1000 resultados para Radiocarbon


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Colluvial deposits consisting of silts and loams were detected in several climatologically different areas of NE Tibet (3200-3700 m a.s.l.). Layering, distinct organic content and low content of coarse matter as well as location in the relief revealed an origin from low-energy slope erosion (hillwash). Underlying and intercalated paleosols were classified as Chernozems, Phaeozems, Regosols and Fluvisols. Fifteen radiocarbon datings predominant on charcoal from both colluvial layers and paleosols yielded ages between 8988 ± 66 and 3512 ± 56 uncal BP. Natural or anthropogenic factors could have been the triggers of the erosional processes derived. It remains unclear which reason was mainly responsible, due to controversial paleoclimatic and geomorphic records as well as insufficient archaeological knowledge from this region. Determinations of charcoal and fossil wood revealed the Holocene occurrence of tree species (spruce, juniper) for areas which nowadays have no trees or only few forest islands. Thus large areas of NE Tibet which are at present steppes and alpine pastures were forested in the past.


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Nine holes were drilled with a submersible hydraulic drill into the slopes and reef flats of the Caubyan and Calituban reefs as well as of Olango Flat. The maximum depth of core penetration was 11 m. 14C ages showed that the Caubyan and Calituban reefs were formed within the last 6,000 years. Corals settled on a pre-existing relief parallel to the island of Bohol, building a framework for other carbonate-producing organisms. The reef flat south of Olango has a different structure. Formation took place during a Pleistocene high sea level, e.g. 125,000 years ago.


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Ice sheets in the North American Arctic and, to a lesser extent, those in northern Eurasia calved large quantities of icebergs that drifted through Fram Strait into the Greenland Sea several times during the late Pleistocene. These icebergs deposited Fe oxide grains (45-250 ?m) and coarse lithic clasts >250 ?m matched to specific circum-Arctic sources. Four massive Arctic iceberg export events are identified from the Laurentide and the Innuitian ice sheets, between 14 and 34 ka (calendar years) in a sediment core from Fram Strait. These relatively short duration (<1-4 kyr) events contain 3-5 times the background levels of Fe oxide grains. They began suddenly, as indicated by a steep rise in the number of grains matched to an ice sheet source, suggesting rapid purges of ice through Fram Strait, due perhaps to collapse of ice sheets. The larger events from the northwestern Laurentide ice sheet are preceded by events from the Innuitian ice sheet. Despite the chronological uncertainties, the Arctic export events appear to occur prior to Heinrich events.


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Recent intensification of wind-driven upwelling of warm upper circumpolar deep water (UCDW) has been linked to accelerated melting of West Antarctic ice shelves and glaciers. To better assess the long term relationship between UCDWupwelling and the stability of theWest Antarctic Ice Sheet, we present a multi-proxy reconstruction of surface and bottom water conditions in Marguerite Bay, West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), through the Holocene. A combination of sedimentological, diatom and foraminiferal records are, for the first time, presented together to infer a decline in UCDW influence within Marguerite Bay through the early to mid Holocene and the dominance of cyclic forcing in the late Holocene. Extensive glacial melt, limited sea ice and enhanced primary productivity between 9.7 and 7.0 ka BP is considered to be most consistent with persistent incursions of UCDW through Marguerite Trough. From 7.0 ka BP sea ice seasons increased and productivity decreased, suggesting that UCDW influence within Marguerite Bay waned, coincident with the equatorward migration of the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds (SWW). UCDW influence continued through the mid Holocene, and by 4.2 ka BP lengthy sea ice seasons persisted within Marguerite Bay. Intermittent melting and reforming of this sea ice within the late Holocene may be indicative of episodic incursions of UCDW into Marguerite Bay during this period. The cyclical changes in the oceanography within Marguerite Bay during the late Holocene is consistent with enhanced sensitively to ENSO forcing as opposed to the SWW-forcing that appears to have dominated the early to mid Holocene. Current measurements of the oceanography of the WAP continental shelf suggest that the system has now returned to the early Holocene-like oceanographic configuration reported here, which in both cases has been associated with rapid deglaciation.


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We use planktonic oxygen isotope (d18O) records spanning the last 30,000 years (kyr) to constrain the magnitude and spatial pattern of glacial cooling in the upwelling environment of the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP). Fourteen new downcore d18O records were obtained from surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globigerinoides ruber in eight cores from the upwelling tongue of the EEP. All sites have sedimentation rates exceeding 5 cm/kyr and, with one exception, lie above the modern depth of the foraminiferal lysocline. Sites directly underlying the cool band of upwelling immediately south of the equator record mean late Holocene (LH)-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) d18O amplitudes ranging between 1.0 and 1.3 per mil. We estimate that mean sea surface temperatures (SST) in this region during the LGM were on average 1.5 ± 0.5°C lower than the LH. Larger d18O amplitudes are observed in sites north of the equator, indicating a spatial pattern of reduced meridional SST gradient across the equator during the LGM. This result is supported by comparison of Mg/Ca SST reconstructions from two sites straddling the equator. We interpret the reduction of this gradient during the LGM as evidence for a less intense cold tongue-Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) frontal system, a more southerly position of the ITCZ, and weaker southeast equatorial trades in the EEP.


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High-resolution planktonic foraminiferal census data from Santa Barbara Basin (Ocean Drilling Program hole 893A) demonstrate major assemblage switches between 25 and 60 ka that were associated with Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles. Stadials dominated by Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral), and Globigerinoides glutinata suggest a strong subpolar California Current influence, while interstadials marked by abundant N. pachyderma (dextral) and G. bulloides indicate a relative increase in subtropical countercurrent influence. Modern analog technique and transfer function (F-20RSC) temperature reconstructions support d18O evidence of large rapid (70 years or less) sea surface temperature shifts (3° to 5°C) between stadials and interstadials. Changes in the vertical temperature gradient and water column structure (thermocline depth) are recorded by planktonic faunal oscillations suggest bimodal stability in the organization of North Pacific surface ocean circulation. Santa Barbara Basin surface water demonstrates the rapid response of the California Current System to reorganization of North Pacific atmospheric circulation during rapid climate change.


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The palaeoenvironmental development of the western Laptev Sea is understood primarily from investigations of exposed cliffs and surface sediment cores from the shelf. In 2005, a core transect was drilled between the Taymyr Peninsula and the Lena Delta, an area that was part of the westernmost region of the non-glaciated Beringian landmass during the late Quaternary. The transect of five cores, one terrestrial and four marine, taken near Cape Mamontov Klyk reached 12 km offshore and 77 m below sea level. A multiproxy approach combined cryolithological, sedimentological, geochronological (14C-AMS, OSL on quartz, IR-OSL on feldspars) and palaeoecological (pollen, diatoms) methods. Our interpretation of the proxies focuses on landscape history and the transition of terrestrial into subsea permafrost. Marine interglacial deposits overlain by relict terrestrial permafrost within the same offshore core were encountered in the western Laptev Sea. Moreover, the marine interglacial deposits lay unexpectedly deep at 64 m below modern sea level 12 km from the current coastline, while no marine deposits were encountered onshore. This implies that the position of the Eemian coastline presumably was similar to today's. The landscape reconstruction suggests Eemian coastal lagoons and thermokarst lakes, followed by Early to Middle Weichselian fluvially dominated terrestrial deposition. During the Late Weichselian, this fluvial landscape was transformed into a poorly drained accumulation plain, characterized by widespread and broad ice-wedge polygons. Finally, the shelf plain was flooded by the sea during the Holocene, resulting in the inundation and degradation of terrestrial permafrost and its transformation into subsea permafrost.


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"Contract No. AT(40-1)-Gen-33."


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verso: J. B. Griffin (center), H. R. Crane (left), Patricia Dahlstrom (right); Published in American Antiquity, vol.49, no.3, 1984 for Distinguished Service Award pp.452-54.


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We have made AMS measurements on a series of 10-ring samples from a subfossil Huon pine log found in western Tasmania (42degreesS, 145degreesE). The results show a pronounced rise in Delta(14)C over the first 200 years, and a decrease over the following 160 years. Tree-ring width measurements indicate that this log (catalogue SRT-447) can be cross-dated with another subfossil log (SRT-416) for which a series of high-precision radiometric C-14 measurements have previously been made. When the two tree-ring series are thus aligned, SRT-447 is the older of the two logs, and there is a 139-year overlap. We then have a Huon pine floating chronology spanning 680 years, with C-14 measurements attached. The C-14 data sets agree well within the period of overlap indicated by the tree-rings. The C-14 variations from Huon pine show excellent agreement with those from German oak and pine for the period 10,350-9670 cal BP. Aligning the Huon pine C-14 Series with that from German oak and pine allows us to examine the inter-hemispheric offset in C-14 dates in the early Holocene. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.