992 resultados para Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606-1669.


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Die Foliierung geht nur bis Bl. 164; zusätzlich gibt es das Blatt 82a


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Lack of access to oral health care frequently affects those of lower socio-economic level; individuals in this group experience more dental decay, and the caries experience is more likely to be untreated. Inadequate dental care access may be attributed to exclusion that is due to income, geography, age, race or ethnicity. Objective: The present study aims were to: (1) determine how oral disease prevalence and access to dental services in four US-Mexico Border unincorporated low socioeconomic settlements identified as colonias compare to each other and Laredo, Texas, and (2) determine if insurance status affects dental care access and/or disease prevalence. Methods: A secondary analysis of data from a retrospective chart review of 672 patients attending a Mobile Dental Van Program in the Webb County colonias. Demographic information, (ethnicity, age, gender, insurance coverage and colonia site), dental visits within past year, insurance status, presence of dental sealants, prevalence of untreated dental decay (caries), and presence of gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) were extracted. Pearson's chi-square tests (χ2) were computed to compare the prevalence of these outcomes between colonias and Laredo and their potential association with insurance status. Results: For 6 - 11 year olds, dental visits in the past year were lower for colonias (39%), than Laredo (58.5%) (p<0.002). Caries prevalence was higher for colonias (56.6%), than Laredo (37.1%) (p<0.001). Gum disease prevalence was higher in colonias (73%), than in Laredo (21.4%) (p<0.001). No significant differences were noted for caries (χ2=1.73; p<0.188) and gum disease (χ2=0.0098; p<0.921) by patient's insurance status. For adults 36 - 64 years of age, dental visits in the past year were lower in colonias (22.4%), than Laredo (36.3%) (p<0.001). Caries prevalence was higher for colonias (78.3%), than Laredo (54.0%) (p<0.001). Gum disease prevalence was also higher among colonias (91.3%) than Laredo (61.3%) (p<0.001). No significant differences were noted for caries (χ2=0.0010; p<0.975) and gum disease (χ2=0.0607; p<0.805) by patient's insurance status. Conclusion: Colonia residents seeking dental care at a Mobile Dental Van Program in Webb County have significantly higher prevalence of oral disease regardless of insurance status.^


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En este trabajo nos proponemos presentar los primeros avances de una investigación doctoral sobre los debates en el discurso de la información del proyecto de Ley de Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo (IVE) impulsado por la Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto, presentado en marzo de 2010 en el Congreso de la Nación, que estamos desarrollando en la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. A los fines de analizar y poner en cuestión este tema, específicamente indagaremos en algunos de los diferentes lugares desde donde dicha práctica social ha sido trabajada histórica y académicamente y propondremos ciertas líneas de investigación desde la relación comunicación/medios/aborto. Nos centraremos, sobre todo, en el rol de los medios gráficos en el tratamiento de la temática como co-constructores de la agenda política y social y del imaginario colectivo respecto del aborto. Trataremos de exponer y repensar algunas significaciones hegemónicas en cuanto al orden del discurso pero también modificaciones que dan lugar a nuevas interpretaciones. Iremos recuperando en nuestra investigación estas diversas miradas a los fines de develar la lucha por los sentidos con respecto al aborto en relación con los medios en tanto “elites simbólicas” (van Dijk, 2011).


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An integrated instrument package for measuring and understanding the surface radiation budget of sea ice is presented, along with results from its first deployment. The setup simultaneously measures broadband fluxes of upwelling and downwelling terrestrial and solar radiation (four components separately), spectral fluxes of incident and reflected solar radiation, and supporting data such as air temperature and humidity, surface temperature, and location (GPS), in addition to photographing the sky and observed surface during each measurement. The instruments are mounted on a small sled, allowing measurements of the radiation budget to be made at many locations in the study area to see the effect of small-scale surface processes on the large-scale radiation budget. Such observations have many applications, from calibration and validation of remote sensing products to improving our understanding of surface processes that affect atmosphere-snow-ice interactions and drive feedbacks, ultimately leading to the potential to improve climate modelling of ice-covered regions of the ocean. The photographs, spectral data, and other observations allow for improved analysis of the broadband data. An example of this is shown by using the observations made during a partly cloudy day, which show erratic variations due to passing clouds, and creating a careful estimate of what the radiation budget along the observed line would have been under uniform sky conditions, clear or overcast. Other data from the setup's first deployment, in June 2011 on fast ice near Point Barrow, Alaska, are also shown; these illustrate the rapid changes of the radiation budget during a cold period that led to refreezing and new snow well into the melt season.


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Detailed analyses of the Lake Van pollen, Ca/K ratio and stable oxygen isotope record allow the identification of millennial-scale vegetation and environmental changes in eastern Anatolia throughout the last glacial (~75-15 ka BP). The climate within the last glacial was cold and dry, with low arboreal pollen (AP) levels. The driest and coldest period corresponds to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 (~28-14.5 ka BP) dominated by the highest values of xerophytic steppe vegetation. Our high-resolution multi proxy record shows rapid expansions and contractions of tree populations that reflects variability in temperature and moisture availability. This rapid vegetation and environmental changes can be linked to the stadial-interstadial pattern of the Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events as recorded in the Greenland ice cores. Periods of reduced moisture availability were characterized by enhanced xerophytic species and high terrigenous input from the Lake Van catchment area. Furthermore, comparison with the marine realm reveals that the complex atmosphere-ocean interaction can be explained by the strength and position of the westerlies, which is responsible for the supply of humidity in eastern Anatolia. Influenced by diverse topography of the Lake Van catchment, larger DO interstadials (e.g. DO 19, 17-16, 14, 12 and 8) show the highest expansion of temperate species within the last glacial. However, Heinrich events (HE), characterized by highest concentrations of ice-rafted debris (IRD) in marine sediments, are identified in eastern Anatolia by AP values not lower and high steppe components not more abundant than during DO stadials. In addition, this work is a first attempt to establish a continuous microscopic charcoal record over the last glacial in the Near East, which documents an initial immediate response to millennial-scale climate and environmental variability and enables us to shed light on the history of fire activity during the last glacial.


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A high-resolution multi-proxy record from Lake Van, eastern Anatolia, derived from a lacustrine sequence cored at the 357 m deep Ahlat Ridge (AR), allows a comprehensive view of paleoclimate and environmental history in the continental Near East during the last interglacial (LI). We combined paleovegetation (pollen), stable oxygen isotope (d18Obulk) and XRF data from the same sedimentary sequence, showing distinct variations during the period from 135 to 110 ka ago leading into and out of full interglacial conditions. The last interglacial plateau, as defined by the presence of thermophilous steppe-forest communities, lasted ca. 13.5 ka, from ~129.1-115.6 ka BP. The detailed palynological sequence at Lake Van documents a vegetation succession with several climatic phases: (I) the Pistacia zone (ca. 131.2-129.1 ka BP) indicates summer dryness and mild winter conditions during the initial warming, (II) the Quercus-Ulmus zone (ca. 129.1-127.2 ka BP) occurred during warm and humid climate conditions with enhanced evaporation, (III) the Carpinus zone (ca. 127.2-124.1 ka BP) suggest increasingly cooler and wetter conditions, and (IV) the expansion of Pinus at ~124.1 ka BP marks the onset of a colder/drier environment that extended into the interval of global ice growth. Pollen data suggest migration of thermophilous trees from refugial areas at the beginning of the last interglacial. Analogous to the current interglacial, the migration documents a time lag between the onset of climatic amelioration and the establishment of an oak steppe-forest, spanning 2.1 ka. Hence, the major difference between the last interglacial compared to the current interglacial (Holocene) is the abundance of Pinus as well as the decrease of deciduous broad-leaved trees, indicating higher continentality during the last interglacial. Finally, our results demonstrate intra-interglacial variability in the low mid-latitudes and suggest a close connection with the high-frequency climate variability recorded in Greenland ice cores.


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El temprano y perdurable interés de Samuel Beckett por las artes pictóricas es conocido y está documentado en sus biografías más exhaustivas. Se manifestó de diversas maneras: en la amistad personal de Beckett con distintos artistas, en sus ensayos sobre pintura y en sus asiduas y concienzudas visitas a galerías y museos. Tal interés surge del atractivo que tienen para Beckett las imágenes en sí: las de su infancia, acuñadas por su memoria, y las de la fe religiosa en la que fue criado, por ejemplo, establecieron una base sobre la cual las imágenes creadas por pintores a los que admiraba acumularon capas de sentidos emocionales y sensoriales para el joven Beckett, como un espejo que refleja aspectos del pasado. En cierto punto, no obstante, el proceso se invierte: el 'espejo' del arte se proyecta hacia el futuro, en la medida en que las creaciones de Beckett son inspiradas y están imbuidas por las imágenes de aquellos pintores. El mismo Beckett señaló la conexión entre algunas de sus obras y pinturas específicas que las habían inspirado. Este trabajo se refiere a la conexión explícita entre Esperando a Godot y la pintura "Dos hombres contemplando la luna", de Caspar David Friedrich, y a aquella entre Not I and "La decapitación de San Juan el bautista", de Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Aunque no fue declarada por Beckett, se considera también la posible conexión entre Rockaby y pinturas tales como "Whistler's Mother", "La mecedora" de van Gogh o el "Retrato de Margaretha de Geer" de Rembrandt. Finalmente, se tendrá en cuenta la relación entre las posteriores piezas breves de Beckett y algunos aspectos de las artes pictóricas (reflejados en su manejo de la escenografía y el espacio escénico)


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El volumen de cuentos Los que se van (1930), escrito por Demetrio Aguilera Malta, Enrique Gil Gilbert y Joaquín Gallegos Lara, es considerado por la crítica ecuatoriana como el gran hito de la modernización literaria en Ecuador. La obra ha sido leída como una elocuente intervención en los debates políticos y estéticos sobre la literatura y la sociedad ecuatoriana de los años 30. No obstante, su arquitectura formal presenta una serie de particularidades que tornan a la perspectiva sociológica limitada al momento de articular una lectura orgánica del texto. En este sentido, el análisis de los procedimientos narrativos permite afirmar que el recurrente montaje de tiempos, personajes y escenas, estructura la serie de relatos y los coloca en distintas coordenadas de un mismo espacio literario: el construido por la violencia social desatada en el seno de una comunidad rural sin justificación alguna. La figura del machete funciona en este sentido como la condensación estética de las operaciones literarias desarrolladas: en primer lugar, la asunción del cuento como artificio y la renuncia a la explicación didáctica de injusticias sociales (el machete como metáfora poética). Luego, la construcción de la trama a través de la sucesión de fragmentos (el machete como corte). En tercer lugar, el borramiento de descripciones, introspecciones y narradores omniscientes (el machete como desmonte retórico). Finalmente, la figura del machete resalta la fatalidad de la violencia social, lo que exime al texto de voluntariosos afanes militantes (el machete como sobredeterminación). La puesta en relación de estos procedimientos con el contexto histórico en que fue producida la obra permite una reflexión que, partiendo de su materialidad textual, reconstruye su sentido en diálogo con el valor de intervención que sus propios autores le atribuyeron, pero sin limitarla a su carácter referencial o revelador de verdades ocultas