959 resultados para Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees (RPART)


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This activity book is designed to supplement the information provided in the A to Z From a Tree, Illinois Fall Colors, Illinois' Forestry Industry and Illinois Trees : Seeds and Leaves posters from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). When using this activity book, students will become familiar with many characteristics of trees, industries related to trees and products made from trees. The information and activities included can assist your students of grades kindergarten through three in meeting the Illinois Learning Standards listed below. Although it is not necessary to have a copy of the posters named above to complete this activity book, if you would like them, they can be ordered online. Go to http://dnr.state.il.us then click on the "Education" button in the right side box. You'll find the link to the online order form.


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This activity book is designed to supplement the information provided in the A to Z From a Tree, Illinois Fall Colors, Illinois' Forestry Industry and Illinois Trees : Seeds and Leaves posters from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). When using this activity book, students will become familiar with many characteristics of trees, industries related to trees and products made from trees. The information and activities included can assist your students of grades kindergarten through three in meeting the Illinois Learning Standards listed below. Although it is not necessary to have a copy of the posters named above to complete this activity book, if you would like them, they can be ordered online. Go to http://dnr.state.il.us then click on the "Education" button in the right side box. You'll find the link to the online order form.


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This activity book is designed to supplement the information provided in the A to Z From a Tree, Illinois Fall Colors, Illinois' Forestry Industry and Illinois Trees : Seeds and Leaves posters from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). When using this activity book, students will become familiar with many characteristics of trees, industries related to trees and products made from trees. The information and activities included can assist your students of grades kindergarten through three in meeting the Illinois Learning Standards listed below. Although it is not necessary to have a copy of the posters named above to complete this activity book, if you would like them, they can be ordered online. Go to http://dnr.state.il.us then click on the "Education" button in the right side box. You'll find the link to the online order form.


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Includes index.


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Includes index.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Esse trabalho investiga empiricamente a relação entre custo de agência e as medidas de monitoramento interno disponíveis aos investidores brasileiros nas empresas nacionais, utilizando amostras de companhias abertas entre os anos de 2010 e 2014, totalizando 134 empresas analisadas e 536 observações. Para medir tal relação, foram utilizadas, como variáveis de monitoramento interno, informações sobre a remuneração variável dos executivos, entre elas o uso de outorgas de opções de compra de ações, a composição do conselho de administração, dando ênfase à representatividade dos conselheiros independentes e à dualidade entre Chairman e CEO, e o percentual do capital social das companhias que está sob propriedade dos executivos. Como proxy para custo de agência, foram utilizados os indicadores Asset Turnover Ratio e General & Administrative Expenses (G&A) como percentual da Receita Líquida. Neste contexto, foram estabelecidas duas hipóteses de pesquisa e estimados modelos de regressão em painel controlados por efeitos fixos de tempo e empresa, empregando como variável dependente as variáveis proxy do custo de agência e utilizando as variáveis endividamento e tamanho das empresas como variáveis de controle. Os resultados dos modelos demonstram que, na amostra selecionada, há uma relação positiva e significativa entre o percentual da remuneração variável e as proxies de custo de agência, comportamento este contrário ao esperado originalmente. Conclui-se assim que as empresas que apresentam uma maior composição variável no total remunerado ao executivo, incorrem em um maior custo de agência, o que leva à conclusão de que tais ferramentas não são boas estratégias de alinhamento de interesses entre executivos e acionistas. As demais variáveis de monitoramento interno não apresentaram significância.


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Humans are primates. We have evolved from common ancestors and the evolution of the human body is becoming increasingly clear as the archeological record expands. But for most people the gap between humans and animals lies in the mind, not in the body. And minds do not fossilise. To reconstruct the evolution of mind, scholars have thus increasingly looked to our closest relatives for clues. Here I discuss four ways in which the study of primates may inform such reconstruction: fact-finding, phylogenetic reconstruction, analogy, and regression models. Knowledge about primates can help us bridge the gap. Extinction of our closest relatives, on the other hand, would not only deplete that source of information but also increase the apparent differences between animal and human minds. It is likely that we have a long history of displacing closely related species, including the other hominids, leading us to appear ever more unique.


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The dynamic lateral segregation of signaling proteins into microdomains is proposed to facilitate signal transduction, but the constraints on microdomain size, mobility, and diffusion that might realize this function are undefined. Here we interrogate a stochastic spatial model of the plasma membrane to determine how microdomains affect protein dynamics. Taking lipid rafts as representative microdomains, we show that reduced protein mobility in rafts segregates dynamically partitioning proteins, but the equilibrium concentration is largely independent of raft size and mobility. Rafts weakly impede small-scale protein diffusion but more strongly impede long-range protein mobility. The long-range mobility of raft-partitioning and raft-excluded proteins, however, is reduced to a similar extent. Dynamic partitioning into rafts increases specific interprotein collision rates, but to maximize this critical, biologically relevant function, rafts must be small (diameter, 6 to 14 nm) and mobile. Intermolecular collisions can also be favored by the selective capture and exclusion of proteins by rafts, although this mechanism is generally less efficient than simple dynamic partitioning. Generalizing these results, we conclude that microdomains can readily operate as protein concentrators or isolators but there appear to be significant constraints on size and mobility if microdomains are also required to function as reaction chambers that facilitate nanoscale protein-protein interactions. These results may have significant implications for the many signaling cascades that are scaffolded or assembled in plasma membrane microdomains.


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Support vector machines (SVMs) have recently emerged as a powerful technique for solving problems in pattern classification and regression. Best performance is obtained from the SVM its parameters have their values optimally set. In practice, good parameter settings are usually obtained by a lengthy process of trial and error. This paper describes the use of genetic algorithm to evolve these parameter settings for an application in mobile robotics.


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Este estudo teve como objetivos investigar aspectos da dinâmica intrapsíquica de mães de crianças institucionalizadas em abrigo por ordem judicial, e identificar recursos defensivos utilizados por essas mães. Para atingir estes objetivos, realizou-se uma investigação clínica com estudo de três casos de mães de crianças abrigadas. Foram utilizados dois instrumentos: a) Roteiro de Entrevista roteiro de temas a serem abordados em uma ou mais entrevistas não diretivas de cunho clínico, a fim de auxiliar na investigação da psicodinâmica destas mães. b) Procedimento de Desenho Estória com Tema técnica projetiva que associa o uso de desenhos com estórias, como forma de explorar livre e dinamicamente os conteúdos da personalidade. A técnica permite o estudo das características formais e estruturais da personalidade, pois tem a particularidade de facilitar a expressão de aspectos inconscientes relacionados a pontos de angústias presentes, focos conflituosos e perturbações emergentes. Estes procedimentos foram realizados nas dependências da instituição (abrigo) onde as crianças estavam hospedadas. Os principais resultados comuns aos três casos foram: Ambigüidade e os Impeditivos de Crescimento a primeira mãe entrevistada ao mesmo tempo ataca a mãe que a abandona (mãe biológica e a mãe adotiva), em busca de uma mãe idealizada. Essa ambigüidade a impede de crescer. Nota-se a mesma tentativa de idealização na segunda mãe estudada que demonstra dificuldade em aceitar a atual situação em que vive e não consegue perceber que a aproximação de sua mãe é por causa da doença que ela adquiriu e não por continência. A terceira e última mãe entrevistada demonstra conteúdos persecutórios diante do abrigamento dos filhos e dificuldade de sentir gratidão. Os mecanismos predominantes que aparecem nos três casos são os de: idealização e regressão a estágios primitivos. Nota-se ainda, depressão, dificuldade de elaboração da posição depressiva. Estas mães não conseguem vivenciar continuamente a realidade psíquica, que implicaria na elaboração da posição depressiva, pois não conseguem fazer, ainda que tentem, uma comparação entre os mundos interno e externo, o que as levariam à uma melhor compreensão das semelhanças e diferenças. De modo que, a figura dos pais (principalmente da mãe) fica cindida entre aterrorizante e idealizada, porém os mecanismos predominantes são suas fantasias que propiciam idealização; identificação projetiva maciça. A persecutoriedade e a culpa, ao mesmo tempo parecem indicar a depressão que pode ser tão forte que levam à intensificação destes sentimentos. Há a presença da inveja que também intensifica as angústias persecutórias, requerendo mecanismos de defesa que violentam as funções psíquicas.(AU)


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Data on the growth curve of the lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum were obtained by measuring the radial growth rates (mm per 1.5 years) of 39 thalli from 2 to 65 mm in diameter growing in the same environment. An Aplin and Hill plot (r2 – r1 against ln r2 – ln r1) of the data and regression analyses suggested an initial phase of growth (up to a diameter of about 7 mm) in which the relative growth rate increased rapidly. This was followed by a phase in which the relative growth rate fell but the radial growth rate continued to rise (7 to 20 mm in diameter). Radial growth was then relatively constant until about 45 mm diameter and then declined. The Aplin and Hill model did not fit the data as a whole but may apply for a transient period in thalli between about 7 and 16 mm in diameter. The curve shows some similarities to that suggested by lichenometric studies but differs in showing a less steep decline in growth rate after the ‘great’ period.


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This work examines prosody modelling for the Standard Yorùbá (SY) language in the context of computer text-to-speech synthesis applications. The thesis of this research is that it is possible to develop a practical prosody model by using appropriate computational tools and techniques which combines acoustic data with an encoding of the phonological and phonetic knowledge provided by experts. Our prosody model is conceptualised around a modular holistic framework. The framework is implemented using the Relational Tree (R-Tree) techniques (Ehrich and Foith, 1976). R-Tree is a sophisticated data structure that provides a multi-dimensional description of a waveform. A Skeletal Tree (S-Tree) is first generated using algorithms based on the tone phonological rules of SY. Subsequent steps update the S-Tree by computing the numerical values of the prosody dimensions. To implement the intonation dimension, fuzzy control rules where developed based on data from native speakers of Yorùbá. The Classification And Regression Tree (CART) and the Fuzzy Decision Tree (FDT) techniques were tested in modelling the duration dimension. The FDT was selected based on its better performance. An important feature of our R-Tree framework is its flexibility in that it facilitates the independent implementation of the different dimensions of prosody, i.e. duration and intonation, using different techniques and their subsequent integration. Our approach provides us with a flexible and extendible model that can also be used to implement, study and explain the theory behind aspects of the phenomena observed in speech prosody.


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Techniques are developed for the visual interpretation of drainage features from satellite imagery. The process of interpretation is formalised by the introduction of objective criteria. Problems of assessing the accuracy of maps are recognized, and a method is developed for quantifying the correctness of an interpretation, in which the more important features are given an appropriate weight. A study was made of imagery from a variety of landscapes in Britain and overseas, from which maps of drainage networks were drawn. The accuracy of the mapping was assessed in absolute terms, and also in relation to the geomorphic parameters used in hydrologic models. Results are presented relating the accuracy of interpretation to image quality, subjectivity and the effects of topography. It is concluded that the visual interpretation of satellite imagery gives maps of sufficient accuracy for the preliminary assessment of water resources, and for the estimation of geomorphic parameters. An examination is made of the use of remotely sensed data in hydrologic models. It is proposed that the spectral properties of a scene are holistic, and are therefore more efficient than conventional catchment characteristics. Key hydrologic parameters were identified, and were estimated from streamflow records. The correlation between hydrologic variables and spectral characteristics was examined, and regression models for streamflow were developed, based solely on spectral data. Regression models were also developed using conventional catchment characteristics, whose values were estimated using satellite imagery. It was concluded that models based primarily on variables derived from remotely sensed data give results which are as good as, or better than, models using conventional map data. The holistic properties of remotely sensed data are realised only in undeveloped areas. In developed areas an assessment of current land-use is a more useful indication of hydrologic response.


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Financial institutes are an integral part of any modern economy. In the 1970s and 1980s, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries made significant progress in financial deepening and in building a modern financial infrastructure. This study aims to evaluate the performance (efficiency) of financial institutes (banking sector) in GCC countries. Since, the selected variables include negative data for some banks and positive for others, and the available evaluation methods are not helpful in this case, so we developed a Semi Oriented Radial Model to perform this evaluation. Furthermore, since the SORM evaluation result provides a limited information for any decision maker (bankers, investors, etc...), we proposed a second stage analysis using classification and regression (C&R) method to get further results combining SORM results with other environmental data (Financial, economical and political) to set rules for the efficient banks, hence, the results will be useful for bankers in order to improve their bank performance and to the investors, maximize their returns. Mainly there are two approaches to evaluate the performance of Decision Making Units (DMUs), under each of them there are different methods with different assumptions. Parametric approach is based on the econometric regression theory and nonparametric approach is based on a mathematical linear programming theory. Under the nonparametric approaches, there are two methods: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Free Disposal Hull (FDH). While there are three methods under the parametric approach: Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA); Thick Frontier Analysis (TFA) and Distribution-Free Analysis (DFA). The result shows that DEA and SFA are the most applicable methods in banking sector, but DEA is seem to be most popular between researchers. However DEA as SFA still facing many challenges, one of these challenges is how to deal with negative data, since it requires the assumption that all the input and output values are non-negative, while in many applications negative outputs could appear e.g. losses in contrast with profit. Although there are few developed Models under DEA to deal with negative data but we believe that each of them has it is own limitations, therefore we developed a Semi-Oriented-Radial-Model (SORM) that could handle the negativity issue in DEA. The application result using SORM shows that the overall performance of GCC banking is relatively high (85.6%). Although, the efficiency score is fluctuated over the study period (1998-2007) due to the second Gulf War and to the international financial crisis, but still higher than the efficiency score of their counterpart in other countries. Banks operating in Saudi Arabia seem to be the highest efficient banks followed by UAE, Omani and Bahraini banks, while banks operating in Qatar and Kuwait seem to be the lowest efficient banks; this is because these two countries are the most affected country in the second Gulf War. Also, the result shows that there is no statistical relationship between the operating style (Islamic or Conventional) and bank efficiency. Even though there is no statistical differences due to the operational style, but Islamic bank seem to be more efficient than the Conventional bank, since on average their efficiency score is 86.33% compare to 85.38% for Conventional banks. Furthermore, the Islamic banks seem to be more affected by the political crisis (second Gulf War), whereas Conventional banks seem to be more affected by the financial crisis.