988 resultados para Rubens, Peter Paul, Sir, 1577-1640.


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We present the results of a Monte Carlo technique to calculate the absolute magnitudes (H) and slope parameters (G) of about 240,000 asteroids observed by the Pan-STARRS1 telescope during the first 15 months of its 3-year all-sky survey mission. The system's exquisite photometry with photometric errors asteroids rotation period, amplitude and color to derive the most-likely H and G, but its major advantage is in estimating realistic statistical+systematic uncertainties and errors on each parameter. The method was confirmed by comparison with the well-established and accurate results for about 500 asteroids provided by Pravec et al. (2012) and then applied to determining H and G for the Pan-STARRS1 asteroids using both the Muinonen et al. (2010) and Bowell et al. (1989) phase functions. Our results confirm the bias in MPC photometry discovered by ( Jurić et al., 2002).


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The characterization of complex cellular responses to diverse stimuli can be studied by the use of emerging chip-based technologies.

The p53 pathway is critical to maintaining the integrity of the genome in multicellular organisms. The p53gene is activated in response to DNA damage and encodes a transcription factor [1], which in turn activates genes that arrest cell growth and induce apoptosis, thereby preventing the propagation of genetically damaged cells. It is the most important known tumor suppressor gene: perhaps half of all human neoplasms have mutations in p53, and there is a remarkable concordance between oncogenic mutation and the loss of p53 transcriptional activity [2]. There is also compelling experimental evidence that loss of p53 function (by whatever means) is one of the key oncogenic steps in human cells, along with altered telomerase activity and expression of mutant ras [3]. So far, however, relatively few of the genes regulated by p53 have been identified and it is not even known how many binding sites there are for p53 in the genome, although an estimate based on the incidence of the canonical p53 consensus binding site (four palindromic copies of the sequence 5'-PuPuPuGA/T-3', where Pu is either purine) in a limited region suggests there may be as many as 200 to 300, possibly representing the same number of p53-responsive genes [4]. This makes the p53 response an attractive target for the emerging techniques for global analysis of gene expression, and two recent reports [5,6] illustrate the ways in which these techniques can be used to elucidate the spectrum of genes regulated by this key transcription factor. Vogelstein and colleagues [5] have used serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) to identify 34 genes that exhibit at least a 10-fold upregulation in response to inducible expression of p53; Tanaka et al. [6] have used differential display to identify p53R2, a homolog of ribonuclease reductase small subunit (R2) as a target gene, thereby for the first time implicating p53 directly in the repair of DNA damage.


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Triclabendazole (TCBZ), the anthelmintic drug active against both mature and immature liver flukes, was used to investigate the effect of in vivo treatment on the tegumental surface of juvenile Fasciola gigantica. Five goats were infected with 150 F. gigantica metacercariae each by oral gavage. Four of them were treated with single dose of TCBZ at 10mg/kg at four weeks post-infection. They were euthanized at 0 (untreated), 24, 48, 72 and 96h post treatment. Juvenile flukes were manually retrieved from the goat livers and processed for scanning electron microscopy. In control flukes, the anterior region was adorned with sharply pointed spines projecting away from the surface, while in the posterior region, spines become shorter and narrower, loosing serration and with the appearance of distinct furrows and papillae. The dorsal surface retained the same pattern of surface architecture similar to that of ventral surface. Flukes obtained from 24h post-treatment did not show any apparent change and were still very active. However, there were limited movements and some blebbing, swelling, deposition of tegumental secretions and some flattening displayed by the flukes of 48h post-treatment. All the worms were found dead 72h post-treatment and showed advanced level of tegumental disruptions, consisting of severe distortion of spines, sloughing off the tegument to expose the basal lamina, formation of pores and isolated patches of lesions. By 96h post-treatment, the disruption was extremely severe and the tegument was completely sheared off causing deeper lesions that exposed the underlying musculature. The disruption was more severe at posterior than anterior region and on ventral than dorsal surface. The present study further establishes the time-course of TCBZ action in vivo with 100% efficacy against the juvenile tropical liver fluke.


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Fasciolosis is an important foodborne, zoonotic disease of livestock and humans, with global annual health and economic losses estimated at several billion US$. Fasciola hepatica is the major species in temperate regions, while F. gigantica dominates in the tropics. In the absence of commercially available vaccines to control fasciolosis, increasing reports of resistance to current chemotherapeutic strategies and the spread of fasciolosis into new areas, new functional genomics approaches are being used to identify potential new drug targets and vaccine candidates. The glutathione transferase (GST) superfamily is both a candidate drug and vaccine target. This study reports the identification of a putatively novel Sigma class GST, present in a water-soluble cytosol extract from the tropical liver fluke F. gigantica. The GST was cloned and expressed as an enzymically active recombinant protein. This GST shares a greater identity with the human schistosomiasis GST vaccine currently at Phase II clinical trials than previously discovered F. gigantica GSTs, stimulating interest in its immuno-protective properties. In addition, in silico analysis of the GST superfamily of both F. gigantica and F. hepatica has revealed an additional Mu class GST, Omega class GSTs, and for the first time, a Zeta class member.


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The discovery and clinical application of molecular biomarkers in solid tumors, increasingly relies on nucleic acid extraction from FFPE tissue sections and subsequent molecular profiling. This in turn requires the pathological review of haematoxylin & eosin (H&E) stained slides, to ensure sample quality, tumor DNA sufficiency by visually estimating the percentage tumor nuclei and tumor annotation for manual macrodissection. In this study on NSCLC, we demonstrate considerable variation in tumor nuclei percentage between pathologists, potentially undermining the precision of NSCLC molecular evaluation and emphasising the need for quantitative tumor evaluation. We subsequently describe the development and validation of a system called TissueMark for automated tumor annotation and percentage tumor nuclei measurement in NSCLC using computerized image analysis. Evaluation of 245 NSCLC slides showed precise automated tumor annotation of cases using Tissuemark, strong concordance with manually drawn boundaries and identical EGFR mutational status, following manual macrodissection from the image analysis generated tumor boundaries. Automated analysis of cell counts for % tumor measurements by Tissuemark showed reduced variability and significant correlation (p < 0.001) with benchmark tumor cell counts. This study demonstrates a robust image analysis technology that can facilitate the automated quantitative analysis of tissue samples for molecular profiling in discovery and diagnostics.


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The photographs in this album were selected with the assistance of the Sir Robert Hart Research Project, which is a collaboration between Special Collections & Archives in the Library, the School of Modern History & Anthropology, Queen’s University Belfast, and the Institute of Modern History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) in Beijing. The research project is creating an annotated photobook from the Sir Robert Hart Photo Collection (originally donated in the 1970s) and the Irons Collection. The photographs here reflect those that will be included in the book.