989 resultados para Salvia officinalis


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Palaeoecological evidence indicates that highland pines were dominant in extensive areas of the mountains of Central and Northern Iberia during the first half of the Holocene. However, following several millennia of anthropogenic pressure, their natural ranges are now severely reduced. Although pines have been frequently viewed as first-stage successional species responding positively to human disturbance, some recent palaeobotanical work has proposed fire disturbance and human deforestation as the main drivers of this vegetation turnover. To assess the strength of the evidence for this hypothesis and to identify other possible explanations for this scenario, we review the available information on past vegetation change in the mountains of northern inland Iberia. We have chosen data from several sites that offer good chronological control, including palynological records with microscopic charcoal data and sites with plant macro- and megafossil occurrence. We conclude that although the available long-term data are still fragmentary and that new methods are needed for a better understanding of the ecological history of Iberia, fire events and human activities (probably modulated by climate) have triggered the pine demise at different locations and different temporal scales. In addition, all palaeoxylological, palynological and charcoal results obtained so far are fully compatible with a rapid human-induced ecological change that could have caused a range contraction of highland pines in western Iberia.


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The origins of some species of economic importance occurring over the Mediterranean Basin have been a traditional matter of debate that has important implications for land management. The case of Pinus pinea L. (Stone pine) is probably one of the most controversial, due to its documented long-term interaction with humans and its presence as a symbolic tree in certain areas of the Mediterranean (e.g., southwestern Iberia and Tuscany). Among the rest of the Mediterranean pines, several features make this pine unique (it has a characteristic crown shape, an edible kernel, cones that require three years to mature, and a very depauperate genetic diversity across its range). In addition, its palaeoecological information is rather limited, as the taxonomic precision attained by pollen analysts is insufficient for this tree and macroremains (such as kernels or anatomically well preserved wood) are needed to unequivocally detect the species in the fossil record. Recent findings of macrofossils of Pinus pinea in inland Iberia (Duero Basin) extend the late- Holocene range of the species, but the palaeobiogeographical information and the exhaustive genetic data available still suggest a very limited natural area (but still not sufficiently well defined) and a long and intense history of linkage to humans.


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Pese a que Loja (Ecuador) presenta una gran riqueza ecológica y cultural, ni su patrimonio etnobotánico, ni cómo afecta el uso de las plantas al estado de conservación de los ecosistemas es bien conocido. Por ello se ha realizado un estudio etnobotánico y ecológico para conocer el papel que han jugado las plantas en la cultura tradicional de la provincia y comprender qué factores influyen en su uso. Durante 2006 y 2008 se entrevistó a 770 informantes (196 de ellos vendedores en mercados locales) y se realizaron 373 transectos en 118 remanentes boscosos, 51% indicados por la gente como lugares de recolección. Se ha registrado el saber etnobotánico de 717 especies pertenecientes a 143 familias, la mayoría nativas del Ecuador, 31 de ellas endémicas. Ello supone un 15% de la flora total de Loja. Sin embargo especies introducidas como Matricaria recutita o Eucalyptus globulus están entre las más citadas. La mayor riqueza se obtuvo para las plantas medicinales (509 especies), que se usan sobre todo para tratar las llamadas “inflamaciones internas” (210 especies, Matricaria recutita y Melissa officinalis principalmente) y trastornos del sistema digestivo (188, Matricaria recutita y Mentha pulegium). En los mercados se venden 169 especies, la mayoría para elaborar la bebida típica llamada horchata (65) y para curar “inflamaciones internas” (36). Además se emplean 414 con otros fines (161 para leña, 142 para alimentación humana, 133 para construcción de viviendas y muebles, 98 para artesanías, 89 ornamentales, 27 tintóreas y 72 para otros usos). En los remanentes se inventariaron 19.156 individuos correspondientes a 1440 especies de 153 familias, de las cuales 437 son empleadas por la población. La riqueza media de especies y de plantas útiles fue significativamente mayor en los remanentes recolectados lo cual parece demostrar que la explotación no afecta negativamente a la diversidad de especies al generar variabilidad de hábitats. También se vio que la proporción de especies útiles disminuye en los remanentes más diversos. También se observó que la probabilidad de uso de una especie aumenta con la frecuencia y la abundancia y disminuye con la distancia a los remanentes en los que aparece. Este patrón general no se cumple para las especies medicinales y ornamentales. Estos datos demuestran una gran riqueza de conocimientos tradicionales y una gran vitalidad del uso de muchas especies y corroboran la hipótesis de que los recursos vegetales más accesibles y abundantes son, salvo excepciones, los más empleados por la gente. ABSTRACT Although the Loja province (Ecuador) has a great ecological and cultural richness, neither the ethnobotanical heritage nor the incidence of plant use on ecosystems conservation it is well known. We have made an ethnobotanical and ecological study to determine the role played by plants in the traditional culture of the province and to understand what factors influence their use. Between 2006 and 2008 we interviewed 770 informants (196 of them vendors in local markets) and inventoried 373 transects in 118 forest remnants (51% of them indicated by people as collection sites). We recorded the ethnobotanical knowledge for 717 species belonging to 143 families, mostly native of Ecuador, 31 of which are endemic. This represents about a 15% of the total flora of Loja. However introduced species such as Matricaria recutita and Eucalyptus globulus are among the most cited. Medicinal plants (509 species) were the most abundant, and are used primarily to treat so‐called "internal inflammation" (210 species, with Matricaria recutita and Melissa officinalis as the most valued) and disorders of the digestive system (188, Matricaria recutita and Mentha pulegium). We recorded 169 species sold in markets, most of them (65) employed to elaborate a typical drink called horchata and to heal "internal inflammation" (36). In addition 414 are used for other purposes: 161 for firewood, 142 for human consumption, 133 for construction and furniture, 98 for handicrafts, 89 as ornamental, 27 for dye and 72 for other uses. In the forest remnants, 19,156 individuals corresponding to 1440 species of 153 families, 437 of which are used by the population were inventoried. The average species richness (both total and of useful plants) was significantly higher in exploited remnants, which suggest that exploitation does not adversely affect species diversity and instead increases habitat diversity. We also found that the proportion of useful species decreases in decreased in the most diverse remnants. It was also observed that the probability of use of a species increases with its frequency and abundance and decreases as the distance form localities to remnants where it appears increases. This general pattern however does not hold for medicinal and ornamental species. These results show the extraordinary wealth of traditional knowledge and the great vitality in the use of many species and support the hypothesis that most accessible and abundant plant resources are the most used by people.


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Primer trabajo a nivel mundial sobre la diferenciación de especies de Pinus con clave dicotómica a través de la estructura cuticular


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This work provides a tool whereby the needle remains of native, south-western European Pinus spp. can be easily identified from species-specific epidermal features. To construct this tool, the needles of P. uncinata, P. sylvestris, P. nigra, P. pinaster, P. pinea and P. halepensis were gathered across the Northern Hemisphere range of each taxon and compared with non-indigenous trees growing in two South Australian Botanic Gardens. Three needles from each of these species were taken from three adult trees growing at three different localities. Light microscopy was used to observe the key epidermal and stomatal features of the needles. To improve interpretation, additional scanning electron microscopy samples were prepared. Epidermal features, including variation in the diameter of the epistomatal chamber aperture (pore), are described. A taxonomic key based on the size, shape and arrangement of the subsidiary cells of the stomatal complexes was constructed. This key enables the identification of pine needle fragments at the species level (except those belonging to the group P. gr. nigra-uncinata). Despite their overlapping range, pore size was helpful in distinguishing between P. nigra and P. uncinata and between three groups of species. Isolated stomata were also observed. Cluster and discriminant analyses of stomatal variables described in earlier studies were performed. Overlap in guard cell variables hampers species-level identification of isolated stomata. Species discrimination is improved if groups of ecological affinity are considered.


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Se presentan los resultados de la investigación pedoantracológica en una catena del macizo dcentral de Gredos


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Peptide growth factors were isolated from conditioned medium derived from rice (Oryza sativa L.) suspension cultures and identified to be a sulfated pentapeptide [H-Tyr(SO3H)-Ile-Tyr(SO3H)-Thr-Gln-OH] and its C-terminal-truncated tetrapeptide [H-Tyr(SO3H)-Ile-Tyr(SO3H)-Thr-OH]. These structures were identical to the phytosulfokines originally found in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) mesophyll cultures. The pentapeptide [phytosulfokine-α (PSK-α)] very strongly stimulated colony formation of rice protoplasts at concentrations above 10−8 M, indicating a similar mode of action in rice of phytosulfokines. Binding assays using 35S-labeled PSK-α demonstrated the existence of both high- and low-affinity specific saturable binding sites on the surface of rice cells in suspension. Analysis of [35S]PSK-α binding in differential centrifugation fractions suggested association of the binding with a plasma membrane-enriched fraction. The apparent Kd values for [35S]PSK-α binding were found to be 1 × 10−9 M for the high-affinity type and 1 × 10−7 M for the low-affinity type, with maximal numbers of binding sites of 1 × 104 sites per cell and 1 × 105 sites per cell, respectively. Competition studies with [35S]PSK-α and several synthetic PSK-α analogs demonstrated that only peptides that possesses mitogenic activity can effectively displace the radioligand. These results suggest that a signal transduction pathway mediated by peptide factors is involved in plant cell proliferation.