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We have previously shown that the TolA protein is required for the correct surface expression of the Escherichia coli O7 antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In this work, delta tolA and delta pal mutants of E. coli K-12 W3110 were transformed with pMF19 (encoding a rhamnosyltransferase that reconstitutes the expression of O16-specific LPS), pWQ5 (encoding the Klebsiella pneumoniae O1 LPS gene cluster), or pWQ802 (encoding the genes necessary for the synthesis of Salmonella enterica O:54). Both DeltatolA and delta pal mutants exhibited reduced surface expression of O16 LPS as compared to parental W3110, but no significant differences were observed in the expression of K. pneumoniae O1 LPS and S. enterica O:54 LPS. Therefore, TolA and Pal are required for the correct surface expression of O antigens that are assembled in a wzy (polymerase)-dependent manner (like those of E. coli O7 and O16) but not for O antigens assembled by wzy-independent pathways (like K. pneumoniae O1 and S. enterica O:54). Furthermore, we show that the reduced surface expression of O16 LPS in delta tolA and delta pal mutants was associated with a partial defect in O-antigen polymerization and it was corrected by complementation with intact tolA and pal genes, respectively. Using derivatives of W3110 delta tolA and W3110 delta pal containing lacZ reporter fusions to fkpA and degP, we also demonstrate that the RpoE-mediated extracytoplasmic stress response is upregulated in these mutants. Moreover, an altered O16 polymerization was also detected under conditions that stimulate RpoE-mediated extracytoplasmic stress responses in tol+ and pal+ genetic backgrounds. A Wzy derivative with an epitope tag at the C-terminal end of the protein was stable in all the mutants, ruling out stress-mediated proteolysis of Wzy. We conclude that the absence of TolA and Pal elicits a sustained extracytoplasmic stress response that in turn reduces O-antigen polymerization but does not affect the stability of the Wzy O-antigen polymerase.


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The characterisation of soils for civil engineering purposes depends on removing sufficiently high-quality samples from the ground. Accurate evaluation of sample quality is therefore important if reliable design parameters are to be determined. This paper describes the use of unconfined shear wave velocity (V s) and suction (u r) measurements to assess sample quality rapidly in soft clay. Samples of varying quality from three well-characterised soft clay sites are initially assessed using conventional techniques, and their results compared with V s and u r measurements performed on the same samples. It is observed that the quality of samples indicated by these measurements is very similar to those inferred from traditional disturbance measures, with V s being the more reliable indicator. A tentative empirically derived criterion, based on samples tested in this project, is proposed to quantify sample disturbance combining both V s and u r measurements. Further work using this criterion on different materials is important so as to test its usefulness.


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To enable reliable data transfer in next generation Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communication systems, terminals must be able to react to fluctuating channel conditions by having flexible modulation schemes and antenna configurations. This creates a challenging real-time implementation problem: to provide the high performance required of cutting edge MIMO standards, such as 802.11n, with the flexibility for this behavioural variability. FPGA softcore processors offer a solution to this problem, and in this paper we show how heterogeneous SISD/SIMD/MIMD architectures can enable programmable multicore architectures on FPGA with similar performance and cost as traditional dedicated circuit-based architectures. When applied to a 4×4 16-QAM Fixed-Complexity Sphere Decoder (FSD) detector we present the first soft-processor based solution for real-time 802.11n MIMO.


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Massively parallel networks of highly efficient, high performance Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) processors have been shown to enable FPGA-based implementation of real-time signal processing applications with performance and
cost comparable to dedicated hardware architectures. This is achieved by exploiting simple datapath units with deep processing pipelines. However, these architectures are highly susceptible to pipeline bubbles resulting from data and control hazards; the only way to mitigate against these is manual interleaving of
application tasks on each datapath, since no suitable automated interleaving approach exists. In this paper we describe a new automated integrated mapping/scheduling approach to map algorithm tasks to processors and a new low-complexity list scheduling technique to generate the interleaved schedules. When applied to a spatial Fixed-Complexity Sphere Decoding (FSD) detector
for next-generation Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems, the resulting schedules achieve real-time performance for IEEE 802.11n systems on a network of 16-way SIMD processors on FPGA, enable better performance/complexity balance than current approaches and produce results comparable to handcrafted implementations.


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Background: A preliminary review of the UK Renal Registry (UKRR) pre-RRT study data revealed results suggesting that, for some patients, the date of start of renal replacement therapy (RRT), as reported to the UKRR, was incorrect and often significantly later than the true date of start. A more detailed study then aimed to validate a set of criteria to identify patients with an incorrect start date. Methods: Pre-RRT laboratory data were electronically extracted from 8,810 incident RRT patients from 9 UK renal centres. Any patient with a low urea (<15 mmol/L) at the start of RRT or with a substantial improvement in kidney function (either a fall in urea >10 mmol/L or rise in eGFR >2 ml/min/1.73 m) within the two months prior to RRT were considered to potentially have an incorrect date of start. In 4
selected centres, the electronic patient records of all patients flagged were reviewed to validate these criteria.
Results: Of 8,810 patients, 1,616 (18.3%) were flagged by the identification criteria as having a potentially incorrect date of start of RRT, although a single centre accounted for 41% of the total flagged cohort. Of these flagged patients, 61.7% had been assigned an incorrect date of start of haemodialysis (HD), 5.7% had evidence of acute RRT being given before the reported date of start of HD
and 9.2% had evidence of starting peritoneal dialysis exchanges prior to the reported date of start. Of
those flagged, 10.7% had a correct date of start of RRT.
Conclusions: Accurate reporting of RRT episodes is vital for the analysis of time dependent studies such as survival or time to transplantation. A proportion of patients starting RRT were assigned an incorrect start date. In order to improve the accuracy of this reporting the UK Renal Registry
must work with renal centres and clinical staff on improving data input for the start of RRT.


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Chlorination of wheat flour in the EU countries has been replaced in recent years, to some extent, by heat treated flour which is used to produce high ratio cakes. Heat treated flour allows high ratio recipes to be developed which generate products with longer shelf life, finer texture, moist crumb and sweeter taste. The mechanism by which heat treatment improves the flour is not fully understood, but it is known that during the heat treatment process, protein denaturation and partial gelatinisation of the starch granules occurs, as well as an increase in batter viscosity. Therefore, it is important to optimize the flour heat treatment process, in order to enhance baking quality. Laboratory preparation of heat treated base wheat flour (culinary, soft, low protein) was carried out in a fluidised bed drier using a range of temperatures and times. The gluten was extracted from the final product and its quality was tested, to obtain objective and comparative information on the extent of protein denaturation. The results indicated that heat treatment of flour decreases gluten extensibility and partial gelatinisation of the starch granules occurred. After heat treatment the gluten appeared to retain moisture. The optimum time/temperature for the heat treatment of base flour was 120-130°C for 30 min with moisture content of ˜12.5%.© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background A European screening tool (STOPP/START) has been formulated to identify the prescribing of potentially inappropriate medicines (PIMs) and potential prescribing omissions (PPOs). Pharmacists working in community pharmacies could use STOPP/START as a guide to conducting medication use reviews; however, community pharmacists do not routinely have access to patients' clinical records. Objective To compare the PIM and PPO detection rates from application of the STOPP/START criteria to patients' medication details alone with the detection rates from application of STOPP/START to information on patients' medications combined with clinical information. Setting Community Pharmacy. Method Three pharmacists applied STOPP/START to 250 patient medication lists, containing information regarding dose, frequency and duration of treatment. The PIMs and PPOs identified by each pharmacist were compared with those identified by consensus agreement of two other pharmacists, who applied STOPP/START criteria using patients' full clinical records. Main outcome measure The main outcome measures were: (1) PIM and PPO detection rates among pharmacists with access to patients' clinical information compared to PIM and PPO detection rates among pharmacists using patients' medication information only, and (2) the levels of agreement (calculated using Cohen's kappa statistic (k)) for the three most commonly identified PIMs and PPOs. Results Pharmacists with access to patients' clinical records identified significantly fewer PIMs than pharmacists without (p = 0.002). The three most commonly identified PIMs were benzodiazepines, proton pump inhibitors and duplicate drug classes, with kappa (k) statistic agreement ranges of 0.87-0.97, 0.60-0.68 and 0.39-0.85 respectively. PPOs were identified more often (p 


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This paper examines the potential of international actors to contribute to conflict resolution by analysing the evolving role of the European Union (EU) in embedding Northern Ireland's peace process. Scrutiny of the EU's approach to conflict resolution in Northern Ireland offers useful insights into the scope and potential of soft power for facilitating behavioural change from governmental to grass-roots levels. This paper traces the development of the EU's approach to conflict resolution in Northern Ireland from one concentrated on encouraging state-level agreement, to nurturing peace through multilevel funding, through now to consolidating the peace by facilitating regional-level empowerment. The core argument is that, in sum, the most critical element of the EU's contribution to peace in Northern Ireland has been, quite simply, that of enduring commitment.