936 resultados para Polish literature History Miscellanea Anthologies


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There has been a long history of contact between Indigenous and Chinese people in north-eastern Australia. This is evidenced in contemporary communities by the significant presence of mixed-heritage individuals of Indigenous and Chinese ancestry. This paper employs the stories of 10 such individuals to examine their incorporation of 'otherculture' ancestries into identity constructs. In doing so, the paper sheds light on how identities are narrated at the intersection of 'myth' and 'moment', and how challenge evokes transformation and discontinuity. Three broad identity responses emerge from the data: affirmation of singular constructs; questioning and contemplation; and pluralist embracing of both cultures. Historical and contemporary discourses feature prominently, covertly and overtly restricting potential identifications. Mutuality and hegemonic rivalry are found to underpin the narration of relations between the two marginalised and racialised groups.


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Chryseobacteria are gram negative organisms, formerly known as Flavobacteria, which rarely cause infections of burn wounds. This article documents three casts of Chryseobacterium infection in burn wounds and adds to the other two cases that have been reported in English literature. Two patients died, with one of the deaths linked to a Chryseobacteria bacteraemia. In two patients, there was an associated history of first aid treatment with untreated water. Patients whose burn wounds are suspected to be infected with Chryseobacterium require wound excision and coverage in combination with antibiotic therapy such as ciprofloxacin, vancomycin and rifampicin. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.


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Trace element concentrations and combined Sr- and Nd-isotope compositions were determined on stromatolitic carbonates (microbialites) from the 2.52 Ga Campbellrand carbonate platform (South Africa). Shale-normalised rare earth element and yttrium patterns of the ancient samples are similar to those of modern seawater in having positive La and Y anomalies and in being depleted in light rare earth elements. In contrast to modem seawater (and microbialite proxies), the 2.52 Ga samples lack a negative Ce anomaly but possess a positive Eu anomaly. These latter trace element characteristics are interpreted to reflect anoxic deep ocean waters where, unlike today, hydrothermal Fe input was not oxidised, and scavenged and rare earth elements were not coprecipitated with Fe-oxyhydroxides. The persistence of a positive Eu anomaly in relatively shallow Campbellrand platform waters indicates a dramatic reversal from hydrothermally dominated (Archaean) to continental erosion-dominated (Phanerozoic) rare earth element flux ratio. The dominant hydrothermal input is also expressed in the initial Sr- and Nd-isotope ratios. There is collinear variation in Sr-Nd systematics, which range from primitive values (Sr-87/Sr-86 of 0.702386 and epsilon (Nd) of +2.1) to more evolved crustal ratios. Mixing calculations show that the range in trace element ratios (e.g., Y/Ho) and initial isotope ratios is not a result of contamination by trapped sediment, but that the chemical band isotopic variation reflects carbonate deposition in an environment where different water masses mixed. Calculated Nd flux ratios yield a hydrothermal input into the 2.52 Ga oceans one order of magnitude larger than continental input. Such a change in flux ratio most likely required substantially reduced continental inputs, which could, in turn, reflect a plate tectonic causation (e.g., reduced topography or expansion of epicontinental seas). Copyright (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Our understanding of the diversity of mammalian life histories is based almost exclusively on eutherian mammals, in which the slow-fast continuum persists even after controlling for effects of body size and phylogeny. In this paper, we use modern comparative methods to test the extent to which this eutherian-based framework can be extrapolated to metatherian mammals. First, we examine the pattern of covariation among life history traits, and second, we test for correlations between variation in life history and variation in six candidate ecological variables: type of diet, extent of intraspecific competition, risk of juvenile mortality, diurnal pattern of activity, arboreality, and rainfall pattern. Even when controlling for body size and phylogeny, we observe a slow-fast continuum in metatherian mammals. Some parameters involved are different from those identified by studies of eutherians, but the underlying relationships among longevity, fecundity, and age at maturity persist. We also show that overall variation in a key life history variable, reproductive output (measured by annual reproductive rate and litter size), is significantly related to variation in type of diet, with a foliage-rich diet being associated with low fecundity. This is interesting because, although ecological correlations have been found within some eutherian subgroups, modern comparative approaches have failed to reveal robust ecological correlates of overall life history diversity in eutherians. Copyright ESA. All rights reserved.


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It has long been recognized that loss and its associated grief are important elements of many adverse life events that affect the entire global population: death, disability, traumatic events, abuse., terminal and chronic illness, aging, addiction, unemployment, relationship breakdown, war, migration, and educational failure. While there is significant empirical evidence of the potential deleterious effects of specific situations of loss across the global community, systematic discussion concerning the common elements of loss that are associated with adverse life situations in general has been limited. This review of the theoretical and empirical literature concerning various losses and the recommendations for care of those affected by such losses identifies common aspects of situations of loss and common recommendations in the care of those confronted by such losses. These common themes of loss are described by simple summary statements that can be communicated to a broad audience, hence enhancing community education and, potentially, community-wide mental health promotion.