939 resultados para Public Library Commission of New Jersey


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Long- and short-term strain variations along the Australian-Pacific plate boundary through the South Island of New Zealand, including a 300% increase in orogen width, coexistence of oblique thrusting on orthogonal structures, and variability in the locus of orogenic gold deposits, coincide with rheologically relevant geological variation. Our model investigates the consequences of thin, strong lower crust in the north and thick, weak lower crust in the south. Solution of the full 3-D mechanical equations reproduces the larger wavelength strain patterns of the orogen. A 3-D perturbation-based analytical solution leads to the identification of the sensitivity of displacement type to minor stress changes. Transition from boundary-normal thrusting to boundary-parallel thrusting occurs at the transition from strong to weak lower crust and is related to an increase in either tau(yz) (shear stress in the yz plane) or the ratio of the coordinate normal stresses, (sigma(yy)/sigma(xx)), where x and y are in the horizontal and z is vertical. Both mechanisms are compatible with the geologically dependent rheological variation employed in our model. Citation: Upton, P., P. O. Koons, D. Craw, C. M. Henderson, and R. Enlow (2009), Along-strike differences in the Southern Alps of New Zealand: Consequences of inherited variation in rheology, Tectonics, 28, TC2007, doi:10.1029/2008TC002353.


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New Zealand English first emerged at the beginning of the 19th century as a result of the dialect contact of British (51%), Scottish (27.3%) and Irish (22%) migrants (Hay and Gordon 2008:6). This variety has subsequently developed into an autonomous and legitimised national variety and enjoys a distinct socio-political status, recognition and codification. In fact, a number of dictionaries of New Zealand English have been published1 and the variety is routinely used as the official medium on TV, radio and other media. This however, has not always been the case, as for long only British standard norms were deemed suitable for media broadcasting. While there is some work already on lay commentary about New Zealand English (see for example Gordon 1983, 1994; Hundt 1998), there is much more to be done especially concerning more recent periods of the history of this variety and the ideologies underlying its development and legitimisation. Consequently, the current project aims at investigating the metalinguistic discourses during the period of transition from a British norm to a New Zealand norm in the media context, this will be done by focusing on debates about language in light of the advent of radio and television. The main purpose of this investigation is thus to examine the (language) ideologies that have shaped and underlain these discourses (e.g. discussions about the appropriateness of New Zealand English vis à vis external, British models of language) and their related practices in these media (e.g. broadcasting norms). The sociolinguistic and pragmatic effects of these ideologies will also be taken into account. Furthermore, a comparison will be carried out, at a later stage in the project, between New Zealand English and a more problematic and less legitimised variety: Estuary English. Despite plenty of evidence of media and other public discourses on Estuary English, in fact, there has been very little metalinguistic analysis of this evidence, nor examinations of the underlying ideologies in these discourses. The comparison will seek to discover whether similar themes emerge in the ideologies played out in publish discourses about these varieties, themes which serve to legitimise one variety, whilst denying such legitimacy to the other.


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The built environment is part of the physical environment made by people and for people. Because the built environment is such a ubiquitous component of the environment, it acts as an important pathway in determining health outcomes. Zoning, a type of urban planning policy, is one of the most important mechanisms connecting the built environment to public health. This policy analysis research paper explores how zoning regulations in Austin, Texas promote or prohibit the development of a healthy built environment. A systematic literature review was obtained from Active Living Research, which contained literature published about the relationships between the built environment, physical activity, and health. The results of these studies identified the following four components of the built environment that were associated to health: access to recreational facilities, sprawl and residential density, land use mix, and sidewalks and their walkability. A hierarchy analysis was then performed to demonstrate the association between these aspects of the built environment and health outcomes such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and general health. Once these associations had been established, the components of the built environment were adapted into the evaluation criteria used to conduct a public health analysis of Austin's zoning ordinance. A total of eighty-eight regulations were identified to be related to these components and their varying associations to human health. Eight regulations were projected to have a negative association to health, three would have both a positive and negative association simultaneously, and nine were indeterminable with the information obtained through the literature review. The remaining sixty-eight regulations were projected to be associated in a beneficial manner to human health. Therefore, it was concluded that Austin's zoning ordinance would have an overwhelmingly positive impact on the public's health based on identified associations between the built environment and health outcomes.^


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Heart development is a crucial and conserved process that is related to the major type of human birth defects. Dorsal vessel, the Drosophila heart, has been regarded as an insightful system to identify new genes and study gene functions involved in heart development. Using heart-specific GFP transgenes, I did a genetic screen for cardiogenic genes on Drosophila chromosome II. Drosophila mutants that carry chromosome II deficiencies were tested for their phenotypes of heart development. Based on the screen results, chromosome regions containing genes required for heart development were identified. Fly strains with single gene mutations located within the defined deficiency regions were tested further. Seven genes have been identified to be involved in heart development. ^ The LIM homeodomain transcription factor gene tailup (tup) was further studied for its function in heart development. Based on this study, tup is expressed in cardioblasts and pericardial cells of the heart tube, as well as in associated lymph glands and alary muscles. In depth analysis of tup mutant phenotypes demonstrated tup is required for normal development of both heart and lymph glands. Tup was shown to bind to two DNA recognition sequences in the dorsal vessel enhancer of the Hand bHLH transcription factor gene, with one site proven essential for the expression of Hand in lymph glands, pericardial cells, and Svp/Doc cardioblasts. Together, these studies demonstrate that Tup is a critical new transcription factor in dorsal vessel morphogenesis and lymph gland formation, and strongly suggest Tup is a direct regulator of the expression of Hand in these developmental processes. ^


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Global climate change is becoming an increasing concern among the public health community. Some researchers believe the earth is rapidly undergoing changes in temperature, sea level, population movement, and extreme weather phenomenon. With these geographic, meteorological, and social changes come increased threats to human health. One of these threats is the spread of vector-borne infectious diseases. The changes mentioned above are believed to contribute to increased arthropod survival, transmission, and habitation. These changes, in turn, lead to increased incidence among neighboring human populations. It is also argued that human action may play more of a role than climate change. This systematic review served to determine whether or not climate change poses a significant risk to human exposure and increased incidence of vector-borne disease. ^


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MAX dimerization protein 1 (MAD1) is a basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factors that recruits transcription repressor such as HDAC to suppress target genes transcription. It antagonizes to MYC because the promoter binding sites for MYC are usually also serve as the binding sites for MAD1 so they compete for it. However, the mechanism of the switch between MYC and MAD1 in turning on and off of genes' transcription is obscure. In this study, we demonstrated that AKT-mediated MAD1 phosphorylation inhibits MAD1 transcription repression function. The association between MAD1 and its target genes' promoter is reduced after been phosphorylated by AKT; therefore, consequently, allows MYC to occupy the binding site and activates transcription. Mutation of such phosphorylation site abrogates the inhibition from AKT. In addition, functional assays demonstrated that AKT suppressed MAD1-mediated transcription repression of its target genes hTERT and ODC. Cell cycle and cell growth were also been released from inhibition by MAD1 in the presents of AKT. Taken together, our study suggests that MAD1 is a novel substrate of AKT and AKT-mediated MAD1 phosphorylation inhibits MAD1function; therefore, activates MAD1 target genes expression. ^ Furthermore, analysis of protein-protein interaction is indispensable for current molecular biology research, but multiplex protein dynamics in cells is too complicated to be analyzed by using existing biochemical methods. To overcome the disadvantage, we have developed a single molecule level detection system with nanofluidic chip. Single molecule was analyzed based on their fluorescent profile and their profiles were plotted into 2 dimensional time co-incident photon burst diagram (2DTP). From this 2DTP, protein complexes were characterized. These results demonstrate that the nanochannel protein detection system is a promising tool for future molecular biology. ^


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In 2008, 132 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in The United States. Additionally, some have explored both the public health implications of interactions with law enforcement as well as the potential benefits of the use of law enforcement officers as public health and emergency healthcare providers. By virtue of these novel analyses and techniques, professional medical direction of the emerging specialty of law enforcement medicine is needed. This paper, an analysis of law enforcement medical direction through a look at the Dallas Police Medical Direction Program, seeks to examine origins of law enforcement medicine through a comprehensive literature review, as well as begin to define to core competencies of law enforcement medical direction. ^ The unique intersection of public health, medicine and law enforcement, and the subsequent specialty that is developing to manage this interface, is in its relative infancy. An analysis of this nature is in order to begin to lay down the foundations necessary for future study and improvements in the field. ^


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Invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) causes significant health burden in the US, is responsible for the majority of bacterial meningitis, and causes more deaths than any other vaccine preventable bacterial disease in the US. The estimated National IPD rate is 14.3 cases per 100,000 population with a case-fatality rate of 1.5 cases per 100,000 population. Although cases of IPD are routinely reported to the local health department in Harris County Texas, the incidence (IR) and case-fatality (CFR) rates have not been reported. Additionally, it is important to know which serotypes of S. pneumoniae are circulating in Harris County Texas and to determine if ‘replacement disease’ is occurring. ^ This study reported incidence and case-fatality rates from 2003 to 2009, and described the trends in IPD, including the IPD serotypes circulating in Harris County Texas during the study period, particularly in 2008 and 2010. Annual incidence rates were calculated and reported for 2003 to 2009, using complete surveillance-year data. ^ Geographic information system (GIS) software was used to create a series of maps of the data reported during the study period. Cluster and outlier analysis and hot spot analysis were conducted using both case counts by census tract and disease rate by census tract. ^ IPD age- and race-adjusted IR for Harris County Texas and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were 1.40 (95% CI 1.0, 1.8), 1.71 (95% CI 1.24, 2.17), 3.13 (95% CI 2.48, 3.78), 3.08 (95% CI 2.43, 3.74), 5.61 (95% CI 4.79, 6.43), 8.11 (95% CI 7.11, 9.1), and 7.65 (95% CI 6.69, 8.61) for the years 2003 to 2009, respectively (rates were age- and race-adjusted to each year's midyear US population estimates). A Poisson regression model demonstrated a statistically significant increasing trend of about 32 percent per year in the IPD rates over the course of the study period. IPD age- and race-adjusted case-fatality rates (CFR) for Harris County Texas were also calculated and reported. A Poisson regression model demonstrated a statistically significant increasing trend of about 26 percent per year in the IPD case-fatality rates from 2003 through 2009. A logistic regression model associated the risk of dying from IPD to alcohol abuse (OR 4.69, 95% CI 2.57, 8.56) and to meningitis (OR 2.42, 95% CI 1.46, 4.03). ^ The prevalence of non-vaccine serotypes (NVT) among IPD cases with serotyped isolates was 98.2 percent. In 2008, the year with the sample more geographically representative of all areas of Harris County Texas, the prevalence was 96 percent. Given these findings, it is reasonable to conclude that ‘replacement disease’ is occurring in Harris County Texas, meaning that, the majority of IPD is caused by serotypes not included in the PCV7 vaccine. Also in conclusion, IPD rates increased during the study period in Harris County Texas.^


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Well-preserved and diverse silicoflagellate and ebridian populations are found in the lower and middle Eocene sediments of DSDP Site 605 and the upper Miocene sediments of DSDP Site 604. The ebridians outnumber the silicoflagellates in the siliceous interval of Site 605, but are less numerous at Site 604. The abundances of the various taxa are tabulated.


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Fil: Schamun, María Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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This report contains the occurrence data for dinoflagellate cysts recorded from 163 samples taken from Sites 902 through 906, during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 150. The dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) stratigraphy has been presented in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.150.1994), and was based on these data. This report provides the full dinocyst data set supporting the dinocyst stratigraphic interpretations made in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994). For Miocene shipboard dinocyst stratigraphy, I delineated 10 informal zones: pre-A, and A through I, in ascending stratigraphic order. These zones are defined in Shipboard Scientific Party (1994a, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.150.103.1994), and are based on my studies of Miocene dinocyst stratigraphy in the Maryland and Virginia coastal plain (de Verteuil and Norris, 1991, 1992; de Verteuil, 1995). This zonation has been slightly revised (de Verteuil and Norris, 1996), and the new formal zone definitions are repeated below. Each new zone has an alpha-numeric abbreviation starting with "DN" (for Dinoflagellate Neogene). The equivalence between the informal zones reported in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994), and the new DN zones is illustrated in Figure 1. For clarity, I delineated both zonations in the range charts that accompany this report (Tables 1-6). De Verteuil and Norris (1996a), using these and other data, correlated the DN zonation with the geological time scale of Berggren et al. (1995). Figure 2 summarizes these correlations and can be used to check the chronostratigraphic position of samples in this report, as determined by dinocyst stratigraphy. A thorough discussion of the basis for, and levels of uncertainty associated with, these correlations to the Cenozoic time scale can be found in de Verteuil and Norris (1996a). The Appendix lists all the dinocyst taxa recorded during shipboard analyses of Leg 150 samples. Open nomenclature is used for undescribed taxa. The range charts and Appendix also include reference to several new taxa that de Verteuil and Norris (1996b) described from Miocene coastal plain strata in Maryland and Virginia. Names of these taxa in Tables 1 through 6 and in the Appendix of this report are not intended for effective publication as defined in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN, Greuter et al., 1994). Therefore, taxonomic nomenclature contained in this report is not to be treated as meeting the conditions of effective and valid publication (ICBN; Article 29).


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Fil: Schamun, María Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.