992 resultados para Resolvin D1


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The cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) is an activity-dependent transcription factor that is involved in neural plasticity. The kinetics of CREB phosphorylation have been suggested to be important for gene activation, with sustained phosphorylation being associated with downstream gene expression. If so, the duration of CREB phosphorylation might serve as an indicator for time-sensitive plastic changes in neurons. To screen for regions potentially involved in dopamine-mediated plasticity in the basal ganglia, we used organotypic slice cultures to study the patterns of dopamine- and calcium-mediated CREB phosphorylation in the major subdivisions of the striatum. Different durations of CREB phosphorylation were evoked in the dorsal and ventral striatum by activation of dopamine D1-class receptors. The same D1 stimulus elicited (i) transient phosphorylation (≤15 min) in the matrix of the dorsal striatum; (ii) sustained phosphorylation (≤2 hr) in limbic-related structures including striosomes, the nucleus accumbens, the fundus striati, and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; and (iii) prolonged phosphorylation (up to 4 hr or more) in cellular islands in the olfactory tubercle. Elevation of Ca2+ influx by stimulation of L-type Ca2+ channels, NMDA, or KCl induced strong CREB phosphorylation in the dorsal striatum but not in the olfactory tubercle. These findings differentiate the response of CREB to dopamine and calcium signals in different striatal regions and suggest that dopamine-mediated CREB phosphorylation is persistent in limbic-related regions of the neonatal basal ganglia. The downstream effects activated by persistent CREB phosphorylation may include time-sensitive neuroplasticity modulated by dopamine.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising new modality that utilizes a combination of a photosensitizing chemical and visible light for the management of a variety of solid malignancies. The mechanism of PDT-mediated cell killing is not well defined. We investigated the involvement of cell cycle regulatory events during silicon phthalocyanine (Pc4)-PDT-mediated apoptosis in human epidermoid carcinoma cells A431. PDT resulted in apoptosis, inhibition of cell growth, and G0-G1 phase arrest of the cell cycle, in a time-dependent fashion. Western blot analysis revealed that PDT results in an induction of the cyclin kinase inhibitor WAF1/CIP1/p21, and a down-regulation of cyclin D1 and cyclin E, and their catalytic subunits cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) 2 and cdk6. The treatment also resulted in a decrease in kinase activities associated with all the cdks and cyclins examined. PDT also resulted in (i) an increase in the binding of cyclin D1 and cdk6 toward WAF1/CIP1/p21, and (ii) a decrease in the binding of cyclin D1 toward cdk2 and cdk6. The binding of cyclin E and cdk2 toward WAF1/CIP1/p21, and of cyclin E toward cdk2 did not change by the treatment. These data suggest that PDT-mediated induction of WAF1/CIP1/p21 results in an imposition of artificial checkpoint at G1 → S transition thereby resulting in an arrest of cells in G0-G1 phase of the cell cycle through inhibition in the cdk2, cdk6, cyclin D1, and cyclin E. We suggest that this arrest is an irreversible process and the cells, unable to repair the damages, ultimately undergo apoptosis.


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Two mouse monoclonal anti-anti-idiotopic antibodies (anti-anti-Id, Ab3), AF14 and AF52, were prepared by immunizing BALB/c mice with rabbit polyclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies (anti-Id, Ab2) raised against antibody D1.3 (Ab1) specific for the antigen hen egg lysozyme. AF14 and AF52 react with an “internal image” monoclonal mouse anti-Id antibody E5.2 (Ab2), previously raised against D1.3, with affinity constants (1.0 × 109 M−1 and 2.4 × 107 M−1, respectively) usually observed in secondary responses against protein antigens. They also react with the antigen but with lower affinity (1.8 × 106 M−1 and 3.8 × 106 M−1). This pattern of affinities for the anti-Id and for the antigen also was displayed by the sera of the immunized mice. The amino acid sequences of AF14 and AF52 are very close to that of D1.3. In particular, the amino acid side chains that contribute to contacts with both antigen and anti-Id are largely conserved in AF14 and AF52 compared with D1.3. Therapeutic immunizations against different pathogenic antigens using anti-Id antibodies have been proposed. Our experiments show that a response to an anti-Id immunogen elicits anti-anti-Id antibodies that are optimized for binding the anti-Id antibodies rather than the antigen.


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The rat fibroblast NRK cells are transformed reversibly by a combination of growth factors. When stimulated with serum, NRK cells rely on cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4) for their S phase entry. However, when stimulated with serum containing oncogenic growth factors, they come to rely on either Cdk4 or Cdk6, and their S phase entry cannot be blocked unless both Cdk4 and Cdk6 are immunodepleted. Such change of dependence does not occur in the NRK cell mutants defective in an oncogenic signal pathway and, therefore, deficient in anchorage-independent cell cycle start ability, correlating Cdk6 dependence with this remarkable, cancer-associated phenotype. However, both Cdk4 and Cdk6 are activated upon serum stimulation, and neither the amounts of Cdk6, Cdk4, cyclin D1, and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors nor the activities or subcellular localization of Cdk6 and Cdk4 are significantly influenced by oncogenic stimulation. Thus, oncogenic stimulation invokes Cdk6 to participate in a critical step of the cell cycle start in a rat fibroblast, but by a mechanism seemingly unrelated to the regulation of the kinase. Given that many hematopoietic cells employ predominantly Cdk6 for the cell cycle start and perform anchorage-independent growth by nature, our results raise the possibility that the oncogenic stimulation-induced anchorage-independent cell cycle start of NRK is elicited by a mechanism similar to the one used for hematopoietic cell proliferation.


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In this work, we report the posttranscriptional addition of poly(A)-rich sequences to mRNA in chloroplasts of higher plants. Several sites in the coding region and the mature end of spinach chloroplast psbA mRNA, which encodes the D1 protein of photosystem II, are detected as polyadenylylated sites. In eukaryotic cells, the addition of multiple adenosine residues to the 3′ end of nuclear RNA plays a key role in generating functional mRNAs and in regulating mRNA degradation. In bacteria, the adenylation of several RNAs greatly accelerates their decay. The poly(A) moiety in the chloroplast, in contrast to that in eukaryotic nuclear encoded and bacterial RNAs, is not a ribohomopolymer of adenosine residues, but clusters of adenosines bounded mostly by guanosines and rarely by cytidines and uridines; it may be as long as several hundred nucleotides. Further analysis of the initial steps of chloroplast psbA mRNA decay revealed specific endonuclease cleavage sites that perfectly matched the sites where poly(A)-rich sequences were added. Our results suggest a mechanism for the degradation of psbA mRNA in which endonucleolytic cleavages are followed by the addition of poly(A)-rich sequences to the upstream cleavage products, which target these RNAs for rapid decay.


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Isolated subcomplexes of photosystem II from spinach (CP47RC), composed of D1, D2, cytochrome b559, CP47, and a number of hydrophobic small subunits but devoid of CP43 and the extrinsic proteins of the oxygen-evolving complex, were shown to reconstitute the Mn4Ca1Clx cluster of the water-splitting system and to evolve oxygen. The photoactivation process in CP47RC dimers proceeds by the same two-step mechanism as observed in PSII membranes and exhibits the same stoichiometry for Mn2+, but with a 10-fold lower affinity for Ca2+ and an increased susceptibility to photodamage. After the lower Ca2+ affinity and the 10-fold smaller absorption cross-section for photons in CP47 dimers is taken into account, the intrinsic rate constant for the rate-limiting calcium-dependent dark step is indistinguishable for the two systems. The monomeric form of CP47RC also showed capacity to photoactivate and catalyze water oxidation, but with lower activity than the dimeric form and increased susceptibility to photodamage. After optimization of the various parameters affecting the photoactivation process in dimeric CP47RC subcores, 18% of the complexes were functionally reconstituted and the quantum efficiency for oxygen production by reactivated centers approached 96% of that observed for reconstituted photosystem II-enriched membranes.


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Cell cycle progression is regulated by cAMP in several cell types. Cellular cAMP levels depend on the activity of different adenylyl cyclases (ACs), which have varied signal-receiving capabilities. The role of individual ACs in regulating proliferative responses was investigated. Native NIH 3T3 cells contain AC6, an isoform that is inhibited by a variety of signals. Proliferation of exogenous AC6-expressing cells was the same as in control cells. In contrast, expression of AC2, an isoform stimulated by protein kinase C (PKC), resulted in inhibition of cell cycle progression and increased doubling time. In AC2-expressing cells, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) elevated cAMP levels in a PKC-dependent manner. PDGF stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases 1 and 2 (MAPK 1,2), DNA synthesis, and cyclin D1 expression was reduced in AC2-expressing cells as compared with control cells. Dominant negative protein kinase A relieved the AC2 inhibition of PDGF-induced DNA synthesis. Expression of AC2 also blocked H-ras-induced transformation of NIH 3T3 cells. These observations indicate that, because AC2 is stimulated by PKC, it can be activated by PDGF concurrently with the stimulation of MAPK 1,2. The elevation in cAMP results in inhibition of signal flow from the PDGF receptor to MAPK 1,2 and a significant reduction in the proliferative response to PDGF. Thus, the molecular identity and signal receiving capability of the AC isoforms in a cell could be important for proliferative homeostasis.


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Differentiation of trophoblast giant cells in the rodent placenta is accompanied by exit from the mitotic cell cycle and onset of endoreduplication. Commitment to giant cell differentiation is under developmental control, involving down-regulation of Id1 and Id2, concomitant with up-regulation of the basic helix-loop-helix factor Hxt and acquisition of increased adhesiveness. Endoreduplication disrupts the alternation of DNA synthesis and mitosis that maintains euploid DNA content during proliferation. To determine how the mammalian endocycle is regulated, we examined the expression of the cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases during the transition from replication to endoreduplication in the Rcho-1 rat choriocarcinoma cell line. We cultured these cells under conditions that gave relatively synchronous endoreduplication. This allowed us to study the events that occur during the transition from the mitotic cycle to the first endocycle. With giant cell differentiation, the cells switched cyclin D isoform expression from D3 to D1 and altered several checkpoint functions, acquiring a relative insensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and a coincident serum independence. The initiation of S phase during endocycles appeared to involve cycles of synthesis of cyclins E and A, and termination of S was associated with abrupt loss of cyclin A and E. Both cyclins were absent from gap phase cells, suggesting that their degradation may be necessary to allow reinitiation of the endocycle. The arrest of the mitotic cycle at the onset of endoreduplication was associated with a failure to assemble cyclin B/p34cdk1 complexes during the first endocycle. In subsequent endocycles, cyclin B expression was suppressed. Together these data suggest several points at which cell cycle regulation could be targeted to shift cells from a mitotic to an endoreduplicative cycle.


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Dopamine (DA) inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase in proximal tubule cells is associated with increased endocytosis of its α and β subunits into early and late endosomes via a clathrin vesicle-dependent pathway. In this report we evaluated intracellular signals that could trigger this mechanism, specifically the role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-K), the activation of which initiates vesicular trafficking and targeting of proteins to specific cell compartments. DA stimulated PI 3-K activity in a time- and dose-dependent manner, and this effect was markedly blunted by wortmannin and LY 294002. Endocytosis of the Na+,K+-ATPase α subunit in response to DA was also inhibited in dose-dependent manner by wortmannin and LY 294002. Activation of PI 3-K generally occurs by association with tyrosine kinase receptors. However, in this study immunoprecipitation with a phosphotyrosine antibody did not reveal PI 3-K activity. DA-stimulated endocytosis of Na+,K+-ATPase α subunits required protein kinase C, and the ability of DA to stimulate PI 3-K was blocked by specific protein kinase C inhibitors. Activation of PI 3-K is mediated via the D1 receptor subtype and the sequential activation of phospholipase A2, arachidonic acid, and protein kinase C. The results indicate a key role for activation of PI 3-K in the endocytic sequence that leads to internalization of Na+,K+-ATPase α subunits in response to DA, and suggest a mechanism for the participation of protein kinase C in this process.


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Cell cycle progression is controlled by the sequential functions of cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks). Cdk activation requires phosphorylation of a key residue (on sites equivalent to Thr-160 in human cdk2) carried out by the cdk-activating kinase (CAK). Human CAK has been identified as a p40MO15/cyclin H/MAT1 complex that also functions as part of transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) where it phosphorylates multiple transcriptional components including the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II. In contrast, CAK from budding yeast consists of a single polypeptide (Cak1p), is not a component of TFIIH, and lacks CTD kinase activity. Here we report that Cak1p and p40MO15 have strikingly different substrate specificities. Cak1p preferentially phosphorylated monomeric cdks, whereas p40MO15 preferentially phosphorylated cdk/cyclin complexes. Furthermore, p40MO15 only phosphorylated cdk6 bound to cyclin D3, whereas Cak1p recognized monomeric cdk6 and cdk6 bound to cyclin D1, D2, or D3. We also found that cdk inhibitors, including p21CIP1, p27KIP1, p57KIP2, p16INK4a, and p18INK4c, could block phosphorylation by p40MO15 but not phosphorylation by Cak1p. Our results demonstrate that although both Cak1p and p40MO15 activate cdks by phosphorylating the same residue, the structural mechanisms underlying the enzyme-substrate recognition differ greatly. Structural and physiological implications of these findings will be discussed.


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The T-cell antigen coreceptor CD4 also serves as the receptor for the envelope glycoprotein gp120 of HIV. Extensive mutational analysis of CD4 has implicated residues from a portion of the extracellular amino-terminal domain (D1) in gp120 binding. However, none of these proteins has been fully characterized biophysically, and thus the precise effects on molecular structure and binding interactions are unknown. In the present study, we produced soluble versions of three mutant CD4 molecules (F43V, G47S, and A55F) and characterized their structural properties, thermostability, and ability to bind gp120. Crystallographic and thermodynamic analysis showed minimal structural alterations in the F43V and G47S mutant proteins, which have solvent-exposed mutant side chains. In contrast, some degree of disorder appears to exist in the folded state of A55F, as a result of mutating a buried side chain. Real time kinetic measurements of the interaction of the mutant proteins with gp120 showed affinity decreases of 5-fold for G47S, 50-fold for A55F, and 200-fold for F43V. Although both rate constants for the binding reaction were affected by these mutations, the loss in affinity was mainly due to a decrease in on rates, with less drastic changes occurring in the off rates. These observations suggest the involvement of conformational adaptation in the CD4–gp120 interaction. Together, the structural and kinetic data confirm that F43V is a critical residue in gp120 recognition site, which may also include main chain interactions at residue Gly-47.


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Cyclin E is an important regulator of cell cycle progression that together with cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) 2 is crucial for the G1/S transition during the mammalian cell cycle. Previously, we showed that severe overexpression of cyclin E protein in tumor cells and tissues results in the appearance of lower molecular weight isoforms of cyclin E, which together with cdk2 can form a kinase complex active throughout the cell cycle. In this study, we report that one of the substrates of this constitutively active cyclin E/cdk2 complex is retinoblastoma susceptibility gene product (pRb) in populations of breast cancer cells and tissues that also overexpress p16. In these tumor cells and tissues, we show that the expression of p16 and pRb is not mutually exclusive. Overexpression of p16 in these cells results in sequestering of cdk4 and cdk6, rendering cyclin D1/cdk complexes inactive. However, pRb appears to be phosphorylated throughout the cell cycle following an initial lag, revealing a time course similar to phosphorylation of glutathione S-transferase retinoblastoma by cyclin E immunoprecipitates prepared from these synchronized cells. Hence, cyclin E kinase complexes can function redundantly and replace the loss of cyclin D-dependent kinase complexes that functionally inactivate pRb. In addition, the constitutively overexpressed cyclin E is also the predominant cyclin found in p107/E2F complexes throughout the tumor, but not the normal, cell cycle. These observations suggest that overexpression of cyclin E in tumor cells, which also overexpress p16, can bypass the cyclin D/cdk4-cdk6/p16/pRb feedback loop, providing yet another mechanism by which tumors can gain a growth advantage.


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The γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor is the predominant Cl− channel protein mediating inhibition in the olfactory bulb and elsewhere in the mammalian brain. The olfactory bulb is rich in neurons containing both GABA and dopamine. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptors are also highly expressed in this brain region with a distinct and complementary distribution pattern. This distribution suggests that dopamine may control the GABAergic inhibitory processing of odor signals, possibly via different signal-transduction mechanisms. We have observed that GABAA receptors in the rat olfactory bulb are differentially modulated by dopamine in a cell-specific manner. Dopamine reduced the currents through GABA-gated Cl- channels in the interneurons, presumably granule cells. This action was mediated via D1 receptors and involved phosphorylation of GABAA receptors by protein kinase A. Enhancement of GABA responses via activation of D2 dopamine receptors and phosphorylation of GABAA receptors by protein kinase C was observed in mitral/tufted cells. Decreasing or increasing the binding affinity for GABA appears to underlie the modulatory effects of dopamine via distinct receptor subtypes. This dual action of dopamine on inhibitory GABAA receptor function in the rat olfactory bulb could be instrumental in odor detection and discrimination, olfactory learning, and ultimately odotopic memory formation.


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The epidermal growth factor (EGF) family of receptors (EGFR) is overproduced in estrogen receptor (ER) negative (−) breast cancer cells. An inverse correlation of the level of EGFR and ER is observed between ER− and ER positive (+) breast cancer cells. A comparative study with EGFR-overproducing ER− and low-level producing ER+ breast cancer cells suggests that EGF is a major growth-stimulating factor for ER− cells. An outline of the pathway for the EGF-induced enhanced proliferation of ER− human breast cancer cells is proposed. The transmission of mitogenic signal induced by EGF–EGFR interaction is mediated via activation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB). The basal level of active NF-κB in ER− cells is elevated by EGF and inhibited by anti-EGFR antibody (EGFR-Ab), thus qualifying EGF as a NF-κB activation factor. NF-κB transactivates the cell-cycle regulatory protein, cyclin D1, which causes increased phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein, more strongly in ER− cells. An inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase, Ly294–002, blocked this event, suggesting a role of the former in the activation of NF-κB by EGF. Go6976, a well-characterized NF-κB inhibitor, blocked EGF-induced NF-κB activation and up-regulation of cell-cycle regulatory proteins. This low molecular weight compound also caused apoptotic death, predominantly more in ER− cells. Thus Go6976 and similar NF-κB inhibitors are potentially novel low molecular weight therapeutic agents for treatment of ER− breast cancer patients.