995 resultados para Prisões Rio de Janeiro (Estado)


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OBJETIVO: avaliar os fatores que levam ao retardo na confirmao diagnstica de leses mamrias suspeitas de cncer. MTODOS: foi realizado um estudo observacional de corte transversal. Foram includas 104 mulheres que procuraram um hospital de cncer, com diagnstico ou suspeita de cncer de mama. Foi aplicado um questionrio semiestruturado com perguntas referentes s caractersticas demogrficas, clnicas e de utilizao de servios. As variveis foram comparadas pelos testes t de Student, Mann-Whitney, &#967;2 de Pearson ou exato de Fisher, conforme a indicao. A fim de identificar as variveis associadas ao retardo na confirmao diagnstica do cncer de mama, foram calculadas as Odds Ratio (OR) com intervalo com 95% de confiana (IC95%) e um modelo de regresso logstica foi elaborado. RESULTADOS: a mdia de idade foi de 54 anos (12,6), predominando mulheres brancas (48,1%), casadas (63,5%), residentes no Municpio do Rio de Janeiro (57,7%) e com baixo grau de escolaridade (60,6%). O tempo mediano entre o primeiro sinal ou sintoma da doena e a primeira consulta foi de um ms, e desta ltima at a confirmao diagnstica de 6,5 meses. Em 51% das mulheres o diagnstico foi tardio (estdios II a IV). Presena de sintomas, longo intervalo de tempo entre o incio dos sintomas e a primeira avaliao e entre o incio dos sintomas e a confirmao diagnstica, mostraram-se fatores significantes (p<0,05) para o retardo na obteno do diagnstico de leses suspeitas. CONCLUSES: os resultados deste estudo sugerem que os esforos devem ser concentrados na reduo dos tempos necessrios para agendar a consulta mdica e para o esclarecimento do diagnstico de leses suspeitas, bem como na educao dos mdicos e das mulheres sobre a importncia dos sintomas mamrios e o valor da avaliao, diagnstico e tratamento precoce.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a adeso ao rastreamento para cncer do colo do tero em populao assistida pela Estratgia Sade da Famlia (ESF) e identificar as causas referidas da no adeso.MTODOS: Estudo de prevalncia seletiva sobre rastreamento para cncer do colo do tero entre mulheres assistidas pela ESF dos municpios de Duque de Caxias e Nova Iguau, nove anos aps a participao em estudo conduzido pelo Instituto Nacional de Cncer. Foram elegveis apenas as mulheres que no tiveram diagnstico de NIC II ou leso mais grave na avaliao histopatolgica, no se submeteram histerectomia no perodo e ainda residiam nas comunidades. Foram identificados os locais, os resultados e os intervalos dos exames, as caractersticas socioeconmicas e demogrficas, e as causas referidas de no adeso. Os resultados foram coletados por meio de entrevista e consulta a pronturios. Foi calculada a prevalncia de adeso ao rastreamento e o teste qui-quadrado foi utilizado para comparar as propores das variveis estudadas e sua relao com os motivos referidos de atraso na realizao dos exames.RESULTADOS:Foram entrevistadas 764 mulheres, das quais 70,7% estavam com os exames atualizados. As causas referidas para no adeso coleta dos exames foram: no percepo de risco (44,6%), barreiras sociais (26,3%), barreiras percebidas ao (22,3%) e barreiras institucionais (21,4%). Estas foram proporcionalmente mais frequentes entre residentes de Nova Iguau do que de Duque de Caxias (p<0,01), exceto quanto s barreiras institucionais (p=0,19).CONCLUSES: Apesar das dificuldades e barreiras apontadas pelas mulheres, observou-se boa adeso ao rastreamento do cncer do colo do tero. No entanto, h necessidade de treinamento dos profissionais para cumprimento das recomendaes do Ministrio da Sade quanto regularidade de exames e facilitao do acesso ao rastreamento.


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The slow serum agglutination test was applied to 119 healthy pigs for the determination of the possible presence of anti-Yersinia enterocolitica 0:3 agglutinins. Of the 63.9% reactive animals (<FONT FACE="Symbol">&amp;sup3;</FONT>1:20), 8.4% presented positive titers (<FONT FACE="Symbol">&amp;sup3;</FONT>1:80), suggesting the presence of this pathogen among swine and consequently an additional public health problem.


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Foi realizada a caracterizao genotpica e fenotpica de fatores de patogenicidade em 16 amostras de Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 isoladas de sunos sadios do Rio de Janeiro. Foi observado que apenas 6 cepas possuam o plasmdio de virulncia, pYV (+ 70 kb) e apresentavam dependncia ao clcio no meio MOX a 37C. Um plasmdio crptico de cerca de 8,6 kb foi encontrado em uma cepa. Doze cepas revelaram sensibilidade pesticina enquanto que apenas trs se revelaram capazes de hidrolisar a esculina. Atravs de PCR com "primers" especficos, foi constatada a presena dos genes ail em 14 cepas, irp2, em 1 cepa e a ausncia de psaA em todas as cepas analisadas. Quanto aos quimioterpicos, a quase totalidade das cepas mostrou-se ao mesmo tempo resistente ampicilina e carbenicilina e sensvel ao sulfazotrin e cefoxitina. As respostas foram variadas frente ao cloranfenicol, tetraciclina, kanamicina, gentamicina e cido nalidxo.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a emergncia de Haematobia irritans em fezes de bovinos mantidas a campo e em laboratrio, alm de observar a presena de outros dpteros associados s massas fecais. Foram utilizados dois grupos de fezes bovinas, um campo e outro em laboratrio, sendo cada grupo formado por cinco bolos fecais frescos de tamanho mediano (cerca de 30 cm de dimetro), aparncia opaca, cor esverdeada, presena de fina crosta externa e consistncia firme. As fezes foram cobertas com gaiolas de emergncia de formato piramidal, apresentando na parte superior um orifcio onde foi acoplado um frasco removvel; a substituio das fezes foi realizada quinzenalmente. Foram coletados um total de 355 espcimens de H. irritans, sendo 151 provenientes das gaiolas mantidas no campo e 204 em laboratrio. Estas diferenas deveram-se provavelmente menores oscilaes de temperatura verificadas no laboratrio do que quelas ocorridas no campo, alm da ao de artrpodes predadores, competidores e parasitides que, provavelmente, interferiram na emergncia de H. irritans nas fezes bovinas mantidas no campo. Foi observado maior nmero de fmeas em comparao com machos em ambas as condies investigadas. Alm de H. irritans, obteve-se outros dpteros associados s fezes bovinas, pertencentes as seguintes famlias: Aulacigastridae, Muscidae, Psychodidae, Sarcophagidae, Sepsidae, Tachinidae e Ulidiidae. Sepsidae foi a mais abundante, com 5.224 exemplares do total de 8.928 dpteros obtidos, seguida por Sarcophagidae com 2.235 espcimens coletados, Muscidae com 1.357, Aulacigastridae com 54, Psychodidae com 46, Ulidiidae com 6 e Tachinidae com 5 exemplares.


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The infection by Neospora caninum of different cattle breeds in dairy properties in two municipalities of the South Fluminense Paraba Valley, state of Rio de Janeiro, was evaluated. Considering a sampling universe of 2,491 cows, blood samples were collected from 563 dairy cows in 57 farms, which were randomically selected in proportion to the number of animals, using a random stratified sampling system. For each property the number of selected cows was proportional to the herd size. Abortion or other reproductive disorders were not considered as criteria for selecting the animals, and seropositivity was determined by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A high association (p=0.006) between seropositivity and racial patterns was found. The analysis revealed that in comparison of pure black-and-white Holstein cows versus Zebu (p=0.0028), Holstein cows showed 2.65 times greater odds for seropositivity. In the same way, by comparing black-and-white Holstein versus Zebu + crossbreed Zebu/Holstein (p=0.01), it was noted that there is 2.23 times more chance for seropositivity in Holstein cattle. There were no significant differences concerning the comparison of Holstein cattle versus crossbreed Zebu/Holstein (p=0.08) or Zebu versus crossbreed Zebu/Holstein (p=0.11). This study supports the hypothesis that there is a close association between cattle breeds and the frequency of infection by N. caninum.


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The Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF) is a zoonotic disease caused by Rickettsia rickettsii and transmitted by ticks of the genus Amblyomma, more frequently, Amblyomma cajennense. The aim of this paper was to report the first molecular detection of R. rickettsii on R. sanguineus naturally infected in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ticks were collected from dogs in a rural region of Resende municipality, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil (2230'9.46"S, 4442'44.29"WO), where occurred five human cases of BSF in 2006. The ticks were identified under a stereoscopic microscope and separated in pools by stages, species and sex. DNA extraction was carried out using QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (QIAGEN). The DNA was submitted to PCR amplification using 04 set of primers: Rr190.70p/Rr190.602n (OmpA, 532bp), BG1-21/BG2-20 (OmpB, 650bp), Tz15/Tz16 (17 kDa protein-encoding gene, 246bp) and RpCS.877p/RpCS.1258n (gltA, 381bp). PCR products were separated by electrophoresis on 1% agarose gels and visualized under ultraviolet light with ethidium bromide. PCR products of the expected sizes were purified by QIAquick and sequenced by ABI PRISM. The generated nucleotide sequences were edited with using Bioedit software and compared with the corresponding homologous sequences available through GenBank, using Discontiguous Mega Blast (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). It was confirmed R. rickettsii by sequencing of the material (GenBank FJ356230). The molecular characterization of R. rickettsii in the tick R. sanguineus emphasizes the role of dogs as carriers of ticks from the environment to home. Moreover, this result suggests that there is a considerable chance for active participation of R. sanguineus as one of tick species in the transmission of R. ricketsii to human being in the Brazilian territory.


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The study was conducted to characterize pheno-genotypically the virulence factors and resistance pattern of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from milk samples of cows with subclinical mastitis. All hemolytic isolates presented beta-hemolysin, and 38% of the non-hemolytic isolates were able to express hemolysins in the presence of a beta-hemolytic strain. The amplification of the coa-gene displayed four different size polymorphisms with about 400 bp, 600 bp, 700 bp and 900 bp. The spaA gene that encodes the IgG-binding region of protein A revealed sizes of 700 bp and 900 bp. The amplification of region X from spaA yielded a single amplicon for each isolate with the prevalent amplicon size being of 180 bp. Amplification of sae gene yielded an amplicon size of 920 bp in 71% of the isolates. Antibiotic resistance pattern revealed that 42% S. aureus were susceptible to all antimicrobials tested. Seven different antibiotic patterns were observed. Our results indicated that 47% and 25% of S. aureus strains exhibited resistance to penicillin and oxacillin respectively. All oxacillin-resistant isolates were mecA-positive.


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In the present study we investigated the presence of infections by vaccinia-like viruses in dairy cattle from 12 counties in the state of Rio de Janeiro in the last 9 years. Clinical specimens were collected from adult animals with vesicular/pustular lesions mainly in the udder and teats, and from calves with lesions around the nose and mouth. A plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) was applied to search for antibodies to Orthopoxvirus; the vesicular/pustular fluids and scabs were examined by PCR, electron microscopy (EM) and by inoculation in VERO cells for virus isolation. Antibodies to Orthopoxvirus were detected in most cases. The PCR test indicated a high nucleotide homology among the isolates and the vaccinia viruses (VACV) used as controls. By EM, typical orthopoxvirus particles were observed in some specimens. The agents isolated in tissue culture were confirmed as vaccinia-like viruses by EM and PCR. The HA gene of the vaccinia-like Cantagalo/IOC virus isolated in our laboratory was sequenced and compared with other vaccinia-like isolates, showing high homology with the original Cantagalo strain, both strains isolated in 1999 from dairy cattle. Antibodies to Orthopoxvirus were detected in one wild rodent (genus Akodon sp.) collected in the northwestern region of the state, indicating the circulation of poxvirus in this area. Nonetheless, PCR applied to tissue samples collected from the wild rodents were negative. Vesicular/pustular lesions in people in close contact with animals have been also recorded. Thus, the vaccinia-like virus infections in cattle and humans in the state seem to be an expanding condition, resulting in economic losses to dairy herds and leading to transient incapacitating human disease. Therefore, a possible immunization of the dairy cattle in the state should be carefully evaluated.


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Pythiosis is caused by Pythium insidiosum and the occurrence of disease in horses was described in the North and Northwest State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The disease was described in cattle, sheep, humans, and horses in different states and regions across the country. This paper describes the development of IgY and IgG polyclonal antibodies, in chicken and rabbits, respectively against proteins extracted from kunkers and hyphae of P. insidiosum from affected horses. The proteins were recognized by chicken, rabbit and horse antibodies by immunodiffusion and Western blot against majority bands of 27 and 43 KDa, and titrated by ELISA. The antibodies IgY developed by the first time against Brazilian strains of P. insidiosum may represent a valuable tool in the detection of antigens of the pathogen and contribute to further studies aimed at immunotherapy and knowledge about this disease in endemic areas in Rio de Janeiro and in Brazil.


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The objective of the study was to determine the association between clinical ophthalmic alterations and seroreactivity to leptospirosis by serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae in horses in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A total of 199 horses were studied. A microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was used to detect specific anti-Leptospira antibodies in blood serum. A total of 107 (53.8%) horses were seroreactive (titres &gt; 200); 54 had high (&gt; 800) titres, of which 44 were against serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae. Forty-two out of these 44, plus 40 seronegative horses (titers < 100) were given detailed ophthalmic examinations. Epiphora, ocular congestion, blepharospasm, photophobia, and peripapillary focal depigmentation were the most frequent alterations in seroreactive horses. Most ocular alterations were significantly more frequent in seroreactive horses. Horses seroreactive for leptospirosis (serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae) had a significantly higher prevalence of ophthalmic alterations than seronegative horses, providing additional evidence for an association between leptospirosis and equine uveitis.


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Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common parasitic zoonoses throughout the world. Infection in man and animals varies in different geographical areas influenced by many environmental conditions. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in cattle in Brazil ranges from 1.03 to 71%. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in 58 out of 453 farms in the South Fluminense Paraiba Valley, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Over 3-year-old cattle (n=589) from dairy herds were selected for blood collection and detection of anti-T. gondii antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence reaction (IFA) with initial titration of 1:16; titers > 64 were considered positive. Univariate analysis of risk factors showed that cats in contact with cattle, cats in contact with drinking water, and number of cats were associated with T. gondii seroprevalence. Logistic regression revealed a two-fold increased risk for infection of cattle (p=0.0138) through larger number of cats (>3) compared with low numbers of cats (1-2) on the farm. In contrast, the presence of chickens was considered a protective factor (p=0.025).


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There are few studies that approach the epidemiology of deaths in racehorses in a broad manner. The majority focus on a specific affection or procedure. Brazil does not have a program instituted for the monitoring of deaths of horses. By means of a descriptive study in association with a multivariate analysis method, an epidemiologic profile was determined for deaths related to musculoskeletal (MS), gastrointestinal (GI), respiratory (RES) systems, neurologic origin (NEU) and sudden death (SD) for the years of 2002 to 2008, at the Octavio Dupont Veterinary Hospital-Rio de Janeiro (ODVH). Males comprised the majority of deaths and that deaths were related to, decreasing order, MS&gt;GI&gt;SD&gt;NEU&gt;RES, with respect to general mortality rate per large group of determined causes (TSPMr). The majority of deaths registered included horses aged four to five years (ID4-ID5). We observed the following correspondence relations: (3-year period = SM - ID&gt;5 - SD; ID&gt;5 - GI; ID4-5 - MS; SF - ID<4 - RES/ NEU); (4-year period = SM - ID&gt;5 - GI; SF - ID<4 - NEU; ID4-5 - MS; GI - ID&gt;5). The present study points out the importance and necessity of epidemiologic studies of lesions in horses, based on diagnosis for the recognition of predisposing factors and prevention.


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The occurrence of infections and the disease induced by Contracaecum plagiaticium and Contracaecum pelagicum in Magellanic penguins, Spheniscus magellanicus Foster. 1781 (Sphenisciformes: Spheniscidae) were reported on the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Parasites of the genus Contracaecum were present in all of the 11 studied animals. Co-infections by Csontracaecum pelagicum and C. plagiaticium were observed in three hosts (27.27%). Gross lesions included hyperemia of the esophagus and/or stomach in six animals (54.54%). One of these animals (9.09%), parasitized by C. plagiaticium, presented a hemorrhagic area in the gastric mucosa. Histopathological findings demonstrated esophagitis with helminthes segments inserted in the epithelium, showing discrete mixed inflammatory infiltrate of heterophils and mononuclear cells. These parasites may be associated with other diseases, implicating in death of the penguins.


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Abstract: From 2012 to 2013 were surveyed gastrointestinal parasites from pig farms located in different municpaliyies in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Fecal samples from 790 pigs were collected from the rectum on 88 family farms and 702 farms with industrial production. The samples were subjected to Faust et al., Sheather, Ritchie, Lutz and direct examination faecal techniques. The estimated parasite prevalence was 93.1% in family farms and 59.1% in industrial farms. Balantidium coli, coccidia and Entamoeba sp. were the parasites with the highest frequencies, and the male and female reproductive categories and fatteners pigs the most infected (p<0.05). Trophozoites of B. coli were most evident in stool samples from semi-solid followed by solid and diarrheal consistencies. Strongyles eggs and Trichuris suis have been detected exclusively in family farms. Ascaris suum eggs and Strongyloides ransomi showed low frequency. The high degree of parasitism, especially protozoa, indicates the need to reassess the management of pigs in both types of production.