1000 resultados para Postprocessing algorithms


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Computing the weighted geometric mean of large sparse matrices is an operation that tends to become rapidly intractable, when the size of the matrices involved grows. However, if we are not interested in the computation of the matrix function itself, but just in that of its product times a vector, the problem turns simpler and there is a chance to solve it even when the matrix mean would actually be impossible to compute. Our interest is motivated by the fact that this calculation has some practical applications, related to the preconditioning of some operators arising in domain decomposition of elliptic problems. In this thesis, we explore how such a computation can be efficiently performed. First, we exploit the properties of the weighted geometric mean and find several equivalent ways to express it through real powers of a matrix. Hence, we focus our attention on matrix powers and examine how well-known techniques can be adapted to the solution of the problem at hand. In particular, we consider two broad families of approaches for the computation of f(A) v, namely quadrature formulae and Krylov subspace methods, and generalize them to the pencil case f(A\B) v. Finally, we provide an extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithms and also try to assess how convergence speed and execution time are influenced by some characteristics of the input matrices. Our results suggest that a few elements have some bearing on the performance and that, although there is no best choice in general, knowing the conditioning and the sparsity of the arguments beforehand can considerably help in choosing the best strategy to tackle the problem.


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The problem of localizing a scatterer, which represents a tumor, in a homogeneous circular domain, which represents a breast, is addressed. A breast imaging method based on microwaves is considered. The microwave imaging involves to several techniques for detecting, localizing and characterizing tumors in breast tissues. In all such methods an electromagnetic inverse scattering problem exists. For the scattering detection method, an algorithm based on a linear procedure solution, inspired by MUltiple SIgnal Classification algorithm (MUSIC) and Time Reversal method (TR), is implemented. The algorithm returns a reconstructed image of the investigation domain in which it is detected the scatterer position. This image is called pseudospectrum. A preliminary performance analysis of the algorithm vying the working frequency is performed: the resolution and the signal-to-noise ratio of the pseudospectra are improved if a multi-frequency approach is considered. The Geometrical Mean-MUSIC algorithm (GM- MUSIC) is proposed as multi-frequency method. The performance of the GMMUSIC is tested in different real life computer simulations. The performed analysis shows that the algorithm detects the scatterer until the electrical parameters of the breast are known. This is an evident limit, since, in a real life situation, the anatomy of the breast is unknown. An improvement in GM-MUSIC is proposed: the Eye-GMMUSIC algorithm. Eye-GMMUSIC algorithm needs no a priori information on the electrical parameters of the breast. It is an optimizing algorithm based on the pattern search algorithm: it searches the breast parameters which minimize the Signal-to-Clutter Mean Ratio (SCMR) in the signal. Finally, the GM-MUSIC and the Eye-GMMUSIC algorithms are tested on a microwave breast cancer detection system consisting of an dipole antenna, a Vector Network Analyzer and a novel breast phantom built at University of Bologna. The reconstruction of the experimental data confirm the GM-MUSIC ability to localize a scatterer in a homogeneous medium.


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Il cancro della prostata (PCa) è il tumore maligno non-cutaneo più diffuso tra gli uomini ed è il secondo tumore che miete più vittime nei paesi occidentali. La necessità di nuove tecniche non invasive per la diagnosi precoce del PCa è aumentata negli anni. 1H-MRS (proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy) e 1H-MRSI (proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging) sono tecniche avanzate di spettroscopia in risonanza magnetica che permettono di individuare presenza di metaboliti come citrato, colina, creatina e in alcuni casi poliammine in uno o più voxel nel tessuto prostatico. L’abbondanza o l’assenza di uno di questi metaboliti rende possibile discriminare un tessuto sano da uno patologico. Le tecniche di spettroscopia RM sono correntemente utilizzate nella pratica clinica per cervello e fegato, con l’utilizzo di software dedicati per l’analisi degli spettri. La quantificazione di metaboliti nella prostata invece può risultare difficile a causa del basso rapporto segnale/rumore (SNR) degli spettri e del forte accoppiamento-j del citrato. Lo scopo principale di questo lavoro è di proporre un software prototipo per la quantificazione automatica di citrato, colina e creatina nella prostata. Lo sviluppo del programma e dei suoi algoritmi è stato portato avanti all’interno dell’IRST (Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio e la cura dei Tumori) con l’aiuto dell’unità di fisica sanitaria. Il cuore del programma è un algoritmo iterativo per il fit degli spettri che fa uso di simulazioni MRS sviluppate con il pacchetto di librerie GAMMA in C++. L’accuratezza delle quantificazioni è stata testata con dei fantocci realizzati all’interno dei laboratori dell’istituto. Tutte le misure spettroscopiche sono state eseguite con il nuovo scanner Philips Ingenia 3T, una delle machine di risonanza magnetica più avanzate per applicazioni cliniche. Infine, dopo aver eseguito i test in vitro sui fantocci, sono stati acquisiti gli spettri delle prostate di alcuni volontari sani, per testare se il programma fosse in grado di lavorare in condizioni di basso SNR.


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I Polar Codes sono la prima classe di codici a correzione d’errore di cui è stato dimostrato il raggiungimento della capacità per ogni canale simmetrico, discreto e senza memoria, grazie ad un nuovo metodo introdotto recentemente, chiamato ”Channel Polarization”. In questa tesi verranno descritti in dettaglio i principali algoritmi di codifica e decodifica. In particolare verranno confrontate le prestazioni dei simulatori sviluppati per il ”Successive Cancellation Decoder” e per il ”Successive Cancellation List Decoder” rispetto ai risultati riportati in letteratura. Al fine di migliorare la distanza minima e di conseguenza le prestazioni, utilizzeremo uno schema concatenato con il polar code come codice interno ed un CRC come codice esterno. Proporremo inoltre una nuova tecnica per analizzare la channel polarization nel caso di trasmissione su canale AWGN che risulta il modello statistico più appropriato per le comunicazioni satellitari e nelle applicazioni deep space. In aggiunta, investigheremo l’importanza di una accurata approssimazione delle funzioni di polarizzazione.


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In the last years radar sensor networks for localization and tracking in indoor environment have generated more and more interest, especially for anti-intrusion security systems. These networks often use Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology, which consists in sending very short (few nanoseconds) impulse signals. This approach guarantees high resolution and accuracy and also other advantages such as low price, low power consumption and narrow-band interference (jamming) robustness. In this thesis the overall data processing (done in MATLAB environment) is discussed, starting from experimental measures from sensor devices, ending with the 2D visualization of targets movements over time and focusing mainly on detection and localization algorithms. Moreover, two different scenarios and both single and multiple target tracking are analyzed.


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Lo streaming è una tecnica per trasferire contenuti multimediali sulla rete globale, utilizzato per esempio da servizi come YouTube e Netflix; dopo una breve attesa, durante la quale un buffer di sicurezza viene riempito, l'utente può usufruire del contenuto richiesto. Cisco e Sandvine, che con cadenza regolare pubblicano bollettini sullo stato di Internet, affermano che lo streaming video ha, e avrà sempre di più, un grande impatto sulla rete globale. Il buon design delle applicazioni di streaming riveste quindi un ruolo importante, sia per la soddisfazione degli utenti che per la stabilità dell'infrastruttura. HTTP Adaptive Streaming indica una famiglia di implementazioni volta a offrire la migliore qualità video possibile (in termini di bit rate) in funzione della bontà della connessione Internet dell'utente finale: il riproduttore multimediale può cambiare in ogni momento il bit rate, scegliendolo in un insieme predefinito, adattandosi alle condizioni della rete. Per ricavare informazioni sullo stato della connettività, due famiglie di metodi sono possibili: misurare la velocità di scaricamento dei precedenti trasferimenti (approccio rate-based), oppure, come recentemente proposto da Netflix, utilizzare l'occupazione del buffer come dato principale (buffer-based). In questo lavoro analizziamo algoritmi di adattamento delle due famiglie, con l'obiettivo di confrontarli su metriche riguardanti la soddisfazione degli utenti, l'utilizzo della rete e la competizione su un collo di bottiglia. I risultati dei nostri test non definiscono un chiaro vincitore, riconoscendo comunque la bontà della nuova proposta, ma evidenziando al contrario che gli algoritmi buffer-based non sempre riescono ad allocare in modo imparziale le risorse di rete.


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To assess the feasibility and accuracy of a synthetic-echo time (TE) magnetic resonance (MR) postprocessing technique for the diagnostic evaluation of abnormalities of menisci and articular cartilage in the knee.


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This paper presents parallel recursive algorithms for the computation of the inverse discrete Legendre transform (DPT) and the inverse discrete Laguerre transform (IDLT). These recursive algorithms are derived using Clenshaw's recurrence formula, and they are implemented with a set of parallel digital filters with time-varying coefficients.


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Background Serologic testing algorithms for recent HIV seroconversion (STARHS) provide important information for HIV surveillance. We have shown that a patient's antibody reaction in a confirmatory line immunoassay (INNO-LIATM HIV I/II Score, Innogenetics) provides information on the duration of infection. Here, we sought to further investigate the diagnostic specificity of various Inno-Lia algorithms and to identify factors affecting it. Methods Plasma samples of 714 selected patients of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study infected for longer than 12 months and representing all viral clades and stages of chronic HIV-1 infection were tested blindly by Inno-Lia and classified as either incident (up to 12 m) or older infection by 24 different algorithms. Of the total, 524 patients received HAART, 308 had HIV-1 RNA below 50 copies/mL, and 620 were infected by a HIV-1 non-B clade. Using logistic regression analysis we evaluated factors that might affect the specificity of these algorithms. Results HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL was associated with significantly lower reactivity to all five HIV-1 antigens of the Inno-Lia and impaired specificity of most algorithms. Among 412 patients either untreated or with HIV-1 RNA ≥50 copies/mL despite HAART, the median specificity of the algorithms was 96.5% (range 92.0-100%). The only factor that significantly promoted false-incident results in this group was age, with false-incident results increasing by a few percent per additional year. HIV-1 clade, HIV-1 RNA, CD4 percentage, sex, disease stage, and testing modalities exhibited no significance. Results were similar among 190 untreated patients. Conclusions The specificity of most Inno-Lia algorithms was high and not affected by HIV-1 variability, advanced disease and other factors promoting false-recent results in other STARHS. Specificity should be good in any group of untreated HIV-1 patients.


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Background Serologic testing algorithms for recent HIV seroconversion (STARHS) provide important information for HIV surveillance. We have previously demonstrated that a patient's antibody reaction pattern in a confirmatory line immunoassay (INNO-LIA™ HIV I/II Score) provides information on the duration of infection, which is unaffected by clinical, immunological and viral variables. In this report we have set out to determine the diagnostic performance of Inno-Lia algorithms for identifying incident infections in patients with known duration of infection and evaluated the algorithms in annual cohorts of HIV notifications. Methods Diagnostic sensitivity was determined in 527 treatment-naive patients infected for up to 12 months. Specificity was determined in 740 patients infected for longer than 12 months. Plasma was tested by Inno-Lia and classified as either incident (< = 12 m) or older infection by 26 different algorithms. Incident infection rates (IIR) were calculated based on diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of each algorithm and the rule that the total of incident results is the sum of true-incident and false-incident results, which can be calculated by means of the pre-determined sensitivity and specificity. Results The 10 best algorithms had a mean raw sensitivity of 59.4% and a mean specificity of 95.1%. Adjustment for overrepresentation of patients in the first quarter year of infection further reduced the sensitivity. In the preferred model, the mean adjusted sensitivity was 37.4%. Application of the 10 best algorithms to four annual cohorts of HIV-1 notifications totalling 2'595 patients yielded a mean IIR of 0.35 in 2005/6 (baseline) and of 0.45, 0.42 and 0.35 in 2008, 2009 and 2010, respectively. The increase between baseline and 2008 and the ensuing decreases were highly significant. Other adjustment models yielded different absolute IIR, although the relative changes between the cohorts were identical for all models. Conclusions The method can be used for comparing IIR in annual cohorts of HIV notifications. The use of several different algorithms in combination, each with its own sensitivity and specificity to detect incident infection, is advisable as this reduces the impact of individual imperfections stemming primarily from relatively low sensitivities and sampling bias.


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The early detection of subjects with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD) is crucial for effective appliance of treatment strategies. Here we explored the ability of a multitude of linear and non-linear classification algorithms to discriminate between the electroencephalograms (EEGs) of patients with varying degree of AD and their age-matched control subjects. Absolute and relative spectral power, distribution of spectral power, and measures of spatial synchronization were calculated from recordings of resting eyes-closed continuous EEGs of 45 healthy controls, 116 patients with mild AD and 81 patients with moderate AD, recruited in two different centers (Stockholm, New York). The applied classification algorithms were: principal component linear discriminant analysis (PC LDA), partial least squares LDA (PLS LDA), principal component logistic regression (PC LR), partial least squares logistic regression (PLS LR), bagging, random forest, support vector machines (SVM) and feed-forward neural network. Based on 10-fold cross-validation runs it could be demonstrated that even tough modern computer-intensive classification algorithms such as random forests, SVM and neural networks show a slight superiority, more classical classification algorithms performed nearly equally well. Using random forests classification a considerable sensitivity of up to 85% and a specificity of 78%, respectively for the test of even only mild AD patients has been reached, whereas for the comparison of moderate AD vs. controls, using SVM and neural networks, values of 89% and 88% for sensitivity and specificity were achieved. Such a remarkable performance proves the value of these classification algorithms for clinical diagnostics.