967 resultados para Representative government and representation.


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Based on the consolidated statements data of the universal/commercial banks (UKbank) and non-bank financial institutions with quasi-banking licenses, this paper presents a keen necessity of obtaining data in detail on both sides (assets and liabilities) of their financial conditions and further analyses. Those would bring more adequate assessments on the Philippine financial system, especially with regard to each financial subsector's financing/lending preferences and behavior. The paper also presents a possibility that the skewed locational and operational distribution exists in the non-UKbank financial subsectors. It suggests there may be a significant deviation from the authorities' (the BSP, SEC and others) intended/anticipated financial system in the banking/non-bank financial institutions' real operations.


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In the 2000s, the Philippines' local banking sector have conducted very conservative lending behavior and at the same time, gradually but continuously improved their profitability in terms of ROE (return on equity). A set of analyses on the flow of funds and segment reports (information) of local universal banks, whose loans outstanding to the industrial sector have dominated more than three fourths of the total outstanding, shows that (1) they have actively manage assets overseas, (2) their profitability has come from investment activities in the securities markets, and (3) some universal banks have shifted their resources into the consumer/retail segment. Although further refinement in the dataset is needed for a more detailed analysis, diverse business strategies would be expected among the local universal banks in the near future.


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The central bank of the Philippines (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, BSP) has improved its monetary policy measures since the 2000s. After rationalizing the country's banking sector since late-1990s, its monetary policy and the uniiversal/commercial banks' (UCBs) behavior in allocating their assets has changed since mid-2000s. Though further and more detailed studies are nesessary, based on the results of simple correlation analyses conducted in this paper suggest a possible mixture of the country's monetary policy and their own decision-making in asset allocations, instead of a "follow-through" attitude.


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This poster raises the issue of a research work oriented to the storage, retrieval, representation and analysis of dynamic GI, taking into account The ultimate objective is the modelling and representation of the dynamic nature of geographic features, establishing mechanisms to store geometries enriched with a temporal structure (regardless of space) and a set of semantic descriptors detailing and clarifying the nature of the represented features and their temporality. the semantic, the temporal and the spatiotemporal components. We intend to define a set of methods, rules and restrictions for the adequate integration of these components into the primary elements of the GI: theme, location, time [1]. We intend to establish and incorporate three new structures (layers) into the core of data storage by using mark-up languages: a semantictemporal structure, a geosemantic structure, and an incremental spatiotemporal structure. Thus, data would be provided with the capability of pinpointing and expressing their own basic and temporal characteristics, enabling them to interact each other according to their context, and their time and meaning relationships that could be eventually established


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Exploiting the full potential of telemedical systems means using platform based solutions: data are recovered from biomedical sensors, hospital information systems, care-givers, as well as patients themselves, and are processed and redistributed in an either centralized or, more probably, decentralized way. The integration of all these different devices, and interfaces, as well as the automated analysis and representation of all the pieces of information are current key challenges in telemedicine. Mobile phone technology has just begun to offer great opportunities of using this diverse information for guiding, warning, and educating patients, thus increasing their autonomy and adherence to their prescriptions. However, most of these existing mobile solutions are not based on platform systems and therefore represent limited, isolated applications. This article depicts how telemedical systems, based on integrated health data platforms, can maximize prescription adherence in chronic patients through mobile feedback. The application described here has been developed in an EU-funded R&D project called METABO, dedicated to patients with type 1 or type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


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This poster raises the issue of a research work oriented to the storage, retrieval, representation and analysis of dynamic GI, taking into account the semantic, the temporal and the spatiotemporal components. We intend to define a set of methods, rules and restrictions for the adequate integration of these components into the primary elements of the GI: theme, location, time [1]. We intend to establish and incorporate three new structures (layers) into the core of data storage by using mark-up languages: a semantictemporal structure, a geosemantic structure, and an incremental spatiotemporal structure. The ultimate objective is the modelling and representation of the dynamic nature of geographic features, establishing mechanisms to store geometries enriched with a temporal structure (regardless of space) and a set of semantic descriptors detailing and clarifying the nature of the represented features and their temporality. Thus, data would be provided with the capability of pinpointing and expressing their own basic and temporal characteristics, enabling them to interact each other according to their context, and their time and meaning relationships that could be eventually established


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Ultrasonic sound velocity measurements with hand-held equipment remain due to their simplicity among the most used methods for non-destructive grading of sawn woods, yet a dedicated normalization effort with respect to strength classes for Spanish species is still required. As part of an ongoing project with the aim of definition of standard testing methods, the effect of the dimensions of commonly tested Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) timbers and equipment testing frequency on ultrasonic velocity were investigated. A dedicated full-wave finite-difference time-domain software allowed simulation of pulse propagation through timbers of representative length and section combinations. Sound velocity measurements vL were performed along the grain with the indirect method at 22 kHz and 45 kHz for grids of measurement points at specific distances. For sample sections larger than the cross-sectional wavelength ?RT, the simulated sound velocity vL converges to vL = (CL/?)0.5. For smaller square sections the sound velocity drops down to vL = (EL/?)0.5, where CL, EL and ? are the stiffness, E-modul and density, respectively. The experiments confirm a linear regression between time of flight and measurement distance even at less than two wavelength menor que2?L distance, the fitted sound speed values increased by 15% between the two tested frequencies.


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A gene expression atlas is an essential resource to quantify and understand the multiscale processes of embryogenesis in time and space. The automated reconstruction of a prototypic 4D atlas for vertebrate early embryos, using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization with nuclear counterstain, requires dedicated computational strategies. To this goal, we designed an original methodological framework implemented in a software tool called Match-IT. With only minimal human supervision, our system is able to gather gene expression patterns observed in different analyzed embryos with phenotypic variability and map them onto a series of common 3D templates over time, creating a 4D atlas. This framework was used to construct an atlas composed of 6 gene expression templates from a cohort of zebrafish early embryos spanning 6 developmental stages from 4 to 6.3 hpf (hours post fertilization). They included 53 specimens, 181,415 detected cell nuclei and the segmentation of 98 gene expression patterns observed in 3D for 9 different genes. In addition, an interactive visualization software, Atlas-IT, was developed to inspect, supervise and analyze the atlas. Match-IT and Atlas-IT, including user manuals, representative datasets and video tutorials, are publicly and freely available online. We also propose computational methods and tools for the quantitative assessment of the gene expression templates at the cellular scale, with the identification, visualization and analysis of coexpression patterns, synexpression groups and their dynamics through developmental stages.


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Esta tesis considera dos tipos de aplicaciones del diseño óptico: óptica formadora de imagen por un lado, y óptica anidólica (nonimaging) o no formadora de imagen, por otro. Las ópticas formadoras de imagen tienen como objetivo la obtención de imágenes de puntos del objeto en el plano de la imagen. Por su parte, la óptica anidólica, surgida del desarrollo de aplicaciones de concentración e iluminación, se centra en la transferencia de energía en forma de luz de forma eficiente. En general, son preferibles los diseños ópticos que den como resultado sistemas compactos, para ambos tipos de ópticas (formadora de imagen y anidólica). En el caso de los sistemas anidólicos, una óptica compacta permite tener costes de producción reducidos. Hay dos razones: (1) una óptica compacta presenta volúmenes reducidos, lo que significa que se necesita menos material para la producción en masa; (2) una óptica compacta es pequeña y ligera, lo que ahorra costes en el transporte. Para los sistemas ópticos de formación de imagen, además de las ventajas anteriores, una óptica compacta aumenta la portabilidad de los dispositivos, que es una gran ventaja en tecnologías de visualización portátiles, tales como cascos de realidad virtual (HMD del inglés Head Mounted Display). Esta tesis se centra por tanto en nuevos enfoques de diseño de sistemas ópticos compactos para aplicaciones tanto de formación de imagen, como anidólicas. Los colimadores son uno de los diseños clásicos dentro la óptica anidólica, y se pueden utilizar en aplicaciones fotovoltaicas y de iluminación. Hay varios enfoques a la hora de diseñar estos colimadores. Los diseños convencionales tienen una relación de aspecto mayor que 0.5. Con el fin de reducir la altura del colimador manteniendo el área de iluminación, esta tesis presenta un diseño de un colimador multicanal. En óptica formadora de imagen, las superficies asféricas y las superficies sin simetría de revolución (o freeform) son de gran utilidad de cara al control de las aberraciones de la imagen y para reducir el número y tamaño de los elementos ópticos. Debido al rápido desarrollo de sistemas de computación digital, los trazados de rayos se pueden realizar de forma rápida y sencilla para evaluar el rendimiento del sistema óptico analizado. Esto ha llevado a los diseños ópticos modernos a ser generados mediante el uso de diferentes técnicas de optimización multi-paramétricas. Estas técnicas requieren un buen diseño inicial como punto de partida para el diseño final, que será obtenido tras un proceso de optimización. Este proceso precisa un método de diseño directo para superficies asféricas y freeform que den como resultado un diseño cercano al óptimo. Un método de diseño basado en ecuaciones diferenciales se presenta en esta tesis para obtener un diseño óptico formado por una superficie freeform y dos superficies asféricas. Esta tesis consta de cinco capítulos. En Capítulo 1, se presentan los conceptos básicos de la óptica formadora de imagen y de la óptica anidólica, y se introducen las técnicas clásicas del diseño de las mismas. El Capítulo 2 describe el diseño de un colimador ultra-compacto. La relación de aspecto ultra-baja de este colimador se logra mediante el uso de una estructura multicanal. Se presentará su procedimiento de diseño, así como un prototipo fabricado y la caracterización del mismo. El Capítulo 3 describe los conceptos principales de la optimización de los sistemas ópticos: función de mérito y método de mínimos cuadrados amortiguados. La importancia de un buen punto de partida se demuestra mediante la presentación de un mismo ejemplo visto a través de diferentes enfoques de diseño. El método de las ecuaciones diferenciales se presenta como una herramienta ideal para obtener un buen punto de partida para la solución final. Además, diferentes técnicas de interpolación y representación de superficies asféricas y freeform se presentan para el procedimiento de optimización. El Capítulo 4 describe la aplicación del método de las ecuaciones diferenciales para un diseño de un sistema óptico de una sola superficie freeform. Algunos conceptos básicos de geometría diferencial son presentados para una mejor comprensión de la derivación de las ecuaciones diferenciales parciales. También se presenta un procedimiento de solución numérica. La condición inicial está elegida como un grado de libertad adicional para controlar la superficie donde se forma la imagen. Basado en este enfoque, un diseño anastigmático se puede obtener fácilmente y se utiliza como punto de partida para un ejemplo de diseño de un HMD con una única superficie reflectante. Después de la optimización, dicho diseño muestra mejor rendimiento. El Capítulo 5 describe el método de las ecuaciones diferenciales ampliado para diseños de dos superficies asféricas. Para diseños ópticos de una superficie, ni la superficie de imagen ni la correspondencia entre puntos del objeto y la imagen pueden ser prescritas. Con esta superficie adicional, la superficie de la imagen se puede prescribir. Esto conduce a un conjunto de tres ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias implícitas. La solución numérica se puede obtener a través de cualquier software de cálculo numérico. Dicho procedimiento también se explica en este capítulo. Este método de diseño da como resultado una lente anastigmática, que se comparará con una lente aplanática. El diseño anastigmático converge mucho más rápido en la optimización y la solución final muestra un mejor rendimiento. ABSTRACT We will consider optical design from two points of view: imaging optics and nonimaging optics. Imaging optics focuses on the imaging of the points of the object. Nonimaging optics arose from the development of concentrators and illuminators, focuses on the transfer of light energy, and has wide applications in illumination and concentration photovoltaics. In general, compact optical systems are necessary for both imaging and nonimaging designs. For nonimaging optical systems, compact optics use to be important for reducing cost. The reasons are twofold: (1) compact optics is small in volume, which means less material is needed for mass-production; (2) compact optics is small in size and light in weight, which saves cost in transportation. For imaging optical systems, in addition to the above advantages, compact optics increases portability of devices as well, which contributes a lot to wearable display technologies such as Head Mounted Displays (HMD). This thesis presents novel design approaches of compact optical systems for both imaging and nonimaging applications. Collimator is a typical application of nonimaging optics in illumination, and can be used in concentration photovoltaics as well due to the reciprocity of light. There are several approaches for collimator designs. In general, all of these approaches have an aperture diameter to collimator height not greater than 2. In order to reduce the height of the collimator while maintaining the illumination area, a multichannel design is presented in this thesis. In imaging optics, aspheric and freeform surfaces are useful in controlling image aberrations and reducing the number and size of optical elements. Due to the rapid development of digital computing systems, ray tracing can be easily performed to evaluate the performance of optical system. This has led to the modern optical designs created by using different multi-parametric optimization techniques. These techniques require a good initial design to be a starting point so that the final design after optimization procedure can reach the optimum solution. This requires a direct design method for aspheric and freeform surface close to the optimum. A differential equation based design method is presented in this thesis to obtain single freeform and double aspheric surfaces. The thesis comprises of five chapters. In Chapter 1, basic concepts of imaging and nonimaging optics are presented and typical design techniques are introduced. Readers can obtain an understanding for the following chapters. Chapter 2 describes the design of ultra-compact collimator. The ultra-low aspect ratio of this collimator is achieved by using a multichannel structure. Its design procedure is presented together with a prototype and its evaluation. The ultra-compactness of the device has been approved. Chapter 3 describes the main concepts of optimizing optical systems: merit function and Damped Least-Squares method. The importance of a good starting point is demonstrated by presenting an example through different design approaches. The differential equation method is introduced as an ideal tool to obtain a good starting point for the final solution. Additionally, different interpolation and representation techniques for aspheric and freeform surface are presented for optimization procedure. Chapter 4 describes the application of differential equation method in the design of single freeform surface optical system. Basic concepts of differential geometry are presented for understanding the derivation of partial differential equations. A numerical solution procedure is also presented. The initial condition is chosen as an additional freedom to control the image surface. Based on this approach, anastigmatic designs can be readily obtained and is used as starting point for a single reflective surface HMD design example. After optimization, the evaluation shows better MTF. Chapter 5 describes the differential equation method extended to double aspheric surface designs. For single optical surface designs, neither image surface nor the mapping from object to image can be prescribed. With one more surface added, the image surface can be prescribed. This leads to a set of three implicit ordinary differential equations. Numerical solution can be obtained by MATLAB and its procedure is also explained. An anastigmatic lens is derived from this design method and compared with an aplanatic lens. The anastigmatic design converges much faster in optimization and the final solution shows better performance.


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Esta tesis presenta un estudio exhaustivo sobre la evaluación de la calidad de experiencia (QoE, del inglés Quality of Experience) percibida por los usuarios de sistemas de vídeo 3D, analizando el impacto de los efectos introducidos por todos los elementos de la cadena de procesamiento de vídeo 3D. Por lo tanto, se presentan varias pruebas de evaluación subjetiva específicamente diseñadas para evaluar los sistemas considerados, teniendo en cuenta todos los factores perceptuales relacionados con la experiencia visual tridimensional, tales como la percepción de profundidad y la molestia visual. Concretamente, se describe un test subjetivo basado en la evaluación de degradaciones típicas que pueden aparecer en el proceso de creación de contenidos de vídeo 3D, por ejemplo debidas a calibraciones incorrectas de las cámaras o a algoritmos de procesamiento de la señal de vídeo (p. ej., conversión de 2D a 3D). Además, se presenta el proceso de generación de una base de datos de vídeos estereoscópicos de alta calidad, disponible gratuitamente para la comunidad investigadora y que ha sido utilizada ampliamente en diferentes trabajos relacionados con vídeo 3D. Asimismo, se presenta otro estudio subjetivo, realizado entre varios laboratorios, con el que se analiza el impacto de degradaciones causadas por la codificación de vídeo, así como diversos formatos de representación de vídeo 3D. Igualmente, se describen tres pruebas subjetivas centradas en el estudio de posibles efectos causados por la transmisión de vídeo 3D a través de redes de televisión sobre IP (IPTV, del inglés Internet Protocol Television) y de sistemas de streaming adaptativo de vídeo. Para estos casos, se ha propuesto una innovadora metodología de evaluación subjetiva de calidad vídeo, denominada Content-Immersive Evaluation of Transmission Impairments (CIETI), diseñada específicamente para evaluar eventos de transmisión simulando condiciones realistas de visualización de vídeo en ámbitos domésticos, con el fin de obtener conclusiones más representativas sobre la experiencia visual de los usuarios finales. Finalmente, se exponen dos experimentos subjetivos comparando varias tecnologías actuales de televisores 3D disponibles en el mercado de consumo y evaluando factores perceptuales de sistemas Super Multiview Video (SMV), previstos a ser la tecnología futura de televisores 3D de consumo, gracias a una prometedora visualización de contenido 3D sin necesidad de gafas específicas. El trabajo presentado en esta tesis ha permitido entender los factores perceptuales y técnicos relacionados con el procesamiento y visualización de contenidos de vídeo 3D, que pueden ser de utilidad en el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y técnicas de evaluación de la QoE, tanto metodologías subjetivas como métricas objetivas. ABSTRACT This thesis presents a comprehensive study of the evaluation of the Quality of Experience (QoE) perceived by the users of 3D video systems, analyzing the impact of effects introduced by all the elements of the 3D video processing chain. Therefore, various subjective assessment tests are presented, particularly designed to evaluate the systems under consideration, and taking into account all the perceptual factors related to the 3D visual experience, such as depth perception and visual discomfort. In particular, a subjective test is presented, based on evaluating typical degradations that may appear during the content creation, for instance due to incorrect camera calibration or video processing algorithms (e.g., 2D to 3D conversion). Moreover, the process of generation of a high-quality dataset of 3D stereoscopic videos is described, which is freely available for the research community, and has been already widely used in different works related with 3D video. In addition, another inter-laboratory subjective study is presented analyzing the impact of coding impairments and representation formats of stereoscopic video. Also, three subjective tests are presented studying the effects of transmission events that take place in Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) networks and adaptive streaming scenarios for 3D video. For these cases, a novel subjective evaluation methodology, called Content-Immersive Evaluation of Transmission Impairments (CIETI), was proposed, which was especially designed to evaluate transmission events simulating realistic home-viewing conditions, to obtain more representative conclusions about the visual experience of the end users. Finally, two subjective experiments are exposed comparing various current 3D displays available in the consumer market, and evaluating perceptual factors of Super Multiview Video (SMV) systems, expected to be the future technology for consumer 3D displays thanks to a promising visualization of 3D content without specific glasses. The work presented in this thesis has allowed to understand perceptual and technical factors related to the processing and visualization of 3D video content, which may be useful in the development of new technologies and approaches for QoE evaluation, both subjective methodologies and objective metrics.


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En las últimas tres décadas, las dinámicas de restructuración económica a nivel global han redefinido radicalmente el papel de las ciudades. La transición del keynesianismo al neoliberalismo ha provocado un cambio en las políticas urbanas de los gobiernos municipales, que han abandonado progresivamente las tareas de regulación y redistribución para centrarse en la promoción del crecimiento económico y la competitividad. En este contexto, muchas voces críticas han señalado que la regeneración urbana se ha convertido en un vehículo de extracción de valor de la ciudad y está provocando la expulsión de los ciudadanos más vulnerables. Sin embargo, la regeneración de áreas consolidadas supone también una oportunidad de mejora de las condiciones de vida de la población residente, y es una política necesaria para controlar la expansión de la ciudad y reducir las necesidades de desplazamiento, promoviendo así ciudades más sostenibles. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que la gobernanza de los procesos de regeneración urbana es clave en el resultado final de las operaciones y determina el modelo de ciudad resultante, el objetivo de esta investigación es verificar si la regeneración urbana es necesariamente un mecanismo de extracción de valor o si puede mejorar la calidad de vida en las ciudades a través de la participación de los ciudadanos. Para ello, propone un marco de análisis del proceso de toma de decisiones en los planes de regeneración urbana y su impacto en los resultados de los planes, tomando como caso de estudio la ciudad de Boston, que desde los años 1990 trata de convertirse en una “ciudad de los barrios”, fomentando la participación ciudadana al tiempo que se posiciona en la escena económica global. El análisis se centra en dos operaciones de regeneración iniciadas a finales de los años 1990. Por un lado, el caso de Jackson Square nos permite comprender el papel de la sociedad civil y el tercer sector en la regeneración de los barrios más desfavorecidos, en un claro ejemplo de urbanismo “desde abajo” (bottom-up planning). Por otro, la reconversión del frente marítimo de South Boston para la construcción del Distrito de Innovación nos acerca a las grandes operaciones de regeneración urbana con fines de estímulo económico, tradicionalmente vinculadas a los centros financieros (downtown) y dirigidas por las élites gubernamentales y económicas (la growth machine) a través de procesos más tecnocráticos (top-down planning). La metodología utilizada consiste en el análisis cualitativo de los procesos de toma de decisiones y la relación entre los agentes implicados, así como de la evaluación de la implementación de dichas decisiones y su influencia en el modelo urbano resultante. El análisis de los casos permite afirmar que la gobernanza de los procesos de regeneración urbana influye decisivamente en el resultado final de las intervenciones; sin embargo, la participación de la comunidad local en la toma de decisiones no es suficiente para que el resultado de la regeneración urbana contrarreste los efectos de la neoliberalización, especialmente si se limita a la fase de planeamiento y no se extiende a la fase de ejecución, y si no está apoyada por una movilización política de mayor alcance que asegure una acción pública redistributiva. Asimismo, puede afirmarse que los procesos de regeneración urbana suponen una redefinición del modelo de ciudad, dado que la elección de los espacios de intervención tiene consecuencias sobre el equilibrio territorial de la ciudad. Los resultados de esta investigación tienen implicaciones para la disciplina del planeamiento urbano. Por una parte, se confirma la vigencia del paradigma del “urbanismo negociado”, si bien bajo discursos de liderazgo público y sin apelación al protagonismo del sector privado. Por otra parte, la planificación colaborativa en un contexto de “responsabilización” de las organizaciones comunitarias puede desactivar la potencia política de la participación ciudadana y servir como “amortiguador” hacia el gobierno local. Asimismo, la sustitución del planeamiento general como instrumento de definición de la ciudad futura por una planificación oportunista basada en la actuación en áreas estratégicas que tiren del resto de la ciudad, no permite definir un modelo coherente y consensuado de la ciudad que se desea colectivamente, ni permite utilizar el planeamiento como mecanismo de redistribución. ABSTRACT In the past three decades, the dynamics of global economic restructuring have radically redefined the role of cities. The transition from keynesianism to neoliberalism has caused a shift in local governments’ urban policies, which have progressively abandoned the tasks of regulation and redistribution to focus on promoting economic growth and competitiveness. In this context, many critics have pointed out that urban regeneration has become a vehicle for extracting value from the city and is causing the expulsion of the most vulnerable citizens. However, regeneration of consolidated areas is also an opportunity to improve the living conditions of the resident population, and is a necessary policy to control the expansion of the city and reduce the need for transportation, thus promoting more sustainable cities. Assuming that the governance of urban regeneration processes is key to the final outcome of the plans and determines the resulting city model, the goal of this research is to verify whether urban regeneration is necessarily a value extraction mechanism or if it can improve the quality of life in cities through citizens’ participation. It proposes a framework for analysis of decision-making in urban regeneration processes and their impact on the results of the plans, taking as a case study the city of Boston, which since the 1990s is trying to become a "city of neighborhoods", encouraging citizen participation, while seeking to position itself in the global economic scene. The analysis focuses on two redevelopment plans initiated in the late 1990s. The Jackson Square case allows us to understand the role of civil society and the third sector in the regeneration of disadvantaged neighborhoods, in a clear example of bottom-up planning. On the contrary, the conversion of the South Boston waterfront to build the Innovation District takes us to the big redevelopment efforts with economic stimulus’ goals, traditionally linked to downtowns and led by government and economic elites (the local “growth machine”) through more technocratic processes (top-down planning). The research is based on a qualitative analysis of the processes of decision making and the relationship between those involved, as well as the evaluation of the implementation of those decisions and their influence on the resulting urban model. The analysis suggests that the governance of urban regeneration processes decisively influences the outcome of interventions; however, community engagement in the decision-making process is not enough for the result of the urban regeneration to counteract the effects of neoliberalization, especially if it is limited to the planning phase and does not extend to the implementation of the projects, and if it is not supported by a broader political mobilization to ensure a redistributive public action. Moreover, urban regeneration processes redefine the urban model, since the choice of intervention areas has important consequences for the territorial balance of the city. The results of this study have implications for the discipline of urban planning. On the one hand, it confirms the validity of the "negotiated planning" paradigm, albeit under public leadership discourse and without a direct appeal to the leadership role of the private sector. On the other hand, collaborative planning in a context of "responsibilization" of community based organizations can deactivate the political power of citizen participation and serve as a "buffer" towards the local government. Furthermore, the replacement of comprehensive planning, as a tool for defining the city's future, by an opportunistic planning based on intervention in strategic areas that are supposed to induce change in the rest of the city, does not allow a coherent and consensual urban model that is collectively desired, nor it allows to use planning as a redistribution mechanism.


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We are grateful to all those who helped with sample collection. This includes the MEDITS survey programme (IEO Mallorca) for Mediterranean samples. Portugal mainland samples were collected under the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF, PNAB). Azores specimens from the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries (DOP) of the University of the Azores (UAc) were collected under the project DEMERSAIS “Monitorização das espécies demersais dos Açores” financed by the Azorean government, and the project DEECON “Unravelling population connectivity for sustainable fisheries in the Deep Sea” project approved by the European Science Foundation (ESF) under the EUROCORES programme (proposal No 06-EuroDEEP-FP-008 & SFRH-EuroDEEP/0002/2007). This study was funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Oceans 2025 Strategic Research Programme Theme 6 (Science for Sustainable Marine Resources). REB was supported by the Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI), BSP was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, SFRH/BPD/72351/2010 and JL was supported by The Alasdair Downes Marine Conservation Fund.


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PDB-REPRDB is a database of representative protein chains from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The previous version of PDB-REPRDB provided 48 representative sets, whose similarity criteria were predetermined, on the WWW. The current version is designed so that the user may obtain a quick selection of representative chains from PDB. The selection of representative chains can be dynamically configured according to the user’s requirement. The WWW interface provides a large degree of freedom in setting parameters, such as cut-off scores of sequence and structural similarity. One can obtain a representative list and classification data of protein chains from the system. The current database includes 20 457 protein chains from PDB entries (August 6, 2000). The system for PDB-REPRDB is available at the Parallel Protein Information Analysis system (PAPIA) WWW server (http://www.rwcp.or.jp/papia/).


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This paper is a review of recent trends in United States expenditures on research and development (R&D). Real expenditures by both the government and the private sector increased rapidly between the mid-1970s and the mid-1980s, and have since leveled off. This is true of both overall expenditures and expenditures on basic research, as well as funding of academic research. Preliminary estimates indicate that about $170 billion was spent on R&D in the United States in 1995, with ≈60% of that funding coming from the private sector and about 35% from the federal government. In comparison to other countries, we have historically spent more on R&D relative to our economy than other advanced economies, but this advantage appears to be disappearing. If defense-related R&D is excluded, our expenditures relative to the size of the economy are considerably smaller than those of other similar economies.


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The Vernacular Discourse of the "Arab Spring" is a project that bridges the divide between the East and the West by offering new readings to Arab subjectivities. Through an analysis of the "Arab Spring" through the lens of vernacular discourse, it challenges the Euro-Americo-centric legacies of Orientalism in Western academia and the new wave of extremism in the Arab world by offering alternative representations of Arab bodies and subjectivities. To offer this new reading of the "Arab Spring," it explores the foundations of critical rhetoric as a theory and a practice and argues for a turn towards a critical vernacular discourse. The turn towards critical vernacular discourse is important as it urges the analyses of different artifacts produced by marginalized groups in order to understand their perspectives that have largely been foreclosed in traditional cultural studies research. Building on embodied/performative critical rhetoric, the vernacular discourses of the Arab revolutionary body examines other forms of knowledge productions that are not merely textual; more specifically, through data gathered in the Lhbib Bourguiba, Tunisia. This analysis of the political revolutionary body unveils the complexity underlining the discussion around issues of identity, agency and representation in the Middle East and North Africa, and calls for a critical study towards these issues in the region beyond the binary approach that has been practiced and applied by academics and media analysts. Hence, by analyzing vernacular discourse, this research locates a method of examining and theorizing the dialectic between agency, citizenry, and subjectivity through the study of how power structure is recreated and challenged through the use of the vernacular in revolutionary movements, as well as how marginalized groups construct their own subjectivities through the use of vernacular discourse. Therefore, highlighting the political prominence of evaluating the Arab Spring as a vernacular discourse is important in creating new ways of understanding communication in postcolonial/neocolonial settings.