923 resultados para Sahlin, Gunnar


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The primary role of a trials Data Monitoring Committee (DMC) is to ensure the safety of enrolled patients. In stroke trials, safety is monitored typically by comparing death and stroke specific events between treatment groups. DMCs may also have the remit for monitoring efficacy depending on the aims of the trial. We hypothesised that functional outcome at end of follow-up, a measure of efficacy, is also a powerful measure of safety and tested this in a systematic review


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En los años de la postguerra nadie dudaba de la importancia de la «economía del desarrollo» como disciplina teórica, tampoco de su relevancia práctica en la promoción de la convergencia de los países más pobres con los más desarrollados. Eran tiempos de fuerte crecimiento, el desempleo no era problema, el Estado del Bienestar se consolidaba y, se confiaba en que se había hallado en las políticas keynesianas la llave para el crecimiento y empleo. Décadas después llega a reinar la posición opuesta: las teorías del desarrollo fueron despreciadas, se acusó al Estado de causar inflación y estancamiento y se buscó el desarrollo económico a través de la liberalización comercial.Sin embargo, en contextos distintos y con análisis muy diversos, los viejos estudios de Gunnar Myrdal y las recientes investigaciones de Michael Porter nos sirven de fundamento para sostener la vigencia y necesidad de las políticas económicas para el desarrollo, así como para reclamar la importancia de las teorías del desarrollo en el mundo actual.Las nuevas teorías sobre el comercio mundial y los efectos en materia de integración económica entre socios desiguales estudiados en la gran „probeta‟ llamada Unión Europea, han sido decisivos para redimensionar el apoyo público para el desarrollo y la competitividad de los países más retrasados.


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With advances in nanolithography and dry etching, top-down methods of nanostructuring have become a widely used tool for improving the efficiency of optoelectronics. These nano dimensions can offer various benefits to the device performance in terms of light extraction and efficiency, but often at the expense of emission color quality. Broadening of the target emission peak and unwanted yellow luminescence are characteristic defect-related effects due to the ion beam etching damage, particularly for III–N based materials. In this article we focus on GaN based nanorods, showing that through thermal annealing the surface roughness and deformities of the crystal structure can be “self-healed”. Correlative electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy show the change from spherical nanorods to faceted hexagonal structures, revealing the temperature-dependent surface morphology faceting evolution. The faceted nanorods were shown to be strain- and defect-free by cathodoluminescence hyperspectral imaging, micro-Raman, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In-situ TEM thermal annealing experiments allowed for real time observation of dislocation movements and surface restructuring observed in ex-situ annealing TEM sampling. This thermal annealing investigation gives new insight into the redistribution path of GaN material and dislocation movement post growth, allowing for improved understanding and in turn advances in optoelectronic device processing of compound semiconductors.


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Stressreaktioners styrka beror inte bara på hur mycket och hur ofta människor arbetar utan hör även samman med ett arbetsuppdrags sociala innebörd. Forskningen om illegitima arbetsuppgifter och stress inkluderar denna sociala aspekt, vilken antas vara relaterad till individens självuppfattning och identitet. I artikeln introduceras en modell om illegitima uppgifter som identitetsrelevanta stressorer. Dessutom redovisas en empirisk studie av tre yrkesgrupper kring sambandet mellan identitetsrelevanta stressorer och ohälsoreaktioner.


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Den svenska riksdagen beslutade 1916 om en arbetsolycksfallsförsäkring. Arbetsgivarna var positiva till denna försäkring. Drivande i den fortsatta utvecklingen var fackföreningsrörelsen. Kulmen nåddes 1990 då försäkringen fått en för de skadade mycket generös utformning. Arbetsgivarna var fram till 1990 på defensiven, men efter krispolitiken i början av 1990-talet kom de att verka för en försäkring som hade stor likhet med deras uppfattning på 1910-talet.


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The depredation of semi-domesticated reindeer by large carnivores reflects an important human-wildlife conflict in Fennoscandia. Recent studies have revealed that brown bears (Ursus arctos) may kill substantial numbers of reindeer calves (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in forest areas in Sweden. Several authors have suggested that predation risk is an important driver of habitat selection in wild Rangifer populations where predation is a limiting factor, but little is known about these mechanisms in semi-domesticated populations. We examined the habitat selection of female reindeer in relation to spatial and temporal variations in brown bear predation risk on the reindeer calving grounds and evaluated the simultaneous responses of brown bears and reindeer to landscape characteristics. We used GPS data from 110 reindeer years (97 individuals) and 29 brown bear years (19 individuals), from two reindeer herding districts in the forest area of northern Sweden. Our results did not indicate that reindeer alter their behavior in response to spatiotemporal variation in brown bear predation risk, on the scale of the calving range. Instead, we suggest that spatiotemporal behavioral adjustments by brown bears were the main driver of prey-predator interactions in our study system. Contrasting responses by brown bears and reindeer to clear-cuts and young forest indicate that forestry can influence species interactions and possibly yield negative consequences for the reindeer herd. Even if clear-cuts may be beneficial in terms of calf survival, logging activity will eventually cause greater abundance of young regenerating forest, reducing available reindeer habitats and increasing habitat preferred by brown bears. Domestication may have made semi-domesticated reindeer in Fennoscandia less adapted to cope with predators. Areal restrictions, limiting the opportunity for dispersion and escape, possibly make the calves more susceptible to predation. Also, a generally higher population density in semi-domesticated herds compared to wild populations can make dispersion a less efficient strategy and the reindeer calves easier prey. Overall, the lack of ability of the reindeer females to reduce brown bear encounter risk on the scale of the calving range is probably an important reason for the high brown bear predation rates on reindeer calves documented in our study areas. 


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We review the Psychodinae of Mallorca, recognising fifteen species based on recent collections and available literature. Previously unpublished data is presented for eleven species, of which Neoarisemus ibericus Wagner, 1978, Mormia tenebricosa (Vaillant, 1954), Clogmia albipunctata (Williston, 1893), Lepiseodina rothschildi (Eaton, 1913), Paramormia ustulata (Walker, 1856), Philosepedon pyrenaicus Vaillant, 1974 and Psychoda (Psycha) grisescens Tonnoir, 1922 are first records for Mallorca. An old record of Pericoma trifasciata (Meigen, 1804) is considered doubtful. Pericoma unipennata sp. n is described and illustrated based on a male collected at Deía. Distributional data are reviewed for all newly recorded species. Based on the Psychodinae fauna, the zoogeographical affinities of Mallorca are briefly discussed.


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El objetivo de esta investigación diagnóstica es evaluar las acciones de la Comunidad Internacional en materia de resocialización de niños soldados desvinculados del Ejército de Resistencia del Señor (ERS) en Uganda durante el periodo de 2002 a 2013. Para ello, se hace un análisis de las causas de la existencia de niños soldados, donde se tiene en cuenta la evolución del concepto de la infancia y las particularidades que éste representa en el contexto africano. Así mismo, son analizados los alcances y limitaciones del modelo de asistencia humanitaria para la protección de la niñez enfatizando en los procesos de resocialización brindados a los niños desvinculados del ERS. Esto con el fin de evidenciar las limitaciones de la actuación de la Comunidad Internacional, y brindar una serie de recomendaciones para la implementación de programas de resocialización enfocados en la infancia.