986 resultados para Rose windows


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There is increasing concern about the impact of employees‟ alcohol and other drug (AOD) consumption on workplace safety and performance, particularly within the construction industry. While most Australian jurisdictions have identified this as a critical safety issue, information is limited regarding the prevalence of AODs in the workplace and there is limited evidential guidance regarding how to effectively and efficiently address such an issue. The current research aims to scientifically evaluate the use of AODs within the Australian construction industry in order to reduce the potential resulting safety and performance impacts and engender a cultural change in the workforce - to render it unacceptable to arrive at a construction workplace with impaired judgement from AODs. The study will adopt qualitative and quantitative methods to firstly evaluate the extent of general AOD use in the industry. Secondly, the development of an appropriate industry policy will adopt a non-punitive and rehabilitative approach developed in consultation with employers and employees across the infrastructure and building sectors, with the aim it be adopted nationally for adoption at the construction workplace. Finally, an industry specific cultural change management program and implementation plan will be developed through a nationally collaborative approach. Final results indicate that a proportion of those sampled in the construction sector may be at risk of hazardous alcohol consumption. A total of 286 respondents (58%) scored above the cut-off cumulative score for risky or hazardous alcohol. Other drug use was also identified as a major issue. Results support the need for evidence-based, preventative educational initiatives that are tailored to the industry. This paper will discuss the final survey and interview results.


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Saudi Arabia experiences housing shortage for mid and low-income families, which is caused by rapid population growth. This condition is worsened by the fact that the current housing supply has problems in meeting both sustainable requirements and cultural needs of those families. This paper aims to investigate the link between the unique conservative Saudi culture and the design of sustainable housing, while keeping the housing cost affordable for mid and low-income families. The paper is based on a review of literatures on the issues of the Islamic culture and how can they be integrated into the design process of a Saudi house. Findings from literature reveiw suggest several design requirements for accommodating the conservative Saudi Culture in low cost sustainable houses. Such requirements include the implementation of proper usage of windows, and house orientation with a courtyard inside rather than facing the main street will provide natural ventilation while maintaining privacy. The main contribution to the body of knowledge is that this is a new approach to sustainable housing in Saudi Arabia considering not only energy use and architectural design issues but also socio-cultural issues as an essential part of sustainability.


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Background Information practice is an emerging area of research that seeks to reveal how people learn to connect with the complex multimodal information landscapes that informs their ability to make decisions. Previous research has identified that people with end stage kidney disease (ESKD) tend to adopt a ‘received’ or ‘engaged’ view of information but little is known about the activities of information practice. Objectives This research project sought to identify the: i) information-related activities; and ii) how information is used. Methods Using a constructivist qualitative methodology, ten people with ESKD living in a large metropolitan city were purposively selected and interviewed. Data was subject to thematic analysis by researchers from nursing and information science. Saturation of themes was achieved. Results Participants were between 38 and 72 years, had been receiving kidney replacement therapy from 2 weeks to 31 years. Eight participants reported having access to the internet but none participated in chat rooms. The activities were conceptualized into themes as listening, seeking, searching, sharing and observing. These activities enabled people to create, reflect on and evaluate the information needed to inform their decision-making Conclusion/Application to Clinical Practice The information practice research approach will enable a better understanding of the underlying relationship between information, knowledge and experience to be better understood. For renal nurses who are involved in patient education being able to recognise the way people use information will assist in individualizing educational sessions and tailoring teaching strategies to make it more meaningful.


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The exploratory research presented in this discussion paper was undertaken as input to a major research grant application for the Australian Research Council. The research looks at the contribution of the Australian built environment to meet social and environmental needs. The paper examines the following research questions: What are the main challenges facing the Australian built environment? What types of building innovations might address those challenges? The research questions were addressed through desk-top research, involving an international review of (1) relevant academic literature in top-tier construction management and general management journals, and (2) high profile industry reports published internationally. Future research will involve assessing the diffusion of the identified building innovations and gauging their impact on social and environmental goals.


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Although the drivers of innovation have been studied extensively in construction, greater attention is required on how innovation diffusion can be effectively assessed within this complex and interdependent project-based industry. The authors draw on a highly cited innovation diffusion model by Rogers (2006) and develop a tailored conceptual framework to guide future empirical work aimed at assessing innovation diffusion in construction. The conceptual framework developed and discussed in this paper supports a five-stage process model of innovation diffusion namely: 1) knowledge and idea generation, 2) persuasion and evaluation; 3) decision to adopt, 4) integration and implementation, and 5) confirmation. As its theoretical contribution, this paper proposes three critical measurements constructs which can be used to assess the effectiveness of the diffusion process. These measurement constructs comprise: 1) nature and introduction of an innovative idea, 2) organizational capacity to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit an innovation, and 3) rates of innovation facilitation and adoption. The constructs are interpreted in the project-based context of the construction industry, extending the contribution of general management theorists. Research planned by the authors will test the validity and reliability of the constructs developed in this paper.


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The aim of this paper is to provide a comparison of various algorithms and parameters to build reduced semantic spaces. The effect of dimension reduction, the stability of the representation and the effect of word order are examined in the context of the five algorithms bearing on semantic vectors: Random projection (RP), singular value decom- position (SVD), non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), permutations and holographic reduced representations (HRR). The quality of semantic representation was tested by means of synonym finding task using the TOEFL test on the TASA corpus. Dimension reduction was found to improve the quality of semantic representation but it is hard to find the optimal parameter settings. Even though dimension reduction by RP was found to be more generally applicable than SVD, the semantic vectors produced by RP are somewhat unstable. The effect of encoding word order into the semantic vector representation via HRR did not lead to any increase in scores over vectors constructed from word co-occurrence in context information. In this regard, very small context windows resulted in better semantic vectors for the TOEFL test.


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This report presents the results of Phase 3 of the Innovative Road Products Project: National Focus Groups. The groups developed solutions to address the most important obstacles constraining the adoption of innovative products in Australian road construction projects. The Innovative Products Survey, the major Project deliverable in 2011, and the largest innovation survey ever undertaken in the Australian road consutrction industry, results in the identification of key obstacles constraining the adoption of innovative products on road projects.


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This report presents the results of the 2011 Australian road and bridge product innovation survey, the largest survey of its kind ever undertaken. The survey sample was defined as key organisations involved in the Australian road and bridge construction industry. The survey focused on four sectors across the road and bridge product supply chain: suppliers (comprising manufacturers and distributors), consultants (primarily engineering consultant firms), contractors (comprising head and trade contractors and subcontractors) and clients (state government road agencies). The sample comprised the four sectors in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.


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This paper presents a novel technique for segmenting an audio stream into homogeneous regions according to speaker identities, background noise, music, environmental and channel conditions. Audio segmentation is useful in audio diarization systems, which aim to annotate an input audio stream with information that attributes temporal regions of the audio into their specific sources. The segmentation method introduced in this paper is performed using the Generalized Likelihood Ratio (GLR), computed between two adjacent sliding windows over preprocessed speech. This approach is inspired by the popular segmentation method proposed by the pioneering work of Chen and Gopalakrishnan, using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) with an expanding search window. This paper will aim to identify and address the shortcomings associated with such an approach. The result obtained by the proposed segmentation strategy is evaluated on the 2002 Rich Transcription (RT-02) Evaluation dataset, and a miss rate of 19.47% and a false alarm rate of 16.94% is achieved at the optimal threshold.


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The Australian Research Council (ARC) Innovative Products Project aims to facilitate project innovation by exploring means to improve the diffusion of innovative products to road and bridge projects. It adopts a highly novel approach to achieve this end, developing three different ways of viewing the problem: (1) as a relational governance issue, (2) as an absorptive capacity issue and (3) as a knowlege intermediation issue. This report presents teh results of teh first phase of a three phase fieldwork program.


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As features of the landscape, waterfalls have been studied extensively by geographers, but the names given to these landforms have received relatively little scholarly attention. This paper examines the naming of waterfalls and addresses the question of classifying these hydronyms. The subject is considered in a global historical context, focusing on place names in the anglophone world. Until the 18th and 19th centuries, relatively few waterfalls were named.With the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, water power rose in economic importance, and at the same time, there was a growing scientific and aesthetic engagement with the landscape. These developments are suggested as reasons for the increased interest in waterfalls which were then being recorded in topographical literature and on maps, individual names being given to increasing numbers of falls. European exploration added to the knowledge of the world’s waterfalls, many of which were given names by their ‘discoverers’. This naming process accelerated with the growth of domestic and overseas tourism which exploited scenic resources such as waterfalls. Until now, research on the names of waterfalls has been fragmentary, and the classification of these hydronyms has been neglected. This paper demonstrates that waterfall names can be classified in accordance with a recognised toponymic typology. Using examples drawn from waterfall guidebooks, databases, maps, and other sources, the following discussion supports George Stewart’s claim that his toponymic classification is valid for place names of all kinds.


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In this paper we demonstrate how to monitor a smartphone running Symbian operating system and Windows Mobile in order to extract features for anomaly detection. These features are sent to a remote server because running a complex intrusion detection system on this kind of mobile device still is not feasible due to capability and hardware limitations. We give examples on how to compute relevant features and introduce the top ten applications used by mobile phone users based on a study in 2005. The usage of these applications is recorded by a monitoring client and visualized. Additionally, monitoring results of public and self-written malwares are shown. For improving monitoring client performance, Principal Component Analysis was applied which lead to a decrease of about 80 of the amount of monitored features.


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The structure of Cu-ZSM-5 catalysts that show activity for direct NO decomposition and selective catalytic reduction of NOx by hydrocarbons has been investigated by a multitude of modern surface analysis and spectroscopy techniques including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. A series of four catalysts were prepared by exchange of Na-ZSM-5 with dilute copper acetate, and the copper loading was controlled by variation of the solution pH. Underexchanged catalysts contained isolated Cu2+OH-(H2O) species and as the copper loading was increased Cu2+ ions incorporated into the zeolite lattice appeared. The sites at which the latter two copper species were located were fundamentally different. The Cu2+OH-(H2O) moieties were bound to two lattice oxygen ions and associated with one aluminum framework species. In contrast, the Cu2+ ions were probably bound to four lattice oxygen ions and associated with two framework aluminum ions. Once the Cu-ZSM-5 samples attained high levels of exchange, the development of [Cu(μ-OH)2Cu]n2+OH-(H2O) species along with a small concentration of Cu(OH)2 was observed. On activation in helium to 500°C the Cu2+OH-(H2O) species transformed into Cu2+O- and Cu+ moieties, whereas the Cu2+ ions were apparently unaffected by this treatment (apart from the loss of ligated water molecules). Calcination of the precursors resulted in the formation of Cu2+O2- and a one-dimensional CuO species. Temperature-programmed desorption studies revealed that oxygen was removed from the latter two species at 407 and 575°C, respectively. © 1999 Academic Press.


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It is generally accepted that the notion of inclusion derived or evolved from the practices of mainstreaming or integrating students with disabilities into regular schools. Halting the practice of segregating children with disabilities was a progressive social movement. The value of this achievement is not in dispute. However, our charter as scholars and cultural vigilantes (Slee & Allan, 2001) is to always look for how we can improve things; to avoid stasis and complacency we must continue to ask, how can we do it better? Thus, we must ask ourselves uncomfortable questions and develop a critical perspective that Foucault characterised as an ‘ethic of discomfort’ (Rabinow & Rose, 2003, p. xxvi) by following the Nietzscheian principle where one acts “counter to our time and thereby on our time… for the benefit of a time to come” (Nietzsche, 1874, p. 60 in Rabinow & Rose, 2003, p. xxvi). This paper begins with a fundamental question for those participating in inclusive education research and scholarship – when we talk of including, into what do we seek to include?


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Real-world AI systems have been recently deployed which can automatically analyze the plan and tactics of tennis players. As the game-state is updated regularly at short intervals (i.e. point-level), a library of successful and unsuccessful plans of a player can be learnt over time. Given the relative strengths and weaknesses of a player’s plans, a set of proven plans or tactics from the library that characterize a player can be identified. For low-scoring, continuous team sports like soccer, such analysis for multi-agent teams does not exist as the game is not segmented into “discretized” plays (i.e. plans), making it difficult to obtain a library that characterizes a team’s behavior. Additionally, as player tracking data is costly and difficult to obtain, we only have partial team tracings in the form of ball actions which makes this problem even more difficult. In this paper, we propose a method to overcome these issues by representing team behavior via play-segments, which are spatio-temporal descriptions of ball movement over fixed windows of time. Using these representations we can characterize team behavior from entropy maps, which give a measure of predictability of team behaviors across the field. We show the efficacy and applicability of our method on the 2010-2011 English Premier League soccer data.