990 resultados para Recombinant Antigen


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Adhesion is the first step in the pathogenesis of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections. The genes encoding the most prevalent adhesion factors CFA/I, CS3 and CS6 were cloned into Vibrio cholerae strain CVD 103-HgR and expression of fimbriae was investigated in wildtype and recombinant strains by transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with immunolabelling and negative staining. Negative staining was effective in revealing CFA/I and CS3, but not CS6. Although morphology of fimbriae differed between wildtype and recombinant strains, corresponding surface antigens were recognized by specific antibodies. The present study provides evidence that ETEC-specific fimbriae can adequately be expressed in an attenuated V. cholerae vaccine strain and that immunoelectron microscopy is a critical tool to validate the surface expression of antigens in view of their possible suitability for recombinant vaccines.


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Diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) requires adhesion of microorganisms to enterocytes. Hence, a promising approach to immunoprophylaxis is to elicit antibodies against colonisation factor antigens (CFAs). Genes encoding the most prevalent ETEC-specific surface antigens were cloned into Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella vaccine strains. Expression of surface antigens was assessed by electron-microscopy. Whereas negative staining was effective in revealing CFA/I and CS3, but not CS6, immunolabelling allowed identification of all surface antigens examined. The V. cholerae vaccine strain CVD103 did not express ETEC-specific colonisation factors, whereas CVD103-HgR expressed CS3 only. However, expression of both CFA/I and CS3 was demonstrated in Salmonella Ty21a.


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In hormone refractory prostatic carcinoma (HRPCa), the majority of patients have bone metastases only, which are by definition non-measurable. This makes objective evaluation of chemotherapeutic agents difficult. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) as a dynamic model was analyzed as potential auxiliary end point in HRPCa.


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Whereas a primary role of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) in local bone remodelling and articular inflammation has been well established, the effect of prolonged systemic administration of this cytokine on total skeletal Ca, somatic growth and joint tissue has not yet been investigated.


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The synergism/antagonism between interleukin (IL)-1beta and parathyroid hormone (PTH) has been the subject of in vitro and in vivo work, but a possible direct action of the cytokine on PTH release has not been reported. We have investigated the effect of a continuous infusion of human recombinant IL-1beta (rIL-1beta) on circulating PTH during a 14-day period in 7-week-old female rats. This time interval was chosen in order to exclude initial hypercalcemia and to enable data collection under steady-state conditions. Five groups of 20 animals each had miniosmotic pumps (Alzet 2002, 200 microl) implanted subcutaneously and primed to release either distilled water (controls) or 100, 500, 1,000 and 2, 000 ng/24 h of rIL-1beta. Blood was drawn on days 1 and 14 for PTH, corticosterone and Ca2+ determinations. Adequate biological activity of the infused rIL-1beta was supported by elevated rectal temperature records and significant elevations of plasma corticosterone on day 14. The 100-ng dose had no effect but 500-2, 000 ng rIL-1beta/24 h significantly reduced plasma PTH in a dose-dependent manner down to 54% of basal value (20.4 +/- 1.1 vs. 15.3 +/- 1.4 pg/ml for 500 ng, p < 0.005; 20.5 +/- 1.3 vs 12.3 +/- 1.1 for 1,000 ng, p < 0.001, and 19.5 +/- 2.0 vs. 10.6 +/- 1.1 pg/ml for 2,000 ng, p < 0.0008). Despite these findings, no differences in blood Ca2+ could be detected between treated animals and controls. The following conclusions can be inferred from the foregoing: Systemic administration of rIL-1beta to rats induced a dose-dependent fall in circulating PTH without altering calcemia, calling into question the biological relevance of the former finding. Although the recorded PTH depression may indeed not have been severe enough to cause hypocalcemia, it can be hypothesized that osteoclast activation by rIL-1beta would enhance bone mineral release into the pool compensating for depressed PTH activity.


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Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an allergic dermatitis of horses caused by bites of Culicoides and sometimes Simulium spp. The aim of this investigation was to identify Simulium allergens associated with IBH. A phage surface display cDNA library expressing recombinant Simulium vittatum salivary gland proteins was screened using sera of IBH-affected horses sensitized to S. vittatum salivary gland proteins as shown in immunoblot, resulting in the identification of seven cDNAs encoding IgE-binding proteins. The deduced amino acid sequences of these proteins showed sequence similarities to antigen 5 like protein (Sim v 1), to a serine protease inhibitor (Sim v 2), to two alpha-amylases (Sim v 3 and Sim v 4), and to three S. vittatum erythema proteins (SVEPs). The cDNA inserts were subcloned and expressed as [His](6)-tagged protein in Escherichia coli and purified using Ni(2+)-chelate affinity chromatography. Mice were immunised with the seven recombinant proteins and the antibodies tested against the recombinant proteins and salivary gland extract (SGE) of S. vittatum and Culicoides nubeculosus in immunoblot analyses. r-Sim v 1 specific mouse Abs recognized a band of about 32 kDa in immunoblots of both S. vittatum and C. nubeculosus SGE, detectable also by serum IgE of IBH-affected horses. Preincubation of horse serum with r-Sim v 1 completely inhibited IgE binding to the 32 kDa band demonstrating the presence of cross-reactive antigen 5 like proteins in both SGE. Determination of IgE levels against the r-Sim v proteins and crude S. vittatum extract by ELISA in sera from 25 IBH-affected and 20 control horses showed that IBH-affected horses had significantly higher IgE levels than controls against r-Sim v 1, 2, 3, 4 and S. vittatum extract, whereas the r-SVEP showed only marginal IgE binding. Further analyses showed that 60% of IBH-affected horses reacted to r-Sim v 1, suggesting that this could be a major allergen for IBH. Forty to twenty percent of the IBH-affected horses reacted with r-Sim v 2, 3 or 4. Combination of the results obtained with the 4 r-Sim v proteins showed that 92% of the IBH-affected but only 15% of the healthy horses had IgE levels against one or more of the 4 r-Sim v proteins. Seventy percent of the healthy horses had detectable IgE against S. vittatum extract, indicating a low specificity of the detection system used. Optimization of the ELISA system will be required to determine reliable cut-off values for the IBH-related allergens. Their in vivo relevance needs to be carefully assessed.


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Echinococcosis is a worldwide zoonotic parasitic disease of humans and various herbivorous domestic animals (intermediate hosts) transmitted by the contact with wild and domestic carnivores (definitive hosts), mainly foxes and dogs. Recently, a vaccine was developed showing high levels of protection against one parasite haplotype (G1) of Echinococcus granulosus, and its potential efficacy against distinct parasite variants or species is still unclear. Interestingly, the EG95 vaccine antigen is a secreted glycosylphosphatydilinositol (GPI)-anchored protein containing a fibronectin type III domain, which is ubiquitous in modular proteins involved in cell adhesion. EG95 is highly expressed in oncospheres, the parasite life cycle stage which actively invades the intermediate hosts. After amplifying and sequencing the complete CDS of 57 Echinococcus isolates belonging to 7 distinct species, we uncovered a large amount of genetic variability, which may influence protein folding. Two positively selected sites are outside the vaccine epitopes, but are predicted to alter protein conformation. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses indicate that EG95 isoform evolution is convergent with regard to the number of beta-sheets and alpha-helices. We conclude that having a variety of EG95 isoforms is adaptive for Echinococcus parasites, in terms of their ability to invade different hosts, and we propose that a mixture of isoforms could possibly maximize vaccine efficacy.


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The efficacy of biological therapeutics against cartilage degradation in osteoarthritis is restricted by the limited transport of macromolecules through the dense, avascular extracellular matrix. The availability of biologics to cell surface and matrix targets is limited by steric hindrance of the matrix, and the microstructure of matrix itself can be dramatically altered by joint injury and the subsequent inflammatory response. We studied the transport into cartilage of a 48 kDa anti-IL-6 antigen binding fragment (Fab) using an in vitro model of joint injury to quantify the transport of Fab fragments into normal and mechanically injured cartilage. The anti-IL-6 Fab was able to diffuse throughout the depth of the tissue, suggesting that Fab fragments can have the desired property of achieving local delivery to targets within cartilage, unlike full-sized antibodies which are too large to penetrate beyond the cartilage surface. Uptake of the anti-IL-6 Fab was significantly increased following mechanical injury, and an additional increase in uptake was observed in response to combined treatment with TNFα and mechanical injury, a model used to mimic the inflammatory response following joint injury. These results suggest that joint trauma leading to cartilage degradation can further alter the transport of such therapeutics and similar-sized macromolecules.


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The method of isolation of bone marrow (BM) mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) is a limiting factor in their study and therapeutic use. MSCs are typically expanded from BM cells selected on the basis of their adherence to plastic, which results in a heterogeneous population of cells. Prospective identification of the antigenic profile of the MSC population(s) in BM that gives rise to cells with MSC activity in vitro would allow the preparation of very pure populations of MSCs for research or clinical use. To address this issue, we used polychromatic flow cytometry and counterflow centrifugal elutriation to identify a phenotypically distinct population of mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells (MSPCs) within human BM. The MSPC activity resided within a population of rare, small CD45⁻CD73⁺CD90⁺CD105⁺ cells that lack CD44, an antigen that is highly expressed on culture-expanded MSCs. In culture, these MSPCs adhere to plastic, rapidly proliferate, and acquire CD44 expression. They form colony forming units-fibroblast and are able to differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes under defined in vitro conditions. Their acquired expression of CD44 can be partially downregulated by treatment with recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, a response not found in BM-MSCs derived from conventional plastic adherence methods. These observations indicate that MSPCs within human BM are rare, small CD45⁻CD73⁺CD90⁺CD105⁺ cells that lack expression of CD44. These MSPCs give rise to MSCs that have phenotypic and functional properties that are distinct from those of BM-MSCs purified by plastic adherence.


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Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is the etiologic agent of furunculosis, a frequent and significant disease of fisheries worldwide. The disease is largely controlled by commercial oil adjuvanted vaccines containing bacterins. However, the mechanisms leading to a protective immune response remain poorly understood. The type-three secretion system (T3SS) plays a central role in virulence of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and thus may have an influence on the immune response of the host. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of the T3SS antigens in mounting a protective immune response against furunculosis. Rainbow trout were intraperitoneally vaccinated in two independent experiments with bacterins prepared from a wild-type A. salmonicida strain and an isogenic strain carrying a deletion in the T3SS (ΔascV). Fish were challenged with the wt strain eight weeks after vaccination. In both trials, the survival rate of trout vaccinated with the ΔascV strain was significantly higher (23-28%) in comparison to the group vaccinated with the wt strain. High-throughput proteomics analysis of whole bacteria showed the ascV deletion in the mutant strain resulted in lower expression of all the components of the T3SS, several of which have a potential immunosuppressive activity. In a third experiment, fish were vaccinated with recombinant AcrV (homologous to the protective antigen LcrV of Yersinia) or S-layer protein VapA (control). AcrV vaccinated fish were not protected against a challenge while fish vaccinated with VapA were partially protected. The presence of T3SS proteins in the vaccine preparations decreased the level of protection against A. salmonicida infection and that AcrV was not a protective antigen. These results challenge the hypothesis that mounting specific antibodies against T3SS proteins should bring better protection to fish and demonstrate that further investigations are needed to better understand the mechanisms underlying effective immune responses against A. salmonicida infection.


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Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) in horses represents an immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated hypersensitivity to salivary antigens from biting midges (Culicoides spp.). The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the performances of IgE ELISAs using recombinant Culicoides spp. Obsoletus group salivary gland antigens or crude whole body extracts ('ObsWBE'), C. nubeculosus recombinant proteins (Culn1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10) and Obsoletus group recombinant proteins (Culo1 and 2). IgE levels were measured in plasma of 343 Warmblood horses classified as IBH-affected (n=167) and IBH-unaffected (n=176) according to the owners' descriptions. IBH-affected horses were subdivided based on the severity of their clinical signs at sampling and whether or not their IBH history was considered to be classical. The accuracies of the tests increased when clinical signs at sampling were more pronounced or when the IBH history could be considered as classical. A combination of IgE levels against the three best performing Culicoides spp. recombinant proteins (Culn4, Culo1 and Culo2) and ObsWBE resulted in the best performing test. When IBH-affected horses showing a classical history of the disease and severe clinical signs were compared with IBH-unaffected horses, the Youden's index at the optimal cut-off for the three tests in combination was 0.67. This optimal cut-off had a sensitivity of 70%, a specificity of 97% and a total accuracy of 92%. The performance of the IgE ELISA was affected by the severity of IBH clinical signs at sampling and was improved when IgE levels against several recombinant proteins were combined.


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Cryptococcus spp. commonly causes infection in immunocompromised hosts. Clinical presentation of cryptococcal meningoencephalitis (CM) is variable, but headache, fever and a high intracranial pressure should suggest the diagnosis. The cryptococcal antigen test is a specific and sensitive rapid test that can be performed on blood or cerebrospinal fluid. We report a case of CM in a patient with previously undetected lymphocytopenia. Because cryptococcal antigen test results were negative, diagnosis and treatment were delayed.


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In this study, mice were vaccinated intranasally with recombinant N. caninum protein disulphide isomerase (NcPDI) emulsified in cholera toxin (CT) or cholera toxin subunit B (CTB) from Vibrio cholerae. The effects of vaccination were assessed in the murine nonpregnant model and the foetal infection model, respectively. In the nonpregnant mice, previous results were confirmed, in that intranasal vaccination with recNcPDI in CT was highly protective, and low cerebral parasite loads were noted upon real-time PCR analysis. Protection was accompanied by an IgG1-biased anti-NcPDI response upon infection and significantly increased expression of Th2 (IL-4/IL-10) and IL-17 transcripts in spleen compared with corresponding values in mice treated with CT only. However, vaccination with recNcPDI in CT did not induce significant protection in dams and their offspring. In the dams, increased splenic Th1 (IFN-γ/IL-12) and Th17 mRNA expressions was detected. No protection was noted in the groups vaccinated with recNcPDI emulsified in CTB. Thus, vaccination with recNcPDI in CT in nonpregnant mice followed by challenge infection induced a protective Th2-biased immune response, while in the pregnant mouse model, the same vaccine formulation resulted in a Th1-biased inflammatory response and failed to protect dams and their progeny.


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The respiratory tract is an attractive target organ for novel diagnostic and therapeutic applications with nano-sized carriers, but their immune effects and interactions with key resident antigen-presenting cells (APCs) such as dendritic cells (DCs) and alveolar macrophages (AMs) in different anatomical compartments remain poorly understood. Polystyrene particles ranging from 20 nm to 1,000 nm were instilled intranasally in BALB/c mice, and their interactions with APC populations in airways, lung parenchyma, and lung-draining lymph nodes (LDLNs) were examined after 2 and 24 hours by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. In the main conducting airways and lung parenchyma, DC subpopulations preferentially captured 20-nm particles, compared with 1,000-nm particles that were transported to the LDLNs by migratory CD11blow DCs and that were observed in close proximity to CD3+ T cells. Generally, the uptake of particles increased the expression of CD40 and CD86 in all DC populations, independent of particle size, whereas 20-nm particles induced enhanced antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells in LDLNs in vivo. Despite measurable uptake by DCs, the majority of particles were taken up by AMs, irrespective of size. Confocal microscopy and FACS analysis showed few particles in the main conducting airways, but a homogeneous distribution of all particle sizes was evident in the lung parenchyma, mostly confined to AMs. Particulate size as a key parameter determining uptake and trafficking therefore determines the fate of inhaled particulates, and this may have important consequences in the development of novel carriers for pulmonary diagnostic or therapeutic applications.