989 resultados para Projeto de recuperação
A criação intensiva de frango gera uma grande quantidade de resíduos ricos em nutrientes cujo uso agrícola pode ser viabilizado pelos produtores, na adubação das culturas comerciais. Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da fertilização com cama de frango na recuperação física de um Latossolo. O experimento foi instalado em um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico, textura média, sob pastagem degradada de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. Os tratamentos estudados foram: 0, 1.200, 2.400, 4.800 kg ha-1 de cama-frango e 2.400 kg ha-1 de cama-frango + adubação mineral com 36 kg ha-1 N, 60 kg ha-1 K2O e 60 kg ha-1 de P2O5. As aplicações foram realizadas em janeiro de 2004 e o solo amostrado em duas épocas distintas (60 e 210 dias após aplicação), nas profundidades de 0-20 e 20-40 cm, para a caracterização dos atributos físicos: argila dispersa em água, grau de floculação, densidade do solo e porosidade total. O teor de argila dispersa em água decresceu com o aumento das doses de cama aplicadas e, conseqüentemente, houve um incremento no grau de floculação; houve uma pequena redução na densidade do solo e na porosidade total. Os atributos físicos do solo avaliados responderam com maior intensidade às aplicações de cama de frango nas doses variando de 2.666 a 3.750 kg ha-1.
OBJETIVOS: Examinar a associação entre consumo de álcool e risco para doença coronariana em amostra populacional. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, conduzido de janeiro/2006 a junho/2007, na região metropolitana de São Paulo, como parte do estudo internacional (Gender, Alcohol, and Culture: an International Study). Os sujeitos (1.501, sendo 609 homens e 892 mulheres) eram residentes da região metropolitana de São Paulo, tinham 30 anos ou mais de idade e foram selecionados aleatoriamente, a partir de amostragem complexa por conglomerados. Todos os indivíduos consentiram em participar da pesquisa. A variável dependente foi risco cardíaco avaliado através do WHO Rose Angina Questionnaire. A análise multivariada consistiu em regressão logística, tendo sido realizado ajuste para uso de tabaco e índice de massa corpórea. RESULTADOS: A taxa de resposta foi 75%. Ser mulher, ter mais idade, ser negro, fumante e ter um índice de massa corpórea elevado, foram associados a maior risco para doença coronariana. Indivíduos que nunca beberam na vida (OR = 2,22) e ex-bebedores (OR = 2,42) tiveram maior risco de doença cardíaca do que aqueles que informaram beber até 19 g de álcool por dia, sem episódios de beber excessivo. Entre os que tiveram episódios de embriaguês observou-se uma tendência a maior risco (OR = 3,95, p = 0,09). CONCLUSÕES: Nossos achados sugerem um menor risco para doença coronariana entre os bebedores moderados. Destaca-se que os estudos que avaliam o impacto do álcool sobre doença cardíaca precisam identificar o padrão de uso de álcool dos sujeitos, visto que este aspecto pode modificar o risco. Políticas públicas são necessárias para reduzir o uso nocivo de álcool e a morbidade a ele relacionada no país.
The bulk density and resistance to penetration as indicators of recovery were studied with the objective to investigate the physical quality of a Red Latosol (Oxisol) under restoration for 17 years using green manures, soil correction, gypsum and pasture. The experimental design was a completely randomized with nine treatments and four replications. The treatments were: control (tilled soil without crop); Stizolobium aterrium; Cajanus cajan until 1994 and then substituted by Canavalia ensiformis; lime+S. aterrimum; lime+C. cajan until 1994 and then substituted by C. ensiformis; lime+gypsum+S. aterrimum; lime+ gypsum+C. cajan until 1994 and then substituted by C. ensiformis, the treatments were installed in 1992 and remained for seven years, in 1999 Brachiaria decumbens was planted; two other controls (native vegetation and exposed soil) were also used to compare. Bulk density, resistance to penetration and soil moisture were evaluated. The results were analyzed performing analysis of variance and Tukey test at probability of 5% to compare means. The treatments of reclamation are improving the physical qualities of soil and the results of treatment with C. cajan/C. ensiformis, lime and gypsum attained physical conditioning similar to soil under natural conditions.
The nutritional assessment by 24 hour-dietary recall, anthropometry and blood-components measurements was undertaken in 23 adult patients, 17 males and 6 females suffering of chronic diarrhea from pancreatitis (30%), inflammatory bowel disease (22%), short intestine syndrome (9%) and unknown diarrhea (35%). The nutritional assessment was done at the entry and repeated at the discharge of the hospitalization that averaged 35 days, during which the patients received specific medical treatment along with obstipating diets. The hospitalization resulted in overall improvement of the patients either clinically by reducing their defecation rate or nutritionally by increasing their protein-energy intake and the values of anthropometry and blood components (albumin, free-tryptophan and lymphocytes). When the patients where divided into two groups based on their fecal-fat output one could note the better nutritional response of the group showing steatorrhea than the non-steatorrhea group, with the serum albumin and the arm-muscle circumference being discriminatory between groups. However even in the better recovered patients the indicative values of a satisfactory nutritional status were not accomplished. Thus, these data suggest that besides the overall nutritional improvement seen in the studied chronic diarrhea patients the full-nutrition recovering would demand either or both a longer hospitalization and/or an early-aggressive nutritional support.
The aim of this paper was to assess the Projeto UNI (Kellogg Foundation) in one of the Mental Health Centers (ARE) of Botucatu, SP, Brazil. We analysed 20% of the charts and the number of patients seen by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals before and after. Our results showed that: 1) the service users were mainly of neurotic patients (anxious, dysthymiacs, ICD-9 V code), followed by psychotics (schizophrenics, affectives) and organics (epileptics, mental deficients, demented patients); 2) there were more treatment options after the Projeto UNI implementation and over 2,495 group consultations were made in one year (as opposed to 90 in the year prior the project); 3) medical and nurse students are evaluating the program favourably; 4) there is a clear necessity of reassessing and changing some prescription practices: 43% of the patients were taking drug associations, there was an excessive use of benzodiazepines (54%) and low use of mood stabilizers (5%). There is also a need for more availability of depot neuroleptics, other antidepressants and better quality psychotropic drugs, and 5) there is a necessity of improving quality and quantity of charts information.
Systems based on artificial neural networks have high computational rates due to the use of a massive number of simple processing elements and the high degree of connectivity between these elements. Neural networks with feedback connections provide a computing model capable of solving a large class of optimization problems. This paper presents a novel approach for solving dynamic programming problems using artificial neural networks. More specifically, a modified Hopfield network is developed and its internal parameters are computed using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the convergence of the network to the equilibrium points which represent solutions (not necessarily optimal) for the dynamic programming problem. Simulated examples are presented and compared with other neural networks. The results demonstrate that proposed method gives a significant improvement.
A plantation of Eucalyptus urophylla, established in 1984 on a Quartzpsamment Soil, at Altinopolis, São Paulo State, presented in 1989 an medium increment of the cylindrical volume of the trees of 13.97 m 3/ha/year and also showed deficiency symptoms of potassium, calcium and magnesium. At 4.33 years after planting were applied two doses of nitrogen (0 and 10 g/tree of N), potassium (0 and 20 g/tree of K 2O) and of dolomitic lime (0 and 500 g/tree), combined in a randomized block design arranged in a factorial way (2 × 2 × 2), with four replications, in order to study the recuperation of the tree growth rate. Evaluations of the trees growth were performed at 4.33, 5.67, 6.75 and at 7.58 years when cutting the plantation was done. The soil fertility and leaf concentrations of N, K, Ca and Mg were analyzed before and after the application of the treatments. The accumulation and distribution of biomass and of these nutrients in the tree components and in the litter, and the economic studies referring to the volumes of wood were also evaluated 7.58 years after planting. Potassium fertilization increased the mass of potassium in stemwood, stembark, foliage, fruits and litter, but the increase was greater in foliage and in the stembark. Liming increased the mass of magnesium in stemwood, stembark, foliage and litter, but the increase was greater in the litter. There was no isolated effect of nitrogen fertilization. The growth rate of trees was recovered with the potassium application, which increased the mean annual increment (MAI) of cylindrical volume from 13.85 m 3/ha/year without fertilizer to 16.82 m 3/ha/year. At 7.58 years after planting, there was observed an effect of the N x K x dolomitic lime interaction in the wood production. In the absence of nitrogen and dolomitic lime, the application of potassium increased the real volume of 43% and there was a gain of US$ 86.79/ha.
The auto-radiography is a photographic method to registrate in sensitive emulsion the spatial distribution a rays emitted by radioisotopes of a sample or an object. The auto-radiography was applied to detect the presence of radioactive minerals in some samples of schists and gneisses from the Ticunzal Formation, Northeast Goiás State, aiming to implement the use of this technique in LABIDRO - Hydrochemistry and Isotopes Laboratory of the Department of Petrology and Metallogenesis, State University of São Paulo/Campus of Rio Claro.
In the Research and Teaching Farm of the State University of São Paulo (UNESP) - Campus of Ilha Solteira, located in Selviria, in Mato Grosso do Sul State, a study was conducted with the objective of investigating the resistance to penetration of a highly degraded soil due to construction of a Hydroelectric Power Plant. The experimental design was a completely randomized, with five treatments and five replications. The treatments were constituted of the following uses and managements: area in advanced state of degradation; area under regeneration cultivated 13 years with Pinus; area under regeneration cultivated 11 years with green manure and pasture; degraded area with natural regeneration; and area with natural vegetation (savanna). The system where the area was under regeneration with Pinus cultivation and the niches with natural regeneration were the closest to natural condition (savanna). Except for the natural area (savanna), all others presented a higher resistance to penetration in the layer of 0.20-0.40 m, which represents serious limitations for growth of plant roots.
Pharmacovigilance is accomplished by voluntary notification of suspected adverse reactions, medication errors, and deviations from quality, by users and health professionals, through the filling in of forms that are sent to a data bank. To broaden the sources of notifications, the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), in partnership with the Regional Pharmacy Council (CRF) and Center for Health Surveillance (CVS) of each state, introduced the scheme of Notifying Pharmacies. The present study was aimed at determining the factors influencing the decision of drugstores and private pharmacies in Tatuí/SP in 2007, to join this project A descriptive, observational survey of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) was applied to volunteer pharmacists in the town. The results showed that the professionals are awave of pharmacovigilance, (95.24%) and have attitude (95.24%). However, practice is limited (6.0%). Based on this information we concluded that the low support of the project was due to lack of time, interest and no information about the benefits to society of such activity and a lack of support from the pharmacists' organizations. This situation is expected to change with the current introduction of a professional profile, the fusion of professional bodies and the promotion of social awareness on pharmacovigilance.
Incluye Bibliografía
This text aims to argument about the historic relation between Mário de Andrade's project to Brazilian music (his national sound utopia, as Arnaldo Contier called it) and one of its possible realization with bossa nova. The text presents in general lines the Andradian project, its committed character, its incursions in the problems of popular and erudite and its filiations to the national obsession with formation. It exposes punctually the possible comprehension of bossa nova as a modernist project, suggesting a logicality of continuity in Brazilian musical experience.
GPS active networks are more and more used in geodetic surveying and scientific experiments, as water vapor monitoring in the atmosphere and lithosphere plate movement. Among the methods of GPS positioning, Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has provided very good results. A characteristic of PPP is related to the modeling and / or estimation of the errors involved in this method. The accuracy obtained for the coordinates can reach few millimeters. Seasonal effects can affect such accuracy if they are not consistent treated during the data processing. Coordinates time series analyses have been realized using Fourier or Harmonics spectral analyses, wavelets, least squares estimation among others. An approach is presented in this paper aiming to investigate the seasonal effects included in the stations coordinates time series. Experiments were carried out using data from stations Manaus (NAUS) and Fortaleza (BRFT) which belong to the Brazilian Continuous GPS Network (RBMC). The coordinates of these stations were estimated daily using PPP and were analyzed through wavelets for identification of the periods of the seasonal effects (annual and semi-annual) in each time series. These effects were removed by means of a filtering process applied in the series via the least squares adjustment (LSQ) of a periodic function. The results showed that the combination of these two mathematical tools, wavelets and LSQ, is an interesting and efficient technique for removal of seasonal effects in time series.