953 resultados para Rear Vehicle-to-Vehicle Impact Tests.


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Neste trabalho apresenta-se o modelo de um controlador baseado em Lógica Fuzzy para um sistema de energia baseado em fonte renovável solar fotovoltaica (photovoltaic - PV) multi-string em operação isolada, para o aproveitamento da máxima potência desta fonte. O sistema é composto por painéis solares, conversor CC-CC tipo elevador de tensão (boost), armazenamento por banco de baterias, inversor trifásico e carga trifásica variável. O sistema fotovoltaico foi modelado no MATLAB/Simulink de forma a representar a curva característica V-I do módulo PV, e que é baseado nos dados disponíveis em data-sheets de painéis fotovoltaicos comerciais. Outros estudos de natureza elétrica tais como o cálculo dos valores eficazes das correntes no conversor CC-CC, para avaliação das perdas, indispensáveis para o dimensionamento de componentes eletrônicos, foram realizados. O método tradicional Perturb and Observe de rastreamento do ponto de máxima potência (Maximum Power Point Tracking MPPT) de painéis foi testado e comparado com métodos que usam a Lógica Fuzzy. Devido ao seu desempenho, foi adotado o método Fuzzy que realiza o MPPT por inferência do ciclo de trabalho de um modulador por largura de pulso (Pulse Width Modulation - PWM) através da variação da potência pela variação da corrente do painel solar. O modelo Fuzzy adotado neste trabalho foi testado com sucesso. Os resultados mostraram que ele pode ser robusto e atende à aplicação proposta. Segundo alguns testes realizados, este controlador pode realizar o MPPT de um sistema PV na configuração multi-string onde alguns arranjos fotovoltaicos são usados. Inclusive, este controle pode ser facilmente adaptado para realizar o MPPT de outras fontes de energia baseados no mesmo princípio de controle, como é o caso do aerogerador.


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Testing was conducted of a computer-assisted system for matching humpback whale tail flukes photographs. Trials with a 12,000-photographs database found no differences in match success between matching by computer and matching by comparing smaller catalogs ranging in size from 200 to 400 photographs. Tests with a 24,000-photographs database showed that, on average, the first match was found after examining about 130 photographs whether the photograph quality was excellent, good, or poor. Match success did not appear to be strongly related to whether the tail flukes had especially distinctive markings or pigment patterns (recognition quality). An advantage of computer-assisted matching is the ability to compare new photographs to the entire North Pacific collection, where no bias is introduced based on expectation of resightings within or between specific areas, or based on expectation of behavioral role (e.g. matching “known” females to “known” females).


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Foram realizados ensaios de adensamento, SIC e CRS, em amostras retiradas de um depósito argiloso muito mole, na Baixada de Jacarepaguá, 15 anos após a execução de um aterro. As amostras foram retiradas do mesmo local onde foram obtidas as amostras da primeira campanha, por ocasião do projeto. Os ensaios CRS, realizados com diferentes velocidades de deformação, são comparados aos resultados dos ensaios SIC da campanha atual de investigação. Os parâmetros geotécnicos da camada de argila muito mole, 15 anos após a construção do aterro, são comparados aos parâmetros da camada original. O aumento das tensões de sobreadensamento e redução do OCR são obtidos da interpretação dos ensaios atuais. A grandeza do recalque foi inferida a partir da nova estratigrafia, através da espessura atual da camada na região investigada, pela variação do índice de vazios e pela variação do teor médio de umidade. Os recalques previstos originalmente, incluindo a parcela de compressão secundária, são comparados aos recalques inferidos e medidos através de placa de recalque. As principais conclusões da pesquisa sugerem que a qualidade dos corpos de prova da primeira campanha foram superiores aos atuais, apesar dos cuidados com a amostragem, transporte das amostras e preparação dos corpos de prova no laboratório na segunda campanha de ensaios. Atribuiu-se esta ocorrência ao processo construtivo, que impôs movimentação excessiva ao maciço argiloso, interferindo com suas características de maior uniformidade em seu processo de deposição natural. Os ensaios de adensamento com diferentes velocidades de carregamento apresentaram comportamento similar, com variação da posição relativa das curvas e x σv, com ensaios mais rápidos exibindo maiores índices de vazios. As curvas do índice de vazios versus tensão efetiva ilustram, de forma acentuada, a redução significativa do índice de vazios da segunda campanha em relação ao solo natural, antes do lançamento do aterro. Os recalques previstos e os obtidos, seja pela instrumentação, seja pelos demais registros, indicam valores bastante próximos, em face da variabilidade da estratigrafia e dos parâmetros geotécnicos inerentes à natureza dos depósitos sedimentares.


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Tratar sobre dimensões vivenciais que envolvem o adoecimento cutâneo é indispensável em uma sociedade onde as pessoas vivem sujeitas às pressões quanto à: modelos socioculturais, preocupações com crenças e valores e imposições estéticas, podendo assim sofrer distorções em sua autoimagem corporal e autoestima. Refletindo sobre a teoria de adaptação de Roy quanto à singularidade do ser humano para reagir, aprender e se adaptar na sua convivência no mundo, consigo e com os outros, indaga-se: quais são as repercussões do acometimento cutâneo na vida das pessoas? Assim, formulou-se o objeto de estudo - Repercussões do acometimento de afecções cutâneas na vida das pessoas. Teve-se como objetivos propor uma perspectiva de cuidar em enfermagem compatível com as necessidades humanas de pessoas com alteração de autoimagem e autoestima devido a afecções dermatológicas; identificar as características sociodemográficas e clínicas das pessoas com afecções dermatológicas; analisar a dimensão imaginativa de pessoas referente à sua convivência com afecções dermatológicas, destacando seus sentimentos quanto à autoimagem e à autoestima. Este trabalho se insere no Grupo de Pesquisa Concepções teóricas para o cuidar em saúde e enfermagem - CNPq, na Linha de pesquisa Fundamentos filosóficos, teóricos e tecnológicos do cuidar em saúde e enfermagem e no projeto denominado A perspectiva estética/sociopoética do cuidar em enfermagem: identificando necessidades de autocuidado para promoção da saúde da Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa CNPq, período 2011-2014, e da Bolsa de Professor Visitante da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Escolheu-se como referencial teórico metodológico a sociopoética e as técnicas de pesquisa dinâmica do corpo como território mínimo e a narrativa da lenda da beleza. O Grupo-Pesquisador, (GP) dispositivo analítico da sociopoética foi composto por 18 clientes da Enfermaria de Dermatologia do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, que desenvolveram as fases do método sociopoético no período de maio a agosto de 2013. Os dados produzidos foram analisados conforme os estudos sociopoéticos transversal, classificatório e filosófico. No transversal se destacam as categorias - Investindo no cuidado para o autocuidado e o desejo por uma pele íntegra x Imagem corporal elevada. No classificatório, a categoria Percebendo e conhecendo a afecção dermatológica x Descuidado consciente com o corpo. No estudo filosófico, destacam-se as categorias: comprometimento da autoimagem frente às repercussões da afecção dermatológica e a beleza existente no ser humano amado. Os resultados permitiram responder a questão inicialmente formulada e alcançar os objetivos propostos. Conclui-se que, a sociopoética como uma construção coletiva revelou-se, nesta pesquisa, como uma importante ferramenta tanto no cuidar/educar/pesquisar em enfermagem como na abordagem humanista aos clientes com afecções dermatológicas. Sendo assim, ao analisar a dimensão imaginativa referente à convivência das pessoas com a enfermidade citada, esta dissertação contribuiu para uma ampliação da perspectiva da imagem e estima das mesmas, na tentativa de possibilitar o desenvolvimento do cuidado de enfermagem cada vez mais próximo ao cliente por meio da interação e do diálogo.


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Samples of 11,000 King George whiting (Sillaginodes punctata) from the South Australian commercial and recreational catch, supplemented by research samples, were aged from otoliths. Samples were analyzed from three coastal regions and by sex. Most sampling was undertaken at fish processing plants, from which only fish longer than the legal minimum length were obtained. A left-truncated normal distribution of lengths at monthly age was therefore employed as model likelihood. Mean length-at-monthly-age was described by a generalized von Bertalanffy formula with sinusoidal seasonality. Likelihood standard deviation was modeled to vary allometrically with mean length. A range of related formulas (with 6 to 8 parameters) for seasonal mean length at age were compared. In addition to likelihood ratio tests of relative fit, model selection criteria were a minimum occurrence of high uncertainties (>20% SE), of high correlations (>0.9, >0.95, and >0.99) and of parameter estimates at their biological limits, and we sought a model with a minimum number of parameters. A generalized von Bertalanffy formula with t0 fixed at 0 was chosen. The truncated likelihood alleviated the overestimation bias of mean length at age that would otherwise accrue from catch samples being restricted to legal sizes.


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Recruitment, defined and measured as the incorporation of new individuals (i.e. coral juveniles) into a population, is a fundamental process for ecologists, evolutionists and conservationists due to its direct effect on population structure and function. Because most coral populations are self-feeding, a breakdown in recruitment would lead to local extinction. Recruitment indirectly affects both renewal and maintenance of existing and future coral communities, coral reef biodiversity (bottom-up effect) and therefore coral reef resilience. This process has been used as an indirect measure of individual reproductive success (fitness) and is the final stage of larval dispersal leading to population connectivity. As a result, recruitment has been proposed as an indicator of coral-reef health in marine protected areas, as well as a central aspect of the decision-making process concerning management and conservation. The creation of management plans to promote impact mitigation,rehabilitation and conservation of the Colombian coral reefs is a necessity that requires firstly, a review and integration of existing literature on scleractinian coral recruitment in Colombia and secondly, larger scale field studies. This motivated us to summarize and analyze all existing information on coral recruitment to determine the state of knowledge, isolate patterns, identify gaps, and suggest future lines of research.


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Rate and pattern of spoilage of some of the economically important edible species of shell fishes Mytilus edulis (Mussel), Villorita cornucopia (Clam), Neptunus pelagicus (Crab) and Scylla serrata (Crab) have been discussed in this communication. Chemical indices used for objective evaluation of quality were water extractable nitrogen (WEN), non-protein nitrogen (NPN), free α-amino nitrogen (α - NH2 -N), glycogen, lactic acid and inorganic phosphorus in addition to the subjective tests. No significant difference in the spoilage pattern of the species during ice storage was observed and these species could be preserved in ice in organoleptic acceptable condition up to 8 days, 9 days, 8 days and 11 days respectively.


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The spread of culture and language in human populations is explained by two alternative models: the demic diffusion model, which involves mass movement of people; and the cultural diffusion model, which refers to cultural impact between populations and in


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The coastal development and human activities along the Suez Gulf leading to sedimentation, degrade the quality of water, disturbing the natural structure and functions of aquatic communities. The Suez Gulf is a large semi-closed area with a 346 km long coastline on the western beach side. The prevailing physicochemical parameters in shallow intertidal waters were measured seasonally over the year. Benthic faunas in the sampling sites were studied indicating their regional distribution in relation to the impact of different environmental parameters in the intertidal region. The concentration of copper in seawater reached high level at St. IV (4.57 ug/1), which is exposed to sewage and petroleum hydrocarbons. The grain size of the sediment is a determining factor for the organic carbon concentration and the sandy substrate enhances organic matter degradation processes. A large number of oil fields are present along the western coast of the Suez Gulf, therefore, cadmium and organic matter appeared to be high. The values of pH did not vary greatly among the different sampling sites. It was high at EI-Ein, El-Sukhna and Ras-Shukeir due to the disposal of mainly acidic sewage and industrial effluents of the two stations Adabiya and Ras-Gharib respectively. The macrobenthos included 71 species embraced mainly from Mollusca (53.5% Gastropoda and 12.7% Bivalvia) and the other invertebrates included 7 groups namely, Rhizostoma, Polychaeta, Cirripedia, Amphipoda, Isopoda, Decapoda and Echinodermata. The distribution of benthos is affected by the temperature and salinity of seawater. The concentration of organic matter in seawater and in sediments in shallow waters shows high values in the central part of the Gulf of Suez.


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Study on the biomarkers types to assess health status of marine ecosystems in environmental biomonitoring has an important value. Accordingly, accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in sediment, water and tissues (liver and gill) of mudskipper(i.e. Boleophthalmus dussumieri) and some physiological responses like lysosomal membrane change performed on haemocytes, stability of red blood cell membrane and the Glutathione-S Transferase (GST) activity in the liver were measured in mudskipper. Samples were obtained from five sites along north western coast of the Persian Gulf (Khuzestan coast). Red blood cell membrane changes after different concentration of PAHs at different time was also studied to evaluate impact of PAHs compound on cell membrane. PAHs concentration was measured by HPLC method. The activity of GST enzyme was analysed by spectrophotometric method. Lysosomal membrane change was measured by NRR time method and stability of red blood cell membrane was evaluated by EOF test. Total PAH concentrations in the coastal sea water, the sediments, the liver and the gill tissues ranged between 0.80-18.34 μg/l, 113.50-3384.34 ng g-1 (dry weight), 3.99-46.64 ng g-1 dw and 3.11-17.76 ng g-1 dw, respectively. Highest PAHs pollution was found at Jafari while the lowest was detected at Bahrakan sampling sites. The lowest enzymatic activity was identified at Bahrakan (7.19 ± 1.541 nmol/mg protein/min), while the highest was recorded at Jafari (46.96 ± 7.877 nmol/mg protein/min). Comparative analysis of GST activity in the liver of mudskippers showed significant difference (p < 0.05) between the locations of Jafari and Bahrakan, and with other sites. Moreover, no significant difference was detected between the locations of Arvand, Zangi and Samayeli (p < 0.05). The mean RT was below 90 minutes in all sampling sites. Values of mean RT of the dye ranged from 34 (for the blood samples of mudskipper collected from Jafari site) to 78 minutes (for the blood samples of mudskipper collected from Bahrakan site). Spatial evaluation revealed the longest RT in fish from Bahrakan as compared with those from other sites. Preliminary results showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) among sampling sites except between Arvand and Zangi (p > 0.05). Osmotic fragility curves indicated that erythrocytes collected from mudskippers at Jafari were the most 009 fragile followed by Zangi> Arvand> Samayeli> and Bahrakan. The mean erythrocyte fragility was significantly higher at Jafari site (p < 0.05) when compared to other sites. Significant differences were found between the various sites (p < 0.05).The result indicated no significant differences between the control and treatments of mudskipper RBC exposed to field concentrations of PAHs (P>0.05). The results further indicated significant differences (P<0.05) between the control and treatments of mudskipper RBC exposed to acute. Potency Divisor concentrations. It is clear from the present result that chronic. Potency Divisor concentrations protect red cells against osmotic hemolysis. This study, however, showed that PAH concentrations in this region are not higher than the available standards. The findings showed that Lysosomal membrane destabilization, liver GST activities and fragility of red cell membrane are highly sensitive in the mudskipper, B. dussumieri. Thus, mudskipper perceived to be good sentinel organisms for PAH pollution monitoring. Sediment PAH concentrations were strongly correlated with biomarkers, indicating that PAH type pollutants were biologically available to fish. One of the possible risk assessment implications of this study is that biomarkers can be applied not only to characterize biological effects of pollution exposures, but also to determine the bioavailability of pollution in aquatic systems. The results also indicated that PAHs compound possess anti haemolytic property.


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A baseline survey for the project which had been conducted in 2009 had gaps that could not allow assessment of project performance in the outcome and impact indicators to be made. This study was, therefore, commissioned to reconstruct the baseline data, aligned to the impact and outcome indicators on the project logframe and results framework, against which project achievements could be assessed. The purpose and scope of the study was to reconstruct the baseline data and analysis describing the situation prior to QAFM Project inception, taking 2008 as the baseline year, which was aligned to the project logframe outcome and impact indicators; to collect data on current status to compare project outcome (and where possible impact) in improved fish handling sites in comparison with the baseline as well as with comparable non-improved fish landing sites as control group. The study was conducted through secondary data search from sources at NaFIRRI, DFR and ICEIDA. Field data collection was carried out using a sample survey covering 312 respondents including boat and gear owners, crew members, processors and traders at eight project and two control landing sites. Key Informant Interviews were conducted with DFOs and BMU leaders in the study districts and landing sites respectively.


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Consumer goods manufacturers aiming to reduce the environmental impact associated with their products commonly pursue incremental change strategies, but more radical approaches may be required if we are to address the challenges of sustainable consumption. One strategy to realize step change reductions is to prepare a portfolio of innovations providing different levels of impact reduction in exchange for different levels of organizational resource commitment. In this research a tool is developed to support this strategy, starting with the assumption that through brainstorming or other eco-innovation approaches, a long-list of candidate innovations has been created. The tool assesses the potential greenhouse gas benefit of an innovative option against the difficulty of its implementation. A simple greenhouse gas benefit assessment method based on streamlined LCA was used to analyze impact reduction potential, and a novel measure of implementation difficulty was developed. The predictions of implementation difficulty were compared against expert opinion, and showed similar results indicating the measure can be used sensibly to predict implementation difficulty. The assessment of the environmental gain versus implementation difficulty is visualized in a matrix, showing the trade-offs of several options. The tool is deliberately simple with scalar measures of CO 2 emissions benefits and implementation difficulty so tool users must remain aware of other potential environmental burdens besides greenhouse gases (e.g. water, waste). In addition, although relative life cycle emissions benefits of an option may be low, the absolute impact of an option can be high and there may be other co-benefits, which could justify higher levels of implementation difficulty. Different types of consumer products (e.g. household, personal care, foods) have been evaluated using the tool. Initial trials of the tool within Unilever demonstrate that the tool facilitates rapid evaluation of low-carbon innovations. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Product recovery is beset by uncertainty regarding the quality of end-of-life (EOL) products, and in order to ascertain the reusability of these products, they have to undergo expensive tests. This undermines the profitability of the recovery process. The key to improve the effectiveness of product recovery is to improve the quality of information available before testing. Emerging data capture technologies can significantly improve the availability of information. However, in order to maximise the potential of these technologies, appropriate decision-making algorithms that exploit such information must be developed. We model the recovery process using a decision-theoretic approach, and derive strategies to ascertain the reusability of EOL products, and also to decide when tests are beneficial. We show that improving the quality of information leads to increase in effectiveness of the recovery process by reducing the need for tests. Copyright © 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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This paper discusses the development of a computationally efficient numerical method for predicting the acoustics of rattle events upfront in the design cycle. The method combines Finite Elements, Boundary Elements and SEA and enables the loudness of a large number of rattle events to be efficiently predicted across a broad frequency range. A low frequency random vibro-acoustic model is used in conjunction with various closed form analytical expressions in order to quickly predict impact probabilities and locations. An existing method has been extended to estimate the statistics of the contact forces across a broad frequency range. Finally, broadband acoustic radiation is predicted using standard low, mid and high frequency vibro-acoustic methods and used to estimate impact loudness. The approach is discussed and a number of validation examples are presented.


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Two-phase computational fluid dynamics modelling is used to investigate the magnitude of different contributions to the wet steam losses in a three-stage model low pressure steam turbine. The thermodynamic losses (due to irreversible heat transfer across a finite temperature difference) and the kinematic relaxation losses (due to the frictional drag of the drops) are evaluated directly from the computational fluid dynamics simulation using a concept based on entropy production rates. The braking losses (due to the impact of large drops on the rotor) are investigated by a separate numerical prediction. The simulations show that in the present case, the dominant effect is the thermodynamic loss that accounts for over 90% of the wetness losses and that both the thermodynamic and the kinematic relaxation losses depend on the droplet diameter. The numerical results are brought into context with the well-known Baumann correlation, and a comparison with available measurement data in the literature is given. The ability of the numerical approach to predict the main wetness losses is confirmed, which permits the use of computational fluid dynamics for further studies on wetness loss correlations. © IMechE 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.