990 resultados para Presidencialismo, modelo, Brasil
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Trayectoria tecnológica Web y el orden digital en Latinoamérica: reflexiones históricas desde Brasil
The emergence of the digital order renewed the Victorian civilizing ideal and strengthened a world order of techno-economic dependence. The new grand narrative is the urgency of digital transformation of societies; a dream pursued without reflection by the populations of the periphery that ended into in a collision between McLuhan's two informational orders: cold and hot societies. Latin America as part of the periphery did not participate in the development of the informatic technologies and its historical legacy made the appropriation of these technologies more difficult. This paper examines the historical circumstances of this process: the development of a discourse around the digital networks, the consequences of this social construction in the region, the fragile efforts of Brazil to create technology, and the entrance of IT networks in the region. The results showed that the status of this kind of research in the region is weak so we alert about its consequences. We concluded that to create an informational order that may serve as a space of self-affirmation, freedom and heterogeneity, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the social and historical context that created its basic technologies, but Latin America is indifferent in such regard. Information Science has a central role in the region within this process but it has not developed it yet.
The Inflation targeting regime is a concept of monetary policy which was adopted by several countries in the 90’s; Brazil being among these countries, having adopted it in 1999 after a currency crisis. With it theoretical structure regulated by the New – Classical theory and having as its main characteristic the prior announcement of a numerical target for the inflation, this regime was adopted by countries attempting to achieve a prices stability. The present project is going to explain the theoretical basis of the regime, as well as its implementation process in Brazil and the criticism it received. However, the main focus will be on the discussion of the employment of the IPCA (Consumer Price Index) as a measuring index for Brazil’s inflation
The struggle for land is not a recent theme in Brazilian history. Since colonization, people have fought and resisted against oppression and injustice in the countryside, as can be evidenced by the highwaymen, peasant leagues and the war of Canudos. More recently, the struggle for land and agrarian reform can be evidenced by the struggles of the MST, CONTAG, CPT and other movements. For these movements, denominated as socioterritorial movements, land/territory is an essential condition for their existence and for the maintenance of their territoriality. The present paper examines the geography of socioterritorial moviments: the construction of the concept of socioterritorial movements and their forms of action and scales of actuation in the period 2000 to 2012, focusing on the movements that have been most active. These movements are studied through as analysis of data of the Land Struggle Data Base (Banco de Dados da Luta pela Terra –DATALUTA), print and digital media reports and a bibliographic survey of the literature. The action of socioterritorial movements can be studied through the forms of land occupations and demonstrations in the countryside which are the principal means of the struggle against large landholders, agribusiness and the State. These actions question the model of development which privileges agribusiness and, as such, are viewed by some as a hindrance to the development of the country. Over the years, the number of socioterritorial moviments, and their actions have oscillated due to a series of factors, such as repression (criminalization of members and violence against them), policies adopted by Brazilian governments and the contradictions inherent in very process of the spacialization of the struggle for land. These actions can be analyzed according to the scale of the struggle of the movements – municipal, micro-regional, state, macro-regional, and national
O movimento de controle de natalidade mundial já ocorreu em diversos países desde os séculos passados, principalmente naqueles considerados do primeiro mundo. Os dados obtidos no Brasil demonstram a redução sensível dessa taxa de natalidade, porém de maneira distinta comparada aos dos países tidos como desenvolvidos. Dessa forma, estudou-se a taxa de natalidade brasileira e suas variações ao longo dos anos, no período de 1940 a 2000, tendo em vista as mudanças de fatores no âmbito econômico, social, político e cultural. Esse estudo se fundamentou numa base bibliográfica em que as atividades desenvolvidas foram pautadas na metodologia científica. Os dados de crescimento populacional foram analisados à luz das Teorias Demográficas Malthusiana, Neomalthusiana e Reformistas ou Marxistas, fazendo um comparativo com a Teoria da Transição Demográfica de Thompson. Além disso, o estudo fez uso da pesquisa quantitativa para compreender o seu objeto de interesse, pois os dados e as evidências coletados foram quantificados, organizados, tabulados e preparados para serem submetidos a análises estatísticas e econométricas. Para o estudo foram utilizados dados obtidos no IPEADATA, nos anos de 1991 e 2000, explicados por meio de uma regressão, tendo como variáveis independentes o analfabetismo, o número de domicílios com televisão e energia elétrica, a esperança de vida ao nascer, a freqüência escolar, o número de médicos por habitante, a mortalidade infantil, o número de homicídios por município, a participação da mulher no mercado de trabalho, a população rural, o percentual de pobreza, a renda per capita e a renda de transferências governamentais. Assim, foi possível elaborar um modelo de regressão com dados em painel que mediu a influência dessas variáveis sobre a taxa de fecundidade brasileira. Os resultados indicaram o impacto dessas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Corporative media, represented by TV, radio, press and internet conglomerates, is responsible for the biggest portion of audience and public all over the world. The commercial media was built upon media concentration and monopoly strategies and this business aims society’s economic and political control. Unfortunately, they don’t represent the biggest portion of population’s interests and, because of that, corporative media faces a crisis moment while alternative means of communication rise from the initiative of professionals who are committed to society’s marginalized sectors. Radical media intends to express a variant vision about hegemonic policies, priorities and perspectives. Citizen journalism is one of radical media arms and this research proposition is to analyze the business model of commercial media in Brazil and in the world, its means of production, and compare them with citizen journalism methods. This work also intends to analyze radical media and how it is opposite to corporative media by studying Escola de Notícias, an educommunication project from São Paulo
Modelo de regressão logística aplicado ao estudo epidemiológico do HIV/AIDS na cidade de Campinas-SP
A compreensão da epidemia do HIV e da AIDS em suas diferentes dimensões socioeconômica, cultural, biológica e política entre outras, representa um grande desafio para a Saúde Pública no Brasil e no mundo, desde o seu surgimento a cerca de duas décadas. Tanto na magnitude da propagação do HIV quanto na mortalidade por AIDS, reflete-se a crescente desigualdade entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento. Na medida em que se acentuam as diferenças de acesso ao tratamento, diminui a mortalidade por AIDS nos países mais ricos e aumenta nos países mais pobres, exceção feita ao Brasil, um dos poucos países que adotaram a política de distribuição gratuita de anti-retrovirais. Segue, no desenvolvimento deste trabalho, a análise do perfil epidemiológico da doença no município de Campinas-SP de acordo com a evolução do tratamento disponibilizado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), utilizando o método de Regressão Logística segundo variáveis consideradas relevantes para o estudo e com base em parâmetros estimados a partir dessas variáveis
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as organizações esportivas brasileiras, comparando o modelo de gestão profissional implementado no vôlei a partir da década de 70, apresentando os resultados que este alcançou e o modelo baseado na cartolagem utilizado no futebol ainda hoje. Será enfoque do trabalho também a participação da mulher na gestão esportiva e as conquistas das mesma no mundo esportivos a partir do século XX
O presente trabalho propõe-se a discutir os determinantes do processo de desenvolvimento de software livre, seus efeitos na indústria de software e as ações do governo em relação a estas iniciativas Impulsionados, principalmente, pelos impactos dos avanços nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação e por inovações de processos relacionados a estes progressos, projetos de desenvolvimento de Software Livre/Código Aberto vêm crescendo em ritmo cada vez mais acelerado e tornando-se alvo de estratégias de empresas e políticas públicas. A partir desta constatação, o trabalho procura relacionar o arcabouço teórico que visa explicar estas iniciativas com dados da indústria brasileira de software e verificar como este modelo de produção pode modificar e agregar às suas feições. Foi realizado também um balanço das intervenções do governo brasileiro relacionadas a software livre/código aberto
The Namorado Oil Field represents the beginning of the oil exploration in Brazil, in the 70s, and it is still a subject of researches because the importance of this turbidite sandstone in the brazilian oil production. The Namorado’s production level was denominated “Namorado sandstone”, it is composed by turbidite sandstone deposited during the Albian-Cenomanian. In order to define the structural geometry of the main reservoir, geological and geophysical tools like RECON and Geographix (Prizm – Seisvision) softwares were used, and its application was focused on geological facies analysis, for that propose well logs, seismic interpretation and petrophysical calculations were applied. Along this work 15 vertical wells were used and the facies reservoirs were mapped of along the oil field; it is important to mentioned that the all the facies were calibrated by the correlation rock vs log profile, and 12 reservoir-levels (NA-1, NA-2, NA-3, NA-4, NA-5, NA-6, NA-7, NA-8, NA-9, NA-10, NA-11 e NA-12) were recognized and interpreted. Stratigraphic sections (NE-SW and NW-SE) were also built based on stratigraphic well correlation of each interpreted level, and seismic interpretation (pseudo-3D seismic data) on the southeastern portion of the oil field. As results it was interpreted on two- and three-dimensional maps that the deposition reservoir’s levels are hight controlled by normal faults systems. This research also shows attribute maps interpretation and its relationship with the selection of the reservoir attribute represented on it. Finally the data integration of stratigraphic, geophysical and petrophysical calculations lets us the possibility of obtain a detail geological/petrophysical 3D model of the main reservoir levels of “Namorado sandstone” inside the oil/gás field
O capítulo 1 trará as mais importantes correntes teóricas sobre inflação, desde meados do século XX até o fim deste século. Também será demonstrado o pensamento da corrente Cepalina, mais especificamente os autores brasileiros que escrevem acerca da inflação que era observada no período (década de 1980). Assim, chegaremos a como se é formulado o regime de metas de inflação. Após isso, foi efetuada uma cronologia desde a implementação do plano real no Brasil até a inserção do regime de metas de inflação em 1999. O capítulo 2 tem como seu conteúdo principal abordar a eficácia do regime de metas de inflação. Para isso, trará um modelo estatístico, mostrando e interpretando os resultados obtidos. Após isso, o capítulo trará um panorama geral de como evoluiu o regime de metas de inflação no Brasil nos anos em que o trabalho se situa. Na conclusão, serão trazidos os principais questionamentos do trabalho, bem como as respostas encontradas para este e os eventuais desafios que um aprofundamento maior poderá acarretar
Understanding the territorial transformations is important to the geographic knowledge, especially when it is related to structural questions as agrarian one. In this way, the land acquisition to agrarian reform enables us to understand some of these transformations, represented by territorialization of landless workers in rural settlements, that are concrete results of the struggle for land that boost the policies of agrarian reform in our country. The renewal of the agrarian structure is fundamental to the concept of land reform and also provides that advances social, political, cultural, economic, etc. Classified as a country with rates of the highest land concentration in the world, Brazilian government attempts to base his actions to take in the expropriation of land the main character of the land reform. However, new policies have been gradually used to obtaining the rural settlements, in a process that Fernandes (2010) called the reconceptualization of land reform. Starting in 1985, Brazil has 63% of the beneficiaries of land reform policies settled on expropriated land, the rest is a result of incorporation policies such as land regularization, of land reform and land purchase. Such policies generate changes in agrarian structure, that is the goal of land reform, but don´t concentrate to the land ownership. This attitude of the state in coping with the agrarian question is his response to the pressures of capitalist agriculture represented by landowners and agribusiness, coping catching an intense and uneven territorial dispute with peasant agriculture, in an attempt to impose its model of development for the field. The aimed of this present study is to understand better the land reform acquisition and its implications in the Brazilian territory, in order to understand it in their multiplicity.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC