972 resultados para RESIN RESTORATIONS


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Prairie restoration projects sometimes fail because of heavy invasion by invasive weeds, especially if they are not intensively managed. Few restoration projects are sampled after the first few years post-establishment, and little is known about what predictors are significant in maintaining restored communities over the very long term. Here, we stopped weeding experimental restoration plots to determine if persistence (that is, remaining unchanged after weeds are allowed to invade) of native prairie in western Iowa was related to planted species diversity


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Deciding when and how to plant prairie to simultaneously establish native prairie seedlings and prevent weed (non-prairie species) invasion can be challenging. Planting cover crops is an increasingly common management practice for prairie plantings. The idea is based on the assumption that the cover plant will act as a nurse plant to prairie seedlings and will have a positive effect on seedling recruitment by increasing weed suppression. This is predicted to lead to reduced weed biomass and increased prairie establishment in restoration plantings.


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Las restauraciones de inserción rígidas, tanto incrustaciones como coronas, cuentan con el aval de una amplia experiencia clínica. En nuestra práctica diaria se nos presentan a menudo casos en los que no podemos resolver el problema de una gran destrucción coronaria con ninguno de estos tratamientos. En este trabajo se presenta un caso clínico solucionado mediante la confección de una endocorona de resina compuesta debido a la contraindicación clínica de las restauraciones tradicionales, ya que el elemento a ser tratado presentaba una perforación en el piso de la cámara pulpar con un pronóstico de sobrevida reservado.


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Polymer nanocomposites, specifically nanoclay-reinforced polymers, have attracted great interest as matrix materials for high temperature composite applications. Nanocomposites require relatively low dispersant loads to achieve significant property enhancements. These enhancements are mainly a consequence of the interfacial effects that result from dispersing the silicate nanolayers in the polymer matrix and the high in-plane strength, stiffness and aspect ratio of the lamellar nanoparticles. The montmorillonite (MMT) clay, modified with organic onium ions with long alkyl chains as Cloisites, has been widely used to obtain nanocomposites. The presence of reactive groups in organic onium ions can form chemical bonds with the polymer matrix which favours a very high exfoliation degree of the clay platelets in the nanocomposite (1,2)


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Fluid flow and fabric compaction during vacuum assisted resin infusion (VARI) of composite materials was simulated using a level set-based approach. Fluid infusion through the fiber preform was modeled using Darcy’s equations for the fluid flow through a porous media. The stress partition between the fluid and the fiber bed was included by means of Terzaghi’s effective stress theory. Tracking the fluid front during infusion was introduced by means of the level set method. The resulting partial differential equations for the fluid infusion and the evolution of flow front were discretized and solved approximately using the finite differences method with a uniform grid discretization of the spatial domain. The model results were validated against uniaxial VARI experiments through an [0]8 E-glass plain woven preform. The physical parameters of the model were also independently measured. The model results (in terms of the fabric thickness, pressure and fluid front evolution during filling) were in good agreement with the numerical simulations, showing the potential of the level set method to simulate resin infusion


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Dendrocronología sobre Pinus pinaster, como la recolección de resina y los factores climáticos han afectado a su crecimiento.


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Numerous studies have established that polyvalency is a critical feature of cell surface carbohydrate recognition. Nevertheless, carbohydrate–protein interactions are typically evaluated by using assays that focus on the behavior of monovalent carbohydrate ligands in solution. It has generally been assumed that the relative affinities of monovalent carbohydrate ligands in solution correlate with their polyvalent avidities. In this paper we show that carbohydrate ligands synthesized directly on TentaGel beads interact with carbohydrate-binding proteins in a polyvalent manner. The carbohydrate-derivatized beads can, therefore, be used as model systems for cell surfaces to evaluate polyvalent carbohydrate–protein interactions. By using a combinatorial approach to synthesize solid-phase libraries of polyvalent carbohydrates, one can rapidly address key issues in the area of cell surface carbohydrate recognition. For example, studies reported herein demonstrate that there is an unanticipated degree of specificity in recognition processes involving polyvalent carbohydrates. However, the correlation between polyvalent avidities and solution affinities is poor. Apparently, the presentation of carbohydrates on the polymer surface has a profound influence on the interaction of the ligand with the protein receptor. These findings have implications for how carbohydrates function as recognition signals in nature, as well as for how polyvalent carbohydrate–protein interactions should be studied.


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Os cães, por fatores diversos, acabam por apresentar dentes fraturados com ou sem exposição de polpa. Estas fraturas basicamente são identificadas como fraturas recuperáveis não complicadas, recuperáveis complicadas ou irrecuperáveis. As fraturas recuperáveis (localizadas apenas no esmalte e dentina) são tratadas com dentística restauradora. As recuperáveis complicadas (com lesões em esmalte, dentina e exposição do canal radicular) passam por tratamento endodôntico, podendo ser seguidas de restaurações metálicas. Os dentes mais comumente acometidos são os dentes caninos, superiores ou inferiores. Este trabalho em dentes artificiais simulando considerável destruição de sua porção coronal objetivou testar, após a adaptação da restauração metálica fundida, a resistência às fraturas no dente canino. Os dentes artificiais foram padronizados com uma técnica de replicação de raízes artificiais em molde de resina acrílica quimicamente ativada. Oitenta réplicas iguais de resina composta fotopolimerizável, padronizadas em tamanho e forma, foram construídas a partir desta técnica. Antes da reconstrução protética, aplicou-se o tratamento endodôntico, desobturação, preparo do canal radicular e moldagem. Proteticamente, um pino intrarradicular reto e outro curvo, ambos com núcleo para sustentar a coroa metálica fundida foram cimentados na porção coronal de cada raiz-réplica. Os núcleos e coroa metálica foram ambos ferulados ou estojados. Avaliou-se os dois tipos de restauração com pino intrarradicular curvos ou retos cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco ou resinoso para identificar o melhor conjunto restaurador. Os testes de resistência biomecânica de 80 raízes-réplicas foram divididos em 4 grupos com 20 corpos de prova para cada um dos grupos. Grupo 1: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular curvo cimentados com cimento resinoso. Grupo 2: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular curvo cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco. Grupo 3: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular reto cimentados com cimento resinoso. Grupo 4: das raízes-réplicas com pino intrarradicular reto cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco. Estes grupos foram submetidos a teste de força com pré-carga de 1,5 N, com velocidade de avanço constante de 0,05 mm por minuto em ponto pré- determinado (mésio-lateral vestibularizada) até ocorrência de fratura do conjunto ou parte dele em uma Máquina Universal Kratos. Com a avaliação biomecânica e estudo estatístico de Kruskall-Wallis, identificou-se que os dados obtidos não seguiram distribuição normal. Esta diferença mostrou-se com o p<0,05 na interpretação do teste. No caso de dados não paramétricos o post-hoc do Kruskal-Wallis foi o teste de U de Mann-Withney. Paralelamente, um estudo com análise de elementos finitos comparou os resultados obtidos. Não houve diferença significativa sobre o tipo de cimento utilizado ou que favorecesse o uso do pino reto ou do pino curvo, recaindo a escolha para o operador decidir de acordo com a melhor indicação para cada caso clínico


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Includes bibliographical references (p. 10).


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Electrolytic precipitation of uranium from ion-exchange resin eluates has been investigated in a three-compartment cell. A relatively low-energy consumption is required and anodic attack is reduced to a negligible quantity. During the precipitation, acid is produced in sufficient quantity for use as eluant for subsequent eluting operations. The recovered uranium is in the form of a rapid settling, fast filtering precipitate which is easily washed with water to reduce the chloride content to a tolerable concentration.


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