977 resultados para Rubidium nitrate


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本研究选用抗盐冬小麦品种—德抗961(DK961)和盐敏感品种—济南17(JN17)为试验材料。一方面,研究了冬小麦对盐分及臭氧胁迫的生理生态响应机制;另一方面,探讨了外源硝酸钾对小麦盐伤害的缓解机理,提出了盐胁迫下小麦优质高产的栽培技术规程。主要结论如下: 1 冬小麦产量与品质对不同浓度盐胁迫的响应 同一小麦品种在不同盐浓度胁迫下产量和品质存在显著差异,不同小麦品种在同一盐分浓度胁迫下产量和品质也有显著差异,说明盐胁迫下小麦产量和品质与小麦品种特性和耐盐性关系密切。在对照栽培条件下,两小麦品种的产量次序为JN17>DK961;在轻度(0.3%)盐胁迫下,耐盐品种仍获得了较高的产量(仅下降5.8%),而盐敏感品种下降幅度较大(为22.9%),此时的产量次序为DK961>JN17;DK961在0.5%盐胁迫下,产量较对照处理下降9.7%,而JN17下降了54.3%;在0.7%盐浓度环境中,DK961和JN17产量均出现了大幅降低,但DK961的产量仍显著高于JN17。 盐胁迫下的小麦品质指标表现为:在0.3%和0.5%盐浓度下,随着盐浓度的升高,蛋白质含量升高,淀粉含量下降;当盐浓度达到0.7%时,两者都快速下降。 2 不同耐盐性冬小麦品种对盐胁迫的生理生态响应 2.1品种与盐浓度对小麦生长特性的影响 盐胁迫造成了小麦的后期衰老加快,光合速率降低,生育期缩短。但这种影响会因小麦的耐盐性不同而有很大的差异:DK961在轻、中度盐浓度(0.3%、0.5%)下,生育期与无盐处理时无显著差异,但当盐浓度达到0.7%时,生育期出现了明显的缩短;相反,JN17生育期在各个盐浓度下都出现了显著变化。对盐敏感品种,盐胁迫导致小麦出苗期、拔节期推迟3-5 d,抽穗期和开花期提前6-7 d,成熟期提前10-15 d。盐胁迫对小麦生育期的影响主要是缩短生殖生长期。 2.2品种与盐浓度对小麦生理代谢的影响 不同冬小麦品种对盐胁迫产生的生理反应程度不同,耐盐小麦品种在一定的盐浓度范围内,盐胁迫症状不明显,生理反应比较迟钝,光合速率、气孔导度、光饱和点等基本维持在无盐处理的水平,丙二醛和活性氧清除酶活性增加不显著;盐敏感品种在各种盐浓度胁迫下或耐盐品种在过重的盐分浓度胁迫下,盐胁迫症状极为显著,小麦植株生长矮小,光合速率、气孔导度、光饱和点等大幅下降,丙二醛和活性氧自由基含量大幅上升,严重的情况下,小麦植株不能正常生长,甚至出现“干死”现象。 3 盐胁迫下冬小麦生理生态特征对臭氧浓度升高的响应 3.1 臭氧污染对小麦生理代谢的影响 3.1.1对小麦叶片气体交换的影响 气孔是小麦叶片与外界气体交换的“大门”,是臭氧进入叶片的主要通道,控制着蒸腾、光合、呼吸等重要生理过程。通常,高浓度臭氧环境中,小麦表现出较低的气孔导度。气孔的这种反应是植物限制臭氧进入叶片中的一种避害机制。 臭氧的强氧化性导致高浓度臭氧环境中小麦的光合速率下降。臭氧通过气孔进入叶片后,对植物叶片光合作用的抑制主要是由Rubiso酶含量/活性的降低引起的。研究发现,臭氧低于某一临界值时,产生的氧化伤害可以被植物体的抗氧化系统清除而不会对光合作用产生抑制,而高于该临界值时由Rubsico限制引起的光合速率降低将与臭氧吸收量呈线性关系。高浓度臭氧环境下,植物光合作用降低的生理原因,主要是臭氧导致叶绿素和可溶性蛋白分解,叶片衰老加快、叶绿体结构发生改变、活性氧清除酶活性升高,而与碳素固定有关的酶活性降低、光合产物向外运输受阻而导致的反馈抑制。 3.1.2对小麦生长特性的影响 研究表明,环境中臭氧浓度升高可引起小麦生长特性发生巨大改变。臭氧污染首先加快老叶的衰老,而对新叶的影响很小。然而老叶衰老能够将其中的营养转移到新生长叶片中,有利于维持植株的生长。臭氧环境下,老叶迅速衰老的同时,同一植株中的新生组织具有较高的Rubisco合成速率和总量,同化速率加强。这一现象被认为是植株在臭氧环境下的一种补偿机制。臭氧显著降低植株同化物向根系的分配,而同化物向根系分配的改变将导致根系与整株植物功能关系的改变。在水分亏缺环境下,植物根系的生长受到抑制,导致根系对土壤营养吸收能力的降低,从而间接降低叶片的光合速率。 3.2 盐胁迫引起的生理响应提高了小麦抵御臭氧伤害的能力 试验结果表明,盐胁迫引起的小麦生理响应(如,气孔导度降低、抗氧化酶活性升高等),显著增强了小麦抵抗臭氧伤害的能力。但这种保护作用是相对的,因为盐胁迫本身已对小麦生长产生显著的抑制作用。 3.2.1 气孔导度下降减少了臭氧的进入 研究发现,臭氧是通过气孔进入植物体内的,而盐胁迫引起的小麦气孔导度下降,显著减少了臭氧进入小麦体内的量,大大减轻了臭氧对小麦的伤害。本实验中,无盐栽培条件下,臭氧引起的小麦光合速率降低,达到了显著水平;而盐胁迫下,由臭氧引起的小麦光合速率降低,未达到显著水平。这说明盐胁迫引起的气孔导度降低,起到了减轻臭氧对小麦生长抑制的作用。 3.2.2 渗透调节能力的增强弱化了臭氧的伤害 盐胁迫引起的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸等渗透调节物质含量的升高,大大增强了小麦抵御臭氧伤害的能力。如,臭氧往往造成植物蛋白质的分解,降低蛋白质含量;但盐胁迫下,可溶性蛋白含量是上升的,两方面协调,维持了植株蛋白质水平,促进了小麦生长。另一方面,渗透调节物质的积累,有利于小麦同化物的合成、转化和运输,加快了循环的节奏,这也是盐胁迫降低臭氧对小麦伤害的重要原因之一。 3.2.3 抗氧化能力增强降低了臭氧的氧化伤害 盐胁迫引起的小麦酶促保护系统抗氧化酶(SOD、POD等)活性升高,提高了小麦体内活性氧清除能力。臭氧污染可产生大量的活性氧自由基,对小麦产生强氧化伤害,抑制小麦生长。通常情况下,臭氧胁迫也可引起小麦抗氧化酶活性的提高,来适应这种污染环境。本实验表明,在盐和臭氧的交互作用下,小麦抗氧化酶活性的升高呈现了叠加效应,小麦的活性氧清除能力大大加强,减缓了小麦衰老进程,有利于小麦生长。 4 外源硝酸钾对冬小麦盐胁迫伤害的缓解机理及高产栽培技术规程 4.1 不同浓度硝酸钾处理对盐胁迫下小麦幼苗生理代谢的影响 植株体内K+/Na+比值是衡量小麦抗盐性的一项重要指标。盐胁迫下,小麦体内Na+含量快速上升,而K+含量相对下降,K+/Na+比值快速降低,打破了植株体内离子平衡,对小麦造成Na+“单盐毒害”,严重抑制小麦生长。可溶性糖、脯氨酸等低分子量渗透调节物质含量升高;膜质过氧化程度加重,电解质外渗量及丙二醛含量升高;活性氧自由基增多,抗氧化酶活性升高。 外源KNO3显著提高了小麦植株组织内K+/Na+比值,盐胁迫症状减轻,可溶性糖、脯氨酸等低分子量渗透调节物质含量比单独NaCl胁迫时降低;膜质过氧化程度减轻,电解质外渗量及丙二醛含量降低;活性氧自由基减少,抗氧化酶活性恢复到接近正常水平。但过量施用硝酸钾同样不利于小麦的生长。实验结果表明,小麦生长环境中最佳的K+/Na+ = 16:100。 4.2 抽穗期叶面喷施硝酸钾对盐胁迫下小麦花后生长及籽粒产量的影响 根据小麦生长环境中最佳的钾/钠 = 16:100的实验结果,设计了对100 mM NaCl生长环境中小麦抽穗期叶面喷施10 mM KNO3溶液试验(Hoagland 营养液中已含6 mM KNO3),得出外源硝酸钾有利于盐胁迫下小麦生长的恢复及籽粒产量的提高,DK961和JN17的穗粒数分别比单纯盐胁迫时提高了1.9%和7.1%;千粒重分别提高了2.3%和2.8 %;产量分别提高了4.5%和12.3%;叶面喷施钾肥后,盐胁迫对耐盐小麦产量指标影响变小,小麦各项指标恢复到接近于对照水平。盐敏感小麦品种受到盐胁迫的伤害较重,产量下降幅度较大,施钾肥后小麦盐胁迫症状虽有改善,但仍与对照相差较远。所以,盐胁迫下小麦高产优质栽培中,耐盐品种的选用是首要的。 4.3外源硝酸钾对盐胁迫下花后小麦旗叶气体交换的影响 盐胁迫下小麦叶面喷施钾肥,旗叶光合速率在灌浆期比不施钾处理显著升高,且维持高光合速率时间延长,小麦后期衰老速率减缓。由于施钾处理使旗叶光合速率提高,功能期延长,使籽粒可溶性总糖含量和蔗糖含量高于不施钾的处理,促进了淀粉合成底物的供应,由此促进了淀粉的合成。盐胁迫下小麦抽穗期施钾,可促进小麦旗叶、籽粒的碳、氮代谢,淀粉合成速率加快。同时游离氨基酸含量增加,籽粒中蛋白质合成底物的供应增加,蛋白质产量提高。适宜的钾肥处理能够显著促进小麦植株碳、氮代谢过程,加速碳水化合物和蛋白质的合成,使籽粒蛋白质、淀粉产量提高。 4.4外源硝酸钾对盐胁迫下小麦花后旗叶抗衰老酶活性的影响 盐胁迫可使小麦代谢过程中产生的活性氧自由基增多,刺激酶促防御系统的保护酶(如,SOD、POD、CAT等)活性提高,但当盐浓度超过其上限时,酶活性达到一定的极限,活性氧自由基不能及时的清除,代谢发生紊乱,植株加速衰老或不能正常生长,出现“早死”现象。外源硝酸钾可有效缓解这一抑制作用,提高小麦在盐胁迫下的代谢能力,减少活性氧自由基的产生,减轻活性氧清除系统的压力,能较长时间维持叶片细胞结构的完整性,提高小麦抵抗盐胁迫的能力。 4.5 盐胁迫下小麦优质高产栽培技术规程 研究结果表明:选用高产优质抗盐小麦新品种,并合理配合施用钾肥是获得小麦优质高产的一项有效措施: 1) 选用高产优质抗盐小麦新品种 在品种选用上,首先要考虑苗期耐盐力好、个体分蘖强、成穗率高三大因素,在此基础上选择多穗、粒大、粒多的性状。 2)配合施用钾肥 钾肥基施和抽穗期叶面喷施皆对盐胁迫下小麦生长有促进作用。钾肥的施用量应根据土壤盐浓度而定,小麦生长环境中最佳的K+/Na+比值为16:100。


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Nitrogen and phosphorus requirements of a chain-forming diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve, collected from Yatsushiro Sea, Japan, were investigated in a laboratory culture experiment. Sodium nitrate and sodium glycerophosphate were used as nitrogen and phosphorus sources, respectively. Cultures were grown in modified Provasoli's ASP2NTA medium (Provasoli et al. 1957) at 25±1°C, light intensity 60 µE mˉ² secˉ¹ and photoperiod 12:12-h, L:D cycle. Optimum growth was observed at nitrate concentrations of 3-10 mglˉ¹ and phosphate concentrations of 1.5-15 mglˉ¹. Adequate growth was also found at the nitrate concentration of up to as high as 300 mglˉ¹. Significantly poorer growth was found at lower nitrate (<3.0 mglˉ¹) and higher phosphate (>15 mglˉ¹) concentrations. From the present study, it is concluded that S. costatum can grow well at wide ranges of nitrate concentrations but is sensitive to higher phosphate concentrations.


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An experiment was conducted in farmers’ fields under Paikgacha thana, Khulna to study the suitability of integrated rice-cum-fish culture. Three treatments namely T1 (Puntius gonionotus), T2 (Puntius gonionotus and Cyprinus carpio) and T3 ( Cyprinus carpio) were included for the study each having three replicates. The fish were stocked at a density of 3750/ha in all the rice plots. The physicochemical parameters of water viz., water depth, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, nitrate and phosphate etc. recorded during the study period were found within optimum range. Of the two cultured species C. carpio attained the highest average individual weight (160g) and survival (81.06%). With respect to biomass and income, highest average fish production and net profit per hectare (306.74kg and Tk. 8177.91) were obtained in T2 and the lowest (184.17kg and Tk. 2049.41) obtained in T1 and a significant variation (p<0.05) in fish production was observed among the treatments while for rice production, it was insignificant. The cost benefit ratio of fish production found were 1:1.29, 1:2.14 and 1:1.90 for T1, T2 and T3, respectively.


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To assess the biodiversity of macro benthos in the changing environment along the coast of Mumbai, the intertidal zone of Versova was identified. The water quality in this intertidal region was poor with low pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen, and high nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and ammonia. The substratum was sandy with 1.29% organic matter in it. Mean faunal density of 2257 no./m² was recorded during the study which was mainly contributed by polychaetes (83.5%) followed by amphipods (14.5%), while other groups represented were isopods, crabs, hermit crabs, unidentified decapods, pelecypods and gastropods. Average biomass of 34.83 g/m² (93.7%) was contributed by polychaetes. Shannon and Wiener Index (0.4107) indicated heavy pollution in the intertidal area of Versova.


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植物根系大小和形态是决定植物吸氮能力的重要因素,而植物根系生长发育与土壤中营养元素的分布及其有效性密切相关,尤其是硝酸盐。然而目前关于硝酸盐调节植物根系生长的生理机制仍不清楚。一氧化氮(NO)是一种重要的气体信号分子,参与植物体内多种生理生化过程,包括调节根的生长发育。本研究以玉米自交系478为材料,采用营养液培养法,探讨了NO在硝酸盐调节玉米根系生长中的作用。主要结果和结论如下: 玉米幼苗在不同硝酸盐水平下生长7天后,主根伸长随着硝酸盐浓度的升高而下降;与0.01 mM硝酸盐处理下的玉米主根伸长相比,0.1 mM和1 mM硝酸盐处理对玉米主根伸长分别抑制了30%和36%。随着硝酸盐浓度的增加,玉米主根根尖过氧化氢(H2O2)含量表现出降低的趋势,而抗氧化酶,如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)的活性则表现出增加的趋势。外源供应过氧化氢对低浓度硝酸盐(0.01 mM)和高浓度硝酸盐(10 mM)处理下的玉米根伸长都没有影响,这表明了根尖过氧化氢含量的下降不是高浓度硝酸盐抑制玉米主根伸长的原因。 NO供体硝普钠(SNP)能够缓解高浓度硝酸盐对玉米主根伸长的抑制,而对低浓度硝酸盐处理下的主根伸长没有影响,而且NO清除剂亚甲基兰(MB)和NO合成酶抑制剂Nω-硝基-L-精氨酸(L-NNA)显著抑制了低浓度硝酸盐处理下的玉米主根伸长,而对高浓度硝酸盐处理下的玉米主根伸长没有影响。用NO特异性荧光染料4,5-二氨基乙酰乙酸荧光素(DAF-2DA)检测结果表明:高浓度硝酸盐显著降低玉米根尖NO含量。而玉米根中的硝酸还原酶活性随硝酸盐浓度的增加而增加。以上结果说明,高浓度硝酸盐抑制玉米主根伸长可能是与根尖NO合成酶的下调所导致的内源NO含量的降低有关。 另外,外源生长素(IAA)能缓解高浓度硝酸盐对玉米主根伸长的抑制,同时,也增加了高浓度硝酸盐处理下玉米根中内源NO含量,而对低浓度硝酸盐处理下的玉米根中内源NO没有影响。因此推测,根尖生长素的下降导致内源NO含量的降低可能是高浓度硝酸盐抑制玉米主根伸长的原因。


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磷缺乏已成为制约世界农业生产的重要因子。植物根系的大小和形态是决定植物吸收土壤磷能力的重要因素,而且根系的生长发育与磷素的分布及其有效性密切相关。关于磷酸盐调节植物根系生长研究已有很多报道,但其生理和分子机制仍不清楚。一氧化氮 (NO) 是一种重要的气体信号分子,参与调控植物的生长发育和对多种逆境胁迫的应答反应。本文选用拟南芥为实验材料,研究探讨了NO与缺磷诱导的拟南芥根系形态变化之间的关系,主要结果如下: 用正常磷水平 (1 mM) 和低磷水平 (1 µM) 处理拟南芥幼苗,发现低磷抑制主根伸长,刺激侧根发生。外源NO供体销普纳 (SNP) 也抑制主根、刺激侧根生长,与低磷诱导根系形态变化相似。NO清除剂c-PTIO和一氧化氮合成酶 (NOS)抑制剂L-NNA均可部分减缓由低磷引起的对主根生长的抑制和对侧根的刺激作用。暗示低磷诱导的拟南芥根系形态的变化可能与NO含量的降低有关。 利用NO荧光标记物DAF-FM和激光共聚焦显微成像技术,本研究发现缺磷6 h和24 h后根细胞内源NO含量显著增加,而且NOS 抑制剂能减少低磷诱导的根细胞NO含量的增加。与正常供磷处理相比,低磷处理6 h和24 h,拟南芥根中编码与NO合成相关的基因(AtNOA1)的表达量增加,缺磷24 h后根中NOS酶活性升高。为了明确低磷诱导的NO 增加是否与硝酸还原酶(NR)介导的NO合成有关,本论文进一步研究了低磷对拟南芥硝酸还原酶活性和编码NR基因 (AtNR1和AtNR2)表达的影响。研究发现低磷处理6 h和24 h后和AtNR1和AtNR2基因的表达均没有变化,且蛭石中生长的拟南芥缺磷1个月后NR活性也没有发生变化;拟南芥的NR双突变体nia1,nia2在低磷处理24 h后,其根中的内源NO含量表现出与野生型相同的增加。因此这些研究结果表明,缺磷后拟南芥根细胞NO的含量增加主要由于NOS的活性升高,而与NR介导的NO合成无关。 已有资料表明低磷诱导植物根细胞内源过氧化氢(H2O2)分布和含量的变化。本论文研究了低磷处理对用H2O2标记物CM-H2DCFDA标记不同磷处理下的拟南芥根中的H2O2。研究发现,缺磷6 h根中H2O2的分布无明显变化,缺磷24 h后H2O2呈斑块状分布,且多集中在根尖伸长区。缺磷24 h后,叶片中的抗氧化保护酶—超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性没有明显变化。说明缺磷24 h 后产生的H2O2没有引起氧化胁迫,而是作为一种信号分子,与NO相互作用共同介导低磷胁迫的应答反应。关于NO与H2O2在低磷诱导的根形态变化中的信号转导过程还有待进一步研究。


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Phytoplankton (52 species; Bacillariophyceae>Chlorophyceae>Cyanophyceae> Euglenophyceae=Dinophyceae) of Samuajan beel, a tropical floodplain lake, registered identical mean annual richness (30+4 species) in littoral and limnetic regions and depicted 33.3-77.2% and 31.4-81.1% community similarities respectively. Their abundance ranged between 137+54 n/l in littoral (Bacillariophyceae>Chlorophyceae) and 122 ± 45 n/l (Chlorophyceae>Bacillariophyceae) in limnetic communities, comprised about 46% of net plankton and indicated winter peaks. This study depicted moderate species diversity, high evenness and low dominance of phytoplankton; species diversity showed significant direct correlation with richness and evenness and an inverse relationship with dominance. Phytoplankton showed significant positive relationship with transparency and silicate and negative with water temperature, rainfall, chloride and nitrate. Multiple regression revealed that ten abiotic factors accounted for >80-98% of density variations of phytoplankton and the dominant groups. ANOVA depicted trends of significance in abundance of the biotic communities analysed.


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An experiment was conducted to assess the performance of mola (Amblyphmyngodon mola) in rice fish culture system with freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii), Thai silver barb (Bm·bades ganianotus) and common carp (Cyprinus cmpia) for a period of 4 months at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Four treatments viz., treatment-I (T1) with A. mala and M. rosenbergii; treatmen t-II (T2) with A. mala, M. rosenbergii and B. gonianatus ; treatmentIII (T3) with A. mala, 1Vf. rosenbergii and C. cmpia, and treatment- IV (T4) as control (without fish) were used in triplicate. All treatments were equally fertilized with urea (200 kg/ha), TSP (150 kg/ha) and MP (75 kg/ha). The mean values of water quality parameters viz., temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate-nitrogen showed a very small variations among different treatments, but phosphate-phosphorus and chlorophyll-a were relatively higher in T4 without fish (i.e., control). The fish production of 480.5 kg/ha in T3 was significantly higher than that of 355.6 kg/ha T2 and 223.8 kg/ha in T 1• The values of soil organic matter, total-nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at harvest were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatments with fish than without fish, but pH did not show any significant differences. The yield of rice grain and straw was also obtained significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatments with fish. The increase in grain was higher over the control by 11.81%, 9.41% and 14.76% and that in straw was by 9.83%, 4.77% and 13.29% in Tl> T2, and T3 respectively.


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Influence of two different forms of nitrogen on growth and physiological aspects of water-cultured seedlings of Rhizophora apiculata was studied. Of the two forms of nitrogen supplied to the growth medium, ammonium nitrogen was better than nitrate nitrogen by exhibiting increased dry matter production, shoot length, leaf area and also enhanced the contents of carotenoids, chlorophylls and their presence in photosystems and light harvesting protein complex.


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A comparative study was carried out between the two biggest creeks along the Arabian Gulf coast of the United Arab Emirates to evaluate impacts of sewage and industrial effluents on their hydrochemical characteristics. Surface and bottom water samples were collected from Abu Dhabi and Dubai creeks during the period from October 1994 to September 1995. The hydrochemical parameters studied were: temperature (21.10-34.00°C), salinity (37.37-47.09%), transparency (0.50-10.0 m), pH (7.97-8.83), dissolved oxygen (1.78-13.93 mg/l) and nutrients ammonia (ND- 13.12,ug-at N/1), nitrite (ND-6.66 ,ug-at N/1), nitrate (ND- 41.18 ,ug-at N/1), phosphate (ND- 13.06 ,ug-at P/1), silicate (0.68-32.50 ,ug-at Si/1), total phosphorus (0.26- 21.48 ,ug-at P/1), and total silicon (0.95- 40.32 ,ug-at Si/1). The present study indicates clearly that seawater of Abu-Dhabi Creek was warmer (28.l2°C) than Dubai (27.56°C) resulting in a higher rate of evaporation. Owing to more evaporation, salinity levels showed higher levels at Abu Dhabi (43.33%) compared to Dubai (39.03%) seawater. The study also revealed higher secchi disc readings at Abu Dhabi Creek (4.68 m) as compared to Dubai Creek (2.60 m) suggesting more transparency at Abu Dhabi Creek. Whereas, seawater of Dubai exhibited higher levels of pH (1.03 times), and dissolved oxygen (1.05 times) than Abu Dhabi seawater due to an increase in productivity. Meantime, seawater of Dubai showed higher tendency to accumulate ammonia (8.22 times), nitrite (10.93 times), nitrate (5.85 times), phosphate (10.64 times), silicate (1.60 times), total phosphorus (3.19 times), and total silicon (1.54 times) compared to Abu Dhabi seawater due to the enrichment of seawater at Dubai with domestic sewage waters which has distinctly elevated the levels of the nutrient salts particularly in inner-most parts of the creek leading to eutrophication signs. The changes occurred in the receiving creek water of Dubai as a result of waste-water disposal that have also reflected on the atomic ratios of nit: Effect of pollution rogen: phosphorus: silicon.


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Occurrence and abundance of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. at the mouth of the Maheshkhali channel of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh were studied. Plankton and water samples were collected monthly from the sub-surface water during high tide at daytime from June 2000 to May 2001. Four species of Pseudo-nitzschia, namely P. pungens, P. pseudodelicatissima, P. delicatissima and P. australis were identified and among them the first three were most commonly encountered and they varied seasonally. Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima was the dominant species during the autumn and winter months, whereas P. pungens was dominant during the summer and spring months. Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima exhibited its highest abundance level during the summer. Surface water temperature, salinity, nitrate-nitrogen (N03-N) and phosphate-phosphorus (P04-P) were recorded and their relationship with the occurrence and abundance of Pseudo-nitzschia species were studied. At the mouth of the Maheshkhali channel, Pseudo-nitzschia cell density was highest in late autumn (November) when highest salinity (35 o/oo) and P04-P (3.2 mg/l) concentrations and low temperature (23 °C) were recorded.


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Biomicrocapsules mean microscopic living organisms which carry important nutrients, very essential for the growth and development of aquatic organisms as well as other animals. Among these biomicrocapsules, Chlorella ellipsoidea, an important green microalga (Chlorophyceae) which contains 40-45% crude protein, 12-16% crude lipid, 14-15% minerals, colour pigments, vitamins and carotene. The microalga, C. ellipsoidea was cultured in four different dilutions of supernatant of digested sugar mill effluent (DSME) i.e. 25, 50, 75 and 100% DSME and Bold basal medium (BBM) as control in laboratory condition. Maximum cell growth and chlorophyll a content of C. ellipsoidea were obtained on l0th day of culture in supernatant of 50% diluted DSME followed by those of this biomicrocapsule grown in BBM, and 75, 25 and 100% DSME at stationary phase. Cell number had highly (p<0.01) direct correlation with chlorophyll a (r = 0.889) of C. ellipsoidea, and optical density (r = 0.926) of media. Chlorophyll a was also highly (p<0.01) and directly correlated with optical density (r= 0.877) of media. The specific growth rates (µ/day) of cell and chlorophyll a of C. ellipsoidea grown in supernatant of 50% DSME were significantly (p<0.01) varied from those of C. ellipsoidea cultured in BBM followed by other DSME. Total biomass of C. ellipsoidea cultured in supernatant of 50% DSME was found significantly (p<0.01) higher than that of this microalga cultured in BBM, and supernatant of 25, 75 and 100% DSME. Similar trend was also observed in the case of optical density. The physico-chemical properties of media were varied with the growth of cell of this microalga. It was recorded that cell number, chlorophyll a of biomicrocapsule, and optical density of media were highly (p<0.01) and directly correlated with pH, hardness and alkalinity, and inversely correlated with nitrate-N. Crude protein and crude lipid of C. ellipsoidea grown in supernatant of 50% DSME were significantly (p<0.01) higher than those of C. ellipsoidea cultured in other DSME and BBM. Due to best growth performance exhibited by this microalga grown in supernatant of 50% DSME, it may be used to grow in supernatant of 50% DSME to get more essential nutrients than that cultured in supernatant of other DSME media.


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The ecology of euglenophytes and their role in fish production were studied in 12 small earthen ponds beside the Faculty of Fisheries, BAU from July to November 2001. Four experiments each with three replications were conducted and those were as follows: pond treated with both poultry droppings and cowdung (T1); pond treated with only poultry droppings (T2), and pond treated with only poultry droppings (T3), while the control (T4) where no organic manure was applied. Fishes comprising of rohu (Labeo rohita), catla ( Catla catla), mrigal ( Cirrhinus cirrhosus), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) were stocked at the same stocking density of (10,621 fish/ha) and species ratio (1:1:1:2:2). The stocked fishes were fed with a common supplemental diet comprising of mustard oil cake and rice polish (1:1) at the rate of 4% of body weight per day. The highest cell density of euglenophytes was found in the ponds of T2, where poultry droppings were applied and was followed by T1, where both poultry droppings and cow dung were applied. Higher temperature, nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorous and acidic pH were found to be conducive for the bloom of noxious euglenophytes. The bloom was found to use up most of the nutrients resulting in reduction in the growth of beneficial plankters and planktivorous fishes. The SGR (%/day) of catla, rohu and mrigal was lower during heavy bloom period while that of silver carp and silver barb were comparatively higher. The mortality of fishes in a pond of T2 during the bloom period was possibly due to formation of anoxic situation (dissolved oxygen level as low as 0.34 mg/1) in the early mornings through bacterial decomposition of the settled dead individuals or due to the combined effect of anoxic situation and toxic metabolite secretion by the euglenophytes.


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Microalgal community structure in experimental carp-pangasiid catfish polyculture ponds under four different stocking rates (treatments) each with three replications in the Field Laboratory of the Faculty Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh was studied. A total of 38 microalgal genera were identified under four major groups: 18 genera belong to Chlorophyceae, 9 to Cyanophyceae, 8 to Bacillariophyceae and 3 to Euglenophyceae. Chlorophyceae was abundant in all treatments followed by Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Euglenophyceae throughout the study period. The cell densities of total microalgal population varied between 51.66x10^3 cells/L in June in T1 and 126.4x10^3 cells/L in August in T2. The appearance of Microcysris, Oscillatoria, Gomphospheria, Hildenbrandia, Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Cyclotella, Navicula, Nitzschia, Euglena and Phacus as dominant genera throughout the study period may related to sufficient nutrient availability, good light conditions and high growth rate of these genera. Water quality parameters of the experimental ponds were within suitable range for microalgal production and fish culture though the nutrient (nitrate-nitrogen and phosphate-phosphorus) concentrations were high. The factors involved in structuring a phytoplankton community arise from the relationship generated by physical, chemical and biological conditions especially the stocked planktivorous carps. Microalgal bloom formation is very common in pangasiid catfish monoculture ponds but in the present study bloom was not formed and the algal species diversity was found to be slightly increased with the study period. The introduction carps of carps in the experimental ponds might have helped in controlling the microalgal bloom formation and maintenance of the species diversity.


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One of the most promising prophylactic agents being tested to control Penaeus monodon larval diseases is furanace (6-hydroxymethyl-2 2(5-nitro-2-furyl) vinyl pyridine). To evaluate further its suitability as a chemotherapeutic agent, its effects on the population growth of Chaetoceros calcitrans, the diatom used as feed for the zoeal stages, was examined. Chaetoceros populations of uniform density (initial density in all runs: 130-141x10 SUP-3 cells /ml) were placed in nine white, circular (382 sq cm), plastic basins. The physio-chemical characteristics of the culture water were as follows: salinity, 28 . 5-30 . 0 ppt; pH, 8 . 62-8 . 72; temperature, 23-25 . 5 degree C; dissolved oxygen, 7 . 1-9 . 3 ppm; nitrate, 0 . 03-0 . 07 ppm; and ammonia, 0 . 005-0 . 03 ppm. Preweighed furanace granules were dissolved in the culture water, with resulting concentrations of 1 and 2 mg/l (3 replicates each). A set of replicates without furanace served as the control. Population counts of the diatom were taken after 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 hr exposures. After 4 hr, the population decreased in all three levels. The population in 2 mg/l furanace showed the lowest count and that in control the highest. The population means are not statistically different from one another. The results of the study show that the furanace causes reductions in Chaetoceros population at all durations of exposure.