986 resultados para SEQUENCE TYPES
Modern computer systems are plagued with stability and security problems: applications lose data, web servers are hacked, and systems crash under heavy load. Many of these problems or anomalies arise from rare program behavior caused by attacks or errors. A substantial percentage of the web-based attacks are due to buffer overflows. Many methods have been devised to detect and prevent anomalous situations that arise from buffer overflows. The current state-of-art of anomaly detection systems is relatively primitive and mainly depend on static code checking to take care of buffer overflow attacks. For protection, Stack Guards and I-leap Guards are also used in wide varieties.This dissertation proposes an anomaly detection system, based on frequencies of system calls in the system call trace. System call traces represented as frequency sequences are profiled using sequence sets. A sequence set is identified by the starting sequence and frequencies of specific system calls. The deviations of the current input sequence from the corresponding normal profile in the frequency pattern of system calls is computed and expressed as an anomaly score. A simple Bayesian model is used for an accurate detection.Experimental results are reported which show that frequency of system calls represented using sequence sets, captures the normal behavior of programs under normal conditions of usage. This captured behavior allows the system to detect anomalies with a low rate of false positives. Data are presented which show that Bayesian Network on frequency variations responds effectively to induced buffer overflows. It can also help administrators to detect deviations in program flow introduced due to errors.
Computational Biology is the research are that contributes to the analysis of biological data through the development of algorithms which will address significant research problems.The data from molecular biology includes DNA,RNA ,Protein and Gene expression data.Gene Expression Data provides the expression level of genes under different conditions.Gene expression is the process of transcribing the DNA sequence of a gene into mRNA sequences which in turn are later translated into proteins.The number of copies of mRNA produced is called the expression level of a gene.Gene expression data is organized in the form of a matrix. Rows in the matrix represent genes and columns in the matrix represent experimental conditions.Experimental conditions can be different tissue types or time points.Entries in the gene expression matrix are real values.Through the analysis of gene expression data it is possible to determine the behavioral patterns of genes such as similarity of their behavior,nature of their interaction,their respective contribution to the same pathways and so on. Similar expression patterns are exhibited by the genes participating in the same biological process.These patterns have immense relevance and application in bioinformatics and clinical research.Theses patterns are used in the medical domain for aid in more accurate diagnosis,prognosis,treatment planning.drug discovery and protein network analysis.To identify various patterns from gene expression data,data mining techniques are essential.Clustering is an important data mining technique for the analysis of gene expression data.To overcome the problems associated with clustering,biclustering is introduced.Biclustering refers to simultaneous clustering of both rows and columns of a data matrix. Clustering is a global whereas biclustering is a local model.Discovering local expression patterns is essential for identfying many genetic pathways that are not apparent otherwise.It is therefore necessary to move beyond the clustering paradigm towards developing approaches which are capable of discovering local patterns in gene expression data.A biclusters is a submatrix of the gene expression data matrix.The rows and columns in the submatrix need not be contiguous as in the gene expression data matrix.Biclusters are not disjoint.Computation of biclusters is costly because one will have to consider all the combinations of columans and rows in order to find out all the biclusters.The search space for the biclustering problem is 2 m+n where m and n are the number of genes and conditions respectively.Usually m+n is more than 3000.The biclustering problem is NP-hard.Biclustering is a powerful analytical tool for the biologist.The research reported in this thesis addresses the problem of biclustering.Ten algorithms are developed for the identification of coherent biclusters from gene expression data.All these algorithms are making use of a measure called mean squared residue to search for biclusters.The objective here is to identify the biclusters of maximum size with the mean squared residue lower than a given threshold. All these algorithms begin the search from tightly coregulated submatrices called the seeds.These seeds are generated by K-Means clustering algorithm.The algorithms developed can be classified as constraint based,greedy and metaheuristic.Constarint based algorithms uses one or more of the various constaints namely the MSR threshold and the MSR difference threshold.The greedy approach makes a locally optimal choice at each stage with the objective of finding the global optimum.In metaheuristic approaches particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) and variants of Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure(GRASP) are used for the identification of biclusters.These algorithms are implemented on the Yeast and Lymphoma datasets.Biologically relevant and statistically significant biclusters are identified by all these algorithms which are validated by Gene Ontology database.All these algorithms are compared with some other biclustering algorithms.Algorithms developed in this work overcome some of the problems associated with the already existing algorithms.With the help of some of the algorithms which are developed in this work biclusters with very high row variance,which is higher than the row variance of any other algorithm using mean squared residue, are identified from both Yeast and Lymphoma data sets.Such biclusters which make significant change in the expression level are highly relevant biologically.
This paper discusses our research in developing a generalized and systematic method for anomaly detection. The key ideas are to represent normal program behaviour using system call frequencies and to incorporate probabilistic techniques for classification to detect anomalies and intrusions. Using experiments on the sendmail system call data, we demonstrate that concise and accurate classifiers can be constructed to detect anomalies. An overview of the approach that we have implemented is provided.
Code clones are portions of source code which are similar to the original program code. The presence of code clones is considered as a bad feature of software as the maintenance of software becomes difficult due to the presence of code clones. Methods for code clone detection have gained immense significance in the last few years as they play a significant role in engineering applications such as analysis of program code, program understanding, plagiarism detection, error detection, code compaction and many more similar tasks. Despite of all these facts, several features of code clones if properly utilized can make software development process easier. In this work, we have pointed out such a feature of code clones which highlight the relevance of code clones in test sequence identification. Here program slicing is used in code clone detection. In addition, a classification of code clones is presented and the benefit of using program slicing in code clone detection is also mentioned in this work.
DNA sequence representation methods are used to denote a gene structure effectively and help in similarities/dissimilarities analysis of coding sequences. Many different kinds of representations have been proposed in the literature. They can be broadly classified into Numerical, Graphical, Geometrical and Hybrid representation methods. DNA structure and function analysis are made easy with graphical and geometrical representation methods since it gives visual representation of a DNA structure. In numerical method, numerical values are assigned to a sequence and digital signal processing methods are used to analyze the sequence. Hybrid approaches are also reported in the literature to analyze DNA sequences. This paper reviews the latest developments in DNA Sequence representation methods. We also present a taxonomy of various methods. A comparison of these methods where ever possible is also done
Considerable research effort has been devoted in predicting the exon regions of genes. The binary indicator (BI), Electron ion interaction pseudo potential (EIIP), Filter method are some of the methods. All these methods make use of the period three behavior of the exon region. Even though the method suggested in this paper is similar to above mentioned methods , it introduces a set of sequences for mapping the nucleotides selected by applying genetic algorithm and found to be more promising
Restarting automata are a restricted model of computation that was introduced by Jancar et.al. to model the so-called analysis by reduction. A computation of a restarting automaton consists of a sequence of cycles such that in each cycle the automaton performs exactly one rewrite step, which replaces a small part of the tape content by another, even shorter word. Thus, each language accepted by a restarting automaton belongs to the complexity class $CSL cap NP$. Here we consider a natural generalization of this model, called shrinking restarting automaton, where we do no longer insist on the requirement that each rewrite step decreases the length of the tape content. Instead we require that there exists a weight function such that each rewrite step decreases the weight of the tape content with respect to that function. The language accepted by such an automaton still belongs to the complexity class $CSL cap NP$. While it is still unknown whether the two most general types of one-way restarting automata, the RWW-automaton and the RRWW-automaton, differ in their expressive power, we will see that the classes of languages accepted by the shrinking RWW-automaton and the shrinking RRWW-automaton coincide. As a consequence of our proof, it turns out that there exists a reduction by morphisms from the language class $cL(RRWW)$ to the class $cL(RWW)$. Further, we will see that the shrinking restarting automaton is a rather robust model of computation. Finally, we will relate shrinking RRWW-automata to finite-change automata. This will lead to some new insights into the relationships between the classes of languages characterized by (shrinking) restarting automata and some well-known time and space complexity classes.
Cell-cell interactions during embryonic development are crucial in the co-ordination of growth, differentiation and maintenance of many different cell types. To achieve this co-ordination each cell must properly translate signals received from neighbouring cells, into spatially and temporally appropriate developmental responses. A surprisingly limited number of signal pathways are responsible for the differentiation of enormous variety of cell types. As a result, pathways are frequently 'reused' during development. Thus, in mammals the JAK/STAT pathway is required during early embryogenesis, mammary gland formation, hematopoiesis and, finally, plays a pivotal role in immune response. In the canonical way, the JAK/STAT pathway is represented by a transmembrane receptor associated with a Janus kinase (JAK), which upon stimulation by an extra-cellular ligand, phosphorylates itself, the receptor and, finally, the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) molecules. Phosphorylated STATs dimerise and translocate to the nucleus where they activate transcription of target genes. The JAK/STAT pathway has been conserved throughout evolution, and all known components are present in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster. Besides hematopoietic and immunity functions, the pathway is also required during development for processes including embryonic segmentation, tracheal morphogenesis, posterior spiracle formation etc. This study describes Drosophila Ken&Barbie (Ken) as a selective regulator of JAK/STAT signalling. ken mutations identified in a screen for modulators of an eye overgrowth phenotype, caused by over-expression of the pathway ligand unpaired, also interact genetically with the pathway receptor domeless (dome) and the transcription factor stat92E. Over-expression of Ken can phenocopy developmental defects known to be caused by the loss of JAK/STAT signalling. These genetic interactions suggest that Ken may function as a negative regulator of the pathway. Ken has C-terminal Zn-finger domain, presumably for DNA binding, and N-terminal BTB/POZ domain, often found in transcriptional repressors. Using EGFP-fused construct expressed in vivo revealed nuclear accumulation of Ken. Therefore, it is proposed that Ken may act as a suppresser of STAT92E target genes. An in vitro assay, termed SELEX, determined that Ken specifically binds to a DNA sequence, with the essential for DNA recognition core overlapping that of STAT92E. This interesting observation suggests that not all STAT92E sites may also allow Ken binding. Strikingly, when effects of ectopic Ken on the expression of putative JAK/STAT pathway target genes were examined, only a subset of the genes tested, namely vvl, trh and kni, were down-regulated by Ken, whereas some others, such as eve and fj, appeared to be unresponsive. Further analysis of vvl, one of the genes susceptible to ectopic Ken, was undertaken. In the developing hindgut, expression of vvl is JAK/STAT pathway dependent, but remains repressed in the posterior spiracles, despite the stimulation of STAT92E by Upd in their primordia. Importantly, ken is also expressed in the developing posterior spiracles. Strikingly, up-regulation of vvl is observed in these tissues in ken mutant embryos. These imply that while ectopic Ken is sufficient to repress the expression of vvl in the hindgut, endogenous Ken is also necessary to prevent its activation in the posterior spiracles. It is therefore conceivable that ectopic vvl expression in the posterior spiracles of the ken mutants may be the result of de-repression of endogenous STAT92E activity. Another consequence of these observations is a fine balance that must exist between STAT92E and Ken activities. Apparently, endogenous level of Ken is sufficient to repress vvl, but not other, as yet unidentified, JAK/STAT pathway targets, whose presumable activation by STAT92E is required for posterior spiracle development as the embryos mutant for dome, the receptor of the pathway, show severe spiracle defects. These defects are also observed in the embryos mis-expressing Ken. Though it is possible that the posterior spiracle phenotype caused by higher levels of Ken results from a JAK/STAT pathway independent activity, it seems to be more likely that Ken acts in a dosage dependent manner, and extra Ken is able to further antagonise JAK/STAT pathway target genes. While STAT92E binding sites required for target gene expression have been poorly characterised, the existence of genome data allows the prediction of candidate STAT92E sites present in target genes promoters to be attempted. When a 6kb region containing the putative regulatory domains flanking the vvl locus are examined, only a single potential STAT92E binding site located 825bp upstream of the translational start can be detected. Strikingly, this site also includes a perfect Ken binding sequence. Such an in silico observation, though consistent with both Ken DNA binding assay in vitro and regulation of STAT92E target genes in vivo, however, requires further analysis. The JAK/STAT pathway is implicated in a variety of processes during embryonic and larval development as well as in imago. In each case, stimulation of the same transcription factor results in different developmental outcomes. While many potential mechanisms have been proposed and demonstrated to explain such pleiotropy, the present study indicates that Ken may represent another mechanism, with which signal transduction pathways are controlled. Ken selectively down-regulates a subset of potential target genes and so modifies the transcriptional profile generated by activated STAT92E - a mechanism, which may be partially responsible for differences in the morphogenetic processes elicited by JAK/STAT signalling during development.
Die empirische Studie untersucht das Wechselspiel zwischen der fachbezogenen Sprachentwicklung und dem Fachlernen von Schülerinnen und Schülern bei der Einführung in den Kraftbegriff. Sie betrachtet also sowohl sprachliche wie auch kognitive Aspekte des Lernens in der Mechanik. Dafür wurde ein Unterrichtskonzept entwickelt, das den Gebrauch des Fachwortes Kraft in der Wissenschaft und in der alltäglichen Sprache besonders thematisiert. Dieses Unterrichtskonzept basiert auf Empfehlungen und Ergebnissen der Kognitionspsychologie, Linguistik, Philosophie, Sprachlehrforschung und der Didaktiken der Physik und der Fremdsprachen. Im Rahmen des Unterrichts wurden die Schülerinnen und Schüler mit zwei Aufgabentypen konfrontiert: Beim ersten Aufgabentyp waren die Lerner aufgefordert, den Kraftbegriff so zu verwenden, wie es einer fachsprachlich angemessenen Form entspräche, etwa um die Bewegung eines Zuges zu beschreiben. Aufgaben des zweiten Typs sahen vor, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler kurze Texte danach klassifizierten, ob sie der Alltagssprache oder der Fachsprache angehörten. Diese als Metadiskurs bezeichnete Form der Auseinandersetzung mit sprachlichen Aspekten verhalf den Schülerinnen und Schülern zu einer Gelegenheit, ihr eigenes Verständnis des Kraftbegriffs zu thematisieren. Weiter lieferte der Metadiskurs wichtige Hinweise darauf, ob die Schülerinnen und Schüler sich bei ihren Beurteilungen eher auf formal-sprachliche oder inhaltliche Aspekte der Sprache bezogen. Für die Datenerhebung wurden alle Unterrichtsstunden videografiert und transkribiert. Zusammen mit schriftlichen Arbeitsergebnissen und Tests stand ein umfangreicher Datensatz zur Verfügung, für dessen Auswertung ein inhaltsanalytisches Verfahren Anwendung fand. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Lernen im Fach Physik bestimmte Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Lernen einer Fremdsprache zeigt: Wenn die Schülerinnen und Schüler den Kraftbegriff fachsprachlich verwenden sollen, sehen sie sich oft einer Alternativentscheidung gegenüber. Entweder sie versuchen, einer fachsprachlichen Form zu gehorchen und verlieren dabei den Inhalt aus den Augen, oder sie konzentrieren sich auf den Inhalt, drücken sich dabei aber in ihrer Alltagssprache aus und folgen Alltagskonzepten, die weit entfernt von den fachlich intendierten liegen. Ähnliche Beobachtungen kann man im Sprachunterricht machen, wenn Schüler eine neue grammatische Regel einüben: Sie konzentrieren sich entweder auf die neu zu erlernende Regel, oder aber auf den Inhalt des Gesagten, wobei sie die grammatische Regel, die an sich Gegenstand der Übung ist, verletzen. Meistens fällt diese Entscheidung derart, dass die Konzentration auf den Inhalt des Gesagten gerichtet ist, nicht oder wenig auf seine Form. Im Unterschied zum Sprachunterricht ist der Physikunterricht allerdings nicht nur darauf gerichtet, fachsprachlich angemessene Formen einzuüben, sondern insbesondere darauf, den Blick für neue und ungewohnte Konzepte zu öffnen. Damit müssen die Schülerinnen und Schüler hier häufig sprachliche und kognitive Hürden zur selben Zeit bewältigen. Die detaillierte Analyse des Metadiskurses zeigt, dass das Problem des Nebeneinanders zweier unterschiedlicher Anforderung entschäft werden kann: Während die Schüler im Metadiskurs unterschiedliche Aspekte der Sprache diskutieren, sind sie eher in der Lage, sowohl formale wie inhaltsbezogene Merkmale der Sprache wahrzunehmen. Der Text referiert weitere Parallelen zwischen dem Physikunterricht und dem Fremdsprachenlernen, sodass die Auffassung gerechtfertigt ist, dass die Fremdsprachendidaktik als Ideenlieferantin dafür dienen kann, neue Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten für den Physikunterricht aufzufinden.
The ground state (J = 0) electronic correlation energy of the 4-electron Be-sequence is calculated in the Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock approximation for Z = 4-20. The 4 electrons were distributed over the configurations arising from the 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p and 3d orbitals. Theoretical values obtained here are in good agreement with experimental correlation energies.
Die q-Analysis ist eine spezielle Diskretisierung der Analysis auf einem Gitter, welches eine geometrische Folge darstellt, und findet insbesondere in der Quantenphysik eine breite Anwendung, ist aber auch in der Theorie der q-orthogonalen Polynome und speziellen Funktionen von großer Bedeutung. Die betrachteten mathematischen Objekte aus der q-Welt weisen meist eine recht komplizierte Struktur auf und es liegt daher nahe, sie mit Computeralgebrasystemen zu behandeln. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden Algorithmen für q-holonome Funktionen und q-hypergeometrische Reihen vorgestellt. Alle Algorithmen sind in dem Maple-Package qFPS, welches integraler Bestandteil der Arbeit ist, implementiert. Nachdem in den ersten beiden Kapiteln Grundlagen geschaffen werden, werden im dritten Kapitel Algorithmen präsentiert, mit denen man zu einer q-holonomen Funktion q-holonome Rekursionsgleichungen durch Kenntnis derer q-Shifts aufstellen kann. Operationen mit q-holonomen Rekursionen werden ebenfalls behandelt. Im vierten Kapitel werden effiziente Methoden zur Bestimmung polynomialer, rationaler und q-hypergeometrischer Lösungen von q-holonomen Rekursionen beschrieben. Das fünfte Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit q-hypergeometrischen Potenzreihen bzgl. spezieller Polynombasen. Wir formulieren einen neuen Algorithmus, der zu einer q-holonomen Rekursionsgleichung einer q-hypergeometrischen Reihe mit nichttrivialem Entwicklungspunkt die entsprechende q-holonome Rekursionsgleichung für die Koeffizienten ermittelt. Ferner können wir einen neuen Algorithmus angeben, der umgekehrt zu einer q-holonomen Rekursionsgleichung für die Koeffizienten eine q-holonome Rekursionsgleichung der Reihe bestimmt und der nützlich ist, um q-holonome Rekursionen für bestimmte verallgemeinerte q-hypergeometrische Funktionen aufzustellen. Mit Formulierung des q-Taylorsatzes haben wir schließlich alle Zutaten zusammen, um das Hauptergebnis dieser Arbeit, das q-Analogon des FPS-Algorithmus zu erhalten. Wolfram Koepfs FPS-Algorithmus aus dem Jahre 1992 bestimmt zu einer gegebenen holonomen Funktion die entsprechende hypergeometrische Reihe. Wir erweitern den Algorithmus dahingehend, dass sogar Linearkombinationen q-hypergeometrischer Potenzreihen bestimmt werden können. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The present Thesis looks at the problem of protein folding using Monte Carlo and Langevin simulations, three topics in protein folding have been studied: 1) the effect of confining potential barriers, 2) the effect of a static external field and 3) the design of amino acid sequences which fold in a short time and which have a stable native state (global minimum). Regarding the first topic, we studied the confinement of a small protein of 16 amino acids known as 1NJ0 (PDB code) which has a beta-sheet structure as a native state. The confinement of proteins occurs frequently in the cell environment. Some molecules called Chaperones, present in the cytoplasm, capture the unfolded proteins in their interior and avoid the formation of aggregates and misfolded proteins. This mechanism of confinement mediated by Chaperones is not yet well understood. In the present work we considered two kinds of potential barriers which try to mimic the confinement induced by a Chaperon molecule. The first kind of potential was a purely repulsive barrier whose only effect is to create a cavity where the protein folds up correctly. The second kind of potential was a barrier which includes both attractive and repulsive effects. We performed Wang-Landau simulations to calculate the thermodynamical properties of 1NJ0. From the free energy landscape plot we found that 1NJ0 has two intermediate states in the bulk (without confinement) which are clearly separated from the native and the unfolded states. For the case of the purely repulsive barrier we found that the intermediate states get closer to each other in the free energy landscape plot and eventually they collapse into a single intermediate state. The unfolded state is more compact, compared to that in the bulk, as the size of the barrier decreases. For an attractive barrier modifications of the states (native, unfolded and intermediates) are observed depending on the degree of attraction between the protein and the walls of the barrier. The strength of the attraction is measured by the parameter $\epsilon$. A purely repulsive barrier is obtained for $\epsilon=0$ and a purely attractive barrier for $\epsilon=1$. The states are changed slightly for magnitudes of the attraction up to $\epsilon=0.4$. The disappearance of the intermediate states of 1NJ0 is already observed for $\epsilon =0.6$. A very high attractive barrier ($\epsilon \sim 1.0$) produces a completely denatured state. In the second topic of this Thesis we dealt with the interaction of a protein with an external electric field. We demonstrated by means of computer simulations, specifically by using the Wang-Landau algorithm, that the folded, unfolded, and intermediate states can be modified by means of a field. We have found that an external field can induce several modifications in the thermodynamics of these states: for relatively low magnitudes of the field ($<2.06 \times 10^8$ V/m) no major changes in the states are observed. However, for higher magnitudes than ($6.19 \times 10^8$ V/m) one observes the appearance of a new native state which exhibits a helix-like structure. In contrast, the original native state is a $\beta$-sheet structure. In the new native state all the dipoles in the backbone structure are aligned parallel to the field. The design of amino acid sequences constitutes the third topic of the present work. We have tested the Rate of Convergence criterion proposed by D. Gridnev and M. Garcia ({\it work unpublished}). We applied it to the study of off-lattice models. The Rate of Convergence criterion is used to decide if a certain sequence will fold up correctly within a relatively short time. Before the present work, the common way to decide if a certain sequence was a good/bad folder was by performing the whole dynamics until the sequence got its native state (if it existed), or by studying the curvature of the potential energy surface. There are some difficulties in the last two approaches. In the first approach, performing the complete dynamics for hundreds of sequences is a rather challenging task because of the CPU time needed. In the second approach, calculating the curvature of the potential energy surface is possible only for very smooth surfaces. The Rate of Convergence criterion seems to avoid the previous difficulties. With this criterion one does not need to perform the complete dynamics to find the good and bad sequences. Also, the criterion does not depend on the kind of force field used and therefore it can be used even for very rugged energy surfaces.
A series of vectors for the over-expression of tagged proteins in Dictyostelium were designed, constructed and tested. These vectors allow the addition of an N- or C-terminal tag (GFP, RFP, 3xFLAG, 3xHA, 6xMYC and TAP) with an optimized polylinker sequence and no additional amino acid residues at the N or C terminus. Different selectable markers (Blasticidin and gentamicin) are available as well as an extra chromosomal version; these allow copy number and thus expression level to be controlled, as well as allowing for more options with regard to complementation, co- and super-transformation. Finally, the vectors share standardized cloning sites, allowing a gene of interest to be easily transfered between the different versions of the vectors as experimental requirements evolve. The organisation and dynamics of the Dictyostelium nucleus during the cell cycle was investigated. The centromeric histone H3 (CenH3) variant serves to target the kinetochore to the centromeres and thus ensures correct chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis. A number of Dictyostelium histone H3-domain containing proteins as GFP-tagged fusions were expressed and it was found that one of them functions as CenH3 in this species. Like CenH3 from some other species, Dictyostelium CenH3 has an extended N-terminal domain with no similarity to any other known proteins. The targeting domain, comprising α-helix 2 and loop 1 of the histone fold is required for targeting CenH3 to centromeres. Compared to the targeting domain of other known and putative CenH3 species, Dictyostelium CenH3 has a shorter loop 1 region. The localisation of a variety of histone modifications and histone modifying enzymes was examined. Using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and CenH3 chromatin-immunoprecipitation (ChIP) it was shown that the six telocentric centromeres contain all of the DIRS-1 and most of the DDT-A and skipper transposons. During interphase the centromeres remain attached to the centrosome resulting in a single CenH3 cluster which also contains the putative histone H3K9 methyltransferase SuvA, H3K9me3 and HP1 (heterochromatin protein 1). Except for the centromere cluster and a number of small foci at the nuclear periphery opposite the centromeres, the rest of the nucleus is largely devoid of transposons and heterochromatin associated histone modifications. At least some of the small foci correspond to the distal telomeres, suggesting that the chromosomes are organised in a Rabl-like manner. It was found that in contrast to metazoans, loading of CenH3 onto Dictyostelium centromeres occurs in late G2 phase. Transformation of Dictyostelium with vectors carrying the G418 resistance cassette typically results in the vector integrating into the genome in one or a few tandem arrays of approximately a hundred copies. In contrast, plasmids containing a Blasticidin resistance cassette integrate as single or a few copies. The behaviour of transgenes in the nucleus was examined by FISH, and it was found that low copy transgenes show apparently random distribution within the nucleus, while transgenes with more than approximately 10 copies cluster at or immediately adjacent to the centromeres in interphase cells regardless of the actual integration site along the chromosome. During mitosis the transgenes show centromere-like behaviour, and ChIP experiments show that transgenes contain the heterochromatin marker H3K9me2 and the centromeric histone variant H3v1. This clustering, and centromere-like behaviour was not observed on extrachromosomal transgenes, nor on a line where the transgene had integrated into the extrachromosomal rDNA palindrome. This suggests that it is the repetitive nature of the transgenes that causes the centromere-like behaviour. A Dictyostelium homolog of DET1, a protein largely restricted to multicellular eukaryotes where it has a role in developmental regulation was identified. As in other species Dictyostelium DET1 is nuclear localised. In ChIP experiments DET1 was found to bind the promoters of a number of developmentally regulated loci. In contrast to other species where it is an essential protein, loss of DET1 is not lethal in Dictyostelium, although viability is greatly reduced. Loss of DET1 results in delayed and abnormal development with enlarged aggregation territories. Mutant slugs displayed apparent cell type patterning with a bias towards pre-stalk cell types.
Maize production in smallholder farming systems in Kenya is largely limited by low soil fertility. As mineral fertilizer is expensive, green manuring using leguminous cover crops could be an alternative strategy for farmers to enhance farm productivity. However due to variability in soil type and crop management, the effects of green manure are likely to differ with farms. The objectives of this study were to evaluate Mucuna pruriens and Arachis pintoi on (i) biomass and nitrogen fixation (^15N natural abundance), (ii) soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and (iii) their effects on maize yields over two cropping seasons in Kakamega, Western Kenya. Mucuna at 6 weeks accumulated 1–1.3 Mg ha^{-1} of dry matter and 33–56 kg ha^{-1} nitrogen of which 70% was nitrogen derived from the atmosphere (Ndfa). Arachis after 12 months accumulated 2–2.7 Mg ha^{-1} of dry matter and 51–74 kg N ha^{-1} of which 52-63 % was from Ndfa. Soil carbon and nitrogen stocks at 0–15 cm depth were enhanced by 2-4 Mg C ha^{-1} and 0.3–1.0 Mg N ha^{-1} under Mucuna and Arachis fallow, irrespective of soil type. Maize yield increased by 0.5-2 Mg ha^{-1} in Mucuna and 0.5–3 Mg ha^{-1} in Arachis and the response was stronger on Nitisol than on Acrisol or Ferralsol. We concluded that leguminous cover crops seem promising in enhancing soil fertility and maize yields in Kenya, provided soil conditions and rainfall are suitable.