948 resultados para Query-by-example
Land cover change constitutes one of main way of alteration of soil organic matter in both quantitative and qualitative terms. The goal of this study was to compare the carbon stock and the isotopic signature of the organic matter in the soil of areas with different land use,covered with forest and grass (pasture). The study area is located at Sorocaba, SP, Brazil. Using un-deformed soil samples, we measured the carbon content and bulk density. The isotopic signature of soil carbon was determined through the analysis of isotopic ratio (12)C/(13)C. The pasture soil stocks 48% less carbon than the soil covered by natural forest. The isotopic signature indicated that 42.2% of organic matter of the soil covered by pasture is originated from grasses. This characterizes a highly degradation of organic matter in the environment, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Hence, some guidelines of recuperation are described in order to restore the soil organic matter, structure and porosity.
In lymphocytes (LY), the well-documented antiproliferative effects of IFN-alpha are associated with inhibition of protein synthesis, decreased amino acid incorporation, and cell cycle arrest. However, the effects of this cytokine on the metabolism of glucose and glutamine in these cells have not been well investigated. Thus, mesenteric and spleen LY of male Wistar rats were cultured in the presence or absence of IFN-alpha, and the changes on glucose and glutamine metabolisms were investigated. The reduced proliferation of mesenteric LY was accompanied by a reduction in glucose total consumption (35%), aerobic glucose metabolism (55%), maximal activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (49%), citrate synthase activity (34%), total glutamine consumption (30%), aerobic glutamine consumption (20.3%) and glutaminase activity (56%). In LY isolated from spleen, IFN alpha also reduced the proliferation and impaired metabolism. These data demonstrate that in LY, the antiproliferative effects of IFN alpha are associated with a reduction in glucose and glutamine metabolisms.
Interleukin-22 (IL-22) is a class 2 cytokine whose primary structure is similar to that of interleukin 10 (IL-10) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). IL-22 induction during acute phase immune response indicates its involvement in mechanisms of inflammation. Structurally different from IL-10 and a number of other members of IL-10 family, which form intertwined inseparable V-shaped dimers of two identical polypeptide chains, a single polypeptide chain of IL-22 folds on itself in a relatively globular structure. Here we present evidence, based on native gel electrophoresis, glutaraldehyde cross-linking, dynamic light scattering, and small angle x-ray scattering experiments, that human IL-22 forms dimers and tetramers in solution under protein concentrations assessable by these experiments. Unexpectedly, low-resolution molecular shape of IL-22 dimers is strikingly similar to that of IL-10 and other intertwined cytokine dimeric forms. Furthermore, we determine an ab initio molecular shape of the IL-22/IL-22R1 complex which reveals the V-shaped IL-22 dimer interacting with two cognate IL-22R1 molecules. Based on this collective evidence, we argue that dimerization might be a common mechanism of all class 2 cytokines for the molecular recognition with their respective membrane receptor. We also speculate that the IL-22 tetramer formation could represent a way to store the cytokine in nonactive form at high concentrations that could be readily converted into functionally active monomers and dimers upon interaction with the cognate cellular receptors.
Two case studies are presented to describe the process of public school teachers authoring and creating chemistry simulations. They are part of the Virtual Didactic Laboratory for Chemistry, a project developed by the School of the Future of the University of Sao Paulo. the documental analysis of the material produced by two groups of teachers reflects different selection process for both themes and problem-situations when creating simulations. The study demonstrates the potential for chemistry learning with an approach that takes students' everyday lives into account and is based on collaborative work among teachers and researches. Also, from the teachers' perspectives, the possibilities of interaction that a simulation offers for classroom activities are considered.
X-ray powder diffraction was used to study the phase composition of human renal calculi. The stones were collected from 56 donors in Vitoria, Espirito Santo state, southeastern Brazil. An XRD phase quantification revealed that 61% of the studied renal stones were composed exclusively of calcium oxalate [34% formed only by calcium oxalate rnonohydrate (COM) and 27% presents both monohydrate and dihydratate calcium oxalate]. The 39% multi-composed calculi have various other phases such as uric acid and calcium phosphate. Rietveld refinement of XRD data of one apparent monophasic (COM) renal calculus revealed the presence of a small amount of hydroxyapatite. The presence of this second phase and the morphology of the stone (ellipsoidal) indicated that this calculus can be classified as non-papillary type and its nucleation process developed in closed kidney cavities. In order to show some advantages of the X-ray powder diffraction technique, a study of the phase transformation of monohydrate calcium oxalate into calcium carbonate (CaCO(3)) was carried out by annealing of a monophasic COM calculi at 200, 300, and 400 degrees C for 48 h in a N(2) gas atmosphere. The results of the XRD for the heat treated samples is ill good agreement with the thermogravimetric analysis found in the literature and shows that X-ray powder diffraction can be used as a suitable technique to study the composition and phase diagram of renal calculi. (C) 2008 International Centre for Diffraction Data.
Objective: The biochemical alterations between inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia (IFH) and normal tissues of buccal mucosa were probed by using the FT-Raman spectroscopy technique. The aim was to find the minimal set of Raman bands that would furnish the best discrimination. Background: Raman-based optical biopsy is a widely recognized potential technique for noninvasive real-time diagnosis. However, few studies had been devoted to the discrimination of very common subtle or early pathologic states as inflammatory processes that are always present on, for example, cancer lesion borders. Methods: Seventy spectra of IFH from 14 patients were compared with 30 spectra of normal tissues from six patients. The statistical analysis was performed with principal components analysis and soft independent modeling class analogy cross-validated, leave-one-out methods. Results: Bands close to 574, 1,100, 1,250 to 1,350, and 1,500 cm(-1) (mainly amino acids and collagen bands) showed the main intragroup variations that are due to the acanthosis process in the IFH epithelium. The 1,200 (C-C aromatic/DNA), 1,350 (CH(2) bending/collagen 1), and 1,730 cm(-1) (collagen III) regions presented the main intergroup variations. This finding was interpreted as originating in an extracellular matrix-degeneration process occurring in the inflammatory tissues. The statistical analysis results indicated that the best discrimination capability (sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 100%) was found by using the 530-580 cm(-1) spectral region. Conclusions: The existence of this narrow spectral window enabling normal and inflammatory diagnosis also had useful implications for an in vivo dispersive Raman setup for clinical applications.
Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is one of the most common malignancies in humans. The average 5-year survival rate is one of the lowest among aggressive cancers, showing no significant improvement in recent years. When detected early, HNSCC has a good prognosis, but most patients present metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, which significantly reduces survival rate. Despite extensive research, no molecular markers are currently available for diagnostic or prognostic purposes. Methods: Aiming to identify differentially-expressed genes involved in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) development and progression, we generated individual Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) libraries from a metastatic and non-metastatic larynx carcinoma, as well as from a normal larynx mucosa sample. Approximately 54,000 unique tags were sequenced in three libraries. Results: Statistical data analysis identified a subset of 1,216 differentially expressed tags between tumor and normal libraries, and 894 differentially expressed tags between metastatic and non-metastatic carcinomas. Three genes displaying differential regulation, one down-regulated (KRT31) and two up-regulated (BST2, MFAP2), as well as one with a non-significant differential expression pattern (GNA15) in our SAGE data were selected for real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a set of HNSCC samples. Consistent with our statistical analysis, quantitative PCR confirmed the upregulation of BST2 and MFAP2 and the downregulation of KRT31 when samples of HNSCC were compared to tumor-free surgical margins. As expected, GNA15 presented a non-significant differential expression pattern when tumor samples were compared to normal tissues. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting SAGE data in head and neck squamous cell tumors. Statistical analysis was effective in identifying differentially expressed genes reportedly involved in cancer development. The differential expression of a subset of genes was confirmed in additional larynx carcinoma samples and in carcinomas from a distinct head and neck subsite. This result suggests the existence of potential common biomarkers for prognosis and targeted-therapy development in this heterogeneous type of tumor.
We explored possible effects of negative covariation among finger forces in multifinger accurate force production tasks on the classical Fitts's speed-accuracy trade-off. Healthy subjects performed cyclic force changes between pairs of targets ""as quickly and accurately as possible."" Tasks with two force amplitudes and six ratics of force amplitude to target size were performed by each of the four fingers of the right hand and four finger combinations. There was a close to linear relation between movement time and the log-transformed ratio of target amplitude to target size across all finger combinations. There was a close to linear relation between standard deviation of force amplitude and movement time. There were no differences between the performance of either of the two ""radial"" fingers (index and middle) and the multifinger tasks. The ""ulnar"" fingers (little and ring) showed higher indices of variability and longer movement times as compared with both ""radial"" fingers and multifinger combinations. We conclude that potential effects of the negative covariation and also of the task-sharing across a set of fingers are counterbalanced by an increase in individual finger force variability in multifinger tasks as compared with single-finger tasks. The results speak in favor of a feed-forward model of multifinger synergies. They corroborate a hypothesis that multifinger synergies are created not to improve overall accuracy, but to allow the system larger flexibility, for example to deal with unexpected perturbations and concomitant tasks.
Objective: Although some scientific information on electronic body protectors in taekwondo is available, no research has been done to assess the impact of kicks in a competitive situation. The purpose of this study, then, was to assess the energy absorbed by these protectors from kicks performed in an actual taekwondo competition. Methods: Subjects consisted of junior (14-17 years) and senior (>= 18 years) male taekwondo-in, who participated in an open tournament. Data on the energy imparted by valid kicks in Joules (1) were collected from a public visual electronic monitor. Results: Energy was higher for the seniors: 264.31 +/- 56.63 J versus 224.38 +/- 48.23 J for the juniors (eta(2) = 0.121). The seniors scored lower in percent impact but the effect was trivial: 123.46 +/- 24.77% versus 136.70 +/- 26.33% (eta(2) = 0.087). Conclusions: The difference between senior and junior taekwondo-in in absolute energy generated was small, while the difference in relative energy impact was trivial in favour of the junior taekwondo athletes.
Blends of milk fat and canola oil (MF:CNO) were enzymatically interesterified (EIE) by Rhizopus oryzne lipase immobilized on polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol (SiO(2)-PVA) composite, in a solvent-free system. A central composite design (CCD) was used to optimize the reaction, considering the effects of different mass fractions of binary blends of MF:CNO (50:50, 65:35 and 80:20) and temperatures (45, 55 and 65 degrees C) on the composition and texture properties of the interesterified products, taking the interesterification degree (ID) and consistency (at 10 degrees C) as response variables. For the ID variable both mass fraction of milk fat in the blend and temperature were found to be significant, while for the consistency only mass fraction of milk fat was significant. Empiric models for ID and consistency were obtained that allowed establishing the best interesterification conditions: blend with 65 % of milk fat and 35 %, of canola oil, and temperature of 45 degrees C. Under these conditions, the ID was 19.77 %) and the consistency at 10 degrees C was 56 290 Pa. The potential of this eco-friendly process demonstrated that a product could be obtained with the desirable milk fat flavour and better spreadability under refrigerated conditions.
The present paper studies the influence of different nutrients for the production of two cellulolytic enzymes: endo beta-1.4 glucanase and exo beta-1.4 glucanase by anaerobic fungi taken from cow rumen, that were fed a diet of corn silage and Brachiaria decumbens grass hay. During the enzymatic degradation assays, it was observed that the addition of some essential nutrients in the formulation of the culture medium contributed positively in the cellulolytic enzyme production, with exception of riboflavin. Such results contributed in the establishment of an effective method for the evaluation of enzymatic activities in anaerobic fibrolytic fungi. In this work, nutrients added to enrich the culture medium have successfully proven that they can be used as inoculating agents (inductors) in diets rich in ensilage with law nutritive value.
Groundnut shell (GS), after separation of pod, is readily available as a potential feedstock for production of fermentable sugars. The substrate was delignified with sodium sulfite. The delignified substrate released 670 mg/g of sugars after enzymatic hydrolysis (50 degrees C, 120 rpm, 50 hrs) using commercial cellulases (Dyadic Xylanase PLUS, Dyadic Inc. USA). The groundnut shell enzymatic hydrolysate (45.6 g/L reducing sugars) was fermented for ethanol production with free and sorghum stalks immobilized cells of Pichia stipitis NCIM 3498 under submerged cultivation conditions. Immobilization of yeast cells on sorghum stalks were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A maximum of ethanol production (17.83 g/L, yield 0.44 g/g and 20.45 g/L, yield 0.47 g/g) was observed with free and immobilized cells of P. stipitis respectively in batch fermentation conditions. Recycling of immobilized cells showed a stable ethanol production (20.45 g/L, yield 0.47 g/g) up to 5 batches followed by a gradual downfall in subsequent cycles.
This paper presents a, simple two dimensional frame formulation to deal with structures undergoing large motions due to dynamic actions including very thin inflatable structures, balloons. The proposed methodology is based on the minimum potential energy theorem written regarding nodal positions. Velocity, acceleration and strain are achieved directly from positions, not. displacements, characterizing the novelty of the proposed technique. A non-dimensional space is created and the deformation function (change of configuration) is written following two independent mappings from which the strain energy function is written. The classical New-mark equations are used to integrate time. Dumping and non-conservative forces are introduced into the mechanical system by a rheonomic energy function. The final formulation has the advantage of being simple and easy to teach, when compared to classical Counterparts. The behavior of a bench-mark problem (spin-up maneuver) is solved to prove the formulation regarding high circumferential speed applications. Other examples are dedicated to inflatable and very thin structures, in order to test the formulation for further analysis of three dimensional balloons.
The structural engineering community in Brazil faces new challenges with the recent occurrence of high intensity tornados. Satellite surveillance data shows that the area covering the south-east of Brazil, Uruguay and some of Argentina is one of the world most tornado-prone areas, second only to the infamous tornado alley in central United States. The design of structures subject to tornado winds is a typical example of decision making in the presence of uncertainty. Structural design involves finding a good balance between the competing goals of safety and economy. This paper presents a methodology to find the optimum balance between these goals in the presence of uncertainty. In this paper, reliability-based risk optimization is used to find the optimal safety coefficient that minimizes the total expected cost of a steel frame communications tower, subject to extreme storm and tornado wind loads. The technique is not new, but it is applied to a practical problem of increasing interest to Brazilian structural engineers. The problem is formulated in the partial safety factor format used in current design codes, with all additional partial factor introduced to serve as optimization variable. The expected cost of failure (or risk) is defined as the product of a. limit state exceedance probability by a limit state exceedance cost. These costs include costs of repairing, rebuilding, and paying compensation for injury and loss of life. The total expected failure cost is the sum of individual expected costs over all failure modes. The steel frame communications, tower subject of this study has become very common in Brazil due to increasing mobile phone coverage. The study shows that optimum reliability is strongly dependent on the cost (or consequences) of failure. Since failure consequences depend oil actual tower location, it turn,,; out that different optimum designs should be used in different locations. Failure consequences are also different for the different parties involved in the design, construction and operation of the tower. Hence, it is important that risk is well understood by the parties involved, so that proper contracts call be made. The investigation shows that when non-structural terms dominate design costs (e.g, in residential or office buildings) it is not too costly to over-design; this observation is in agreement with the observed practice for non-optimized structural systems. In this situation, is much easier to loose money by under-design. When by under-design. When structural material cost is a significant part of design cost (e.g. concrete dam or bridge), one is likely to lose significantmoney by over-design. In this situation, a cost-risk-benefit optimization analysis is highly recommended. Finally, the study also shows that under time-varying loads like tornados, the optimum reliability is strongly dependent on the selected design life.