944 resultados para Prime ministers - Family relationships - Australia


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Spatial and temporal variation in the breeding of Masked Lapwings (Vanellus miles) in Australia were examined using data from Birds Australia’s Nest Record Scheme (NRS; 1957–2002), the Atlas of Australian Birds (1998–2006), and climatic data (1952–2006). Breeding in north-western Australia was concentrated in summer, while in other regions the peak of breeding occurred during spring. Breeding success varied between regions and years but was generally highest in Tasmania. Clutch-size (mean 3.57 eggs ± 0.033 s.e., n = 549 clutches) did not vary regionally or temporally. In the north-east, breeding became earlier over time (~1.9 days per year, NRS), while in the south-east, breeding became later (~0.9 days per year); in other regions temporal trends were not evident. Only Tasmania showed a significant temporal change in breeding success (decrease of ~1.5% per year). All regions experienced warming climates, and annual rainfall increased in north-western regions and decreased in eastern regions. There were weak or no relationships between the amount or success of breeding, clutch-size and the climatic variables considered (with the possible exception of Tasmania), suggesting either that data limitations precluded us from detecting subtle effects or that Masked Lapwings have been little influenced or are resilient to changes in climate over most of their range.


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This study aimed to examine cost disparity and nutritional choices within the
City of Yarra (Yarra), targeting three suburbs that have low- and high-rise
estates: Richmond, Fitzroy, and Collingwood. The healthy food basket
(HFB) was modeled on the Queensland Healthy Food Access Basket for a
six-person family for a fortnight and was constructed to include food items
that are common to ethnic groups living in Yarra. The HFB food item costs
were sampled across 29 food outlets in Yarra. The average cost of HFB per fortnight
for a family of six was significantly lower in Richmond (Mean = $419.26)
than in Collingwood (Mean = $519.28) and in Fitzroy (Mean = $433.98). While
costs for cereal groups, dairy, meats and alternatives, and non-core were
comparable across the suburbs, significant differences were noticed for fruit,
legumes and vegetables. Geographic location alone explained 54% of the
variance in HFB price (F2,26 = 15.23, p < 0.001) and 32.7% in the variance of
fruit, vegetable and legumes (F2,26 = 7.72, p < 0.001). The effect of geographic
location remained consistent after controlling for the type of food
outlets. The type of food outlets had a non-significant effect on the variance
of prices. Richmond had a greater number variety of fruit, vegetables, and
legumes (F2, 26 = 5.7, p < 0.01) and an overall lower number of missing items
(F2, 26 = 3.9, p < 0.05) than Collingwood and Fitzroy. The diversity of food
available in the three suburbs was more likely to reflect the Vietnamese,
Chinese and East-Timorese shopping pattern than the rest of other ethnic


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 To assess from a societal perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of a family-based GP-mediated intervention targeting overweight and moderately obese children. The intervention was modelled on the LEAP (live, eat and play) trial, a randomised controlled trial conducted by the Centre for Community Child Health, Melbourne, Australia in 2002–2003. This study was undertaken as part of the assessing cost-effectiveness (ACE) in obesity project which evaluated, using consistent methods, 13 interventions targeting unhealthy weight gain in children and adolescents.
A logic pathway was used to model the effects of the intervention compared to no intervention on body mass index (BMI) and health outcomes (disability-adjusted life years—DALYs). Disease costs and health benefits were tracked until the cohort of eligible children reached the age of 100 years or death. Simulation-modelling techniques were used to present a 95% uncertainty interval around the cost-effectiveness ratio. The intervention was also assessed against a series of filters (‘equity’, ‘strength of evidence’, ‘acceptability’, ‘feasibility’, sustainability’ and ‘side-effects’) to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions.
The intervention, as modelled, reached 9685 children aged 5–9 years with a BMI z-score of ≥3.0, and cost $AUD6.3M (or $AUD4.8M excluding time costs). It resulted in an incremental saving of 2300 BMI units which translated to 511 DALYs. The cost-offsets stemming from the intervention totalled $AUD3.6M, resulting in a net cost per DALY saved of $AUD4670 (dominated; $0.1M) (dominated means intervention costs more for less effect).
Compared to a ‘no intervention’ control group, the intervention was cost-effective under current assumptions, although the uncertainty intervals were wide. A key question related to the long-term sustainability of the small incremental weight loss reported, based on the 9-month follow-up results for LEAP.


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Understanding the habitat requirements of a species is critical for effective conservation-based management. In this study, we investigated the influence of forest structure on the distribution of the yellow-footed antechinus (Antechinus flavipes), a small dasyurid marsupial characteristic of dry forests on the inland side of the Great Dividing Range, Australia. Hair-sampling tubes were used to determine the occurrence of A. flavipes at 60 sites stratified across one of the largest remaining tracts of dry box–ironbark forest in south-eastern Australia. We considered the role of six potential explanatory variables: large trees, hollow-bearing trees, coppice hollows, logs, rock cover and litter. Logistic regression models were examined using an information-theoretic approach to determine the variables that best explained the presence or absence of the species. Hierarchical partitioning was employed to further explore relationships between occurrence of A. flavipes and explanatory variables. Forest structure accounted for a substantial proportion of the variation in occurrence of A. flavipes between sites. The strongest influence on the presence of A. flavipes was the cover of litter at survey sites. The density of hollow-bearing trees and rock cover were also positive influences. The conservation of A. flavipes will be enhanced by retention of habitat components that ensure a structurally complex environment in box–ironbark forests. This will also benefit the conservation of several threatened species in this dry forest ecosystem.


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This study investigated children's after-school activity and associations with body mass index (BMI) and family circumstance. One thousand two hundred thirty-four parents and 854 children (age 8-13 years) completed activity diaries for the 2 hours after school. Parents reported children as more active than children reported themselves. Boys were reported to be more active than girls. Activity levels were generally not associated with BMI or family circumstance with the exception of cultural background. Parent-reported mean child METs were higher for mothers born in Australia (3.3 vs. 3.0; p = .02). Child-reported mean METs were higher for fathers born in Australia (2.9 vs. 2.6; p = .04) and where English was their main language (2.9 vs. 2.3, p = .003).


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When older people enter residential care facilities, disruption to social networks may occur, with detrimental effects on health and wellbeing. This article reports on a study undertaken in an aged care facility in Melbourne, Australia, that explored the potential for a visiting companion animal programme to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and to promote their capacity for building relationships. Results back assertions in the literature that companion animals foster relationships by giving people opportunities to interact with others, but further study is needed to verify the link


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to offer a new approach for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Australia to engage in sustainable trade with China through the use of Sister City relationships. The reason for writing this paper is to address this research gap with the aim of influencing government policy at the national and the local level.

Design/methodology/approach – The main methods used is a historical literature review, a critical review of the effectiveness of the Sister City relationships and an examination of a special Sister City relationship between Latrobe City in Australia and the Chinese city of Taizhou.

Findings – Throughout the course of the paper it was established that Sister City relationships had been insufficiently utilized as commercial facilitators and especially SMEs in regional Australia. This was especially evident in terms of trade relations with China.

Research limitations/implications – This conceptual paper will require further research at different levels. Future research should establish what Australian sister cities with China are actually doing and how a more focused relationship utilizing SMEs in their territory might be utilized. This is clearly a limitation with this conceptual paper, which it is hoped will be overcome with new research planned by the authors.

Practical implications – The practical implications emerging from this paper is that Sister City relationships can be refocused from their current role to becoming structurally integrated into trade facilitators for SMEs in pursuing trade with China. Most Sister City relationships do not have a trade focus in the first instance. As a result of this paper we are hoping that local government policy makers and state government trade facilitators will see Sister City relationships in a new light.

Originality/value – This paper brings to attention cases of Sister City relationships which have gravitated towards a trade focus (an exception like Latrobe City) in which results are already evident. A paper of this kind is directed at governments at all levels as well as SMEs who wish to work better with government.


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The introduction of the Workplace Relations (Work Choices) Amendment Act 2005 (Cth) has resulted in one of the most contentious changes to federal labour law in Australia’s history. There is considerable debate as to whether it has fulfilled the government’s expectations of giving ‘flexibility’ and ‘choice’ to both employees and employers or if there has been an overall deterioration in working conditions. In order to identify the impact of this legislation in the workplace, Deakin University surveyed 11,000 AHRI members throughout Australia. Preliminary results are reported in the paper but, even at this early stage, there is sufficient material to critically comment upon the changes to Australia’s industrial relations system. It appears that the vast majority of AHRI members felt that there had been no change in productivity, job creation or work-family balance and that only a few expected an improvement over the next 3 years.


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Community involvement in monitoring Victoria’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) engages coastal volunteers in looking after their marine ‘front yards”. The Management Strategy for Victoria’s System of Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries dedicates an entire theme to community engagement with core key performance areas. This includes community participation. The Sea Search community based monitoring program was developed in 2003 to engage volunteers in meaningful ecological data collection for future sustainability of Victoria’s MPAs. Deakin University, an academic institute, and Parks Victoria, the management agency for Victoria’s MPAs, through a research partner program, trialled three different habitat monitoring methodologies. The trails assessed volunteer ability to collect scientific data, and social science aspects for their involvement in a community-based monitoring program. Information collected by volunteers, feeds directly into their local MPA management strategies to address issues such as climate change, introduced pests and human impacts and natural ecological variation.

The Sea Search program addresses the two action programmes, Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, created at the United Nations Earth Summit, held in 1992. Both documents highlight the need for community engagement and capacity building for sustainability, health and integrity of the earth. Involvement in the Sea Search program builds the volunteer’s capacity by learning scientific skills, interacting with other like minded community members, and creating relationships with all organisations involved in the delivery of the program. In this regard, Sea Search is a citizen science program involving all sectors in society by promoting public-interest and research for decision making and planning of Victoria’s system of Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries.


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The rapidly growing body of literature suggests that Consumer-directed Care (CDC) has the potential to empower consumers and improve the flexibility and quality of care. However, reports highlighting quality and risk concerns associated with CDC focusing on a longer time frame have been few. This paper presents the findings from a qualitative longitudinal evaluation of an Australian CDC programme. Focusing on the period between 2003 and 2008, it reports on the experiences of 12 families caring for a dependent family member. It is based on two external evaluations completed 6 and 36 months after enrolment, and one internal evaluation completed 48 months after enrolment. The findings were triangulated with internal memos, reports and minutes of meetings, as well as with the theoretical literature. The study demonstrates that CDC harbours considerable benefits for people with disabilities and their carers. However, the study also suggests that, over time, carers may experience an increased sense of isolation and lack of support as a result of their involvement in the CDC programme. The paper argues that the development of safeguards addressing these weaknesses is crucial for the sustainability of CDC programmes in contexts where risk cannot be simply transferred onto consumers.


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Policy addressing the provision of primary care after hours (AH) is currently in flux because of concerns about equity of access and cost. In this study we examine the effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on access to AH care and episodes of not seeking AH care when needed among users and non-users of AH care. The effects of health on these relationships were also explored. The total sample consisted of 5538 users of AH care and 891 non-users of AH care who were randomly selected for telephone interviews. Factors determining AH care included accessibility that is structural barriers to use of care such as distance and transport, as well as affordability and availability. Logistic regression was used to determine the impact of financial disadvantage on episodes of not seeking AH care. Barriers to use of AH care and household health were subsequently added to the models to assess their impact. The results suggested that there were inequities in access to AH care but these were a function of barriers to AH care use rather than financial disadvantage per se. Accessibility and availability were significant barriers to use of AH clinics among both user and non-user samples. Affordability was only a significant barrier among users of AH care. The study suggests that policy aimed at reducing these barriers may effectively address inequities in AH care but that to be optimally effective policy change would also need to be accompanied by changes in consumer awareness.


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With similar settler-colonial histories having left them occupying the position of marginalized minority groups, indigenous people in Chile and Australia are struggling to assert their rights and retain their cultures. Research in each location suggests that there is widespread prejudice and discrimination against them, even though the mainstream society sees itself as tolerant and harmonious. This paper reports on a study in which thirty Mapuche people in Chile were interviewed about their perceptions of discrimination against them. Their responses were systematically analysed using a taxonomy of racist experiences established in a study of Aborigines in Australia. Like indigenous Australians, the Mapuche people of Chile reported that they experience extensive discrimination in all areas of life. These findings are discussed with respect to the issues related to relationships between settlers and colonized communities.


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This article focuses on the challenge of dealing with allegations of child sexual abuse in the context of the Family Court of Australia. Of all cases that come before the Court, those involving such allegations are relatively uncommon. they tend to be the most difficult cases, however, and are more likely to require a trial and the involvement of qualified practitioners. The review establishes that parental separation is a special circumstance in which sexual abuse may be more likely to occur, and many allegations of sexual abuse are found to be true. There is evidence, however, that a proportion of allegations made by people other than the child concerned may be false. Whether these false allegations are well intentioned and genuinely believed, or maliciously motivated has been a contentious issue. Issues considered include the mishandling of cases, the failure by professionals to consider equally plausible alternative hypotheses than the sexual abuse of a child, confirmation bias, and the profound repercussions of allegations for all members of the family. It is concluded that all allegations of child sexual abuse must be evaluated in a thorough and sensitive manner to separate the few false allegations from the many that are true.


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The findings of research that explored how child protection practitioners in Queensland used the Structured Decision Making (SDM) tools are presented, focusing on how the Family Risk Evaluation tool (FRET) was used in decision making. The main finding was that the FRET was not used to assist the decision making of practitioners and consequently was ineffective in targeting the children most in need of a service. For practitioners, it was 'just another form to fill in'. As suggested by the participants in this research, a better strategy than the implementation of the SDM tools to improve decision making is the development of practitioner expertise through higher education.


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Objective. To examine whether aspects of the family food environment were associated with body mass index (BMI) z-score and weight status in children, cross-sectionally and prospectively over 3 years.

Methods. Four aspects of the family food environment (breakfast eating patterns, food consumption while watching television, parental provision of energy-dense foods and child consumption of energy-dense food at home and away from home) were assessed with a questionnaire completed by parents of 161 children aged 5-6 years and 132 children aged 10-12 years in Melbourne, Australia in 2002/03. In 2002/03 and 2006, children's BMI z-score and weight status (non-overweight or overweight) was calculated from measured height and weight. Results. At baseline, 19% of younger and 21% of older children were overweight. Three years later, a greater proportion of younger (now aged 8-9 years) compared with older (aged 13-15 years) children were classified as overweight (28% versus 18%). Few of the family food environment variables were associated with children's BMI z-score and weight status cross-sectionally and longitudinally. However, among older children, more frequent dinner consumption while watching television was associated with a higher BMI z-score longitudinally (B = 0.3, 95% CI = 0.0, 0.6), less frequent breakfast consumption was associated with higher odds of overweight longitudinally (OR = 2.2, 95% CI = 1.1-4.7), and more frequent fast food consumption at home was associated with higher odds of overweight cross-sectionally (OR = 3.1, 95% CI = 1.4-7.0).

Conclusions. This study found few significant associations between aspects of the family food environment and BMI z-score or weight status in a sample of Australian children.