995 resultados para RED ALGA


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The impacts of various climate modes on the Red Sea surface heat exchange are investigated using the MERRA reanalysis and the OAFlux satellite reanalysis datasets. Seasonality in the atmospheric forcing is also explored. Mode impacts peak during boreal winter [December–February (DJF)] with average anomalies of 12–18 W m−2 to be found in the northern Red Sea. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the east Atlantic–west Russia (EAWR) pattern, and the Indian monsoon index (IMI) exhibit the strongest influence on the air–sea heat exchange during the winter. In this season, the largest negative anomalies of about −30 W m−2 are associated with the EAWR pattern over the central part of the Red Sea. In other seasons, mode-related anomalies are considerably lower, especially during spring when the mode impacts are negligible. The mode impacts are strongest over the northern half of the Red Sea during winter and autumn. In summer, the southern half of the basin is strongly influenced by the multivariate ENSO index (MEI). The winter mode–related anomalies are determined mostly by the latent heat flux component, while in summer the shortwave flux is also important. The influence of the modes on the Red Sea is found to be generally weaker than on the neighboring Mediterranean basin.


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Se estudia la flora liquénica epifita de los alrededores de la Central T6rmica de Meirama (La Coruña) estableciendo índices biocenóticos (IPA. Diversidad y Frecuencia) y proponiéndose una escala cualitativa de toxisensíbilidad. Se adjunta un catálogo que comprende todos los líquenes epífitos reconocidos, entre los cuales hay 70 nuevas citas para la región (muestras testigo depositadas en MAF-Lich.).


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Phylogeography has provided a new approach to the analysis of the postglacial history of a wide range of taxa but, to date, little is known about the effect of glacial periods on the marine biota of Europe. We have utilized a combination of nuclear, plastid and mitochondrial genetic markers to study the biogeographic history of the red seaweed Palmaria palmata in the North Atlantic. Analysis of the nuclear rDNA operon (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), the plastid 16S-trnI-trnA-23S-5S, rbcL-rbcS and rpl12-rps31-rpl9 regions and the mitochondrial cox2–3 spacer has revealed the existence of a previously unidentified marine refugium in the English Channel, along with possible secondary refugia off the southwest coast of Ireland and in northeast North America and/or Iceland. Coalescent and mismatch analyses date the expansion of European populations from approximately 128 000 bp and suggest a continued period of exponential growth since then. Consequently, we postulate that the penultimate (Saale) glacial maximum was the main event in shaping the biogeographic history of European P. palmata populations which persisted throughout the last (Weichselian) glacial maximum (c. 20 000 bp) in the Hurd Deep, an enigmatic trench in the English Channel.


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The spread of nonindigenous species into new habitats is having a drastic effect on natural ecosystems and represents an increasing threat to global biodiversity. In the marine environment, where data on the movement of invasive species is scarce, the spread of alien seaweeds represents a particular problem. We have employed a combination of plastid microsatellite markers and DNA sequence data from three regions of the plastid genome to trace the invasive history of the green alga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides. Extremely low levels of genetic variation were detected, with only four haplotypes present in the species’ native range in Japan and only two of these found in introduced populations. These invasive populations displayed a high level of geographical structuring of haplotypes, with one haplotype localized in the Mediterranean and the other found in Northwest Atlantic, northern European and South Pacific populations. Consequently, we postulate that there have been at least two separate introductions of C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides from its native range in the North Pacific.


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Red coats and wild birds: military culture and ornithology across the nineteenth-century British Empire” investigates the intersections between British military culture and the practices and ideas of ornithology, with a particular focus on the British Mediterranean. Considering that British officers often occupied several imperial sites over the course of their military careers, to what extent did their movements shape their ornithological knowledge and identities at “home” and abroad? How did British military naturalists perceive different local cultures (with different attitudes to hunting, birds, field science, etc.) and different local natures (different sets of birds and environments)? How can trans-imperial careers be written using not only textual sources (for example, biographies and personal correspondence) but also traces of material culture? In answering these questions, I centre my work on the Mediterranean region as a “colonial sea” in the production of hybrid identities and cultural practices, and the mingling of people, ideas, commodities, and migratory birds. I focus on the life geographies of four military officers: Thomas Wright Blakiston, Andrew Leith Adams, L. Howard Lloyd Irby, and Philip Savile Grey Reid. By the mid-nineteenth century, the Mediterranean region emerged as a crucial site for the security of the British “empire route” to India and South Asia, especially with the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. Military stations served as trans-imperial sites, connecting Britain to India through the flow of military manpower, commodities, information, and bodily experiences across the empire. By using a “critical historical geopolitics of empire” to examine the material remnants of the “avian imperial archive,” I demonstrate how the practices and performances of British military field ornithology helped to: materialize the British Mediterranean as a moral “semi-tropical” place for the physical and cultural acclimatization of British officers en route to and from India; reinforce imperial presence in the region; and make “visible in new ways” the connectivity of North Africa to Europe through the geographical distribution of birds. I also highlight the ways in which the production of ornithological knowledge by army officers was entwined with forms of temperate martial masculinity.


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Field-collected specimens of three species of Laminaria and three species of subtidal red algae (Delesseria sanguinea, Plocamium cartilagineum and Phyllophora pseudoceranoides) were exposed to natural summer sunlight on Helgoland (southern North Sea) for up to 4 h at 15 °C. Dark-adapted variable fluorescence (Fv : Fm) was measured immediately after these treatments, and following 6, 24 and 48 h of recovery in moderate irradiances of white light. The response of plants to the full spectrum of natural sunlight was compared with that to PAR alone, UV-A + visible, UV-A + UV-B, or UV-A alone. The Fv : Fm values of all species were reduced to minimal values after 4 h in all of these treatments, but those of the more resistant species (Laminaria spp. and P. pseudoceranoides) were higher after shorter exposures to UV radiation alone than to PAR with or without UV. The recovery of Fv : Fm in all species was also more rapid in the two treatments that contained UV radiation alone than in those that included PAR. These results suggest that it is the high irradiances of PAR in natural sunlight which are responsible for the photoinhibition of photosynthesis of subtidal seaweeds and that the current ambient irradiances of UV radiation (either UV-B or UV-A) in northern temperate latitudes would not contribute significantly to this photoinhibition.


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In the Ceramiaceae, one of the largest families of the red algae, there are from 1 to 4000 nuclei in each vegetative cell, but each tribe is homogeneous with respect to the uninucleate/multinucleate character state, except for the Callithamnieae. The goals of this study were to analyze rbcL gene sequences to clarify the evolution of taxa within the tribe Callithamnieae and to evaluate the potential evolutionary significance of the development of multinucleate cells in certain taxa. The genus Aglaothamnion, segregated from Callithamnion because it is uninucleate, was paraphyletic in all analyses. Callithamnion (including Aristothamnion) was monophyletic although not robustly so, apparently due to variations between taxa in rate of sequence evolution. Morphological synapomorphies were identified at different depths in the tree, supporting the molecular phylogenetic analysis. The uninucleate character state is ancestral in this tribe. The evolution of multinucleate cells has occurred once in the Callithamnieae. Multiple nuclei in each cell may combine the benefits of small C values (rapid cell cycle) with large cells (permitting morphological elaboration) while maintaining a constant ratio of nuclear volume: cytoplasmic volume.


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