988 resultados para S Agricultura (General)


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A agricultura fora dos ciclos no Brasil: uma introdução ao livro; Um início da agricultura: sítios arqueológicos no Brasil e as pinturas rupestres no Planalto Central; Tecnologia na Amazônia pré-histórica: a Terra Preta do Índio; Indígenas e plantas pré-cabralinas; Um grande brasilianista: Gabriel Soares de Sousa; Jardins botânicos e hortos (novas plantas, novos hábitos): o Horto d'El Rey de Olinda; Um grande empreendedor e um mau administrador: Maurício de Nassau; O mosaico dos alimentos e dos remédios caseiros: escravos, índios e brancos; Culturas do Brasil Império: diversidade na agricultura; O Livro do Lavrador do Brasil República; A influência da madrinha: eucaliptos no Brasil; A explosão da agricultura tropical; Pesquisa e ensino: as dores do crescimento; Melhorando a organização rural: extensão rural e as cooperativas; Soja: o ouro-verde brasileiro; Polo Juazeiro-Petrolina - frutas para o Brasil e para o mundo; Desenvolvimento só com devastação? - Amazônia e Cerrados; A "marvada' pinga - álcool, Proálcool e Canavialis; Precisão na agricultura: alta tecnologia para produzir e preservar o meio ambiente; Da lei do mínimo à sustentabilidade; O novo retrato do Brasil - da roça à cidade?


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O contexto vivenciado com a criação de assentamentos traz novas reflexões sobre a realidade econômica, social e política da agricultura familiar no Brasil, que pode representar bases para impulsionar a construção de uma nova realidade rural no país. O referido trabalho, através da caracterização da produção da agricultura familiar no Assentamento Panelão, no município de Careiro Castanho, no Estado do Amazonas, procura contribuir na construção de parâmetros que sirvam de base para a introdução de tecnologias adequadas em comunidades rurais amazônicas de acordo com seus perfis. O levantamento exploratório realizado com agricultores familiares no assentamento permitiu algumas reflexões: a necessidade de reformular o olhar sobre as comunidades, assim como a geração de tecnologias adequadas para o ambiente em estudo, fortalecendo a importância da produção de alimentos voltados à comercialização, ao autoconsumo, contribuindo assim, para a manutenção das famílias no campo.


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A Masters Thesis, presented as part of the requirements for the award of a Research Masters Degree in Economics from NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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O objeto de estudo desta dissertação são as entidades ministeriais tutelares da agricultura entre 1918 e 2013. As razões desta escolha prendem-se com o facto de estas serem entidades cuja produção documental e património arquivístico são fundamentais para a compreensão e estudo do sector primário da economia nacional durante todo o século XX até ao momento presente. Foi primeiramente realizado o estudo orgânico-funcional das entidades ministeriais, efetuado com base na sua legislação de criação, remodelação, fusão e extinção e que possibilitou a identificação da quantidade, natureza, duração e estrutura de cada uma delas. Tal estudo permitiu a identificação de 17 entidades ministeriais e a confirmação de que todas estas entidades reuniam as condições necessárias para serem consideradas produtoras de fundos documentais da Administração Pública Portuguesa, logo que todas podiam ser objeto de criação de Registos de Autoridade Arquivística. Os estudos orgânico-funcionais realizados foram então canalizados para a criação de um total de 17 Registos de Autoridade Arquivística, feitos com base no modelo do Ficheiro Nacional de Autoridades Arquivísticas (FNAA) e seguindo os princípios estabelecidos pelas normas internacionais do Conselho Internacional de Arquivos (ISAAR-CPF), bem como os estabelecidos pelas Orientações para a Descrição Arquivística. Ao utilizar o modelo do FNAA, a presente proposta tem como objetivos: identificar univocamente cada uma das entidades ministeriais estudadas enquanto autoridades arquivísticas produtoras de fundos documentais; identificar e mapear o seu percurso institucional e administrativo; facilitar a reunião intelectual da documentação produzida por estas entidades. A proposta apresentada nesta dissertação pretendeu assim articular o paradigma custodial atual, com as possibilidades trazidas pela mudança para um paradigma pós-custodial e potenciadas pelas tecnologias de informação (das quais o FNAA constitui o modelo nacional atualmente na vanguarda). Com isto espera-se poder contribuir para o módulo de entidades produtoras (MEP) do FNAA, nomeadamente na sua vertente de criação de registos para organizações (extintas) da Administração Pública.


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Background: Motive-oriented therapeutic relationship (MOTR) was postulated to be a particularly helpful therapeutic ingredient in the early treatment phase of patients with personality disorders, in particular with borderline personality disorder (BPD). The present randomized controlled study using an add-on design is the first study to test this assumption in a 10-session general psychiatric treatment with patients presenting with BPD on symptom reduction and therapeutic alliance. Methods: A total of 85 patients were randomized. They were either allocated to a manual-based short variant of the general psychiatric management (GPM) treatment (in 10 sessions) or to the same treatment where MOTR was deliberately added to the treatment. Treatment attrition and integrity analyses yielded satisfactory results. Results: The results of the intent-to-treat analyses suggested a global efficacy of MOTR, in the sense of an additional reduction of general problems, i.e. symptoms, interpersonal and social problems (F1, 73 = 7.25, p < 0.05). However, they also showed that MOTR did not yield an additional reduction of specific borderline symptoms. It was also shown that a stronger therapeutic alliance, as assessed by the therapist, developed in MOTR treatments compared to GPM (Z55 = 0.99, p < 0.04). Conclusions: These results suggest that adding MOTR to psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatments of BPD is promising. Moreover, the findings shed additional light on the perspective of shortening treatments for patients presenting with BPD. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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OBJECTIVE: An implementation study that evaluated the impact of previously adopted guidelines on the clinical practice of medical residents was conducted to improve the recognition and treatment of major depressive disorders (MDDs) in hospitalized patients with somatic diseases. METHODS: Guidelines were implemented in two wards (ENT and oncology) using intranet diffusion, interactive sessions with medical residents, and support material. Discharge letters of 337 and 325 patients, before and after the intervention, respectively, were checked for statement of diagnosis or treatment of MDDs and, in a post hoc analysis, for any mention about psychiatric management. RESULTS: No difference was found in the number of diagnosed or treated MDDs before and after the intervention. However, significantly more statements about psychological status (29/309 vs. 13/327) and its management (36/309 vs. 19/327) were observed after the intervention (P<.01). CONCLUSION: The intervention was not successful in improving the management of MDDs. However, a possible effect on general psychological aspects of medical diseases was observed.


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PRINCIPLES: Advance directives are seen as an important tool for documenting the wishes of patients who are no longer competent to make decisions in regards to their medical care. Due to their nature, approaching the subject of advance directives with a patient can be difficult for both the medical care provider and the patient. This paper focuses on general practitioners' perspectives regarding the timing at which this discussion should take place, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the different moments. METHODS: In 2013, 23 semi-structured face-to-face interviews were performed with Swiss general practitioners. Interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: In our sample, 23 general practitioners provided different options that they felt were appropriate moments: either (a) when the patient is still healthy, (b) when illness becomes predominant, or (c) when a patient has been transferred to a long-term care facility. Furthermore, general practitioners reported uncertainty and discomfort regarding initiating the discussion. CONCLUSION: The distinct approaches, perspectives and rationales show that there is no well-defined or "right" moment. However, participants often associated advance directives with death. This link caused discomfort and uncertainty, which led to hesitation and delay on the part of general practitioners. Therefore we recommend further training on how to professionally initiate a conversation about advance directives. Furthermore, based on our results and experience, we recommend an early approach with healthy patients paired with later regular updates as it seems to be the most effective way to inform patients about their end-of-life care options.


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BACKGROUND: The alcohol purchase task (APT), which presents a scenario and asks participants how many drinks they would purchase and consume at different prices, has been used among students and small clinical samples to obtain measures of alcohol demand but not in large, general population samples. METHODS: We administered the APT to a large sample of young men from the general population (Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors). Participants who reported drinking in the past year (n=4790), reported on past 12 months alcohol use, on DSM-5 alcohol use disorder (AUD) criteria and on alcohol related consequences were included. RESULTS: Among the APT's demand parameters, intensity was 8.7 (SD=6.5) indicating that, when drinks are free, participants report a planned consumption of almost 9 drinks. The maximum alcohol expenditure (Omax) was over 35CHF (1CHF=1.1USD) and the demand became elastic (Pmax) at 8.4CHF (SD=5.6). The mean price at which the consumption was suppressed was 15.6CHF (SD=5.4). Exponential equation provided a satisfactory fit to individual responses (mean R(2): 0.8, median: 0.8). Demand intensity was correlated with alcohol use, number of AUD criteria and number of consequences (all r≥0.3, p<0.0001). Omax was correlated with alcohol use (p<0.0001). The elasticity parameter was weakly correlated with alcohol use in the expected direction. CONCLUSION: The APT measures are useful in characterizing demand for alcohol in young men in the general population. Demand may provide a clinically useful index of strength of motivation for alcohol use in general population samples.


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The association between adiposity measures and dyslipidemia has seldom been assessed in a multipopulational setting. 27 populations from Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada (WHO MONICA project) using health surveys conducted between 1990 and 1997 in adults aged 35-64 years (n = 40,480). Dyslipidemia was defined as the total/HDL cholesterol ratio >6 (men) and >5 (women). Overall prevalence of dyslipidemia was 25% in men and 23% in women. Logistic regression showed that dyslipidemia was strongly associated with body mass index (BMI) in men and with waist circumference (WC) in women, after adjusting for region, age and smoking. Among normal-weight men and women (BMI<25 kg/m(2)), an increase in the odds for being dyslipidemic was observed between lowest and highest WC quartiles (OR = 3.6, p < 0.001). Among obese men (BMI ≥ 30), the corresponding increase was smaller (OR = 1.2, p = 0.036). A similar weakening was observed among women. Classification tree analysis was performed to assign subjects into classes of risk for dyslipidemia. BMI thresholds (25.4 and 29.2 kg/m(2)) in men and WC thresholds (81.7 and 92.6 cm) in women came out at first stages. High WC (>84.8 cm) in normal-weight men, menopause in women and regular smoking further defined subgroups at increased risk. standard categories of BMI and WC, or their combinations, do not lead to optimal risk stratification for dyslipidemia in middle-age adults. Sex-specific adaptations are necessary, in particular by taking into account abdominal obesity in normal-weight men, post-menopausal age in women and regular smoking in both sexes.


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OBJECTIVE: Delirium is highly prevalent in general hospitals but remains underrecognized and undertreated despite its association with increased morbidity, mortality, and health services utilization. To enhance its management, we developed guidelines covering all aspects, from risk factor identification to preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic interventions in adult patients. METHODS: Guidelines, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials (RCT), and cohort studies were systematically searched and evaluated. Based on a synthesis of retrieved high-quality documents, recommendation items were submitted to a multidisciplinary expert panel. Experts scored the appropriateness of recommendation items, using an evidence-based, explicit, multidisciplinary panel approach. Each recommendation was graded according to this process' results. RESULTS: Rated recommendations were mostly supported by a low level of evidence (1.3% RCT and systematic reviews, 14.3% nonrandomized trials vs. 84.4% observational studies or expert opinions). Nevertheless, 71.1% of recommendations were considered appropriate by the experts. Prevention of delirium and its nonpharmacological management should be fostered. Haloperidol remains the first-choice drug, whereas the role of atypical antipsychotics is still uncertain. CONCLUSIONS: While many topics addressed in these guidelines have not yet been adequately studied, an explicit panel and evidence-based approach allowed the proposal of comprehensive recommendations for the prevention and management of delirium in general hospitals.


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Presenta las observaciones realizadas desde hace varios años, investigadas por el Instituto del Mar del Perú a través de su programa de seguimiento de pesqueras demersales y costeras, y de la evaluación directa de los stocks de peces de mar.


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Describe la actividad pesquera artesanal en el Perú, desarrollada hasta las 20 millas aproximadamente. En esta zona se captura una variedad de recursos hidrobiológicos que en su mayoría son destinados al consumo humano directo, considerando que el nivel de las capturas de la pesca artesanal representan el 43% de los detinados al consumo humano y de éstos el 100% son derivados al consumo fresco.


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Describe los aspectos metodológicos aplicados en el desarrollo del crucero de evaluación del recurso merluza en invierno de 1996, consistente en dos etapas: un rastreo acústico basado en un muestréo sistemático con lances de comprobación y una evaluación por área barrida propiamente dicha. Así mismo, presenta la estructura y nivel de la población de merluza, las condiciones oceanográficas y la estructura del subsistema demersal.