919 resultados para Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco de


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Conferencias y debate posterior con María Virginia Jaua y Luis Francisco Pérez. La sesión estuvo organizada en función de sendas intervenciones de los dos invitados que fueron estableciendo una alternacia discursiva alrededor del contenido, el sentido y la gran significancia y repercusión de la obra del teórico José Luis Brea, incluyendo la proyección de un ensayo audiovisual acerca de su obra. María Virginia Jaua es editora, escritora, crítica y traductora. Actualmente vive entre la Ciudad de México y Madrid. Estudió comunicación en la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Letras hispánicas en la UNAM y un posgrado de Letras Modernas centrado en la relación entre las artes y la literatura en la Universidad de La Sorbonne. Ha desarrollado y colaborado en diversos proyectos editoriales ligados a la literatura y a las artes. Actualmente dirige la revista online de crítica de arte y análisis cultural contemporáneos Campo de relámpagos (http://campoderelampagos.org/), tras haber dirigido Salón Kritik (http://salonkritik.net/), y es jefa de redacción de la revista Estudios Visuales, de la revista mexicana de literatura Líneas de Fuga y de El Estado Mental. Ha publicado los libros El cristal se venga, textos, artículos e iluminaciones de José Luis Brea (Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo / Ed. RM, 2014) e Idea de la ceniza (Periférica, 2015). Ha escrito numerosos textos de crítica de arte, literatura, cine, música y políticas culturales y es en el entrecruce de estas disciplinas donde se centra su trabajo. Luis Francisco Pérez es uno de los críticos referenciales en el panorama de arte contemporáneo español. Teórico, crítico y comisario de arte independiente, desde principios de los años ochenta ha colaborado con prácticamente todas las revistas relevantes de arte contemporáneo españolas, así como en otros medios europeos y latinoamericanos. Ha participado en conferencias, catálogos, jurados, mesas redondas, debates en prensa, etc., y en numerosas publicaciones en Red, siendo, por ejemplo, asiduo colaborador en Salón Kritik (http://salonkritik.net/). Últimamente ha extendido su interés hacia la escritura de la crítica literaria, o introduciendo en la teoría de arte cuestiones cercanas a la literatura, filosofía y música.


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To establish the prevalence of olfactory dysfunction in smoking and non-smoking students of our Faculty who attend the Department of Otolaryngology (ENT) of our Hospital. Materials and method: Students (smokers and non-smokers) that do and do not suffer from olfactory dysfunction. We applied a questionnaire and a pocket smell test for screening all of the students. Results: We evaluated 207 students, between 18 and 30 years old; 50.7% (n=105) were women and 49.3% (n=102) were men. The smokers among them smoked up to 6 packs per year. One hundred twenty three students were non-smokers and 84 students were smokers. Of the 84 students who were smokers, 67 (79.7%) answered the Pocket Smell Test correctly (3/3) and 17 (20.2%) students had one or more errors. We had 123 non-smoker students and 103 (83.7%) students answered the Pocket Smell Test correctly and 20 (16.2%) answered with one or more errors. The prevalence of olfactory dysfunction in young smokers with a 95% conidence interval would be 32.8%. Conclusions: This study informed us about olfactory dysfunctions in our student population and their smoking habits. We corroborate that the Pocket Smell Test is reliable with the questionnaire; nevertheless it is a screening test. We have a population of young people who smoke one cigarette per day and who didn’t have a signiicant alteration in their ability of smell at the time of the study. This is consistent with medical literature. More studies should be conducted in order to expand this information.


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Introduction: Amyloidosis is used to describe a range of disorders deined by extracellular deposition of abnormal protein ibrils. The larynx is the most common site of localized amyloidosis in the head and neck region and constitutes less than 1% of benign laryngeal lesions. Hoarseness is the most common symptom. Objective: Prospective clinical evaluation of patients with localized laryngeal amyloidosis. Clinical cases: Presented are 4 cases of patients with localized laryngeal amyloidosis who were treated at the Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Department at the “Dr. José Eleuterio González” University Hospital in Monterrey, Mexico. Three patients underwent phonomicrosurgery by direct microlaryngoscopy with the removal of the amyloid implantation using a cold knife excision with great results. In each patient the major site of involvement was the supraglottis with a small focus on the false vocal cord. A medical work-up, including a complete blood count (CBC), a basic metabolic panel, urinalysis, liver function test, chest X-ray and physical examination were performed to rule out the presence of systemic disease; no amyloidosis or signs of systemic disease were found. Congo red staining conirms the diagnosis of amyloidosis in all surgical specimens. Conclusions: In laryngeal amyloidosis, the treatment should be directed toward the improvement of the voice and the maintenance of the airway.


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A controlled synthesis of CuO nanostructures with various morphologies were successfully achieved by presence/absence of low frequency (42 kHz) ultrasound with two different methods. The size, shape and morphology of the CuO nanostructures were tailored by altering the ultrasound, mode of addition and solvent medium. The crystalline structure and molecular vibrational modes of the prepared nanostructures were analysed through X-ray diffraction and FTIR measurement, respectively which confirmed that the nanostructures were phase pure high-quality CuO with monoclinic crystal structure. The morphological evaluation and elemental composition analysis were done using TEM and EDS attached with SEM, respectively. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the prepared CuO nanostructures could be served as an effective photocatalyst towards the degradation of methyl orange (MO) under visible light irradiation. Among the various nanostructures, the spherical shape CuO nanostructures were found to have the better catalytic activities towards MO dye degradation. The catalytic degradation performance of MO in the presence of CuO nanostructures showed the following order: spherical\nanorod \layered oval \nanoleaf \triangular \shuttles structures. The influence of loading and reusability of catalyst revealed that the efficiency of visible light assisted degradation of MO was effectively enhanced and more than 95 % of degradation was achieved after 3 cycles