipment and even lower levels of energy awareness. Cost effective technologies are readily available but not adopted by UK SMEs in non-domestic buildings, as rational economic theory would expect. Policy-makers attribute this to inaccessibility of information and investment and design policies accordingly. However, as escalation of demand continues an alternative driver of this paradox must exist. This research hypothesises that this is the ownership structures of non-domestic buildings. Tenure of business premises is found to prevent adoption of energy conservation opportunities; 64% of SME surveyed encountered barriers to energy efficiency related to building ownership. When increased pro rata to reflect the UK SME population, almost 2.5 million businesses appear unable to benefit from energy improvements.


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Motivated by new and innovative rental business models, this paper develops a novel discrete-time model of a rental operation with random loss of inventory due to customer use. The inventory level is chosen before the start of a finite rental season, and customers not immediately served are lost. Our analysis framework uses stochastic comparisons of sample paths to derive structural results that hold under good generality for demands, rental durations, and rental unit lifetimes. Considering different \recirculation" rules | i.e., which rental unit to choose to meet each demand | we prove the concavity of the expected profit function and identify the optimal recirculation rule. A numerical study clarifies when considering rental unit loss and recirculation rules matters most for the inventory decision: Accounting for rental unit loss can increase the expected profit by 7% for a single season and becomes even more important as the time horizon lengthens. We also observe that the optimal inventory level in response to increasing loss probability is non-monotonic. Finally, we show that choosing the optimal recirculation rule over another simple policy allows more rental units to be profitably added, and the profit-maximizing service level increases by up to 6 percentage points.


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This paper presents a three dimensional, thermos-mechanical modelling approach to the cooling and solidification phases associated with the shape casting of metals ei. Die, sand and investment casting. Novel vortex-based Finite Volume (FV) methods are described and employed with regard to the small strain, non-linear Computational Solid Mechanics (CSM) capabilities required to model shape casting. The CSM capabilities include the non-linear material phenomena of creep and thermo-elasto-visco-plasticity at high temperatures and thermo-elasto-visco-plasticity at low temperatures and also multi body deformable contact with which can occur between the metal casting of the mould. The vortex-based FV methods, which can be readily applied to unstructured meshes, are included within a comprehensive FV modelling framework, PHYSICA. The additional heat transfer, by conduction and convection, filling, porosity and solidification algorithms existing within PHYSICA for the complete modelling of all shape casting process employ cell-centred FV methods. The termo-mechanical coupling is performed in a staggered incremental fashion, which addresses the possible gap formation between the component and the mould, and is ultimately validated against a variety of shape casting benchmarks.


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Through provision of iPads to every learner, judicious selection of apps to support learning and investment in developing the digital skills of staff and students, Harlow College is making good progress towards developing independent learners who are well equipped for the world of work.


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Celem artykułu jest dokonanie charakterystyki Transatlantyckiego Partnerstwa w dziedzinie Handlu i Inwestycji (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership; TTIP) w szerszym kontekście europejskiego bezpieczeństwa ekonomicznego. Pomysł porozumienia zrodził się w rezultacie fundamentalnych zmian zachodzących współcześnie w gospodarce światowej oraz ich postrzegania w Europie i USA. W tekście stwierdzono, że w zamyśle architektów umowy handlowej główny cel TTIP ma wymiar przede wszystkim geopolityczny, a nie tylko ekonomiczny. Przedstawiono także najważniejsze wnioski, jakie płyną z dotychczas przeprowadzonych analiz dla gospodarki europejskiej, a także zidentyfikowano czynniki, które determinować będą wpływ porozumienia na poszczególne państwa europejskie. W artykule zaprezentowano także możliwe konsekwencje wynikające z wejścia umowy w życie dla Polski. Mogą one być istotne w szczególności dla potencjału rozwojowego polskiej gospodarki oraz bezpieczeństwa ekonomicznego.


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Pocos días después de los cambios radicales para la modernización de la China, anunciados • y adoptados durante la tercera reunión plena ria (Octubre 20, 1984) del 12º Comité Central del Partido Comunista Chino, un grupo de 25 Participantes, trece chinos y 12 occidentales, se reunió en Pekin para discutir las implicaciones de estas políticas. El grupo chino formado por el Instituto de Asuntos Foráneos del Pueblo Chino aportó conocimientos acerca de bancos, periodismo, universidades, instituciones científicos y tecnológicos y asuntos foráneos, así como sobre la international Trust and investment Corporation del gobierno. El equipo del Instituto de Aspen incluía conocidos eruditos especializados en economía, ciencia y programas de intercambios chinos; hombres de negocios de amplia experiencia en empresas conjuntas con China; un científico; un periodista y el Director y varios miembros del Instituto de Aspen. El tema principal del seminario lo constituyó la forma cómo la China debe evolucionar para convertirse en una economía socialista moderna después de haber tenido una economía campesina a pequeña escala, sin perder por ello sus característica chinas


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O Serviço de Referência (SR), incorporando na sua organização, funcionamento e comunicação com o utilizador um conjunto de potencialidades proporcionadas pela tecnologia, assume um papel fundamental na luta contra a desigualdade e o analfabetismo digital, no fomento da literacia da informação e na criação de conhecimento. A percepção do valor e das fragilidades do SR nas bibliotecas públicas em Portugal levanta a questão sobre como contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento. A presente investigação, visando a construção de alicerces numa perspectiva de evolução, parte da análise de documentos orientadores internacionais da RUSA/ALA (Reference and User Services Association / American Library Association) e da IFLA (International Federation of Library Association) e da observação de características estruturais da Rede Nacional de Biblioteca Públicas (RNBP), para a concepção de soluções de desenvolvimento do SR a aplicar a esta realidade concreta. Seguindo um paradigma compreensivo indutivo, com uma orientação baseada na Grounded Theory, esta pesquisa privilegia o contexto da descoberta e a construção de uma teoria. No plano empírico cumpre uma complementaridade de técnicas qualitativas e quantitativas, com recurso a uma triangulação metodológica. O campo de análise abrange a totalidade das bibliotecas públicas portuguesas integradas na RNBP em Portugal. Visando aspectos funcionais e materiais, são analisados dados preexistentes e aplicadas técnicas de observação directa e inquérito por questionário. Visando aspectos sociais, são efectuadas seis entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados apontam para uma situação de estagnação das bibliotecas da RNBP e para um funcionamento não estruturado e informal do SR, na maioria dos casos em que se verifica a sua disponibilização. Fundamentada a necessidade de evolução, e do investimento que nele possa ser feito, é construído um modelo, seguindo uma estratégia por níveis, flexíveis e adaptáveis às necessidades e aos recursos de cada biblioteca, que visa o desenvolvimento incremental e congruente daquele serviço; Abstract: The Reference Service in public libraries in Portugal. Development model from international guidelines. Incorporating in its organization, procedures and communication with the users a set of tools brought by technology, Reference Service (RS) plays a key role in the struggle against inequality and digital illiteracy, promoting information literacy and creating knowledge. The perception of the value of RS and the weaknesses in public libraries in Portugal raise the question on how to contribute to its development. In order to build RS foundations on an evolutionary perspective, this research analyzes RUSA / ALA (Reference and User Services Association / American Library Association) and IFLA (International Federation of Library Association) international guidelines and the structural characteristics of the Portuguese National Public Library Network (RNBP), with the objective of creating a solution for the development of that service to be applied to this reality. Following an inductive comprehensive paradigm, with an orientation based on Grounded Theory, this research focuses on the context of discovery and the construction of a theory. Empirically it fulfils complementary qualitative and quantitative techniques, using a methodological triangulation. The field of analysis covers Portuguese public libraries integrating the RNBP. Aiming at functional and material aspects, direct observation techniques and a survey by questionnaire are applied. Targeting social aspects, six semistructured interviews are carried out. The results point to a situation of stagnation in the RNBP as well as the unstructured and informal performance of the SR, which justifies the need for evolution and investment. A model is constructed, following a strategy based on levels, flexible and adaptable to the needs and resources of each library, with the perspective of an incremental and consistent development of this service.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Psicologia Clínica, Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Clínica e Cultura, 2016.


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Reconfigurable platforms are a promising technology that offers an interesting trade-off between flexibility and performance, which many recent embedded system applications demand, especially in fields such as multimedia processing. These applications typically involve multiple ad-hoc tasks for hardware acceleration, which are usually represented using formalisms such as Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs), Data Flow Graphs (DFGs), Control and Data Flow Graphs (CDFGs) or Petri Nets. However, none of these models is able to capture at the same time the pipeline behavior between tasks (that therefore can coexist in order to minimize the application execution time), their communication patterns, and their data dependencies. This paper proves that the knowledge of all this information can be effectively exploited to reduce the resource requirements and the timing performance of modern reconfigurable systems, where a set of hardware accelerators is used to support the computation. For this purpose, this paper proposes a novel task representation model, named Temporal Constrained Data Flow Diagram (TCDFD), which includes all this information. This paper also presents a mapping-scheduling algorithm that is able to take advantage of the new TCDFD model. It aims at minimizing the dynamic reconfiguration overhead while meeting the communication requirements among the tasks. Experimental results show that the presented approach achieves up to 75% of resources saving and up to 89% of reconfiguration overhead reduction with respect to other state-of-the-art techniques for reconfigurable platforms.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética, 2015.