955 resultados para Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Preface This study was prepared for the Government of Jamaica following the significant physical damage and economic losses that the country sustained as a result of flood rains associated with the development of Hurricane Michelle. The Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) submitted a request for assistance in undertaking a social, environmental and economic impact assessment to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on 14 November 2001. ECLAC responded with haste and modified its work plan to accommodate the request. A request for training in the use of the ECLAC Methodology to be delivered to personnel in Jamaica was deferred until the first quarter of 2002, as it was impossible to mount such an initiative at such short notice. This appraisal considers the consequences of the three instances of heavy rainfall that brought on the severe flooding and loss of property and livelihoods. The study was prepared by three members of the ECLAC Natural Disaster Damage Assessment Team over a period of one week in order to comply with the request that it be presented to the Prime Minister on 3 December 2001. The team has endeavoured to complete a workload that would take two weeks with a team of 15 members working assiduously with data already prepared in preliminary form by the national emergency stakeholders. There is need for training in disaster assessment as evidenced by the data collected by the Jamaican officials engaged in the exercise. Their efforts in the future will be more focused and productive after they have received training in the use of the ECLAC Methodology. This study undertakes a sectoral analysis leading to an overall assessment of the damage. It appraises the macroeconomic and social effects and proposes some guidelines for action including mitigating actions subsequent to the devastation caused by the weather system. The team is grateful for the efforts of the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), the associated government ministries and agencies, the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN), the Planning Institute of Jamaica and the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) for assistance rendered to the team. Indeed, it is the recommendation of the team that STATIN is poised to play a pivotal role in any disaster damage assessment and should be taken on board in that regard. The direct and indirect damages have been assessed in accordance with the methodology developed by ECLAC (1). The results presented are based on the mission's estimates. The study incorporates the information made available to the team and evidence collected in interviews and visits to affected locations. It is estimated that the magnitude of the losses exceeds the country's capacity to address reparations and mitigation without serious dislocation of its development trajectory. The government may wish to approach the international community for assistance in this regard. This appraisal is therefore designed to provide the government and the international community with guidelines for setting national and regional priorities in rehabilitation and reconstruction or resettlement programmes. A purely economic conception of the problem would be limited. A more integrated approach would have a human face and consider the alleviation of human suffering in the affected areas while attending to the economic and fiscal fallout of the disaster. Questions of improved physical planning, watershed management, early warning, emergency response and structural preparedness for evacuation and sheltering the vulnerable population are seen as important considerations for the post disaster phase. Special attention and priority should be placed on including sustainability and increased governance criteria in making social and productive investments, and on allocating resources to the reinforcing and retrofitting of vulnerable infrastructure, basic lifelines and services as part of the reconstruction and rehabilitation strategy. The Jamaican society and government face the opportunity of undertaking action with the benefit of revised paradigms, embarking on institutional, legal and structural reforms to reduce economic, social and environmental vulnerability. The history of flood devastation in the very areas of Portland and St. Mary shows a recurrence of flooding. Accounts of flooding from the earliest recorded accounts pertaining to 1837 are available. Recurrences in 1937, 1940, 1943 and 2001 indicate an ever-present probability of recurrence of similar events. The Government may wish to consider the probable consequences of a part of its population living in flood plains and address its position vis-à­¶is land use and the probability of yet another recurrence of flood rains. (1) ECLAC/IDNDR, Manual for estimating the Socio-Economic Effects of Natural Disasters, May,1999.


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Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB


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A Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana no estado do Amapá ainda está restrita às áreas rurais. Para estratificar o Amapá em áreas de risco para LTA, e conhecer seu perfil epidemiológico, foram coletados casos registrados no Sistema de Informação Nacional de Agravos de Notificação e classificados os municípios quanto ao risco, de acordo com as médias dos coeficientes de prevalência de 2002 a 2006 de cada município. Foram registrados 2.664 casos autóctones de LTA: 2002 (353 casos); 2003 (481); 2004 (968), 2005 (422) e 2006 (440). Desses, 653 (24,5%) com origem da infecção no município de Porto Grande. A média do coeficiente de prevalência do estado nos 5 anos estudados foi de 95,51/100.000hab. Os municípios foram agrupados em áreas quanto ao grau de risco: de baixo risco para LTA (Macapá, Cutias, Santana e Amapá); médio risco (Itaubal, Pracuúba, V. do Jari e Ferreira Gomes); alto risco (L. do Jari, Mazagão, Tartarugalzinho e Oiapoque) e muito alto risco (Calçoene, P. Grande, P. B. do Amapari e S. do Navio). O Amapá apresentou 72% dos casos no 1ºsemestre, com 16,6% dos casos no mês de abril; 38,8% em pacientes com idade entre 20 a 34 anos; 79,7% de ocorrência no sexo masculino, variando na área de médio risco 83% e baixo risco 72%; 29% em pacientes com escolaridade de 4 a 7 anos de estudo. Com 96,2% com confirmação laboratorial na área de muito alto risco; 98,9% casos de leishmaniose cutânea e apenas 42,9% com cura confirmada, na área de alto risco ocorreram 65,3% de cura. A LTA apresenta 100% de autoctonia no estado do Amapá, com um importante surto em 2004 e o município de P. Grande é o que mais contribui para a manutenção desta endemia.


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O presente trabalho faz uma discussão acerca do comportamento coligacionista dos partidos políticos brasileiros nas eleições para o cargo de Deputado Federal em 2002 e 2006. O enfoque adotado buscou apresentar dados que possibilitem a reflexão sobre o comportamento dos partidos políticos brasileiros ao se apresentarem para a disputa eleitoral. Este trabalho parte da hipótese de que a formação das coligações partidárias brasileiras não evidencia um padrão de comportamento ideológico nacional, estas se constituem de forma diferenciada nas diversas regiões brasileiras, visando maximização dos ganhos eleitorais. Para a execução da pesquisa elaborou-se um índice estatístico, com a finalidade de mensurar possíveis padrões ideológicos das coligações entre os partidos políticos brasileiros que concorreram ao cargo de Deputado Federal nas eleições de 2002 e 2006.


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A cutia espécie Dasyprocta prymnolopha (D. prymnolopha) é um roedor de tamanho médio, diurno e característico do Nordeste do Brasil, sul da Amazônia. Vários estudos têm sido feitos sobre estes roedores. No entanto, há uma carência de estudos do sistema estomatognático, em particular, a morfologia dos dentes. Assim, esta pesquisa procura descrever aspectos anatômicos e histológicos dos dentes cutia. Para isto, nós utilizamos cutias adultas, em que as mensurações e as descrições dos dentes e dos tecidos dentais foram feitas. Observou-se que a arcada dentária de D. prymnolopha é composta por vinte dentes, distribuídas uniformemente no arco superior e inferior, sendo os dentes inferiores, maiores do que os seus correspondentes superiores. Os incisivos são maiores, e entre os pré-molares e molares posteriores, existe um aumento gradual no comprimento do arco anterior-posterior. No exame microscópico, uma forma prismática foi observada o que consiste de prismas de esmalte dispostos em diferentes direções, atrás do esmalte e dentina com túbulos dentinários com padrão tubular de diâmetro variável e distantes entre si, mostrando também um caminho sinuoso a partir da parte interna da junção com o esmalte mais superficial. A análise morfológica dos tecidos dentários mostrou um esmalte com a organização estrutural adaptada para o ato de mastigar e dentina de alto impacto compatível com a função do padrão tubular de resiliência e amortecimento mecânico de forças mastigatórias, como encontrado em animais maiores, confirmando o entendimento de hábitos alimentares que definem muito das suas funções ecológicas dentro do ecossistema em que vivem.


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The present study aimed to notify the history of albendazole sulphoxide (ALB-SO) and albendazole (ALBZ) efficacy against Taenia saginata cysticercus (Cysticercus bovis) parasitizing experimentally infected bovines. A total of 11 efficacy trials were performed between the years of 2002 and 2010. In order to perform these trials, animals were individually inoculated with 2 x 104 eggs of T. saginata in each study's day zero (DO). For every trial, a positive control group (untreated infected animals) and a negative control group (animals that were neither infected nor treated) were used. ALB-SO or ALB were administered in the different dosages, in different days of treatments. In a last study with this formulation, this active principle was administered orally, mixed with the mineral supplement, on the 60th DPI, in a dosage of 30 mg/kg. In all trials, on the 100th DPI, all animals were euthanized and submitted to the sequenced slicing of 26 anatomical segments (fragments of approximately five millimeters) for the survey of T. saginata cysticercus. With the obtained results it is possible to verify that in the first trials, conducted in 2002, ALB-SO reached, independently of dosage and treatment scheme, efficacies superior to 98% (arithmetic means). The trials conducted in 2005 (2.5 mg/kg on the 30th, 60th, and 90th DPI) obtained values of efficacy all inferior to 60%. In 2008, the trials with 2.5 and 7.7 mg/kg demonstrated efficacy values inferior to 40%, for both dosages and treatment schemes (30th/60th/90th DPI and 60th DPI). When this formulation was administered orally on the dosage of 30 mg/kg on the 60th DPI, the efficacy against T. saginata cysticercus reached 88.28%. ALB administered orally showed efficacy values of 0.0%, 29.88% and 28.64% in the dosages of 5, 10 and 15 mg/kg, respectively, using the treatment schemes described above for each dosage. Based on the results of these trials, conducted in an eight year period (2002-2010) using the sequenced slicing method for evaluating the efficacy of the aforementioned formulations against T. saginata cysticercus, it is possible to observe that, amongst the few molecules used in the chemotherapic treatment against T. saginata larvae, ALB-SO, administered in varied routes, dosages and treatment schemes, the studies conducted in 2008, 2009, and 2010, have a low therapeutic efficacy against C bovis in Brazil, while ALBZ had insignificant efficacy values against T. saginata larvae parasitizing experimentally infected bovines. However, future studies using molecular biology will be necessary to assess whether the difference on the efficacy of the ALB-SO can be related to strain or another specific factor. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.