967 resultados para Recycled demolition aggregate


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Achieving control on the formation of different organization states of magnetic nanoparticles is crucial to harness their organization dependent physical properties in desired ways. In this study, three organization states of iron oxide nanoparticles (gamma-Fe2O3), defining as (i) assembly (ii) network aggregate and (iii) cluster, have been developed by simply changing the solvent evaporation conditions. All three systems have retained the same phase and polydispersity of primary particles. Magnetic measurements show that the partial alignment of the easy axes of the particles in the network system due to the stacking aggregation morphology can result in significant enhancement of the coercivity and remanence values, while the opposite is obtained for the cluster system due to the random orientation of easy axes. Partial alignment in the aggregate system also results in noticeable non -monotonic field dependence of ZFC peak temperature (TpeaB). The lowest value of the blocking temperature (TB) for the cluster system is related to the lowering of the effective anisotropy due to the strongest demagnetizing effect. FC (Field cooled) memory effect was observed to be decreasing with the increasing strength of dipolar interaction of organization states. Therefore, the stacking aggregation and the cluster formation are two interesting ways of magnetic nanoparticles organization for modulating collective magnetic properties significantly, which can have renewed application potentials from recording devices to biomedicine. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dynamics of contact free (levitated) drying of nanofluid droplets is ubiquitous in many application domains ranging from spray drying to pharmaceutics. Controlling the final morphology (macro to micro scales) of the dried out sample poses some serious challenges. Evaporation of solvent and agglomeration of particles leads to porous shell formation in acoustically levitated nanosilica droplets. The capillary pressure due to evaporation across the menisci at the nanoscale pores causes buckling of the shell which leads to ring and bowl shaped final structures. Acoustics plays a crucial role in flattening of droplets which is a prerequisite for initiation of buckling in the shell: Introduction of mixed nanocolloids (sodium dodecyl sulfate + nanosilica) reduces evaporation rate, disrupts formation of porous shell, and enhances mechanical strength of the shell, all of which restricts the process of buckling. Although buckling is completely arrested in such surfactant added droplets, controlled external heating using laser enhances evaporation through the pores in the shell due to thermally induced structural changes and rearrangement of SDS aggregates which reinitializes buckling in such droplets, Furthermore, inclusion of anilinium hydrochloride into the nanoparticle laden droplets produces ions which adsorb and modify the morphology of sodium dodecyl sulfate crystals and reinitializes buckling in the shell (irrespective of external heating conditions). The kinetics of buckling is determined by the combined effect of morphology of the colloidal particles, particle/aggregate diffusion rate within the droplet, and the rate of evaporation of water. The buckling dynamics leads to cavity formation which grows subsequently to yield final structures with drastically different morphological features. The cavity growth is controlled by evaporation through the nanoscate pores and exhibits a universal trend irrespective of heating rate and nanoparticle type.


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This paper first presents a stochastic structural model to describe the random geometrical features of rock and soil aggregates. The stochastic structural model uses mixture ratio, rock size and rock shape to construct the microstructures of aggregates,and introduces two types of structural elements (block element and jointed element) and three types of material elements (rock element, soil element, and weaker jointed element)for this microstructure. Then, continuum-based discrete element method is used to study the deformation and failure mechanism of rock and soil aggregate through a series of loading tests. It is found that the stress-strain curve of rock and soil aggregates is nonlinear, and the failure is usually initialized from weaker jointed elements. Finally, some factors such as mixture ratio, rock size and rock shape are studied in detail. The numerical results are in good agreement with in situ test. Therefore, current model is effective for simulating the mechanical behaviors of rock and soil aggregates.


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The lysozyme crystals were made by batch crystallization method and the distribution of aggregate in solution were measured by dynamic light scattering. The results showed that the dimension of aggregate increased with the increase of the concentration of lysozyme and NaCl, lysozyme molecules aggregated gradually in solution and finally arrived at balance each other. The higher the concentrations of lysozyme and NaCl were, the faster the growth rate of (I 10) face was. The growth rates of lysozyme crystal were obtained by a Zeiss microscope, and the effective surface energy (a) of growing steps were calculated about 4.01 X 10(-8) J.cm(-2) according to the model of multiple two-dimensional nucleation mechanism.


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In this work, the formation of soot in a Direct Injection Spark Ignition (DISI) engine is simulated using the Stochastic Reactor Model (SRM) engine code. Volume change, convective heat transfer, turbulent mixing, direct injection and flame propagation are accounted for. In order to simulate flame propagation, the cylinder is divided into an unburned, entrained and burned zone, with the rate of entrainment being governed by empirical equations but combustion modelled with chemical kinetics. The model contains a detailed chemical mechanism as well as a highly detailed soot formation model, however computation times are relatively short. The soot model provides information on the morphology and chemical composition of soot aggregates along with bulk quantities, including soot mass, number density, volume fraction and surface area. The model is first calibrated by simulating experimental data from a Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Spark Ignition (SI) engine. The model is then used to simulate experimental data from the literature, where the numbers, sizes and derived mass particulate emissions from a 1.83 L, 4-cylinder, 4 valve production DISI engine were examined. Experimental results from different injection and spark timings are compared with the model and the qualitative trends in aggregate size distribution and emissions match the exhaust gas measurements well. © 2010 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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英文摘要: Rosetting, or forming a cell aggregate between a single target nucleated cell and a number of red blood cells (RBCs), is a simple assay for cell adhesion-mediated by specific receptor-ligand interaction. For example, rosette formation between sheep RBC and human lymphocytes has been used to differentiate T cells from B cells. Rosetting assay is commonly used to determine the interaction of Fc gamma-receptors (Fc gamma R) expressed on inflammatory cells and IgG-coated on RBCs. Despite its wide use in measuring cell adhesion, the biophysical parameters of rosette formation have not been well characterized. Here we developed a probabilistic model to describe the distribution of rosette sizes, which is Poissonian. The average rosette size is predicted to be proportional to the apparent two-dimensional binding affinity of the interacting receptor-ligand pair and their site densities. The model has been supported by experiments of rosettes mediated by four molecular interactions: Fc gamma RIII interacting with IgG, T cell receptor and coreceptor CD8 interacting with antigen peptide presented by major histocompatibility molecule, P-selectin interacting with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1), and L-selectin interacting with PSGL-1. The latter two are structurally similar and are different from the former two. Fitting the model to data enabled us to evaluate the apparent effective two-dimensional binding affinity of the interacting molecular pairs: 7.19x10(-5) mu m(4) for Fc gamma RIII-IgG interaction, 4.66x10(-3) mu m(4) for P-selectin-PSGL-1 interaction, and 0.94x10(-3) mu m(4) for L-selectin-PSGL-1 interaction. These results elucidate the biophysical mechanism of rosette formation and enable it to become a semiquantitative assay that relates the rosette size to the effective affinity for receptor-ligand binding.


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Resumen: Los materiales plásticos utilizados en la industria del embalaje y transporte de mercaderías familiares e industriales, presentan numerosas ventajas que los han puesto en su lugar durante los últimos 50 años. En la actualidad, son miles de millones de toneladas anuales de bolsas o embalajes de polietileno, las que diariamente se producen, se usan, se recuperan (en muy pequeña parte) y son finalmente dispuestas, quemadas o literalmente arrojadas al medio ambiente. La alta estabilidad química o la muy baja tasa de degradación, hace que estos residuos perduren en el medio - en la mayoría de los casos por más de 100 años- dependiendo las condiciones ambientales locales. Hace pocos años, se adaptaron conocimientos científicos a esta problemática, y de ello nacieron dos formas de atacar la eliminación del plástico como desecho (más allá del reciclado y uso racional): por un lado, la utilización de bioplásticos con propiedades biodegradables; y por otro, el agregado de aditivos pro-degradantes a plásticos convencionales. El presente trabajo, tiene por objeto tomar a esta última herramienta, sobre la cual se han comenzado a estudiar los mecanismos químicos por los cuales cumplen su función, evaluándolos en distintas condiciones aceleradas de laboratorio. De esta manera, se caracterizaron velocidades de degradación abiótica mediante envejecimientos acelerados con radiación ultravioleta y térmica, para films de polietileno aditivados con un compuesto oxodegradante comercial. Se estudiaron distintas concentraciones de aditivo en el polímero, en función del tiempo de envejecimiento. Las caracterizaciones incluyeron análisis mecánico, análisis térmico diferencial, espectroscopía de absorción infrarroja y de Absorción Atómica.


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Concrete is heterogeneous and usually described as a three-phase material, where matrix, aggregate and interface are distinguished. To take this heterogeneity into consideration, the Generalized Beam (GB) lattice model is adopted. The GB lattice model is much more computationally efficient than the beam lattice model. Numerical procedures of both quasi-static method and dynamic method are developed to simulate fracture processes in uniaxial tensile tests conducted on a concrete panel. Cases of different loading rates are compared with the quasi-static case. It is found that the inertia effect due to load increasing becomes less important and can be ignored with the loading rate decreasing, but the inertia effect due to unstable crack propagation remains considerable no matter how low the loading rate is. Therefore, an unrealistic result will be obtained if a fracture process including unstable cracking is simulated by the quasi-static procedure.


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Resumen: El análisis de los indicadores de ingresos, desigualdad y pobreza en cada uno de los 32 centros urbanos muestra las grandes disparidades regionales de la Argentina. En la Zona Norte del país el ingreso per capita es un 35% inferior al promedio nacional, la pobreza es 4 veces mayor que en la capital y la distribución del ingreso es más desigual. Los datos estadísticos disponibles indican que el crecimiento económico y las políticas públicas que se han implementado recientemente han reducido los niveles de pobreza agregados, pero han tenido poco impacto en las regiones más pobres del país. Por otra parte, el impacto distributivo de las políticas y programas públicos en la Argentina es reducido cuando se los compara con lo que sucede en los países mas desarrollados. Se requiere el diseño y la implementación de nuevas políticas públicas de reducción de la pobreza que se focalicen en los problemas y dificultades específicas que enfrentan las regiones más pobres. Entre ellas se destaca la necesidad de políticas para disminuir la alta informalidad del empleo que caracteriza a estas zonas. Por otra parte, las nuevas políticas deberían transferir las responsabilidades y premiar los esfuerzos propios de los gobiernos locales, reemplazando la actual “cultura de la dependencia” de los programas del gobierno central por un desarrollo institucional local que enfatice la gestión eficiente de las administraciones públicas provinciales y el desarrollo del capital social local.


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Concrete is usually described as a three-phase material, where matrix, aggregate and interface zones are distinguished. The beam lattice model has been applied widely by many investigators to simulate fracture processes in concrete. Due to the extremely large computational effort, however, the beam lattice model faces practical difficulties. In our investigation, a new lattice called generalized beam (GB) lattice is developed to reduce computational effort. Numerical experiments conducted on a panel subjected to uniaxial tension show that the GB lattice model can reproduce the load-displacement curves and crack patterns in agreement to what are observed in tests. Moreover, the effects of the particle overlay on the fracture process are discussed in detail. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Using a variational method, a general three-dimensional solution to the problem of a sliding spherical inclusion embedded in an infinite anisotropic medium is presented in this paper. The inclusion itself is also a general anisotropic elastic medium. The interface is treated as a thin interface layer with interphase anisotropic properties. The displacements in the matrix and the inclusion are expressed as polynomial series of the cartesian coordinate components. Using the virtual work principle, a set of linear algebraic equations about unknown coefficients are obtained. Then the general sliding spherical inclusion problem is accurately solved. Based on this solution, a self-consistent method for sliding polycrystals is proposed. Combining this with a two-dimensional model of an aggregate polycrystal, a systematic analysis of the mechanical behaviour of sliding polycrystals is given in detail. Numerical results are given to show the significant effect of grain boundary sliding on the overall mechanical properties of aggregate polycrystals.


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In this paper we study the effect of population age distribution upon private consumption expenditure in Spain from 1964 to 1997 using aggregate data. We obtain four main results. First, changes in the population pyramid have substantial effects upon the behaviour of private consumption. Second, the pattern of the coefficients of the demographic variables is not consistent with the simplest version of the life cycle hypothesis. Third, we estimate the impact of the demographic transition upon consumption and find positive values associated with episodes in which the shares of groups of individuals with expenditure levels higher (lower) than the mean increased (decreased). Fourth, the results are robust to alternative specifications for the population age distribution.


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Aborda a relação entre o Legislativo e o Executivo na produção de políticas. Identifica os elementos do sistema de produção legislativa do Brasil (regras estruturantes, atores, recursos, instâncias de decisão e tipos de políticas produzidas) e propõe um modelo para o caso brasileiro de presidencialismo de coalizão, com base em estudos sobre a relação entre o presidente e o Congresso dos EUA e também na vasta produção existente sobre o contexto nacional. O sistema é estruturado pelo marco normativo de maior hierarquia, a Constituição, determinado historicamente, o qual privilegia a governabilidade com "accountability" e também orienta políticas segundo princípios de equidade, mas com responsabilidade orçamentária. O modelo considera que as agendas estratégicas dos atores são produto de variadas influências, incluindo o ¿status quo¿ (políticas existentes) e as demandas provenientes das conexões normativa e eleitoral. A partir desse modelo, o estudo analisa seus elementos e relações, aplicando-o a um conjunto abrangente de propostas legislativas (cerca de 21 mil proposições sobre todos os temas, apresentadas no Congresso entre 1999 e 2006, nas três vias).